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<br /> - -�--�_.�.: paymcntg may nu lon�;er ba eeqt►itLd,r►t tl�e aption af l.��ides.if�ttartgage lnsurance caver.i�e(in the arrxm�t and far the�edc►t1
<br /> that Lcndsr requ�re.�)provtdes!bs�nn.insurer approvcd by l.ender�g�in becomes nvnitabie and ie a�tained. Horrower shall�y
<br /> tha preraium5 regulred to mnlntnim m�rt,�age lnauranca in effect.or to provide a loss reserve.untii the re�{ufrement for martgagc
<br /> inaurance c�nds in accordanao with�nny wdtten agreement betwecn Banawer nnd Lender or appllcablo law.
<br /> 9.Iuspectton.Lendesr or its agent may makc reasonable eatrics upon and inspccdons of tho Property Lender sh�ll giye
<br /> Borrower notice at thc tinta of or prior to un inspoctIon specifyiag reasonable�use for the inspeCdon.
<br /> -- -- —: 10.COritkt]1l1AfQ011. The prc�ceeds of�y award or claGu for dainages.direct ar conses�uentinl. ir connection whh any �__-_
<br /> ' condemnadon or other taking of any part of the Property.or for conveyanct ln lieu of condemnadon. ate hercby assIgned and
<br /> shall be patd to Lendcr.
<br /> W the event of a tatul tuklnp of the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums securc�d by tlils Secur�ty lnstmmFnt,
<br /> whether or noi than duo. with�anj�•excess paid to Borrower.In thc event of a partinl utkiag af the Property in which the falr
<br /> mnrket velue of ttx�Propetty imm�Qlntely befare thn tnking ls equal to or�reatar than the auwunt of the sums secui�ed by thia
<br /> �`" .�`�'. Security instrument lmmocliata{y•before.the tsk➢ng, u�iess Barrower and Lertder othenvise agree i�t.writing,the sums serurod by
<br /> th�s Security Iastivment shafl�tw reduaed by the umount of the praeeeds multipUed by the folluwing fraction: (a)the totat
<br /> _ — umount of the sume secuned immadiately�before the taldng,dlvIded by(b)the fair market value af the Propc��rtp•imme,dIstely
<br /> beforc the tuking.Any balanae shafl be paid to Sorrowcr. In the event of a partial tekinII of the Properry in wh�ch the fair
<br /> market valuo of tha Pioperty immodintely before the taking Is less than the c�r�ount of the sunw secwed i�iately befare the -
<br /> = teking, u�l�ss Aorrower and Lendar otherwise agree in writing ar ualeag appiicable law otherwise provtdes.the pracee�s shull
<br /> -- - �� ba applicd to.the sums secunmd b;��thle 3ecu�ity Instrument wheth�r ar not the sums are them due. __..
<br /> If tha FrapertJ is abandaned by Borrower.or if.atter natice by 1.ender to tiorrowcr that the sandeuu�or offers to makc an
<br /> awatd or settlo:a c�a�.��rd 1'ar dtunages. Borrower fails to respond to�Lender within 30 days after the date.the notice is glven. .
<br /> , Lender iA author,q�c!zo co3iect and apply the proceeds.at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Praperty ur to the sums •
<br /> secum,�i by this S.�ioitrtty Instrument,whether or aot then due.
<br /> Unless Y,etzder aad Horrower otharwise agree in wdting. t�ny applicution of proceeds to principal shall not eatei►d or
<br /> postpone thb dv�date af ihe montlily paymonts refernd to in paragrapba l and 2 or change the urnount of sueh pctyments. —
<br /> 11.�rra�rsa.Noi Released;Forbearaace By Lender Not a Waiver.8xtension of the°tlme for payment or tnodificatton
<br /> � of umo�tizadon mf tM1ie sums securetl by this Security Instrument granted by Lend�r to any successor in interest of$orrower shaU
<br /> nat oparnte to�lease the Iiabiljry of the orIglnal Borrower or Borrower's succes.�ors in interest. Lender shaQ not be required to _
<br /> commouce prooeedings agafnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify emortizatlon
<br /> - . - �
<br /> of the sums secured by this Securlry Instrument by rcason of sny demand made by the original Borcower or Sorrower's
<br /> successore in lntarast. Any forbean{nce by l.ender in exercisin�any rigi►t or remecty �hull n�t be s wai�er at'or precl:sde stse
<br /> exercisc of any righkor�emedy. --
<br /> 12.Sna�ans And Assi�ns Bnun�Jolnt and Severa! I.tabllity; Caslgners. The covenants and agreements of this �
<br /> '�{;�;. Security la�tmtnent shell bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonower, subject ta the pmvisions oi
<br /> '�� pRmg�aph�•19. Hnrrower's covenants and agreements shalt be joint und several. Aoy Battower who ccrsigns this Secur�ty
<br /> Insuvment,but dces not execute the Note: (a) Is w-signing this Security Insttument aniy to mortgage.grant and convey that __-
<br /> Horrowar's intorest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is noi personully obligntcd to pay the sums :�_,
<br /> secumd�by.�thia Securiry Inswment;and(cy a�re�s that I.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.maiify.forbear or rr�:_�-
<br />_ meke apy•t�acommodadons wlth regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. I��"t
<br />. 13.[.oun Cha�ges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan char�es, �°--
<br />.` ' �:�
<br />_ ,gr�'� and that law is finally interpreted so thnt the interest or other loan churges collectai or to be collected in connection with the ��.;.
<br />,�p ,.•�i•. loan exceed the permitted limlts.then: (a)any such toan charge shull be reduceci by the amount necessary ta reduce the chcirge �
<br /> to the pecmitted timtt;and(b)any sums niready collecud from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits witl be refiinded to ���•',
<br />- ���•�� - Borrower. l.ender may choosc to mi+ke this refund by roducin� the principal awed under thc Note or by making a direct
<br /> ' ';�� payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces pdncipai, the reductton will be treated :is a partial prepayment withaut any
<br /> " prepayment churge under the Nute. ..'
<br /> �';�;` T• �<'��. 14.Notices.My notice to Borrower provtded for in this Security Instrument sh�ll be given by delivertng it or by muiling
<br /> ...�..,.:::,.
<br /> `�r' •"�:':';;� it by�tst class r�nail unless appltcable luw requires usc of unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address �
<br /> ��t"���::R or eny other address Borrower desigr►ates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be �iven by first cless mail to
<br /> �r.2.s.;.
<br />-- . ': • .�w Lender's address stnted herein or ssny other uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provtded for in this
<br />���•� Sccurity Instrument shall be deemed to hnve been given ta Borrawer or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br />-_. t� '! �r��,i•.q'-.
<br /> ' ,_:-�.;.._._;c IS.Goveruing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by fcdcrul law and the law of the
<br /> `�if• :�D:^s;;*;:,.�' Jur�sdiction in which the �roperty is locuted. In the event that any provision or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> . �..,;.
<br /> z: �, : rnntIIcts with applicable law,such rnn�lict shap not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which ran be
<br /> •; -:.'��''�'":-::� given eftect wlthout the conflicting provision. To this cnd the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are declared
<br /> .��•�a_.;�..,.� �
<br /> wi,;�;,;�,;�.r; to be severable.
<br /> . r�••`'�,�cr�•���'� 16,Borrower's Copy.Borcower shall be�iven one conformed copy of the Note:ind of this 5ecurity Instrument. .
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