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<br /> ` '� `� � "'' UWIFORM COYENANT&.Borrowe►and lendar eovenant and ag►ee as followa: '��'`� _
<br /> i,�,':�,� >.,:-,�
<br /> •r= 1. Pa�t W PrMeIOM�nd IM�nat.Borrower shatl promptly pay when due the princlpal at and mterest on the ' °.�.��=-
<br /> �-^ '• �'� ` irtdeb4ednaaeevid�rtcsdbyth�Not�,prepa menfandletechargeaasprovldedintheNote,andtheprincipalotendlntereston �,'�'��y.'r.?;;�_,:,yT__
<br /> ' any Futuro Advancen necurod by the�of Trust � ; ::
<br /> �. Fund�brTacMMldlnwrsnc�.3ubieattoapplicableiewortoawnttenwaiverbyLender.8orrowershoUpaytoLonGar - - �„•.,,.-._- - -
<br /> � onthedsymonthlyin�llm�nbof prinalpsland�MeroatsropeyabtwndsrthsNots,untllth�Not�tsp�fdintult,�sum(herein - ��
<br /> " • °Funda")equal to one•Iwelftl�of t he yaady texes and eeseesmsnta which may attnin pNartfy over thla Oesd of TrusL and ,'��-
<br /> �� ground rentaonthe Property.lf any.piueona-ewsitthof yee►Iypremiuminstalimenbto►hezaMinsurance,plusane-1wNfttff of �;Y'
<br /> •� , yeariy premfum installmenU for mortgape fnsurenae,�f any,ell ae�easonabty esUmated Initlslty ertd from dme to tima by ,.F.s
<br /> l.ender on the basis of atsassmenb and 61I1�and reasonable estlmates thereof.
<br /> • TheFundaahallbehatdlnaninetitudonthedepoaitsoreccounteotwhichareinsuredorgua►anteed,byaFederaloratete ' �.
<br /> agency(including�ender it Lertder la euoh an inatltuUon).Lender ehntl apply the tunda to pay eatd taxea.eeseaamente, -
<br /> � • inaurancepremiumsandp�oundronts.l�andotmayeotchargeforaoholdirtt1 andepplyingtheFunds,analyzingsafdaccount __
<br /> � � orvar8yingandeompflingsaidaaaessmentnandbllls,un1esaLenderpays BorrowerinMrestontheFundsandEpplicablelaw • . .
<br /> permitnlendertomaketuchacharge.8oaowa�andl,:�ndormayapreelnwritingallhedmeofexecutlonotthiaD9Ad0}TfUII1 ; �__
<br /> that interest on fhe Funda shell be patd to 8atrower,and uniess euch agreement ia mad�or applicelbe iaw requirea auah ,.,,;.ti,. , . —
<br /> y,. � int�rost to Oe paid,Lender shall not de►equi�ed tu pay 9omowe�ony interest or eami�ga on the¢uoda.lender ahall give to ,
<br /> �� • � Sonower.without chnr�e.an annua�aacaunHng oithe Fu�ds aQ�o�vcag credits B�d dabits to tt�e¢unda and Qhe purpoae tor ��� ;�� ' ��#��
<br /> " • .�_,",;;f,��•�� yyIticQto&ohdeblttotheFundawaamade.TheFundaarepledg�daseddlUOnalaecuriryforthesumasecuredbythia�eedo4 �+• �;'?
<br /> • • 1, ,'.0 TNBt. , „ _
<br /> � `�-`�°���''�} If the emount of the turtda held by Lender.together wlth Me future monthly instalimenta of Funds payebio prlor to the due � . ' � _
<br /> ' '�:�''u.<���" dates et taxea,asses�mertb.tnaurance premiume and ground rents,ahall exceed the amount�equired to pay said tenes, . �'�_�---
<br /> ''`°•` asseasmente,insurance premfuma and ground rents as theY felt dua.such excesa ahail be.at 8orrower's opqon,either III , , -
<br /> � prompdy reAatd to Bortowet or eredlted to Borrower on monufly Inefetlmente of Funda.it the amount of the Funds hotd b� I � .� �
<br /> � Lenderaha�lnotbeeutflclerritopaytaxes.easeasmenb,inaurancepremlumeand graundtentaaatheyffiIldue.8orrowerehall � : _
<br /> pay to LQnder an amount rtecess�ry to make up the detielency withfn 30 daye from the date noUce is mailed by lender to � ..
<br /> Bortower requei�nq paymsnt thereot.
<br /> �.,, ;. Uponpsymrntintullof�tleumseeouredDythis0esdofTrust,l.enderehaflpromptiyrefundto8orroweranyFundsheldby � , .
<br /> Lender.ifundarpanqnghl8herlOttheProperiSrleeoldorthePropeM�dotherw�aeecqunedbyLender,Londershalla�A�Y
<br /> nolat�rthanlmmadlatNyp�lortoths�ateotthoProperryorlua� utslt(onbyLender.nndFundeheldb►►LenderRtthetimeo� ••
<br /> ., appltwUon a a credit apafnn the eum�teaurad by lhla Oeod ot�rua� �� - --
<br /> �. AppMpMbn of►���Unieis apptioable I�w providea otherwtee,all pnyme�t�reeewed by londer unaer the Note � ''"'�
<br /> - ., � end par� aphs 1 and� �'h reot ahatl be applled by I.ender tlrat In payment of amnunts payable to lender by fiorrower under ; � �,�
<br /> , ara�np��he��ol,thentoinbrsatpaysbieonthoNote,thentotheprinclpalaftheNote,ondlhentolntereatandprmatpelon ,
<br /> , eny ututs Adv�rte�s. �
<br /> , ' 4,CA��=LNeaBorrowsrsahallpay a1lmKeaasaeeamenMa�dotherchargas.Hneaend�mpoan►oneattdbutabletotho � �.�f..
<br /> Ptoperty whlah m�r etteln a prloritf►over thim Oeed ot Trust and�eaeshotd peymenb or ground rents.if eny,�n the manner � ,�• . -
<br /> - -
<br />