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<br /> 'fFii��U�tiJ t3�'��HUSi'f is mad�thiYt 13t4� �y ot du�d . �-
<br /> 99_ �m�q tMTrusto'� �arir�h Kirubakaran ansi La� _ ,�,f,.ti�.Y�n,
<br /> In�rb,sr►d anA wife (h�pin"BorrowK"�,Finli�r 8ank.N�tional M�ooCiillon. ..
<br /> Om�h�,ldebrak�,(her�ln"Tru�t�"),antF B�n�Haiuy,Fir�'�er B�nk,IV�tion�l At:aciali�on,Omaha,Pl�bn�ic�,a
<br /> corpar�tion oryanfud and ax�siinq under ths Iawe of Th�Unitad Sub�s of Am�rica,wt��ddniq i�1 TOf�
<br /> Fam�m Street�maha.Nebraaka.68102-2183(h�nin"Lender").
<br /> BORRdWER, in cpnsideration of tfis Indabtsdnsss haroin oecited and the uust heroin crwetmd,IrrwocaWy
<br /> grantsandconw�ysla7rpstae�aii at,withpowerotsate.tt�efollowingdeacribedproperty�IxatedtnthaCouMy
<br /> ot .S1ate af Nebraska:
<br /> Lcat_Eiqhteen (18). Morningside Acres Sw�3..�vision� in the '�1. � ,r;.� �.. :�`"'
<br /> ;n;,, ���.�:•of Grand Islart8, Hall County,,.,IQ,e�r�s7�:a. „ ,.:, ':� m
<br /> h', � :`'.. .. '' t., �i '... . ., s' ,,� .'i�'`���:
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<br /> which has the address ot 2610 Parkview Drive Grand isiand .
<br />- Nebraeka 68801 �5�� ���
<br />_ ,sw.�eLOC�au (herein"ProperryAddress");
<br /> TO�ETHER wfth aq!he improvementa now o�hereatter e�ected on the p�opoity.and ait easements,rights.
<br /> appurtsnanaes.tents(aubject however to the rights end authorities glven herein to Lender to colieet and apply
<br /> suclt ront�),►oyeltles,minerel,otl and gas rights artd protits,water.water�ighb,and watar atcck,and eli fixturea
<br />- now or hereeRer attaoheai to the property.all ot which,inatuding �eplacementa and addl�ona thereto.ahaii be ,
<br /> deemed to be artd remain a part ot!he property covered by thia Oeed of Trusx and atl of tfie foregotnA,together
<br /> with said prcperty(or the leasehold estatn if thta Qaed of Trust is on e leashotd)ere he�ein Pefer�ed to as the
<br /> "Propery"� .
<br /> .
<br /> Tn Gt/1t tnG v 1 L�1IL fsl Uu.�r�..r��.J�Mw t�' wut lu.Ow..wu.✓�ww/s Aa�a�i --
<br />.- 1 V vi.wn�a���m��•�a���tV�V�/Y����Vtt�V�O�V���VOY\VY��VW V��YYHYYr r�w��vsv���•v.�v�.�.. -
<br />-- June 13. 1994 (h9reln"NotB"),in tP�e prinotpSl aum of T� hundred thousand and
<br />- no/10a---tS20o.o00.00)-------- Dollaro,withintere�tthareon,providingto�monthlytnstalimenta
<br /> of pNncipal and interes�with the balance of the irtdebtedness,it not soonar pafd.due and payable on
<br /> _ Decemheac i3, 1994 ;the paymeM of alt other sums,with fnterest Mereon,advanced
<br />- in acoordav�ce t�orewith to protecg4l�a security of thia Oeed 04 Tnis�and the perfortnance of the covenants artd -
<br /> �gre�mt�mts of�orrowe�herefn cQMained;and all renewats,extensfons and modlNcatlons thereaf,and(b)the
<br /> iepayrre�lotanytuture advances.with irrtereat in thereon,masleto Borrower by Lenderpu�suantto paragraph2l
<br />= hereof(��rmin"Future Advances").
<br /> BORF3Q11'VfR covenaMa that 8orrawer is Iawtuliy aeited o41he estate hereby conv��red and t�as the right to
<br /> grant and convey the Property,t�etthe Properiy is unencumbered.and that Borrower wili warrant and @efend
<br /> gone►atty the dtie to the properiy agaiast atl clalm.s end demands.sub�ect to any deolerations.easemenb ar '"'
<br /> - restricUo�s liated in a echedule of excepifons to coverege in any t[tte ina�rance poUcy inauring Lender's fnterest ,''�
<br />- in the i�ro�mriy. -
<br /> r�
<br /> .,.
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