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<br /> _.. � � �u.� �� � .F ... - _ __.
<br /> .'�'_ _' � . _. . . ,. .
<br /> — .' �^�...., -_ - _ __._ _. _
<br /> — � _..W.�_�"r'- -- —
<br /> �v 10:�24.4
<br /> ��° Tlic f�uads ehnil G: liRl� itt�am intititutfon �vhase dcposlt� ar� ins�rcd by a fcderril'n�ency. insuumentatity, or entity
<br /> - (i��cluding I.�.9der.if I,�nd:r, is r;ucrt��n.institutian)ar in any Fesleral Home Lo�n Bank.Le�ider shnll upply the Pue�ds to pny tho
<br /> F?sarow Itcros.l.endcr nti�y i�at,cha�}�4�.��t?fit�wer for holding und applying the Funds.urme��ly analYzing the e�;row account,or
<br /> vcrlfying the Esc�ow It�nts� unQRfs L,c�,rlf.•}�syA Bnrwwcr taterest nn the Funda c�nd uppItcd 1e!aw permita l.ender to m�tkc such
<br /> a churge.However. l.ender�n�y��rv�;�1tH��WCr to pny o o�te-time cfiarQe for An independent real estute tex reporting servica
<br /> used by Lender in wnnection .w�tt�i,this loan. antess upplicabte iaw provid� othacwisc. Unless an og�eement is mQdo or
<br /> upplicable!uw requirca inter.atit ta brz�.aid,I.cndor shnil not be required to pay Borrower uny intctest or eamings an the Funds.
<br /> �-- -^ �' &�r�awer and t.+cnder�nay agm�in�wsiung. howcver,tGat iatsrest shali Jx;paid on the Funds. Lender shatl give to Rormwer,
<br /> wlthaut charge. nn annual uccou.+uift��of the Funds. showing credite nnd deblts to the Funds und the purpose for which each
<br /> dcbit ta the Funds wa9 rnar!,�.Tha Futv�e are pledged as additianal serur�ty for all sums scxured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> If the Funds held by i.ead,2r espaed the nmounts permitted to be he(d by applic�ble taw,L,ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> - --- for the exaws Funds in accQrds�s�ce.w�ih the ceyuirements of npplicable law.If the amaunt of tha Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> timo is not sufficient to p3y the 8scsqw Ttemy when due.Lender may so nutlfy Borrower in wrldng,ertd.in such case Bornower
<br /> _. shail pay to[.ender th�amount n�n+sa�Y•�o make up the deficiency. Bosrower shaU make up the deficiency in no mare than
<br /> -_ - ^ twetve monthly payments,at L,sc�dss'R�sul���t,ilcretion. -
<br /> _ �,�� Upon payment in fult of.alli nute�s�sa�u.red by this Securiry Instrument, l.ender shall prnmptly refuad to Borrower any
<br />-- - — Funds held by Lenaer. Tf.umd.ac pa m�l, I.ender shall acquim ar sell the Property.[xnder,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Property.sh�+ll�pply any Fu s�i h¢ld by I.ender at the t�me af aequisitlon or sale as u credIt aguinst the sums secuoed by
<br />_�; . thfs Secudty Instn►ment.
<br />_ 3.Appltcation of Payene�ts. Unle�s n��icable law provides athenvise,aU payments receivod by Lender under paragraphs
<br />= i and 2 shall be npplied:ficsc, to pc�y.pxa�3yment chatges duo under tha Note: second,to amounts payuble under parugraph 2:
<br /> third.to intemst due;fourth,ta p�incip�l:dwtc and last,to any lata charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Chacges; Ue�s.Borcc�weF sh�lipay a1�ta�ces.assessments,charges,fine�a�nt fn�posi[ions attributabtc ro the Proprrty �_
<br /> wh� h may .�tain pri��riq over this�Securlty Insuument. and leasehold payments or ground renu. if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obli�ations In tlw:m;uuier pn,,;ded in paragraph 2.or if not patd in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> to the person awed pay�ne.Bormwcs sh�i!promptly furnish ta T..ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> lf Borrower makec ihese payments dit�ctly. 8arrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender receipte evidencing the payments.
<br /> .•��.;�; • Bonawer sha6i promp;ly dischacg�a�y lie�whtch has prIority over this Security lnstntment ualass Borrower:(a)agrees in -.
<br /> writin�to the paymens af the�bligatian�serured by the lien in a manner ncceptable to I.ender;(b)cantests in good faith the licn
<br /> by, ar defendx flgainst er�mrcemsnt�af.the lien in. leg�l proceedings whIch in the Lender's opinion operute to pnvent the _
<br /> ;;.,.�,.,,•,. .. enforcESmert of the lien:�r (c)secures fmm the holdar of the lien an agreement isatisfactary to i.ender subordtnating the Iten to
<br /> this Security irutrument.If l,ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which rhay attnin priority over
<br /> • � �;'�,,� this Security InstrUment,LEnd•tr m�y gi���Horrower u natice identifying the lten.Borrower sha{l satisfy the lien or take ono or __
<br /> �f�n�u•��•��'a''� moro of the uctions set forth abave within•l0 days of the givins of nutice.
<br /> - . t � ,�'''£ ' �s�i '> 5. Hazard or Pmps:vtY �nsurnnue. Bonower shall keep the improvements now existing ar hereafter erected on the
<br /> •
<br /> !�'�rC�'�'�j,: pic►perry insured against�ass by Fre. hazards includod w�thm the cerm °excendai w��rugc" +�nd any other hazards. iaclu ng
<br /> �'+` fiuods or tlooding, for whlafi I.ender requires insurance.This iasurance sh�ll be maintuined in the amaunts and for the pedods �,;:_
<br /> 3"�`9�`�.��+:,�f���'•'.,.
<br /> ,• �- that Lender requires. Tfi� insurmtce cumer providing the insurance shait be chosen by Borrower subject to l.ender's approv�l
<br /> ,� N.��Mc•r..•:_ :.,;.:.:•�'
<br /> f,c�-:�,•'`?.��.� � which shall nut be unreasonably with'�ald. lf Borcower fails to maintain coverage described ubove. I.ender may, at Len er s _
<br /> y ,��"�!;�,��;',;�i�' option,obtain coverege ta pmtert I.eruisr's rights in the Property in accvrdance with puragraph T. _
<br /> . �.,�;�;�,«,,,,;;_ �' All insurnnce policie;s and rane�wtds�shall be acceptable ta Lender :u�d shall irslude a standard mort�age clause. L.endor _w
<br /> I,, , "'¢��;�' shnll have the right to hold th�pvlit6es and mnewnls.lf L.ender requir��,, Bc►rrower tibaU pramptly give to l.r.nder aU receipts of �.__
<br /> � �.� paid premiums and renewa!nutints.In the event of losy,Bottower shail�ive prompt notire to the �nsurance currier and ixnder. r�:_.
<br /> �:ti�'rb:'r���n Lender may make praa�f af losx if not made promptly by Bono�ver. Y
<br /> ' "r+s�.�r' Unless Lender und Bormwer atherwisc u�ree �n wnnn�,in+ursnce pmceeais shull be appiied to restoration or repair of the �_'-.=;.
<br /> +�-+=•�• •�,�+�,;, Property dumaged.if th�restnrntion or repuir is econom{cally feasible:u►d Lcnder'ti.ecurity iti not Icssencd. If thc restar,�tinn nr -
<br /> � '.,ti•�=,- .•...�:, �rpair is not ecanomic�tl�• Feu�ible or Lender's security would be Ie�sen�-cl,the imurance prura�l,+hull he uppiied t��the sums
<br />��`�k i ' ~ a secured by this S��curig� Inrtcument. whether or not dten due, with any eaccs�puiJ to &►rrowcr. If Rorro�ver abandon+ thc .
<br /> � ��. Pmpecry, or docs noe answer within 3Q duys a noticc from Lcnder that the insurancc carrier has uffercvl to+ettle a cluim,then .,
<br /> '^ti►<; Lender may rollect che insuranc� pra:ecds. Lender mny u�e the pr<xeedti to repair ar rc�tore the Propeny o�to pay sums
<br /> <` ,a: -.,f;s�� secured by thiy Security Inxtrument,whathvr or not then Juc.Thc 30-day period will tugin whcn the noticc is grven.
<br /> ,;.,f �r Untess I.ender :uni Hormwer ott►vnvtse agree in writing. :u�y�application c.f proreeds to principal tihall ncn extend nr
<br />:� ���� •�;,�•-,`"�� postpone the due date of th: monthl�• payments relerred tn in paru�,ruphs I and 2 ur rhange thc atnount ��f the payments. If
<br /> � "s��.`�'kj`:�';,�° under aru h 21 the Pra rt is ar uired b Lender. Barn�wer s right to any insuruncc policies•rnd proceed�resulting from
<br /> H•s •• ' �:'� P Sn►P P� )' 9 Y
<br />" -• �` %"�'�'�`--�-••- damage to ihe Pro�rert��pri or ta t h�acyuisi tion s ha l l p a s s to I.ender to the cxtent ot'the�ums ticcured by thi,Sccurity Instrumcnt
<br /> ���`'�'�'`" immediately pdor ro the acquisition.
<br /> ,�•.
<br /> ='^"��°" 6.Occu nr Born►�cer'ti Laan Application:I.easehuldg.
<br /> ;�___. pa y,Pe4weorvetion. Maintenance and Protection oP the Propeety;
<br />;_, ..� - Bormwer shall ac:cupry,cwtablish, und use the Prope►ty as Borrower's principal residence within si xry Ju���uRer the executian of
<br /> _ this Securit��Insttum�tnt ar�d shall cuntinue to occupy thc Propeny as Burcower'�principal residence for at Ieast onr ywr after
<br /> �~ •�'�'•�;� ' ' the date of ckcupancy,ua[axs I.ender otherwise u�rees in writing,which amsent�hall nut he unr�:a.wnably withhcW,ur unlers
<br /> `k ' ' (.'
<br /> extenuating circumvtan¢es ex'sst which ure bcyond Bonower's control. Borcou•er shall ncit destn�y, d;unagc ur impair thc
<br /> . ' -��• Property, allow tFu: Pm�eny ro deteriorate, or cammit wx.titc�m the Property. Bormwcr shall bc in Jcfaulc if any fortciwrc
<br /> `I� i '• - action ur pra:eeding, whether civil or crimin:il,is begun that in Lendcr'�good ta�th judgment cc�uld rcsult in forfciwrc uf the
<br /> S`y•-
<br /> [ '' � -° ��• '�' Pto}�erty or nth¢nvtsr materiully impair the lien createci by thiti 5ecuriry Instrument ur Lcnder's security intcrost. Born�wer may
<br /> ��L 1 �,;�a':," - cure such a default and reinstate,as ptovid�in purugraph 18,by causing the action ar pmcecdin�a>be dis�nisscci�vith a ruling
<br /> r.. ° that. in L.endrNs gond fnith determination. pmdudcs forfcitun:��f the Borro��er's intenst in the Pmperty ur ather materiul
<br /> � ' .%' •' impairment of the lien rreated by this Security Instrument or L.ender'� +ecurity interest. 8ocrower shall al�o be in default if
<br /> - ;;•;,-. ., Borrower.durin3 the loan upplicatinn process,gave muterinlly f:slse or inucturute information or statements to Lender l�ir Cailed
<br /> ! �. �• • ' tu providr.It:itdtr with any matcrial information) in ronn�rtiun�vith the loan evidenccd by the N�+te, including.but not limited
<br /> :;';,;,!_;; :"� ; to,rcpresentadons coneemm�e Borrower's cxcupancy��t'the Propeny aa a principal residence. If this Security Instn►ment i.un a
<br /> leasehu{d. Bermwer shall comply with ull the provisions of the lwsc. If Bornower acyuires i�+e title to the Pmperty, thc �
<br /> _+ Iea+ehold�and the fce titte shall not mer�e unless Lcndcr agrces to the merger in writin�.
<br /> ,�, �,, 7.I�roteetion of Lender's Righ�ti in the I'roperty.If Borro�ver tai 1�w perform the covenant,and agrcement,contain�•ci in �
<br /> - �"• _ � this S��:urit�• Instrumcnt, ur thcre is u Icgal prcx��r.•cfing that muy significantly affc�t[.endcr'�ri�hts in the Pmperty lsuch :�.r� �
<br /> • �.-_._-_�_ r.........:....s»MonLn�Nrv nrnFwl�+ r„r c�n�femnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ur rcgulations), then LenJer muy du and
<br /> , - ,.,�-_ __---- - , ~ .,,......._ -__
<br /> . ..�-- _ p............. r•'��r-----•
<br /> •• � �ay for w�iatever is ncccssary to protect tBe value of the Property and Lendcr'� rights in the Pmpeny. �cncter s ac�ions may
<br />� ti .°�,�? ;' mclude paying any sums xecured by a licn which has prionty ovcr this Saurity lnstrumcnt, appexring in r�>urt. paying
<br /> ` '� rcasonubte attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repuin. Although Lender may takc action under thi.paragraph
<br /> ,•: • ..
<br /> I. si;.. .
<br /> _ ,�?:' �,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragruph 7 shall become additionul debt nf Borrower ,ecurai h�� thi.
<br /> ' •• Security in.v�rument. Untess Borrower and Lender ugree to othcr terms of payment,these:unounts shull bcar intcrest f'rc�m thc
<br /> �; � datc of diyb�ursement at the Note rate and shall be puyuble, with intet�est, upon notirc frum I.endcr ta Borrow�er requesting
<br /> ��;, pnyment.
<br /> � �'o'� 8.Mortgu�e Insut�snc�.IC Lender required mortgage insursnce as u condition oC making thc loun,ecured by thix Security
<br /> i�.i • � Instrument, Burrower shull pay the premiums required tn maintain the murtgage +nsurnncc in effcct. If, for vny nason, thr
<br /> ma»gagc insurance croverage rcquired by Lender lapses or ccases to bc in cffctit, Bormwer shall p:�y the prcmiums rryuircJ t��
<br /> !�� � ``�:� �f'•'�'a' obtuin coverage substantially eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at u cost substuntislly cquivalent to thc
<br /> � ,-�+�:�:'`"�., coat to Borrowcr of the rnongu�e insurance previuusly in effect, from un ultemute mortgage insurcr approvecf by Lcndcr. lf
<br /> - s:iti•.�. »
<br /> •! ' vo�o z o�a form 3028 9190
<br /> . ! °_
<br />