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<br /> ___.___ �p�ee�aoYe ztir uoe[+o►eeeor��n�a, d�yr�9sv�13—so7
<br /> P.o.eox 3aaa DE�D OF TRUST ��� aa�,���
<br /> OMANA,NE 68103
<br /> -�_ _ ,
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUSf<"Seturity Instcument")is made on MAY l�s 1994 .The ccuscor is �
<br /> — ::;� : .. ("Bormwer")•Tha truste��s. NORW��T BAN�t NEB1tA8KAs NATIONAi, ASSOC7ATION
<br /> ("T��").The beneficiary is NdRW�ST BANR NEBRASRAa �TIONAI. ASSOCIATION ,
<br /> f,_, -_---= •. .. a AF t�MEBICA ,ar_�nfiQSe .
<br /> which is orgttnived and ex�sjing under it�c tnws aF �ti�TEI? ..T9'� - , -
<br /> - . •� uddreys is 3404 W ],�� St. GRAND TSI�NdD. NEBAASitA f�803 •
<br /> , ("Lend�r").Borrower owes Lender efie principat aum�f �
<br /> Sffi THOIISAND DOI.T��IiS AND 00/��—"�'_"'�=-� Dattars(U.�.$ 6.Q�0.00 ).
<br /> This debt is evidenced by Borrawer's note dated the seme date ns this Secudty Inst�ument("Nota"),which pmvides for
<br /> monthly payments,with tho ful!debt.if not p:�d earltcr.due and payabte on S/15/96 •
<br /> This Security Instrument secures to I.ender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with intcrest.and nit renewals,
<br /> extensfons and modifications of the Note; (b) the payment of ull other sums. with interest. advancxd under paragraph 7 to
<br /> prote�K tha securiry of thia Security Instrument; uud(c)the performance uf Borrower's covenunts and agreements. For this
<br /> purpose� gormwer irrevocxbty gcants and conveys to Trustee, in wst. with pawer af snle. die followin�Cou ty,fYebrasku:
<br /> lacated in �'L
<br /> ��
<br /> eP`,.
<br /> - �.-.--
<br /> Rw
<br /> � I$�(� �Strcet.City�. .:'
<br /> which ha�the address of la I1 N latUSB �„pro��pddress");
<br /> a
<br /> Nebroslca 68803 •�.
<br /> ,�� �Zip Codcl
<br /> ' , ,, TOGBTHER W[TH all thu improvements no�v or hereafter crected on the propecty.and all�:asements.appurtens►nces, and '
<br /> 1 fixiures now or hereafter a pan of the pm�eny• All repincements :uid additions shail ulxo be covered by this Security
<br /> -`,�:::r ' Pe Y•" ' .
<br /> .,n ,
<br /> Instrument.Atl of the foregoing is refemad to m th�a Security instrument as the"Pro rt
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is luwfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and hax the right to gr�utt and
<br /> convey the Property und thut the Prope�ty is unencumberecl,except for encumbrunces of record. Borrower wurranta mxi wil�
<br />: x.�, �y defencl genemily ehe tide to tl�e Property nga�nst nll claims and demands,subject to nny encumbrunc�of record.
<br /> - ..--� ;;� THIS SECURiTY INSTRUMENT combines unifotrr►covens+nts for nationat use and non-uniform cuvenunts with IimiteJ
<br /> Y - vt�riatPons by jurisdiction w constitute u unifortn security instrument covering reai property.
<br /> .•. � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower and Lendcr crovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> . .L....�.,. .��nrinat und Iuterest: I'reDAYment and Late CNarges. Borrower shull prompNy pay when due thc
<br /> _J'��L�Al..
<br /> a• .ya.�-- _' '_'_' � _
<br /> � =`~"�'' �- principal of and interest on the debt evid�nced by the Note und any prepaymenc nnd iace c�art;c��u������� •.���•�:-•
<br /> - t:"`�x-�' Z,F�nds for Taxes und Insutzutce.Subject to upplicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borro�ver�hall pay tu
<br />— 1�;
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments arc due under dte Note.until the Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for:fa)ycarty taxes
<br /> and ussessments which m�y nttain pdortty over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leaschold payments
<br /> or�round rents on tho Property.if anY:(c)YeadY hvrard or property insurance premiums;(d)ye:urly tlaod insurunre prcmium.r•,
<br /> ;f nny;(e)ye:irly mortgage insurunce prem�ums, if any;und(t)any sums payable by Borcower to Lendcr, in accorciunce with
<br /> m
<br /> the provisions of para�raph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgagc insurnnce premiums.These items acn catled "Escrow Items."
<br /> M�^ ' Lender may. st�nY n�e,rollecc and hoid �unds in un cunonnt�n�ca ezceed che ma.rimum:unuunt a lendcr far u federally
<br /> •��� related mortgage lonn may require tor Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estute Senlement Procc�lures Act of
<br /> �., 197a as umendaf from cime to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA")• unless another luw thmt upplies tu thc Funds
<br /> scts a lesser amuunt.If so, Lender muy. ut eny time, cotlect and huld Funds in an amount not tu exceed the tcsser amuunt.
<br />- Lendcr may estimute the amount of Funds due on the basis of current datu and mu,onuble estimates of cx}x:nditures uf tuturc
<br /> Escrow[tems or otherwise in ucrnrdut►ce with npplirsble law.
<br /> �� } � NE[iRd18KA•Sin�1e Family-Fonnto MaelFreddie Mac UNtPORM IN37RUMENT Form 3028 9190
<br /> , �MI 12T87 MTO VR1V MORT6A6E fORMB ���3�2°J 8�00 �eoo�a2>>ae� vo,�o�de a Amondod 6l81 ,
<br /> .5. ' .
<br /> ,91. .. . . .. ..
<br />