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<br /> - .I ! .. "�� .. . .. '
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<br /> ..__ .. . . .. _____._._ _ . ""�" .. . ___'"_ _
<br /> ._ .. _... - - .. _ ._._.�_.. ._ - .. ---:..
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<br /> . � . �4'° �o�� ., �� .
<br />_-••-----------_- t3c�:ms�e�• shu11 prarnptly give I.Pncice wiittc�i nntice:of ai�y invrtitiga�I�►n, rinim, dernnnnci, tawsnit+�r�ther'artinn nny
<br /> n
<br /> ��vcrnmem�l nr regulatoq�agcncy�r privatt s�ny 3mnlving�he Pa►perty und any Hat�rci�ws Sebxtcn.•e ot:�virc�� T..iw
<br /> ' af which Borrawer hax actual knnwlafge. Yf�rmwcr IeAmr.or is notiGtd by Kny �ovrmn�ntd nr rtyufttnry rsuborit , dut _
<br /> ; any r�emoval�r cxher mnectiufan atany Hrz�udiwa Substance�tfecting tho Nroperty is nae�s�ry, Hus�wer ahNll P�nmpt�y b�ke
<br /> � �ll�wce:gsiuy Temedtal actione Inc�rrord#nee wlth}?nvimmnentai.L,aw. �
<br /> i �,s u�sd in thf�parKr�p1�20, "H�Yasdouc SuMtw�ce�" are ttwre aubsttmcen deGnai u toxic or tw�ardoua su6�tanca bj
<br /> �; �nvlra:mxntal Luw eiisf the followiep� sub!rtances: garx�line, kamasne, cKher Qunmable ar wxlc petmleump� toxic
<br /> —`-� --- pCSticides and trcrbicideA,valrtile s+�lre�it�.ii]Y1��IY}6 f:RiiuUt�i�ilj�iib�l::b�Va G�tOPilti1SQC�1,d_,ans!rc9io^�:tive nt�tr niri t.�u+!x!!n -_
<br /> � thiepara�r�ph 20. "�nvim�unenul I.aw" nr�ne faderal lawa w�d law9 of the jurisdiction where the Pmptny is located tlu�t
<br /> ; r+elate ta heaith.Rafet�+or etiv!ronmentaf protcetian. � ,
<br /> ' NQN-1TNiFORM COVENAN'C'3. Borrower end I.eixler further covenant nnd agra t►�fnilowa:
<br /> Zl.Aocek�atton;Retnedies.1Lenda'sfu�118tve notloa io 13a�rrower tisrlor to oca�leration idbwin�Borrower's beeseh �•
<br /> . ot any corm�n!ar qreeme�t,in�thfs.�ia.�urlty In�rum�ai� (hut not p�Or to aaoelerntton under p6 1'7�ukw
<br />-- eppilc�bk hw providee Ml�erwi�).�'I'�e ewtice s6aU specUys (W the dei:ult;(b)the actiou etiqut w cure tbe drlMnk.
<br /> - — (c)a fite,not tee�ttuia 30�Sa tro�a.tde dote ttie natico ts gt�cn ta Borrav+�er,iby w[�lch tlie defRUlt must be cund;ana
<br /> (�11 tkat fallure to cure We detu�slt�on or Ixfora the date spqciQed U the noHce n�xy r�ult in aocdet�st�os ot tl�e qwNs
<br />-- secured b�thi,�Secur[ty L�strumeM ond sele of the Property. Tht lwtke shdl [urttter[atorm Barmwer of tt�'ri�bR to
<br />='' R+etmaate attar aa�elaatlon and ti�e rlgbt to 6rf�a wuxt acdoa w nssert the non-extstence ot a detialt or mp othes
<br /> �,�, defem9e ot Borrower w s�aceleratlo�c+.snd sAle•If the defnult�is not c�red on or Ixlore the date spcdttpl la tbe notke,
<br /> 1" -- I.ender,at its opNon, msy r e q uim Immaf[tte payment in fuli ot AU sums sc+cursd by thlv SecurltS'Instr�mn►t wlthout
<br /> -^ - turther demand and msy inv o k e tdt.,poirer nf sale And any ot[kr ranedles permUtal by pppikaMe law.I.a�kr eb�il bt
<br />-��` entitkd to ooileM�II expeuses incu►re�l W purssiirtg the reraed[�provided in this pu�gcaph 21,tnctwlin`,but hot limited
<br /> �;ti:, co,reasonabk attorneya'rees antl coRtq of Nt�e evidenco. �--
<br /> ;;��' I�t6e pon�r'ot sAle ts tnvalcaf,rrustce s!�!3 r�mrd A notice ot defwult in each county i� which any pert ot tbe
<br /> Pi+oprtsy is loca�cd and shAll mail oop[e9 of snch natiee 8n the mander prescribed by applicabk 3gw to Borrnwer�nd to
<br /> �; thc utlz�r pet�p�+escribcd by agpllcable law.Atter tlre lime�q�imd by epplicable law,Treutce s6aU give publlC noitoe
<br /> =- '�� oi s�al�e to the per�am pnd ia the�s�nner presciibed by app�icable law. Trustce.without dea�ssnd on Borrnvrtr,r�[i selt
<br /> the Properiy At Anbik auctton to the 6tghe.ct bfdder et the time und ptaae and under tl�ter�as tbrslguaied In the uotfce ot ' .
<br /> - sale in,aae or more parcels iu►d in any order.Tnutee deterraines. Tmstee may postpoae sale of aU or rny porcel ot the .
<br /> � lic aienouucement at the t�me und p�ice of any prevtously sciieduled sale. I.e�der or tte deslgnee may
<br /> Pra b• b
<br /> P��Y
<br /> 5 Pn
<br /> .
<br /> ,�s I put,a�se the Property at any sale. �
<br /> _ ETpon receipt ot paymrat of the pr�ce bid, Trasta� sball deliver to the purch�ser Trustee's deed conveytng the _
<br /> • , Properly. The eec[tWs In We Tn�.vtee's decd shaU be prlinA tacie ev[dence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> _ , 'ltivstee s6dl appfy the proceeds of the sale tn the followtng orden (a)to alt wsts and expenses of exercislag the po�ver oT
<br /> � e�.�r�ti�s�.��tltr�M of!!x Tsvstee's i��y f�a!��l.�erd,not W exceedr�af $50.�0 or k 96 .
<br /> - ��'�,Ls I of che principN xmount ot tht nate at the dme oi tbr denlaratian of detnWt,an+��essonable attumeys'[ees as permitted
<br />- ��fi�A by Iusv;(b)to a!1 sums s�u�3 by thts 6ecurtty Instramrs�4;and(c)any excess co�he��erson or•peisons legal3�t:entttled to
<br /> �� i�
<br /> �. Reconreyatke. Upoa•payment of all sums secured by this Seeudty Instrument. Lender shnll request '!'rustee to
<br /> recaAvey thP Praperty end shatl surrender this Security lnstn�ment and al{ notes evidencing debi secured by this Secwity
<br /> Instrumant to Truste.e.Trustee ehall reconvey the Property without warranty and withaut charge to the person or persons legally
<br />',. � entitled W it.Su�h person or persone shall pay uny recordateon cosu.
<br /> 23.Sabetitute Tn�stee. l.ender. at its oprion. may from t[me to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor tcuatee to
<br /> - aay Trustee rippointed hereuuder by sn{nsuument recorded in the wunty in which this Security Instwnent is reoorded. Without
<br /> - conveyance of the Proper:y,tha succcssor tn�stea slwll succeed to all the title. pawer and duttes conferred upon Trustee herein
<br />- nnd by appllcable law. ��"
<br /> ' Z4.Kequest�or Notke9.Borrower requests that oopies of the notices of defuult and sale be sent to Borrower's add�+ess
<br /> =x which is tha Propcaty Address.
<br /> �:�M ?S.Riders to this Security Instrumertt.If one or mvac riders are executed by Ba�rower and recorded together w}th this =
<br /> ' �""��' at the covenara2s aad a ments of each such rlder shall be incorpaxated into and shall amend and supplement �=--
<br /> I sc�anry[nsuume .
<br /> ! the,cpvensuits end agreomente of this Seat r�i t y Instrument as if the ri der(s)were'a pnrt o f t h is Securi ty E n s t r u m e n t. v__
<br /> ;;r' , [Ch+�aPAGcsble box(es)1 .
<br />= � N
<br /> �f'` .�° ',;i'ti ❑ i-4 Famil Rider _
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Conctominium Rider Y ��'�
<br /> .4' ' � ___
<br /> � J��,:�.�,, Gtaduate�Payment Rlder ❑P1anned Un�t Development Rider [�Btweekly PaYment Rider �
<br /> • ;�• �. �Balloon Rider �Rate Jmprovement Rider LJ Second Home RIder
<br />-: ..,wi.�;. ' 0 V.A.Rider l�J Other(s)[specify] Not�ce of Default and Sale t
<br />-:,=: `k',cr ��3�� . ,
<br /> ' ..�J,.
<br /> i �:iXrsi:t�� .
<br /> .. 1 .. '��`4r_ � _'.
<br /> . ''�T��` BY SIQNIN(i BELOW.Borrower nceepts and agrees ta the terms and covenants conutined in this Security Instrument and
<br /> ' ;;i",;,',•:;�;��� in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> ��4�f:,;���`•�' Witnesses: (�
<br /> '1�.
<br /> . ��. :�u;,�,�.�''.,f.' Harold Von Wyl,f Jr. .��r .'�..'
<br /> .,�t�_ �
<br /> . ._r�::��t'
<br /> ...... :.,., �
<br /> ;.:.�::.�..--,:: _.: . (Seal)
<br /> �:. . _ RBth A. VOZ1 Wyl •&►rrowcr
<br /> ,"�'-'-- --�-, �
<br /> w.5` '��r.s:��r..,-;i-.. � - – --
<br /> �R.r•h.�'t,yi �.�C'ai��
<br /> ����
<br /> •;f��y��.�J ^� �j � -gOiR/N'M •�AffOWCI
<br />- y^71`i:�:`,�^� . .
<br /> 7 v,�'r.4`.��'.�. ..
<br /> . �fP"��:"i�
<br />- ��*�':.;�'~��� Hall County sss
<br /> . ,�,,. .,;,._�. STA'1'�OF NEBRASKA,
<br /> ,��;�';" "'"'� The fnn�uing instniment was ucknowledged before me this l 7th duy nf May . 1994 .
<br /> ,.�;;h`�'�,:.�,;;� �• by Harold Von Wyl. Jr. and Kathryn A. Von Wyl. husband and wife •
<br /> • '�;ti`'��.s�.= `, Wimess my hartd and nuwrial seal at Grand Island in � ' County.the te aforesuid. .
<br />,` My CommissIon Eapires: 2-14-98 '
<br /> Nutaty t�ublk
<br /> •. .f , .
<br /> u .. ��7�1�����!!7 .
<br /> A�Y�'��� vo�o s oi e Fotm 3028 9(80 �
<br /> � lMtWwE�LtA l�i� , •
<br /> .u. ..
<br />