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<br /> �uhsMmially oquiv�►lent tr��e im�u►'iuxv aivtrzgC fs�wt aveilablc, IBa:�nwcr shtU pay t��I.entler euch ma�nth a sum eqc�al to „
<br /> ` ��"' ' a�k�wclCih c�f ti�yeur0y riwrt�agc itt�urarKC prtuitu�n 1►eing��atd by[ior►•nwex whe�th�lnsnrcnFr.o GnvGm��lapsecf or c�asai to _—
<br /> -- he in effcet.i.enekr wi�l iic:crpt,tuje u�r1 retAln thes�payi�s as u M:is reurvc in litu of mottgaga inFUrxnee. Lobs neative
<br /> poiYrr�ntx a►wy i�u langet b4 rayuired.at�he c►ption a!Lcnder.iP mortgage inauranco coverage(in the anwunt ru�d fur the f+edod
<br /> thrt Lendcr roquires)pravided by An insuc�er approvod by L.ecMDer sgaiakocanesAV�il�bk nnd is abtained.�orrnwrr.�i!pay
<br /> tt�e premi�m�toyuirod to miintain martg4ge insurru►ce in eitb�t,or ta pmvide a toss reseruc.until the rcgulrement for martgage
<br /> � inaunc�ends•in eiccordancn with any wdttcn agra�nent betwan Bormwer�ad Lender or applic,�ble lAw. � .
<br /> �_______ 9./�cpiectbn. Le�rcler ar Ita agent ma�y piake reasanable entrics upan a�t�inspectians of the Pnoperty. l.eisder shall give
<br /> aorrower niaitcs wt the dme of�r prior ta an lnapection opocifying crasomble cuuse ior tl�e iaspeciian. �- -
<br /> " 10. C�tion.The Pmaeds uf anY au'ard or claim for damages, direct or oonsequentiul. in cotinection wltb�tny
<br /> candemnati�n or other taking of any part of tha Property�or for conveyanca in Iieu of condemnat�on�are herelry assIgned and
<br /> shalt be paid to l.endtr.
<br /> In tha evcnt af a total teking af the Property.ths proceods shall be Appiied ro the sums secured by this Security lnsauinent,
<br />_ wtKthec or not then due. with ar�y excess pald W Boaower. In tho event of a partlal utking�f the Fr�operty in whtch the fnir
<br /> � market value�f the Property Ia�medlscely bofore the taldng is equal to or gaater than tha wvaunt of the sumc se.cured by thIs
<br /> -- � � Secudty insuument immediutely before the taicing,uatess Bormwer und Leader alieiwlse ugreo ln writing.chc suma r,e�ue�ed by.
<br />--= this Security lnsttvment shelt bc rcduced by the amount af th�ptocxeds muldplied by the follawing fraction: (u)thc total
<br /> -= amouat of the sums securtd immediately befora ilee taking. divided by(b)the faic market value of the Property.l�runediatel�
<br />'= b�fore the taking. Any balencc shall bc puid to 8arrower. In tlie event of u partiul tak3ng af the Pmpertar.in whtch the fau'
<br /> �� market value of the PropeRy irwnediately before ths tnking is less than the amouat of tha sums secuc�ed lmnsrxUat�1Y before th�e
<br />:1� takiag,unless Bormwer and L.ender othen+vise agree in wdting or uniess apglirable law otb.erwise provIdeb;,the,procceds shaQ
<br />"".• be applie�to the sums aecured by tt�is Secudry Instn�u►ent whether or aot the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Pm�eaty is abandoned by Borrower.or if.aftcr nottce by I.ender to Horrower that the condemnor afferx co makg an
<br /> awazd or•settle u clp�im for damages. Borrawer fails to respond ta L.ender withln 30 day&a�ter the date the notice is�,9veu. ���'�-
<br /> '�� Lendar is nutiwr�ed w coUect aad upply the prooeeds.at its opdon.either W r�tors�don or repair of the Pro�erty or w tho�•�aums ,
<br /> secumd by thfa Secudty Instrument.whether or not then due. ytcation of moeeds co rincipai sbel! not extend or
<br /> Unless Lendcr a� Bornawer otherwlse agree in wrft�ng, any,app p p
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred w in puragiaphs 1 end 2 or change the ainount of such paymenta. ..
<br /> . 11.Horrower Not Itelesued;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or cnalifn�ition
<br /> �� of emorti7atlon of the surns sea�red by this Serurity Instnunent�ranted by Ixnder to any suocess,or in iatcrest of Borrower a'hall
<br /> not opernte to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's suocessors in intereat. Lender shall not be required to
<br /> wmmence proceedings ngainst any successor in intemst or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amort�zatton
<br /> of the sums secured by th�s Securiry Insuument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or 8orrower's
<br />, succe�so�s in interest. My farbeurance by l.eader in eaercising any r�ght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> excrcise oF any right ar m,medy.
<br /> - �a �cnra and Asgigns Bouad.Jofnt and Several LtabUity; Co-siguers. The covenants and a reements of dila
<br />_ - Sezurity Insuument shalt bind and benefit thz successors and assigns of Lender and Horrower. subject co gthe provisiorw uf =
<br /> �' patagraph 17. Bomower's covenants and agreements shnll be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-slsns this Security ,
<br /> Instn�meat but does noi eaocute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instnunent only to mortgage. graat and convey that
<br /> •q Borrower's inte�est in the Pm�crty under tho terms of this Securiry Instrument;(b)is not p�tsonally obDigate�to y the sums
<br /> sec�red by this Security Instcument:artd(c)a�rers that Lender sind any other Borrower may agre�tu extend. moditya forbr�u or
<br /> �4 �'r' make any accommadgtioa�s with regard to the terms of thIs Security Insuument or the Note withaut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> �.,,, 13.Loan Charges.If the tosin secu�+ed by this Secudty Insteument is subjoct to a law which sets mauimum losin charges.
<br />-. � and that(a�,v;s finnl(y interpretod so that tha interest or other loan charges collocted or to be collectc:d in connection with the
<br /> � � «� �*'->. . loan excead the pemutted limits,then: (a)any such loan chsirge shall be reduced by the nmount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> r
<br /> ."��•.� to the permitted Itmit:and(b)nny sums almady collected frnm Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wiil be refunded to --
<br /> Bornnwer. Lender may choose to make this r+efund by reducing the principal�wed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> � payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces principal. the reduction will bc treated as a panial prepayment without any _
<br /> prepayment chn�ge under the Note. �_..
<br /> 'v� 14.Notloes.Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Instniment shati be given by delivering it or by mailtn�
<br /> � it by first clsiss mail unless applicable taw nequires use of another med�od.The notice shnll be directed to the Property Addn�s ��
<br /> i
<br /> ' . ,...... or nny other addmss Botrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. Any notioe to Ixnder sh�ll bc gtven by first class mail to �'"
<br />;�: ; ' a- I.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any noticc provided for in this '
<br /> _. ; • Secudty Instrament shall be deemed to t�ave been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provIded in this paragraph. µ��
<br /> � ;•:��e�,; 15.Governtng Law; Severability. This Security Instniment shall be governed by fcderal Iuw and the law of the :i�:
<br /> :.� '� ,,�1_:..,�,..�, jurisdiction in whIch the P[opeRy is located. In the event th�t Any provision or clause of this Security Instn�ment or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or tt►e Note which can be
<br /> -- � ��''�'�� gtven effect wtthout the conflicUng prnvision. To this end the provisions of tMs Securiry Instrument and the Note are declared
<br /> �:�.�;.r.,-.--
<br /> • �':a,�l�;; to be severable.
<br /> :� � ,,.��5. 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shntl be given one confornx�d copy of the Note and of this Secur�ry Insuvment.
<br />- .,.. ; r�r� 17.Transfer of the Pcoperty or a Benetic(a!Interest In Borcower.If all or any part of the Property or any intetest in it
<br /> '�,••:, •'�.�.�� _ is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial intomst in 8orrower is sold or transferrcd and Borrower is not a nntural person)without
<br />- �•:;�. . �� i,ender's prior written consent. I.ender may. at i�s option. requic� immediate payment in full of all sums secure�i by this .,
<br /> � , ,-,�: •,•' Secttrlty Insttument. However,this option shnl)not 6e exercised by I.ender if exercise�s prohibited by fedet�l law as of the date
<br />", :.:�;-?.•: ::r•:. -. I of this Security Instrument.
<br />►: � If Lender exercises this option,L.ender shall�ive Honower notice of acceleraition. The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> , .,;,,... .
<br />� less than 30 days from the date the notice is deLvered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU sums secured by this
<br /> , Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to thc expirntion of this period,Lendcr may invokc any remedies
<br /> ",�i . permitted by this Security Instn►ment without Further notioe or demar►d on Borrawe�.
<br /> k ; r:� lg, Bort�ower's Rt$ht to Reiastute. If Borrowcr meets certaim m�ditions, Borrower shull have thc right to h�ve
<br /> - ;c;.,_;;�. enforoement of this Secunty instnun�nt discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (u) S days(or such other period as
<br />. !�•f, applicable law mny specify for reinstatement) before sale nf thE Property pursuant to any power of sale contarted in thi+
<br />= Security lnstmment;or(b)entry of v judgment enforcing this Security Instniment_Those conditions:ue that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> _`„ � •, I.ender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Instrument aaal the Note as if no acreteration had occurmd; tb)
<br /> . • cures any defnult of any ather covenants or agreemenu: (c)pays nll expenties incurnxl in cnforcing this Securiry instrument,
<br /> -------.-- . . . .. i..- --.c •- •..� .r..e....�.te..u....u.uc• fiw�• uevt rd1 faka?�twch uction aS l.l'il[�Ci tl]ll�'IrU50111bIY�U1tC t0 8S5UfC
<br /> . �.,,..� . _-:_-_°-- IIICII[Qlft�• uttt ttvt a�ainaw a..•.wo.....w............�
<br /> g t_ ._�.�_ .-. � -_.-
<br /> :, c. •,a;, that the lien of this Security Instrument, i.ender s nghts in the Property and Borro�ver's obligauon to pay the sums secured by
<br />_ � '' ` -;,, this Security lnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borro�rer, this Sexunty Instrument iu►J thc
<br />- �;�,� . - • obiigations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acrelerstion hs�d occurral. However, this ri�ht to reinst;ite shall
<br />�� � �� i not apply in the cuse of ttccelerntion under paragraph 17.
<br /> ': ' , ; 19. Ssle nf Nate;Ciwt►ge of Lean SPrvtcer. The Note or a partial interest in thc Note ltogether with this Security
<br /> '' : � � Instwnent)mny be so�d one or more times without prior noticc to Borrowcr. A s:ile tns�y�utt in s change in the entity lkno�vn
<br /> . ��.• . .. . • as the"Iaan Serv[cer")thnt collvcts monthly payments due under the Note and this 5e��urity instrument.There also may be one
<br /> or mom chanIIes of the L.oan Servicer unrelnted to a sale uf the Note.If therc is a ch;u��e of the l.o;u�Secvirer,Borrawer will be
<br /> .a�. - gtven wdtten noti�e of the change in accoMunce with p:ua�capti 14 ubove;u�d applicable luw.The notice will state the name and
<br /> '�'r' address uf the new Loan S�:rvicer:►nd the uddress to whiCh paymenu should be made.The nutice �vill alu���ntuin any uther
<br />.. '�,�.,.�_;,�,, �.;, inforniatlon rcquired by upplicablc taw. �
<br /> � __.i� a 20. Hazardntt95ubstatx�cs. Borrowet shall not cnuu ur permit the pmsenrc. u+e. dispowl, titara�e. ��r rcl�uc oF any �
<br /> ;..,,,,. H�nluus Substanccs an or in the Property. Bormwcr shall noi dn, ttor all��w unyone etsc tu do. anything :�fferting the I
<br /> � `
<br /> ' ����"'� Qroperty thut is in violatian nf uny Environmental Luw. 'I'he prec�ling nvo xntences sh�il not apply tu thc pmsencr, use, ur �
<br /> r- stora£c un thc Froperty of small yuantitic�s�if Htuardous Substances that ure gcnerully nti�gniu�l to he appmpriatc a� rnirmal
<br /> . residential uscs and to tnaintenart�r of the Pmperty.
<br />` F,�o�a�a fonn 3Q28 9180
<br />