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<br /> tlt8l I.CIS(IEt C�UIM9)pFOYI(IG�I V�8D ITi11UTC!Op�1i'DY�tI b}�I..ltK�CC D�aIII�C0111�5 0.VG1IQ�IJG N11a IR ti�1lAltld(�. W�rrnwer xh�11.pa�+
<br /> the prcmiumr ragulrod to mainc+�in rrwrt�ge ln,suranrac In c(fect.art�pmvide a loxa rc�serva,undl the requtremeM for mortg�a
<br /> ineurance ends in scoordance with ar.y wr(tten agrament betwan Borrower and Lcnder or wppUc�bte 1aw.
<br /> 9.twpectbn. L.ender or ita aRent m�y m�aks reuonable entdq upon and lnepoctinru of the Pruperty.I.Gndcr�tWl give �'
<br /> Borrower notice at the timG af or pdor ta an inspection speclfy�ng rcxsonable cause for the inspoction.
<br /> �------ -, 10.Condannatbn. '1'he proceoits uf uuy award ar c{uin�fpr du�tiaaes� dir�st or wn�equential. in cQnncs�on �dth nny
<br /> condemnafion or ath�r taking of any part of the Pro}�erty�,or for conveyance In I{eu of condemnation.aro here6y aaslgned wid L
<br /> shup be paid to I.suder.
<br /> In the evcrt nf a tatal teking of tita Property,the praceeda shall be upplied to the sums securcd by�tbls S¢c�.trity Instrument.
<br /> whether or not then due, wtth at►y exccss paid to Borcower. In the event of a purtid tnking of dio Pmperty in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property Immedistely before the teking is equal to or greuter then ihe amount af the sums secured by thts
<br /> - g`°�`=° Security Insaument immedtately before tl►e taking,unles.s Sorrawcr And Latdor othenvise n�ee In�vriting,the sums setured by
<br /> thls Securlty Instrament shall be�+edur.ed by the amount of the pmceeds multtplied by the followtng fr.�ction: (a) tha total
<br /> amount of the sums secure�i immediately before the taking.divided by (b)the fatr raarket value of the Propettyr immodiately
<br /> - before the taking. Any balanoe sha�be patd to Borrower. In the event of a partisl taking of the Property In which the fair
<br /> mmarrket value of ths Property fmmediately before the tnking is less than the amount of the suma secured immediately before the
<br /> taking. unless Borrawcr Attd l.�ttd�r 4tltenvise agroe in wr�ting or unless apglarable law otherwise providea,the proceeds shall
<br /> :. _..,_ � be app�i�d:tu.the.sums sacured by this Seeurity Instrument whether o�nut thB a�+�us are then due. . . . ,
<br /> �Bthe�operry''!s�ba�'tdoned by l3ovrower, or i�'�after�otic�Ay l.eqder to liorrower that the condaninoT q£fers ta�iuke:a�- � -� �
<br /> .«�� , aNan�,�r�eftte.a olaim'for dasha$es, 8qrraw�i fuils to respon�to�l,cndei within 30 days after the d�te ahc notic�.'ia'given,. '
<br /> �„� ' Let�der is su{horizecl to�o!lect and appl�the pTaceads,at Its optlon,either to resroration or repair of the Propetty or to the sums
<br /> ��� � secured by this Secue�ty•Ynsuument.whether or not then due.
<br /> - —•_-- Unless L.ender und Borrower otherwise agree in wrtting. any applicntion of proceed.s w prfnclpal shall not extend or
<br />- - -= postpone the due data of tha monthly payments referred to in paragrnphs 1 und 2 or change the umount of such payments. _
<br />- - 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or madificatton
<br /> of amortization of the suma secured by this Security [nstrument gruntcd by I.ender to nny successor In i�tcrest of Borrower shntl
<br /> — not opemte to release the liability of the orlginal Borrc►wer ar Borrower's successon in interest.l..ender shull not bo required to
<br /> commence pmcredingn egefnst any successor in intez�est�r mfu�e to extcnd time far puyment or uthenvi�e modify amoniuition
<br /> .
<br /> of the sums securcd by this Secudry Ingtrument by reuson of nny dcmund mude by the ndginal Bormwcr or Rorrower's
<br /> i - = ruccessors in interest. Any forbenrance by Lender in ezercising any right or remedy shaii nm be a wuivcr of ur prcriudc iiic ° °
<br /> exercfse of uny dght ar temedy.
<br /> 12. Successors an� Asslgns Bourtdi Joint and Several Liabilttyi Cu-slgnerF. The covenants and agre�ments af this
<br /> 5ecu�ity Instrument shall bind und benefit the successors uad u,signs nf I.ender nnd Borrower. subjcxt to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint und sever.J. Any Borrower who co•signs this Sccudty _
<br /> lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Inswment unly to mortga�e,�rant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Secur�ty lnstrument;(b)is not personally obli�ated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agre.es thut L,ender and any other Borrower muy agree to extend.niodify.forbear or �
<br /> make any acoommodations with resard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument ar the Note wtthout that Barrower's wnsent. -
<br /> 13.Loan Cbarges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which seu maximum loan charges.
<br /> and thut law is finally interpretal so thttt the interest or other loan charges collected ar to be coUected in connection with the �
<br /> loan exoeed the permttted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge =
<br /> to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bornower�vhich exceeded pernutted limits wjil be refunded to �«
<br /> Borrower. L.ender muy choose to make this r�fund by reducln� the principal owed under the Note or by making a dimct F���=�_
<br /> payment to Bornower. If n refund reduces principal, the re�luctian wilt be trcated as a panial prepayment without any �'-"�'
<br /> ''�� prcpayment char�e undcr the Note. �
<br /> .�:-.
<br /> 14.NoNces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry lnstrument shall be�iven by deliverin�it or by mailin� �����
<br /> �` it by first class mail unless applicable law requins use of another method.The notice shaU be direxKecl to the PropeRy Address �
<br /> es b notice ta L.ender. An notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to � -'
<br /> o r u n y o t h e r a d d r e s.g B o r ro w e r d e s i g n a t y Y _ __
<br /> L.ender's address stated her�in or nny other addmss I.ender designates by notice to Bonower. Any notice provided for in this , '-
<br /> - - � �' Security Instrument shull be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given sis provided in this partlgraph.
<br />���� �rr_����� 15.Governing Law; Severabflity. This Security Instrument shal! be govemed by fcderni law and the iuw uf Qie - .
<br /> ..s judsdictIon in which the Property is locuted. in the event thut any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ,,, "`�;., .
<br /> •� .,�; conflicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which cun be
<br /> _"��;_ �iven effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and t{ie Note are declured
<br /> �+� "z� to be severable. •
<br /> r ;. .�;�`• 16.Boreower's Copy.Borrower sh�ll be�iven one conformai copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. ,
<br /> .���,���• Form 3028 9l90
<br /> _ Pogo 4 016 ,
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