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<br /> e�ouxily tor the gerfarmance of tY�� indabtedrxeae ans� ob3.igatiane ��cur+ed
<br /> heraby, all prepaid rent� and all moneya which may have been or may herea�tta�r•
<br /> ba depoeited wlth �ruetor by aay leasee o£ the Prop�rCy, to seaure tha
<br /> _,�.-----.__ , p�ymsnt o€ �ny z�ent or damagee, and upon ds�ault in the perfcarmance of anX o�
<br /> the provi�ione herep�, Trustor agreee to deliver euch renta and depQeite t�o �
<br /> 8�ne�iciary. Dalivery nf written notice of Benoficiary's exeraiee of �he
<br /> righte granted by this pazagraph THIItD to any tenaat occupying the PraperCy
<br /> or any pertfon thereot ahall be euff3.cien� to require �aid t�nan� ta pay eaid
<br />_ rent to Beneficiary until further notice.
<br /> �Tlg�. If there ehall be filed by or agaiaet Che 7'ruator any pat�ti3on
<br /> or proceeding ee+eking any arraxigement or compc�mition or ex�e.u�inn of atay
<br /> - other relief under or pursuaat to the Federal Bankruptcy Cede c�r arly other
<br />"�� simflar atatute as is now ar her�after isa effeat, or if the Trustor shall be
<br /> adjudiaated bankrupt or ineolvent or ax�y of Trustor's propex�ty ehall have
<br /> beea aeques�tered and such decree aha11 ha�re continued undischarged aad
<br />�-- - unetayed for�90 day� after the entry thereof, t.L^��n the whole of �he Note and
<br /> indebtednese hereby eecured shall, withou� nQ't�.ce, at the option of the
<br /> --_ Beneficiary, become due and payable.
<br /> � -- FIpTH. TTpon default by Trustor in the paymeat of or perfoxmance of the
<br /> terme and conditions of the Note, or any renewals, modification� or
<br />- executions thQreof, the payment of any other iaadebtednsea secuxed hereby or �
<br />- --- in the pe�formanae of anX agreemeat, covenan� or warranty hereixi contained or
<br /> set fo�th in any agreement or instrument executed by Truetor in conaection
<br /> - -- = with the indebtedneae hereby aecured, Beneficiary maty declare all: aume
<br /> :;. �
<br /> -. � eecured hereby immediaCely due and payable and the same ahall thereupon
<br /> ,_-_ ,- ,, - _ _ . ���� ��Q � p$p�Zsa �ri rhout presentment, demand, protest or nvtice o� any
<br /> k3nd. Thereafter, Ben�ficiary may deliver to Truate� a written declaration {
<br /> - of default and �demand �or ea1e. Trustee shall have tho pvwer of sale of t2ae
<br /> Property aad if Benefi�iary decides the Property is to be aold, it shall
<br /> deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note ax notes and any othez
<br /> documeata evider3cing expendituree secured hereby, and sha].l deliver to
<br /> Trustee a wxitten notice of def�ult and electiop to cau$e the Property to be -
<br /> eold, and Truatee, in turn, ehall prepare a similar notice in th� form
<br /> required by law, which shall be duly filed for record by Trustee.
<br /> (a) Aft�r the lagse of auch time ae may be required by law following
<br /> the reaordation of Notiae of Default, an� notice of Default and Notice
<br /> r of Sale having been given as required by law, Trustee, without demand on
<br /> - ` ''�� Truatar, ehall s�ll the Property hereinbefore described, and any and _:
<br /> every part thereof, in eeparate parcels or en masse as the Trustee may �
<br /> ; � elect and in suah order aa Trustee may determine on the date and at the �
<br /> tice of Sale at ublic auction to _
<br /> ce deai ated in said No , P
<br /> ;:t�= time and p�.a gn _
<br /> �_,,�,:,�;;�:� .. the highest biddex, the purchase price payable in cash in lawful money
<br /> of the United States at the time of sale. The person conducting the _.
<br /> � eale may, for any cause he or she deems expedient, poatpone the eale =
<br /> �^�; from time to time until it ahall be completed and, in every euch case, _
<br /> s; -�-�='- ' ublic declaration thereof by
<br /> ...; +�{;;.�:- notice of poatponement ahall be given by p
<br /> ?��'� * such eraon at the time and place l�st appointed for the sale; provided,
<br /> . �c��;;�`. P -
<br /> '���°��1:�;�'::.� if the sale is poatponed for longer than one (1) day beyond the day
<br /> � ,, ;,,,�'�•-'r�; designated in the Notice of 3ale� notice thereof shall be given in the
<br /> . w:.«�°::.��.;�. same manner as the original Notice of sale. Truatee shall execute and
<br /> , y..:. .,,:,
<br /> �:.�:;-:.3'.�;;;�',� deliver to th� purchaser its DQed conveying the property ao sold, ut
<br /> a;q;.r=,�;s<:;";:�� without any covenant or warranty, express or i.mplied. The recitals in
<br /> ��'' ''�" �;"'' � the Deed of any mattera or facts shall be conclusive proof of the
<br /> .,;��,�.�f;;,,;.,;:..�
<br /> ^5�;;�,�.�1.�,•j�..�, trcct�fulnesa thereof. Any person, ineluding without limit�tion,
<br /> .,�;,-,;.:. BeneEiciary or Trustee may purchase at the sale. Said sale shall be
<br /> ' '� '�� `� conducted at the real estate forming a part of the Property or at the
<br /> court house in the county in which tMe Property to be sold, or some part
<br /> - � tY�ereof, is situ�t�d.
<br /> :.s; - -:-T- --
<br />,- � `� . (b) When Truetee sells pursuant to the powers herein, Trustee shall
<br /> ': >I y�� '•" apply the proceeds of the sale to payment of the costs and expenaes of
<br /> •�T.�,r,��r_ •:__, . �
<br /> �,.��.. �., .•. exerciaing the power of sale and of the sale, including, without
<br /> ';,-y'-Y� �.'�' limitation, the payment of Trustee's fees incurred, which Trustee's fees
<br /> ��`'�T�� ���'`. shall not ia the aggregate exceed the aum of Five Hundred and no/l00�h
<br /> ��.:� ,:_ ,;
<br /> :�;-:•'.,. : . Dellare ($500.00) plus 1/2 of 1� of the amount secured hereby and
<br /> - remaining unpaid and then to the itema set forth in subparagraph (c) of
<br /> �_�� � this paragraph FIFTH in the order therein etated.
<br /> „ �` �;i:;,•'�d�� �
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<br /> ti-i'� i;�Si .
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