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<br /> � interest at the rate heze�.nafter providad qha21 conetit�Ce a ln.en,�up±�n.: the
<br /> Property, ahall be aecuzed by thie Daed of Trust, and ahall b� irx,r�td�.�tely
<br /> due and repayable to the 8enefiaiaryf (h) not to sel� th2 Prop�zt��+- csr �uay
<br /> _� portion thereof without the approval of the Benoficiaxy, in wr3ting�� and in
<br /> the event oE any eale herein prchibited, then the eati�re indebted�ae��t .x�ecu�ed
<br /> by thie Deed aE Trust ahall, at the option of the 8eaeficisry, ber.c� due aud
<br /> _- payablej (i) thaL• if the Property or any paxt or parcel �h�reca�: sha11 be
<br /> taken or dam�ged under the power of eminent domain, the aw�xd for aay
<br /> Property so taken or damaged (including severance damages to th��rem�.i.r�in9
<br /> premis�e) ahall be paid to the Beneficiary and applied in full crar• i�, p,�.rt at
<br /> - — the option of the He�efieiary in reductian of the indebteds��as: b�reby
<br /> - - - secsured j t j) that the Henef iciary ahal l have the right to� i.��ct the
<br /> - Property at such reasonable times ae the Beneficiary may deaire tc ��letermine
<br /> - Trustox's compliance with the covenar�.ta contained in this I?eed�a�, 'Ih.'n?GSt�: lk)
<br /> tha� t3ne Benefiaiaxy may releaee from.•the lien hereof any part o�r p�ircel of
<br /> •t the Froperty without rec�uiring any cr�nsidP�ation therefar, and� (���) that
<br /> Trustor i� lac��ul].y eeised ra�� �a�s��premises aad Praperty in fee sirr�a�, �hat
<br /> the $ame are free £rom all li�:ia� andl e�aumbrancee except as .may� o�h�wise be
<br /> epeci£ically noted herein or waiveal• �a writing by the SeaeE��i�t that
<br /> Trust�r wi11 execute or procure an.y fl�her neceesary asaurancea c�f�tr��le and
<br /> does hereby warrant generally thQ ti�le to said Pro�rerty and w�.l�l.' fo�r�ver
<br /> defend the same againet the cl�ix�ts and demands of all persom� wbu�m�QSVer, and
<br /> that Trustor's separate estate, whether vestec�, .contingent or �,n�expectar�cy, . ,
<br /> ie hereby coaveyed and Trustor does hereby expressly waiv�, �elease all
<br /> �;`' rights and benefits of any hamoetead, dower, cur�esy, appraisement, exemption �
<br /> and stay laws of this atate. It is ag�reed that the interest� prov�Lcltcal� �o� in
<br /> subsection (g) above ahall �� c�t the same rate as specifi�d i� the Note
<br /> � _ ; , =. _ $Q���� hArPhy �n the princiFai thereof after default and�mat�urity.
<br /> �.r. � .��.,SCONA. �In the event Trustor., v�ithout the prior v�it�en caasemt of
<br /> ; , �� � Benefi�iary, shall sell, tranafer dr �oavey or contract to ael�l, tran$fer or
<br /> convey the Property, or any pask thereof or any intexes� therein, tho �ntire
<br /> • �" � �.�.,'�;. balance of the indebtedness hereby aecured 8I]8�� I�@CbII:@ and be immediately
<br /> t.. due and payab�e at the aption mf Beneficiaxyj provided, hovrever, BenQf3ciary
<br /> t._,�,;.z�'�:,� may waive such optz�ion to accelerate if, prior to suah sale, trarafer or
<br /> �����`��~� e�".�'r���' convoyance or �oa�rac� therefor, Beneficiary and �he person to whom�, the
<br /> i+�.y..,e.r�N:,,`.
<br /> � � ;;..n,,..: property ia to be sold or transferred reach an agreem�nt in writing that t e
<br /> �c "^,. ,`,�j' •r �redit of euch person is satis£actory to Beneficiary arid that the interest
<br /> yV.YI
<br /> - �J:11!�r 1..:'1.4':,5
<br /> �.. i _.. �aayabbe on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at suc rate as
<br /> - , ��"^ Ben�fici�ry shall requeet.
<br /> �Aur�yf�vj�s:�: .va q f
<br /> •1'3/
<br /> `�' "�'�'`" That as further security for the payment of the Note �a�d the
<br /> �:.-
<br /> �r. �` � � �-- iadeb�.edriesa thereby evidenced and the pesformance of all of the tierate, Y
<br /> '�;.; ��•°: .f�� n=� covena.nt� and conditions hereof, Trustor agrees that Beneficiaxy ahall and _
<br /> ==���-� � does her�by have the right, power and authority during the continuance of _-
<br /> -: :',,, ;, this D�eed of Trust to collect the rents, issues and pzofits of the Property -
<br /> anc�� c�f any peraonal property located thereon with or without taking
<br /> ���= ,' peseession of the property a¢fected thereby; and Trustor hereby absolutely -
<br /> � and unconditionally aseigns all such rents, issues and profits to Beneficia- _-
<br /> "` ` ry. Beneficiary, however, hereby consenta to �ruator's collection and _
<br /> �. �' reten�ion of such rents, iseues and profits as they accrue and become payable _
<br /> `•�� � � `� eo long as Truator is not at such time in default with reapect to payment of _
<br /> : any indebtednese secured hereby or in the performance of any agreement k
<br /> ,. hereunder. Upon any auch default, Beneficiary may at any time, either in f
<br /> � ,�,�; person, by agent, or by receivPr to be appointed by a court, without notice
<br /> ;`:��°.�:•, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtednesa
<br /> "z� ,����;•<:�� . , hereby secured (a) enter upon and take paseession of the Property or any part
<br /> �,��'' �' therenf and in its own name sue for er othexwise collect such r�nts, isaues
<br /> and profits, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> � costs and expensea of operation and collection, including reasonable
<br /> � attorney' s fees, upon any indebtednesa secured hereby and in such order as
<br /> - Acanr�firiarv mav determine; (b) lease th� same or any part thereof for such I
<br /> ;; rental, teirm and upon such conditions as Beneficiary's judgment may c�ictate
<br /> �� � '., or terminate or adjust the terms and conditions of any existing lease ar
<br /> � � leases. Unless Truator and Beneficiary agree otherwa.se in writing, any
<br /> •- application of rents, iseues or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> � shall not extend or postpone the due date of the installment payments as
<br /> provfded in �he Note or change the amount of such installmenta. Th� entering
<br /> � upon and taking possession of the Property, the collection of such renta, ;
<br /> - isaues and profits, and the application thereof as aforeeaid, shall not waive
<br /> or cure any default or notice of default hereunder, or invali.date any act
<br /> • � done pursuant to euch notice. Truator assigns to Beneficiary, as further
<br /> . '.
<br /> '� �' - - - - -
<br />