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<br /> __� ----�. - � f7.R'rap�fi'rr uf i�� rY`ivj�c'si a��t Sr�ikirt�iai��.-t in Sor,n�es.If a14 or of the ar�n int tn it
<br /> y F� �Y Y �
<br /> ie sold or transfe�d(or i8 a IxneCcIal b�terest in 8orrower is sald or tcsnsfem:d and�rrawer is not a�natura!per�wn)wltha�t
<br /> - - _—�__..� I.endcr"g �srior wrfttcn cansent. Lender m�y, nt its option, rec�uire hnnxdiete �Snynxnt in fu(I of atl sums se�ured by thia •
<br /> — Security instnn�ient.However.d►iA optlon shail not be cx�rcised by Lendcr!f exerclse Is proltibitecl by fe�erxl lRw as of etio du�a
<br /> uf thls S�curity Ingtcument.
<br /> If I.ender oxercises thle optton�Lender sha11 give Barrower nottce of ucalerntion.The nntice af�uU p�bvldo n period of nr,t
<br /> tess th�n 3Q days from the date the noticc ia deliveced or mafled witiein which Borrower must pxy ell Rums�ecurod by thix
<br /> Socudty Insttume t.if r�+ay[tf n�1�topny these suma prlpr to the expiration af this perlod.I.ender mpy invoko any c�emodia
<br /> permittei by tttts�u S�j'�i.Ii}�tty�nt.wtthout furthcr natice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> _-�- --—__ �' 1g, Csor;;owe;p•.Zi�j�,t�s..,�tcSi�to. If I3orrolver mcets ccrtaia condit�ons. FMrrnwr.r qhell have tir� rigl�t to have .
<br /> enforcemeat of tNa.5ocuinty inctr�inaenc discontiaued ac any time priar to the �arUer of: (a)S days (or such other pe�ad ws
<br /> — applirable !aw mey spxifjr for reinstutement) before r�le ef the Property pursuaat to any pc►wer of epla containal in thin
<br /> - - Securlty tnsuwaent;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing ihis Srcudty Insaument.Those eonditions are that E3arrower:(a)p�ys
<br /> L.ender ell sums which then would be due under this Security Iosuument utd the Nate as if no eccelen�tton fuW�ccuaed;(b)
<br /> - cures any default of any other covensu�ts or agre�meats; (c)pa s WI expenses incurre� in enforcing this 3ecur(ty Insuumc�►t,
<br /> insludiag but noi timited W.reasonable attorneys' fees; und(d�tal:cs such ection as(.ender may n�sonably e�equlre to essuze
<br /> tE�at the lien of thts Sesurtty Insuumcnt. Lendcr's r�ghts in the Properry aad Borrower's obllgatiun to pay tha�tir.�.4 secutr,d by
<br /> _-_ this Socurity Insuument ehall watinue unchanged. Upon reinstaument�by Borrower. this SecurIty Instrum�t a�d the '
<br /> �," obligations se+;ured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration hnd oocurred. Hawcver. thia right to rcinstatc shatl
<br />-s not upply in the casa of accelorailon under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. �ale ot Note; Cdange of LoAn Servtcer. T'i�e Note or a parti�).inierest in the Noto (together with this Securiry
<br /> - Insttwnent)may be sold one or mot+e tlmes without prior noGce to Bormwar.A sale a�ay result in a changa in the enaty.(known
<br />_- -- as the "Loan Secvicer")that vollocts monthly paymema due under the Note cind.eht�Security Instnunent.TIIEPC 8IS0�1118Y b8 OA0
<br /> _ - - or more changes of the Loan Servicer unreiated to a snla qf td�Nate. If there is a change of the Wan ServicPr�Bo�rtiwer wiil b�.
<br />__ given writtea notice of the change ia acrordanaa with parx�raph 14 aiwva and applicable law.Tha notica wil!state thc aarnc sad •
<br />� � addness of the new I.oan Servicer and the address to�vhich payments should bo made. The nodce will also wntain any other
<br /> ir�t'omtadon required by applieable law.
<br />- 20. HaTardovs 3ubstances. Bar�ower shall not r,�use or permit tha pn�smnce. use,disposal, sWmge. ar re�a�se of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the PropeTty. Barrower shall not do, nor altd�w anyone else to do, anything:;��F�'ecti�g•ths
<br /> - Pcoperty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The precedirtg two sentences shull not apply to the pmsence, usa. or
<br /> storage on the Property of smail quantttleg of Hazardous Substances th�,t are ganeretly reco�aized to bc appmpriate to nomt�l
<br /> : residendal uses and w malatenance of thc Pmperty .
<br /> Borrower shal!promptly give L.ender written noticc of any investigatton..elnim,demand,lawsuit or other aatlon by atly
<br /> �;;���• governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving tha Property und itn,y Hazardous Substance or Envirbnmenta!Law
<br /> I��� of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower,te�►ms.or is notified by�any govemmental or mgulatory upthority,that
<br /> �� , any remova!or other remediatlon of any Harardous SuM;tance affecting tho Pro�SRtty ts Recessary,Borrower s1�a11 promptly tafce
<br /> r ,,... , all necessary remedial actions in accordance with finvironmental Iaw.
<br /> - As used in this paragraph Zu. "Hazardous Subscauces" tue those�ubsinnutm deiiaexI ns toxic ur 1tiu�udtius sii�isitdi�;s $y
<br /> � �nvironmental Law ahd the follawing substances: gasolirte. kerosene. othor 8ammable or toxic petroleum ptcsducts. wxic
<br /> ' ! pesdcides and hecbicides.volntlle sol��ents,materials containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde.and radioactive cnatc�luls:As usai in
<br /> • ' 'sd tion where the Pro as•located that
<br /> . i r ra! laws and laws of tha. uri ic
<br /> ntal Law" means fede p�y
<br /> thi�paragcaph 20. Envtronme J
<br /> - ralate to health,sefety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> , NON-UMFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower and Lender further covEnant and agree ss follows:
<br /> 21.Aooeleratioa;Rrmedies.Lendea shatl give notice to Borro�a�•r grlor�to acceleradon foUowing Borrawer's breach
<br /> � of any covenant or agreement fa this Security Iastcvmeat (but not pdor:ta�cceleratton under par.�raph 17 uNess
<br /> °�-�� appUcable law provides utberwise).The nottce shall specifys (a)the d¢fautCa(b�ehe action cequimd to cure the defanit;
<br /> (c)a date,not less than 30 dtivs tt�om We date the nottce Is given to Borrower, y wh[ch the defuult must be cured;ae�d
<br /> (d)that failure to cure the default oa or before the date specified in tha.aatice muy result in ucceleration of tite sums
<br /> ��. � secured by this Seturity Instrument and sale of the Property.The notice st�all further infor[a Borro�ver of the right to _
<br />- rei�tete aRer acceteration and the rlght to bring u conrt actton to asscrt the non-extstence of a default or eny other
<br />_ � defense of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is ttot cured�mn or before the duze spedfied ia the notice,
<br /> Lender,at tts optton,may require immediate�u+yment in f'ull of aq sunis�secured by tl�is Se�nrlty Instrument without
<br />°'� fiarther demand and may tnvoke the power of sale nud any other remedlee permitted by ap Itcable Iaw.d.ender shnll be
<br /> eaNtled w collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedtes provided im this paragraph�i,includin�,but not limtted
<br /> - to,reasonable attorneys'[ees and costs of tide evidence.
<br /> • �+' If thepower of sale is invoked, Trnstee shall record a nott�e�f daf�ult in each coamty ln�vhtch any part of tfi�
<br /> ;'� " r Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prir:cribed by applies�9e law to Borrower and to
<br />;�. �, "'� the other persons prescribefl by applEcabte Iaw.Aftcr the Nme required�y appltcable law,'Crusiee shall gdve publlc nottce
<br />--���, ��;,. of sale to the persons and in ihe manner prescribed by applEcabte law.Ttvstee. without demand on Borrower,shutl sell
<br /> `���, • �=",a the Property at pubitc auction to the highest btdder at the dme nnd Q�tace and under the tera�s deslgaated ia the notEce of
<br /> '+"�;,� . sale[n one or more parccls and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sape of all or siny parcel of the
<br /> ' �,��.��:�'.;`' • Property by publtc annouacement at the time and place of any pr+eviously scheduled ssile. Lender or its designee may _
<br />�� .�•�:, purchase the Property at any sale.
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