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<br /> ��g� condemn�tian or othtr tnk?ng,of any paR of ths Pr��x�ty,or fi,r cnnvey�nce fn lisu of ce�+�ier��tion,a�r hereby a,►�ip�e4�rd :,
<br /> shall bo p�fd ta l.ender.
<br /> In tnG event of a tatxl tsking of the H'opC�y. the proceeds sArll ba o�►tint{ tu tt►e E��me securecE by thlx Sauri�y
<br /> Instnemertt. whtthar ar rxK then du�.with emy ex�xs��id tp l3�xrow+er. In,�hn,�v4at of a�utial t�ku+yt Q�d�,�y►�
<br /> which tlk gair marlcot vxlue aY t}►�l�rape�ty imrnodi�tely brfore the t�lcia�is�w�W or gnater ttW�n the rdwwK od d��
<br /> sa:�bY this Secudty lnunuinent immcAi�tely befor+e the t�kinQ.anlear Bonower and Londer o8�awtie x�roe in writi��.,.
<br /> thc Eume securcci by this Security(nxuument Fhall be reducs+cl by tho s�maur►t of the p�oceeds pwhip�led bY tbe,trdto�►ie�
<br /> � --- -_ --=� t�asac,�i: (a)ti�c tui:►1 a�ituuut uf�h�;�ur�3s:e�urad im�ti�sly�*forc t�e-t��inN,�tl[i�!(I F1�1[�1j I+1E�R�t 1171l�'I(E1 Y.fIYO O�.IFIG
<br /> �pe,rcy fmmoe„�iy aefo�a�ne c�ng. My bnW�re ahaU bn paid to Bartawa. U����„e ot�a�ut�ki��e� � �'..
<br /> Propofty in which the fair ma�lcet value of the P�nperty immedi�tel b�fora tlre tallcy�ts lei:dun the auna++ttt d tl�e�
<br /> P� M
<br /> °-- —= secured immediately bcfa+e the tslcinp„unless Bortower end Le �Whrrwise sgroe in writing os�unkss�pplic+�bb �iw
<br /> �, -- ottxrwise pravtdes,the proceeds ahalt be applied tn ttK awns�cured by�his Sccurity Instrumme whethcr ar na the sun�uia
<br /> �= thsn duo. �
<br /> _ If the Property is abandoixd by 8otrower,ni lf.after notiax by Lender tu Batrowar tfut the condemnor o1't2ta to�
<br />�'_= an award or settla a clatim far���u+ges,Borrower f'�1{s tb respond to Lender wi�hin 30 daya nfter t!M date the nntir.e ls�iva�.
<br /> l.endcr ia authorized to collcct and appl'y the piacad�.at its optlan,e[ther w resfo�ation a t�e�sair of tlie P�+aperty ar to the
<br /> �;�( sums secured Dy tbls Sxurity instrumen�whether or not then�itu. �
<br /> , Unless Lander nnQ Bom�wer oeheiwlse agc�ee in writIng,any ap lication af pioceed+ta pctncl�al sh�ll not ex:end ar
<br /> ""' postpana tha due daUa of thc monthly paymenus referred to in paragrappl�s 1 and 2 ar change the amount of sustt paymenW. ,
<br /> ���� B Lender Not a Wiiver. 8xtenstan of the dmc fdr paymmt or
<br /> 11. Bornrwer Not Rcka�ed; F7�rbesr,��lce y •
<br />�� rttadificatlon of umord�.utton of the sums securq�t by this Sicuriry Insuument granud 6y I�nQer w u�y sucoessor itl in�tnst .,
<br /> of Borrower sltall ndt operate to•release the IinbIliry of the original Bomnwer or Borrowerb surrxssas itn inte�est.Lend�r •
<br /> ° t
<br />::}-, shall not be cequired to commence pr�ings ogeinst any sucoessor�in Lturest�r�efuse to cxtend timc f��ay�w.t c;
<br /> = otheiwise modify am�rtizatiam of the su�ps secnrai bp this Sxurlty Iastrument by nawn of any demand madc by the original
<br /> Borrawer or Bomewerb successors in inutss� Any forbea�nce by Lender in exercising any nght or remedy sh�U pat ba a •
<br /> waiver of or preclude the exe�+cise of any asht or remedy.
<br /> 12.Sua�ora and As4igns Bound'.Joint and Sevsral LiabWtv;Co-s3�nera 'ltte covenants and ag�oemeQts of thla
<br /> SecurEry Insnument shall bired mtd benefit the successots and assigns of Ixnder and Borrower.subject to the prov�sion.s of
<br /> para�mph l7.Sotrowerls covenants and agneaments shafl be.�oiat and several. Any Borcower who co-slgns this Seceirity
<br /> � ;,+ Insuumeait but does not execute thC Note: (n)is co-signing this Serurity Insmiment only m mortgage.grant and cor►��t�ihst
<br /> Bormwerb intemst in thc Prop�rty under the tem�s of this Security Inswmcn� (b)is not pessonallY obligaud to pAy tk��sums
<br /> secured by this Sec�nrity Insteumen�and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Horrower may ag�ee to eamad,modify.forbeu �
<br /> =- or maice any accommodations wlth negurd to the tenns of this Security instiument or the Note Without that Borrowet�
<br /> �. consen� �
<br /> , , �,�,��� �p�r toan �cured by�his Securlty Inswment is subieCt to a iaw wtdch sets maxiarom Ioan
<br /> i��� :`
<br /> ,,r� churges,a��d that law s finaUy interpreteA so that the interest or ather!oan chtuges collectsd br to be collaxai in cannccfion
<br /> � with the loan excee�ihe permtucd limits,then: (a)eny such loan charsc aha116e reduced by the amu2tnt:a�xessa�y to�eduoe ;:,:,,,;�
<br /> . the charge to the peamiued limi4�d(b)any sums a3r�estdy collected from Borrower which excee:ded patmitted limits+v�1t be �°� ;:'.�.
<br /> refuuded to Borrower. L.ender may choose to make this�efund by reduc�ng ttea principal owed under the 3�9ote or by making a ;:���:Ci��
<br />- ` � direct payment to Borrower. If a refnnd reduces princtpal.the�educt{�n will be treated as a partinl prepaymenc witl�out any ''^:�•;s;�
<br /> - .:';�':s• " , prepayraent chnrpe under the Note. � "
<br /> __ ' ���`'':��` ' II�,.Nottces. Any nodce to Bvrnower prc�vided for in sfils Securiry Instnsment sha�!be given by delivering.#F;tir by
<br /> _ ,�,,,,�, � malWeg{t by fust class mail unless applIcable law myuires use oY aaother method.'llte naQice shall be dl�eciod to the F'iopetty �•,.„ .
<br /> � r� • 'e!�'�. .` AdMass or any oth�r addrESS Bomower designatcs by norice to Lender. My notice ta Lender shall be given by first ctass
<br /> � �• �. • mail to l.ender:s address stated hcrein or any other address I.ender designates by norioe to Borrower. My notice provided For
<br /> " ' f;r.�, in this Security Insdument shull be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when given as pm�vlded In this
<br /> �° �.,� : ..�`,,,;,_;;;,,,' � .
<br /> �+ .�y: :�� � P��Ph•
<br /> i5. Governtng Luw; Severabfldty. Thia Securiry Instrument shall be govemed by federai law and the Isw of the
<br /> ;,� • • � jurisdic8on in which the Property is locuted. In the event thnt any provisIon or clause oF this Secwity Inspument or the Nole
<br /> ^" � ;�.'�� conflicts with appGnable law.such contlIct shal!�ot uffect other provlstons of this Security[nswment or 2h�Note which can
<br /> • ��{�°'-°� �-`��• �` ' be�iven effect without the confltcttng provision. '[b this end the provisIons of th[s Security Instrument and th�Note aze
<br /> • ��.� -.•;_:;;�•r::.••::r '. � '�,
<br /> ;.. �.. .- . . ,. � declured to be severable.
<br /> '�' y�, ....,:.:. I
<br /> ' t.,; .< •�-• 16. BorroweP's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Nooe and of this Security Insuur�ca2t.:�• •
<br /> '��� �� � � Il7. 'llrenster of the Property or a Benettcial Interest in Borrower. If alt or any pa�t of the Property or nny intcre�'t in
<br /> ,�� '- ;..r:�.;:;:.'.
<br /> �;; -.' it is sold or trnnsfermd(or if a beneficIul intemst in Borrower is sold or t�nsferred ac►d Bomuwet!s not a natural person)
<br /> ' 1'•' �� without LenderTs prior written consen�I.eeder may,�t Its option.require inunedlata payment in full af s+l1 sums�und by
<br /> '� � ��� this Security Insaumen� However.thi�s optlon stuill nut be exerclsed by Lendet if exercise is pmhibited by fedeml law as af
<br /> - t
<br /> � • the date of th[s Securiry Insqumen�
<br /> If Lendcr exercises this optian,Lender shall give Borrower norice of acceleradan. 31h$notice shaU provlde a peaal af
<br /> � '" not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower mnst pay uli s�uns secured Dy this
<br /> ;�,;.' '' � �n Security Instrumens. i�Bomower fuils to pay these sums prior ta the eapiration of this period, I.ensler may invoke us�y ,
<br /> � „ remedies permitted by thia Security Insuument without further nodce or demund on Bamuwer. .
<br /> 1& Borrower's Rfght to Retnstete. If Bortower meets certaln condltions. Bomower shall have the right w hnve .,
<br /> � � � • ' enforcement of this Security insbvment dlscondnued ut any time prIor to the earlier af: (a)5 days(or such other Aeaiod as
<br />- t. • • . � " � ' Single Pomily»Fbnntc MedFYeddk Mnc UNINORM INST[tUMEIV'!'--Unitorm Covcnants 9190 (page�of.6�agos►
<br /> 1 . �. ' ' ��, , .. .
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