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<br /> . .. .. .• : , . _ _ �.. .
<br /> - ""4_ -''.;��..�_ �._- -- - -
<br /> ___.,_ _-- _ _ -- --- ��--�--n-�---�-�----_�,_ ___ - .
<br /> _ . . _ " ti„ .�� . . . � . .. , ��;� �� ..� � � . .. • :. : ..:�-i�_-��-
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<br /> " _ � .. � .. . _ .� �. ._ ; - ���� �'���. ._ "._
<br /> pwiu�dR th�u i.tn�ier irequlrao. 'tT�s i�unr+x carrier provl�alin�ti�t inwlr�npv �f'�a by Bo�tc���ibjec�t�ia.�.�tnda'1�
<br /> _ __-- --- c+{�{Sxi�vd�i whicb dtull�Nx t�wtrr�Wy wlad�id. lf lE3�crcr«ei Y+dl�,p.0 i��,�!1; 1 f;r�;[p+{F,�4ry�uit',�1,�lwvc,Laxirr wU�r,r�
<br /> I.a�derh upcicm,c�ln cavt»�ps w pt+nd�x:t Lcrederk ri�in oho rig tf�.�Qn� ,,.a�itll�iYM�i if �• " , ,
<br /> A►!1 iRUr�a Pdic:iea and teeowrls�lull b�e acceptrbie m 1����I,�nC, # �y�c1�a+�. l�e�i/b�
<br /> ' Klwll hava dw ri�ht ea bold Ihe Qdicie��t�d tar�ew�s. If I.ende+r tequl�p�,�r1�r�!iv't���}���j��'+►etiDo'�:�ebd�aq�eaip� „
<br /> QL���11E111�111q�iql�7q1�WrI OOfjCE�. Lll l�ltl OYQ1►t(�IqM��Q�1Ml4r l�R�,EjJ1YG�lM�,��,�4 ille IUf1�AD�C�If�� ,.
<br /> ��.�aa: �,�ae��.y��ra��t�a�,.ae r�r�r�. � �-
<br />_ - �_ - ___ _ .� lSnle�I,erKler Nnd t�xmwer dhecwi�e aeree in writin�s.in.�u►n�,ncc{xnoa�ds�htAA.t��+1Kf�?tt►reMMr�nM3n��u n�ir M - _
<br /> - , ti�e �rapertr�ed,if the rostor�tion or rep�fr i�economic+RUy�fe�niWp:+�„l.�ni�I�,��itS�t�i�� 1u+�r�aa. K dM ,�
<br /> mtontjan a. 1�not econornictlly fwibk or L.eride�t�xcur��y.w�lck,Aci lc�+a�d„i�4(i�A�+u�ce pnceed��tQ bie ,. ,
<br /> �pplkd to ttMe sunu eosurea by this Secudty Ins�rurns+at�whethe.r ar.nut tlxaa fit+h wiRh� $�qk�s P�id to Aarrow�er. !f
<br /> F3an�awcr�bnndo�u the Pt+�peety,a docs not�n�wer V�rithin 30 d�y�s�pcMk�t h�qm,�.�h�t the St�•curier b�
<br /> offetad t�eettk a cl�im,t}�en I,.eader mw�colkr:t thc ins��nu�cC pmr,ceds. L.ar�x mpy..u��tt►p,p�t►4�ode w repir cr rep�e
<br /> the Pmpc�ty or ta pay aums securod by thu Secudty Insmimcnt,wi►�;hea�qr.txtt the�du�4,,Th��;�+lr�(,period will beain whep
<br /> .� the�►tic.�:i4�ivrn.
<br /> Unless Lsnc�r and Soimwer ott�erwlse �ee in wdtip$,aniY t+PPlic�ttpq qti.ptpFxcds,rtq�p�.t►Ci,p�l sh�ll twc Sxtond a�
<br />� pactpone the due du�e of the rtwrtthlY paYmenu�eferned to tn pa�n�giapbs t and H orG4t,r,p,F. �apunt of the puyt�nt�, lf�
<br /> unclrr p�ragraph 21 the Prapttt}! Ie acqulred by l.andert,Borrowerb right,to t+�►y�.inSt�c�t�4 p�{qte�and p►ocacls+�r�wlting ..
<br /> from danwge to thc Propecty pnar to the acqu3cltian shau pasa to l.snder.tn.d�p.exte,ps,pf.ttrr�,w?p�;,{s,ecucrd by thls Saurity
<br /> In�fi�mont rm�nediiteiy prior to tha acqulsidon.
<br /> �. Qccwp��cy, Pres�rv�tia�, M�i�tcnaace and Si�otastinn,af,tha�P�p�+rtyt.�►RV'+ Lw� Ap�yc�t�au;, ,
<br /> I.aaehM6�. Bulmwer s�tull occupy.establish.and ase th�+Pcaport5'.as$om4wct�prin�l,p�F,�,{�?�x within stxry d��!ts�ftec .
<br /> Ihe exexuiion nf li�is Socurity 6�stiu�netd wx!si�at!c�1tI�11Pa to oaxupy t}�a•Ptt�p�t�as,,�q�q�t's prit�ipai�rsiciG[�ce for at .
<br /> ���� I-�ast ar� year aftrr tAe d�te of occupancy. untpss l.endor otlx�wLus og�s� in„wrldR��!►r�ich consent shall not be
<br /> unseasonably wlthLeld,or unless eatenuatlu�g cir�umua�ces exisx Wbla�►tt�beryros�l$qXtpt+���.�n�th+ol. Bomnwer sholi txrt
<br /> destroy.dvnuge or impair the Property.alla�v�tha Prnp�rty to.deLCri4mW,ar�an0.mlt�p�a�tq��tb��s�p�rty. Borrowcr st�ll .
<br /> be fa default if any forfeiwn sction or pcpceedtng,whethpr civil or.�rirq�tta�„ia b�µp,�t'.�q;�,ts�pdcr�s gc�od faitb j�igma�t
<br /> coutd result in forfeit�rc oY the Propert�r,ar.�thtxwise mazeainlUp;im}�ir�:thp�,li�,�.ptaci �y�;,thia Securiry Insuument ot
<br />- Lender�isecuriry Interest Bomower may curq,such x default And�elnstate,as,prprs3a{�d:;n pwcagr�ph 18.by cwsing the setion
<br /> -- WProcecding to bc dIsmissed with n ruliaE thst.in[.ander'�goo�1 in.ith,de,�s�f'llt��lA�Iudes fotfzidue of the Borrower�s
<br /> intenst in the E�ropetty or atiter materiu!impaimtetat,nf.thp.11qra�t�d b�t,tt4is�� ty Insuum�ent or l.ender�s sa7dity
<br /> iateres� Bomower sliail silso be in default if 3orroivei..dntittg,tht�,la►�„�p,�jQcation pr.�cess. gttve materiaUy false or'.
<br /> inuccurnte infonnadon ar statementa ta l,ender tor fnila4 ta,pu�p►!id�t�n�t.at�9t,P�y material Informatian)in connscsinn with�.
<br /> _ the loan �videnced by the Note. irtciuding. but not limitq¢,to�,[ep�,9a�e{�tipq►y�c�nceming Borrower� occupancy uf ttee
<br /> ;.-� Pmpe�y as a princiPal�sidence. If chis Securlty�nsuum.�t,is un�a le�ss�9ttr s��mra�es shall compty with all tt�proyislnns
<br /> --`, - ' af the lease. If BorrovJer uires fee title�Ro tht,Pro
<br /> arq p4�t�!i thfi d�+lsatw�ld A�d Rhf�fee ti►!e shall nat mergc unless Lenber ogc�ees
<br />.�i t011iC IAC(gCT.�A WIIItIY�. .
<br />_ 9. i'PO2ecHou ot Lender's R3�r�iini,Rtlk,PropGrty�., !f��BaArqFvsr fails to perfortn the wvenants nnd ag�eemants
<br /> contnIned in this Security Instiument,.�oz,tlt�,is.,t�le�ul pm�irg:that may signifcantly uffect Lender�s rights in the.
<br /> - Property(such as a pmceaiing in 6anlwpuy,p�d8i�,,fpt�ondemnatIon or forfeitun or ro enfor�ce laws or re�Wations).then
<br /> tsnder may do and pay far whatever is�eoesstt�sq,pr tect the vulue of the Pro�end Lender�s rigt�ts in the Property.
<br /> L�ender�s acUons may include puying any su�s secut;�cl�j�..n lien which has priarir►ov+er this Security Inshumen�appenrEng
<br /> in court.pay�ng reasonable uttomeys'fces and enrerirtg.on the Ptoperty to make repairs.Although I.,ender muy wke action
<br /> under tMis paragraph 7.Lender doas not have to do so.
<br /> � Any nraounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shaU became sddidonal debt of Bon+ower secunM by this
<br /> Security InstiumenG Unless Bomower and Lender ug�de to other temis of paymca�these amouats shall bear inierast from the
<br /> � date of dlsbursement at the Note rate und slwll be payxtde,with interest,upon.nntice from I.end=r to Bonawu�equesting
<br /> paymenG
<br /> 8. Mortgage Iawra�e. If l.ender cequired mortgege insurance as a condldon of mnking the loan secw+ed by this
<br /> Security Insuumsn� Bomower shal! pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insuranca tn effect If.for any
<br /> - maison. the mortguge inswance coverag�required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec� Barrower sh�ll pay the
<br />;;;:� premiums requtred to o6win coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage insuiance previously un effect,at a cost
<br />-, substunHally equivalent w the cost ta Boirower of the enoctgage insurnnce previo�usly in effect,from an alternut�mortgnge
<br /> insut+er approved by Lender. If substantiully equivalent mort�age insnrnnce coverage is not uvailnble.Hormwer shnll pay to
<br /> ;,n Lxnder ench month A sum equal to onc-twelftf�of the ycarly mortgage insurance piemium being p�ld t►y Borrower when tha
<br /> - insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these puyments as u loss ceserve In IIeu
<br />'��. of mortgage lnsurance. Loss nserve payments may no longer be cequired.at the option of L,ender.if moA�age insurQnce
<br />`:�" covernge(in the amoant and for the period thctt Lender c+equtres)provided by an insurer appmved by Lender again beromes -
<br /> avellable and is obmined Borrower shull pay the pmmiums c�equired to mainuun monga�e insurance in effect,or xo provide a '
<br /> '� loss reserve.untfl the requjrement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement betwee�Bonower
<br />�•,.� ,. ` and i.ender ar upplicable law. �
<br />`°; ' =�'':R�'! g, jns�zction. Lender or its a�ent may make re�.sonable entries upan and ia5pecdons of the Property. Lender shall
<br />';` �'~�1 s;�j�� give Borrower nouce at the dme of or prior to wt 9nspection specifying masonable cause for the inspection. -
<br /> •''"'" :'r`,�� 10. CondemnatEon. 'ltte proceeds of any award or clafm for damnges,dircat a consequential,in co�ection with atty `-
<br />, '`,Xj�'f,:�: r �:
<br /> �.,,t,^.tw�.,' :5 Single I'nmfly-•Fhnele McdEl�eddte Muc UNI[�ORM INSTRUMBNY--Uniform Coveanntx 9/90 (paKe d oje puRe.+) f:..
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