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<br /> — a«�ya�aaa nry r�a ton,�er bc rAqu�rt+�ii,x tho a�pNan or��dar: ir°mxcca�p ir�rwiai a,—da.�t:a:�-��r�� . � ..
<br /> tt�at l�e�xkr rc+�ulroe)i►r+�vlAai by�►n in�wrcr appruved by [xnJer xX�in brc��xnr#Mv�il�l+t�ud 1�oEita!nrd.l,�xrowrw rMt1 PY
<br /> - ilW prauiyp�A Ytyu�tdci tc�nuurlixln ux�r��y;r.incurxcv,�lil etir��t,ajr in pY.itlilC c�tusa i�srr�•c,w►tll Q�t scyuir.�nrn►frr,mmR�yc
<br /> iouur�uw+e nn��+in�;cu�nce w�l�h�r�y wrlu4n a�{�cKi�knt hrtwren&�tntiwet auxl.txnder ur�ppll�bte�lrw,
<br /> , !. xa�qNCtlwi. L.en�kr��r U� a�ent mNy n�wke rwr�x�et+t�e��wria apon�!in�pe�.�tk►rn af�M Pn�paty. ¢x+dsr�twll siw
<br /> H��rtowa�e�Nlro Nt the tinse uf ur pri��r t��Nn En�pa�tian K�xxifying raw��bla c�u�e fix tha inrpo�ctiun.
<br /> 10. Coai�+�lal: 'fhe prc�c�of any aew�r�d ur cl�im tar��a,diroct or cc�uaqu�ntW, in ootw+�ctbn widr ay
<br />- �._ _ _ --_--, cu�l�mnuUnn ur��ther taking af aroy part nf Ihc Prr�pe�y, ur tor rnnveyun�'e in liru of rnr�mrNAinn,�re harehy�i�r�d�pd
<br /> _ _ __ nhrll bo paid ta l.en�er. -
<br /> In the event of a tot�!taking of the Propetty.the procexd�ntull be rppi�ed ta the yume ea�uTad by thl�Socudty it+�teumeat.
<br /> whetixr ar na�t then�ae,with aiy exca►9 pald ta Borrawer. In the evrnt of�partid taking of she Pro�eny.in which tl►e fdr
<br /> muket value of the Prope»y immediatsiy bef.ore the taking ie cqusl ta or grenter thu►thc amaunt�f the aums eecured by this
<br /> S�curity insuument immaiiately b�forc thc taking,unless Bonower u�d Lender othcrwl�so agnr inwdting.the eutns�ocured by
<br /> thts 5ecu�Ity Inslrument sbaU be raluced by the smount of thc proca� multlpliod by tho followi� fra�tion: (a) the toud
<br /> sunount of thc sums securod irnmodiotely beforo the takiag.dlvided by (b) the fair rtuuket vpluu�nf tho Property �mmodiateiy
<br /> bcfore the taldng. Aay balance shall be paid to �orrower. In the event o�a partial takfng of thu�Praperty in which the fdr
<br /> market valuo of the Property immedi�.tely before the takjng is less than the amount of the sums�cui�d im�nodlxtely beforo tha
<br /> t�king,unless Borrower nnd Lender otherwise agro�in writiag or unless epplicuble la���athaiwlst pr�ovlds.w,the proceeds s�u11
<br /> bc oppliod to the sums secured by this Securlty Listiument whether or not the aums ara then dua.
<br /> If the Prnperty�is nbandoned by Borrowcr,or if.after nodce by Lender to Borrower that tha condemnor offens to uukc ui
<br /> � awae-d or �ettle a c(aim f�r ciamages, Borrower fails to respund to Lender within 30 days aftv[•dt�data the notia is given�
<br /> Ix�ier is aut�orized to collect and appfy ihe ptoaxds,sit its option.either to mstortttion or repair af Yho Property or to th�sutps
<br /> secured by this Scxurity Instruraent.whether or not then due.
<br />. — Unless i�ender and Borrower othenvise agree in wr[tit�q. any appli�aon of proceods to p(incipat shaA not extend or
<br /> : . , postpone the due date r►f the monthly payroenu referned to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the Qruount of such payments.
<br /> Il. Blfrmwer Not Releascd;�o��earance By I.endrr Not p Wa�ver.Extension of ehn tirbo�[or payment or modifi�ttlon
<br /> -- of amorti�ation of the sums secuded by ahis Security Inswmznt�Twued by L.encler to any suos�.sor•in insenest of Boirow�r sl�aU
<br /> - — � not operate to mleasq�¢fic�liability of the odginal Borrawcr or Ha�rower's suaessone in intere6t. Lander sh311 not be required W _
<br />_, ....�_— � , comrnence proceesfin�s�aiast apy successor in interest or reii�se to extend time for payment or vtherwlse modify araortizadon '
<br /> -- -- of the sums secured bX this Sesurlty Instnunent by reason of any demand made by the origin�l ��Wer or Borrower's .
<br /> successors In intemst. Aay forbear�we.by L,ender in exercisinu a�ry ci�ht or remedy shall aot bd•a waiver of dr pr+�rlude the
<br /> _ .��� exercise afany dght or�semedy. ' • ' , --
<br /> 12. Suoccsso�.m�d.Assigns Bound; Jotnt and.Several Ltab9ltty; (b-s9gaers. Tho covenen2s and�agreements�og 41i1s �
<br /> + . 6ecurity Insmiment s�tati bind and benefit th�suocessors aad assigns of Lenclar and Horrpwer._subject to th�}�rov.Ssions of .� '
<br /> pacugraya4� 17. Borrower's covenanu and agreernents shatt 6a joint and severai. Any I3�isawrr wt�o ca-sl�ns ttus.Secarity
<br /> Iastrument but does rtot execute ths iJote: (a)is co-signing this S�cwity Instrument only co xnortgage.grant and aonvcy that
<br />' Botrawer's jnurest in the Property under the terms of this Security InstNment; tb)is�not pe�sanally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instn►menr.and(c)agrees that Lertder nnd any other Harrower may agr�eo to extern4,modlfy,forbear or
<br /> - rmake any accommodations with regerd to the terms of this Security Instcument or the Nlota without�that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loau Ct�rges. If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to u!aw whieh sets maximum taan chnrges.
<br /> s�nd that law is finnlly interpreted so that the interest ar other loan charges mllected or to bo collected in connection with the
<br /> loan exceed the pettnitted limits,th�n: (a)nny such loan charge shall be reduced by tho nmount�ateressary to reduce the charge
<br /> to the petm[tted limit;and(b)any sucns already coller.ted from Borrower which exceedod perrz�itted limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lender tnay choose to make this refund by reducing the priRCipal owed under tD�o Note or by making a dtcect
<br /> paytnent to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction wil l be treate�i us a purttul prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge undcr the Note.
<br /> 14. Nottces.Any noUce to!3orcower provided for tn this Svcudry [nstrument shall bc�iven by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> It by first class msul unless applicable law requires use of unother method. 'ltie noticc shttil tw directed to the l�roperry Addmss
<br /> or any othcr uddress Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shnll be given by first class mail to .—
<br /> � L.ender's addmss stated herefn or any other uddress Lender designates by notice to Bonower. Any notice provIded for in this
<br /> _ ---= Secwiry Instrument stutll be deemed to have been given to Bornower or[.eader when given as providec!in this purugmph.
<br /> �� ' 1S.Coverning law; SeverabUtty. This Security Instrument shall be governat by faiernl Iaw nnd the luw of the _
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.in the event that nny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note _
<br /> conflicts with applicable luw. such conflict shall not affect other provisiom of this Sccurity lnstrument or the Note whtch cun be -
<br /> + given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note ure declared �.
<br /> '"�` to be severable. P�
<br /> 16. $nrrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given onc conform�.•d copy of the Note und af this Securiry Instrument. --
<br /> �, •?, Fonn 30e8 8190
<br /> �+! {�' Pupe a o}s
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