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<br /> - �. HrwM �r+.�'e�cfpMy itaur�nce. Elc�rmwer ehNll koop the impmven�nts nrr� exlMin�O�i��iiaecbd An �e �-
<br /> __ Prn�xty ttt�ttrc.a.t n�pir�st t�ss hy flra. hn�urds Incl:ided wi�hEn!hc tertn "r!ctenAnl c^t�vemge"nrxl Mny mher hKxardr,4neludir� .
<br /> t1�x�t,or Q�xKlinp, fur whtch Ix�rdtr rryulrcy I�ist�rrixr. 'Phis Insurx�x�e nhrll t�tn�Intdnr.d in tho umwnt��nd tcsr�1w periadc �
<br /> ttu�t[.ender ceyul�w.'Cho 6n�urmCa�Arrler pr��idin��hs in�ur�re rh�ll ba nc��xn t�y Bumuwer wb,fect ta l�encf�er'�y�proval ��
<br /> which sludl nnt Ix�unrc��n�l+ly withhrld. iP�armwer C�tl�tn tnalntwfn rnver�e de�ribed�IxwK. I.erl�er n�y�.M Lwd�r'�
<br /> up�iun,��lN�In�ywerx�o tu prulxt i.ert�dcr'e�i�hts In the Pmperiy fn e��wlth pwn�,rnph 7. "
<br /> All ln�un�x�o��x►llclea ard renow�IM ehnil !fc�coshtaffle tn I.ender�rtd ah�ll inrh�de a aanderd nwrt�ya clru�o. L.c»der
<br />–_-�--- _ � r:ha11 hacc t�t.rl;�hi:�o tiutd thoµallcic:.c►n0 j�an::e:�o!». if l.,cttd s r:.�ulrc:,.l2uisa::�cr shaU prnm�tlY�kvc to lrrr!�s ell rwYi�►,++�
<br /> prld premfuma xnd ar.rt,ew�!nuttas,in the avent uf tusr.Borrawer etutl�tve prumpt ratics to the in�uriuioe aarist�nd.i.endeR• .
<br /> I.cnder myy n�aku prout'�Y toss if not madc pcemptly by 8orrower. �"
<br /> Unlc�s Lc�xiar and Borrowcr athotwlsc�gc�cc 1n wdting�ineurana proceeds sluill be applted to rwwntian or mpqic of the
<br /> Property dsmogcxl,�9t'tlso restoration or npair ls economically fuslble and I.cnder's security f s not Icssonai.If tho rwtor�rciotl or
<br /> rcpnir is not ecannmlca�_ty ferr4!�4�er Lender'r securlty would be le�sened. the insur�nx procads shatl be apptiad to the Kura�
<br /> cxurcd by thla 5�urity Iasttument. whr,thsr or not then�iac. wlth�any ex.crss psld to Bonowcr. If Borrowu abaadom the
<br /> Property,or does nat answer wttbin 30 dsiys a nattco from Ixndor that the iasurance cariier h�s ofiered to eettle:cldm,ttx�
<br /> Lender may collwct�the insutance proc�cds. L.endsr may use tha procoeds� to npair or restore tha Propecty or to ppy eums
<br /> secu�ed by thfa Sec�rity[nsuument.whether ox rtot then due.Thc 30-day period wl!!begin whcn the notioa is giv�n.
<br /> Unless Lendoc uttd 1Borrower otherwise ngrce in writ�ng, any applicution of pmceals tu principal slsall not extend or
<br /> postpone tho duu�drtte•of the monthty paymenu referned to In paragcaphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymerns. If
<br /> under parq�rapb�31�the Prtoperty is s�qulced by Lender.Aorrower's rlgbt to any insurm�ce policies and pmoeods resulGng frnm .
<br /> �� ° dumage to tlto Mvpqrty prior to tlto ecc�uialtion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the eums seewed by this Security Iruhuu,ent
<br /> Iramedlauly pr�or ta thn ctoqu�isitivn.�
<br /> 6.Occu�xutcy,.Rreservat[ote,M�3�d�nance AcNI Prutoction of the Property;Borrower's Loan Applicatton;I.e�dr�lds.
<br /> Bomower shalt�oacupy,esWbti�h.and+ase the Progerty as Borrower's principal residence wlthin siaty days after the execution of
<br /> this Security instrument and shall�ceru�tinue to occupy the Property as Bomnwer's principa!�esidence for at least one year after
<br />— the dc�te of accupancry, unless I�:aader otherwise agre+PS ln writin�. whlch consent shal[na;bt untrasonabIy withheld;�rbhless
<br />= extenuating circumstances exist �vhich are beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Borrower shell not desh+oy. damage or i�i�lr the
<br /> Property,allow.aha�Fnc�eny to deteriorate. ar cannmit wuste an the Praperty. Borrower shall be in dafault if auiy Porfeiture
<br /> action or prooQedIpg;a��iether cIvi!or crimival.is begun that In Lender's guod faiW judgment could c+esult in fodeiture of the .;���:;;'�,:�,
<br />- Propetty ar oth�n�vise.materially impair the lien c�aated by this SecurIty Instrument or Lender's seturity inurest. Bornawer may ; ::;,�;
<br />-����� cure such A dofeult bnd relastat�.as provided ia paragreph!8.by causing the action or prcaoceding to be dismiascd wit}�'.a ruling � .
<br />� ==��' [hat. in i.ender's��nu�i feifi determinstrion. preciudes forFeit�re of che Borrower's int�res� in rhe P�operty or o�'irradc�iu�
<br />�:� � impairment of tho•2��,°.ra cteated by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty intemst. Borrower shall,alao be in default ff
<br /> '� , Borrower,during,tl;,�9a;ut applfcadon process.6ave matedally fulse or inaccurate informatim►or statemenis to Lender(or falla9
<br /> --x'-""–� to rov�de L.endar•wttit an macerlAl i�formation)in connectlon with the loan evidenceA b the Note.includln but not limitod
<br /> _ �;�� P Y Y S•
<br /> to.nprtsentndope concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrumene is on A
<br /> leasehold, Bor�awcr shall comply with all We provisioas of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tItla to the Property, the
<br /> - leusehold end tho�fec title ahnll not merge unless L.endxr agrees to the merger in wdting.
<br /> 7.Prot�t�4m of Lender's Rights in the Propeaty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and ag�+eements contuitkd in
<br /> this Securlty�Insuument.or there is a legat Pmec�ding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such os a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.probate.for condemnadon c►r fort'eiture or to enforce laws or regulations). then Lender may do w�d
<br /> pay for whtttover is nacessary to protert the value of the Property nnd Lender's rights in the Pcoperty. ft.ender's acttons may
<br /> inrlude puying�•ctny sums secured by a lien whic� hos priority over this Secudry Insut►ment. appearing in court. paying
<br /> �+easo�ble attnrnoys'fces and cnterin�on the Property to make repairs.Althou�h Lender may take actlon under this pa�ugraph
<br /> 7.Lcnder doos rtat have to do so.
<br /> Arry amounts disbursed by Lender under thjs parngraph 7 shall become additIonal debt of Bomower secured by this
<br />_ Security Instncmant. Untess Born�wer and l.ender a�ree to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear inter+est from the
<br /> date of dis�ursement at the Nate rate und shatl be payable. wtth interest, upon notioe from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br />. payment.
<br /> 8.Marigage Ir�vranee.If Lender required mortguge insurance es a coccditlon of malcing the losu�securat by this Secur�ry
<br /> ��'""`;:v'""� Instrurnen� Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insuranve in effect. If. for any reason, the
<br /> ' �`�� moR�,,rE inau�tCa covera�e requirofl by I.ender Inpses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requi:ed to
<br />�" obtain covesags substantially Bquavalent to the mortgage insurance previously ln effect,at a rnst substantially equivnlent ro the
<br /> cost to Bot�ower og the mortgage inaurance previous(y in effect. from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br />:. substantialty equivutent Aaort�a insurw►ce rnvernge is not available,Borcower shaq pay to Lender each month a sum equs�l to
<br /> ,,�1;�j on�dfl�r of the yearly mortgage inaurnnce premium being pnid by Borrower when the insurance rnverage lapsed or reased to
<br /> °�"`'` be�n eft'xc. Lender will accepi.use and retuin these paymena�as a loss reserve in lieu af �nartsage insurance. Loss reserve -
<br /> �,�..9. -
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