_ __ ____._.. . . `l .. .. .. � ... 7 ��.n
<br /> .__._.. ._.. . _. .._.. ... .._._ _. . /� . . , r�f���_�.,.
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<br /> ----- - s. ��' +P�sy�.'-=-:p ir:M.-�. P�rro°.r;.r sl�t!! �t!�f:.��ts r�rr eaiat4r� � A�R�x�_�!�.
<br /> !'roperty ins��m.�l�gainat less by firn. hmzards�inclucled'w�Ihin tha cercrS "extendcci caveragn" �rA ath+athcr hurarde, inc9ud[�
<br /> ftrwtls ar 4locrdi'�g,for cvhtch lncyulcr rc�ulrcn`iusura�i�a.Tiiis insurancc rlrall t�ntai►�tained in the:�yUt►nts uif3 fifr thc}��icx.ts - �
<br /> tlwt[.xrxlcr requlres. The insaranc�e canier providing tb�inyunuwe tihall be rhose�h by Bandwer subjcct tn knder'K�pprcyvut �
<br /> v�hich sh�ll nc�tt be unrea�onably wtthheid: it Borrawer f�ils ta malntain mvetxge de�crlbGd nbnve. ,Le�rkr may. �t t�r'a � ,
<br /> optlon.�6txin covcnge ta ptatbct l.ender's dghts in tha Praperty irt acrnrdiusce with parAgt+�i 7. ^
<br /> �. All inwreu�e policie9 uid renew�le at�all be aucqKtbla to Lerder�ud ahall laciude a sw�daed mott�ge cfause. I�ndsr -
<br /> ���-r.= - - -�
<br /> tihall have the rlR6t to hold the palic�iea aml renewais.I�[.ender cequtres,Borrowar shall prampdy giv�to Iticder a[I ra�pss of
<br /> pald premiuma and tsnew�t nodca.ln the evrnt of toss.plorrower shdi givo pnnnpt naicxi to ti�insur�►xx c�rrier�u�l��iec. _
<br /> Lender m�y m�kG pro�t of�oss if not mxie promptly by 8orrowtr. .
<br /> Unlxss Lender and Borrowar otherwIca egr�e In writing,insurance praceals shall he applled to;eston►tton or rep�iir of tho
<br /> Property danwgad,if the restoration ar ropair is econamicully fra�ibte and Lender's secut�ry is mt les.set►cd.If the re�tarat[on ot
<br /> xepair is rtot ec�onomf�ly feasibie or Lender's secudty woutd be lessenod,the Insuraixc proaods shal!tu applied to the sums
<br /> ----_ _ ��—�
<br /> secured by thia Securlty Insuument. whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrowar a6andons tAcs
<br /> Pwptrty.or does not answar within 30 days a natIce from Lender tiiut tha insurance currier hus offeral to.�tde a cluim,ttxn ��
<br /> l.ender may coYlect the insurance procodds. I.eraier may use the proceeda to repair or reston the Pxqpeny 4r w pay swns
<br /> secured by thia Security Insttument.whether ar nut then due.The 3Q-day period wttl begin�W11Cn thfl notice is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender nnd Bormwor otherwisa agma in writi�g,any nppllcatIon of proceecls�to pr3ncipat Rhall not eatend or
<br /> postpono tha due date of the monthly payment�referre�to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or cha�tge��the amonnt of the�ayments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 tha Property Is acqulred by Lender.Boaower's dght to any insuzance policies and pr.po�ds resulting from '
<br /> � ____ _ _ � datnage to tha Property prEor to the acy,uisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the suma setured i�q t�his Savrity l�wpumept , ` :
<br /> _ immediately prior to the acquisItIon.
<br /> _ 6.Occup�ncy,Pres�xvnHon,Matntenaa¢e and Protectiota of tde Property;Borro�ver's Loan Appiksttion3��-
<br />-- -- Bonower shs�lll occupy.establish.and use thn Property as Borrnwer's princIpal residence wlthjn sixty days after the exc�,utdon of
<br /> this Secudty InstrumetU and shall continue to oceupy the Pro�tty as Bormwar's prlacipal resldence for a�least ona y,c�r after
<br /> the dute of occupamsy�unless Lender otherwlse agrets in writing, which cousent shaU not be uareusona�ly withheld;or.unlesa
<br /> extenuatin$ circumstancev euist which are beyond Borrower's oonaol. Borrower shall noi destroy. daawge or in�pair the
<br />-- --- - properly.allow the Propec4y to detoriomte, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if aay�#'orPeiture
<br /> sction or procceding, whether clvil or 6riminal.is besun that in I.ender's good falth judgment cautd t�nIt in forfeltt�re of tha _
<br /> Property or otherwlse tnatedally impair the lien craated by this Securlty Instrument or Lender's securiry interest.Burrower muy
<br /> °-- cure such a default and retnstute.as provided in paragn►ph 18,by causing the actIon or proceeding to be dlsmissed witd a ruliag
<br />- --�:,�s that. jn ixnder's good faith detemunatIon, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's inrerest in ih� Property or other matcrrIttl
<br /> ��"'�� impafrmsnt of tha lien created by this Securtty Instcument or Lender's securlty interest. }3urmwer shell also be im�iefautt ff 3
<br /> - ?=-°'� Bonowar,during the loun upplicadon�process.gave materially falae or inaccurnte information or scatements to Lender(r�t falled
<br /> — to provide Lender with any material information)in conriection wlth the ioan+evtdenced by the Note.includin$.but not limited
<br />_ to,repmsentations ooncBrnjng Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal resIdence. If this Securiry Inshutaent•is on n
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If �otrower acquirc,w fee titte to the Pmperty, the
<br /> leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless L.ettder agrees to the merger in wr�dng.
<br /> 7.Protection oi I.ender's Rights in the Properiy.If Borrower fa�ts ta perform the covenants and agreements contained in
<br /> this Security tnsuument. or thare is a le�al ptnceeding that may sIgniRcantly affect Lender's dghts in the Property(such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy.pmbate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce tsws or regulat�ons). then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is neees.9ary to protect the vulue of the Progarty and L.ender's rights!n the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> include paying any aums secured by a lien which has prlority over this Security Instmment. appearing in court. payin�
<br /> reasonabla attornays'fees and enteriag on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under thia pacagraph
<br /> i`�� -' 7.t,ender does not hav�r to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under thia paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />= Security Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shnit bc,ar intcrest ft+om the
<br /> • datB of disl�ursement at the Note ratc and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice fram I,ender to Borrower requestins
<br /> � .� payment.
<br /> _, S.Martgage Insurance.If L,ender requlred mortgage insurance as a condition of makin�the loan secured by this Security
<br /> = Instntment. Borrower shalt pay the prcmiums required to maintnin the mortga�e insurance in effect. I�, for any mason. the
<br /> �nortgage insurance cuverage requtred by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower sh�ll pay thc premiums required to _
<br /> : obtain coverage substanrially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the _
<br /> y. cost to Horrower of the mortga�e insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If `
<br />_� substantially equivalent mortgage insurunce coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sam equal to `
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being pajd by Borrower when tho insurance covera;e lapsed or ceased to =
<br /> •� be in effect.L.ender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in ]teu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> Form 9028 8/80 --
<br /> Papo 3 a s �`
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