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<br /> � R'a�n���C�1�M�a���� �����i�,• .. �� .
<br /> fixtma► now ar heryceRe*. a p�qt M,tha proP'atY. Ail. erpl�essMe� aM1 edda�tiaM riru'1�'b� oov�d sy �r S�rriO' •
<br /> Instn��+xnt- Ati uf tt��f��tgu3np{9n seCerml tn in this Secnrfty'Irtet�utnent a�s the"Proprrtv." - , ° ' �
<br /> �QltROWF,�t GAV�NANTS thNti t�bh'oWtr!s Inwtuily�rti�ed af thR ptMe htr�y comeyed and hrio the dK�w t�+� .,
<br /> oonvny the Prapnrty snc!th�t the Rnpeprt�r,is u�,exapt for ene,u�bconca of reccxd. IMrtq�'wrrr�atc aad vrlU
<br /> det�end�eneally t1�.dUe to the P��x+rty e�insi�11 slwra��d�:'wbjr�.t w at�y�ot'record.
<br /> THl.B SI�UAITY INSTRtJM�NT oambit�et tvriforrn covenmt�for n�t&�nal ruo aad non-uniiocm oovan�at��►vith lipdted.
<br /> wti�tion�bY juri�ctlon to constltuta a.t►nitam aecudty i�trunaent coverinR rnai per+pecty. .. , � ,
<br /> !Jl�uFJF.l�!�!►EN1'„P}'i'S.$o�`��r s�Fc9 L?�rt�r s�*ve�►+�ar nnt!n�rr.�►r.s fol2ow�� _ .
<br /> �. l�y�al,f�[PiriNClpd�ad„��if+e�'1�� N'�P�y���� L� Hoaowa sla�lJ ptotnptlY PN! �� �� . ,
<br /> prL�cipwl of.aixi ini�er.asi on the debt avld�ved by cfir Note and�y prepf�ymaat ancl9�te ctu�r�s due under.ihe Nata. �
<br /> 2.Fti�ds t�,Tazea end Iaiwtant�i Subjoct ta applic�bte law or to a wdtun w�Iver by�.ender� Bormwer�11 p�y tn .
<br /> Lender an the duy�;inanthlY paYmcnta�.due uqdec the Nate,until tha Note is pafd Z�fult�a sum t"F�nds")for:f�)y�9�
<br /> a�i assessmenc���tich may attnin pr�odt�t,over t�+is Securiry Tnstcument as a lien qn the Properry:(b)Yeuly leasdHald prymx�u
<br /> oc groun�!rents o�n 1he Property.if aq}�t(+trp Sreazly hazard or property insmm�ce�remiama.(d)Yeatly flaxt Insun000 pnefniwm,
<br /> if any:(e)ya�rlyi;mortgage in�uc�Ptq�tiu�ms, if any;and(�any sum�payabte by 8orrowbr to l.endrx,Ia accardance with.
<br /> tha provisi��x of para�graph 8.ln liQU of,t�e paymeitt of mortgago insurance,premlum9.Thase itema one ralled"Escrow Itarm."
<br /> Lendar may. at trny timB. collc+�a and,fiia1+� �'uceds in an acnount not w exceed the.max[mum aar�aunt a leuder fox a federal.ly ��
<br /> nlated mortgaga�Aoan muy rcquire for�srrower's escrow aocnunt under the federi�l Rwl ��tete Settlement Procadures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amcndai fmm time W dtt�e. 12;�3.S.C. Sectlon 26UI et seq.("RRSPA"),unless anatber law thnt appUem to the Funds
<br /> scta a lesser amrr�ant.,�f'.sa,:�,,ender mqy!��at eny tIme. coUect aad hqlti'�.ui�ds iR�aawunt not w eacau! the ltsser amount.
<br /> Lendcr muy esti�tta4te�etra�unt of Fwsds due on the basis of currcnt:��i•�n1 r�ur�t►ta.estij;�atea oP�xpe�dltureS.af futura
<br /> E9CTOW IIGJ7IS Op�(11,�lBiW�SC itk�t�ordcunaqr with appUcable law. � . . •
<br /> The Fundr� sh�tl be habd��n•an�inFtltudon whose deposits aze insured by a federai ngency. Instrumentakity:;,.+vi entiry
<br /> (including I.enaitr.if�I»cnder is suclt uu+itj�t�tuth�m)or in any Federat Home L,oan Bank.L.ender shall appfy tho Fu'ntig:to pay ttus
<br /> Escrow itema.I.�ndear inay not cherga Bnr�i.�wcr ffor hotding ond epptyir�td�e Fuads,ennually analyxing ihe escrow a000uat.or
<br /> verifying tha EsaY+aw 9tems.u�l�ss I.andur�ays Borrawer interest on the Punds and appltcable law per�at�ta[.ender to malce snch
<br /> a charge.Hovirzvitr.Lender m�1y�sec1uj�r&�rrowet to pay a ane-tlme charge for an indeper�dent resil estate tax rep�rting service
<br /> used by Lender irt connection•u�fttt��ttti� loan. unless applicablc law provides otherwIso. Unless an agireement ia made or
<br /> applicable law reRu�res interest ao.6d•p�ed�+�.cader shull not be required w pay Bonawer any interesi or earnings on the Fun�s.
<br /> Bormwer and Leader may agrc�In wrtdtl�,�ipwever.that interegt shutl t�a paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Bormwer,
<br /> without churge.un o�nr►wil nccounting.of,tita E'wrtds. showing credits and debits ro the Funds und the purpose for whIeh each
<br /> debic w che�u�was niado.,"I'izo Fun�r,un�ir�igexi ns awsai;�r�ra1 ec�x.surity for afi su�:a�.'i;t�d by ils�s�ccurity ins�i. .
<br /> If the FundA held by Len��exceod the amounts permitted ta t�e held by appl3cabYP law, I.ender shall srcnunt to Horrower
<br /> for the exoess Funds in aocosda:�aa withith�r�uirements of�upplicAtiie law. If the amuunt of the Funds held by I.ender at ftny
<br /> dme is not suffic�ent to pay tha Fscro�H•Itornss�vhen due,Lcnder may so aotify Horrower in writing.and.in auch case Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Leader the araaunt naoes.9ary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall mnke up the�ciency in no more than
<br /> twelve rrwntlily paymeats,ut Lender's�lo discretion.
<br /> Upon payrctent in fiill of all sum�.secured by this Sealrity Insuument, I.ender shall pnomptly refund to Borrower atty,
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If.undcr paragmph 2l. l.ender shall uccjuire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the aoquisitlon or saie
<br /> of the Propttrty.shall apply any Funzis�Aeld by Lender at the t�me of ucquIsition or sate us a credit aguinst the swas sectu�ed 6y� .
<br /> this Security instrument.
<br /> 3.Appltrntlon of PoymentA.Untws applicubla law provides otherwise.all payments recelve�i by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 und 2 shal! be applied:first,to any,pn.�payment chnrges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under ptua�raph 2;
<br /> third.to interesc•due:fourth.to prinrapF!due;nnd last.to any late char�es due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Char�es�Ltens.Borrower sh�Upay all trixes.ussessmenu.charges.fines and imposittons attributable to the Property
<br /> which muy attain priorlty over thie Sea:cufty Insnument, und leasehold payments or ground rents. if any. Borrower shat! pay
<br /> these abligutiona in the mAnner pmvide�l[n paragraph 2,or ff not paid in that manner,Bonower shall pay them on time diractly,
<br /> to the person owod payment. Bomo�ver shall pramptly furnish to I.ender ull natices of amounts to be paid under this paregraph.
<br /> Tf Borrower maS;es thesc payments dittt�ly.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the puyments.
<br /> Borrower�leall promptly dis�ha�g�a�y lien which hus priority over th(s Securtty Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the p�yment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> by, or defenda,ngninst enforcement of the lien in. legal prc�ccedin�s which In the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the _
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c1:�ecurBS from the holder af thc lien an agrcement satisfactory to Lendar subordinnti�g the lien to
<br /> this Security Instrument. If ix�r.'1�.^r deter►nines thut any part of thc Property is subject to u lien which may uttain priority over �
<br /> this Secur[ty Inxtrument.Lender mmy�.tive B�rrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sat[sfy the lien or take one or
<br /> rt�ore of the actions set fonh above within IO days of the giving of nottev.
<br /> Form 80x8 9/80 -
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