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':'�- ' • �•..- . /l � ..._. -�- --— <br /> -., <br /> � . , . ' �... _ . . . ..._- <br /> • _-'_ <br /> '_.- - ' <br /> ,. � .i . <br /> �.� ... �.. . _. _._— . _....."_'"_.._'�.. _r�.�_-,.-_..-:,-..—__.__ _T_. <br /> ,.�' .� ,��. .. <br /> __.. __ •' -- _. —,. .'�.�.._ <br /> _ . ' .. _ _ .. '" ' � . -. " .. <br /> - . _ . �� <br /> - - Q ���� - - - _ <br /> ecmdemnatian or other taking of any pan of the I'ropertp.cN far eanveyrnce in lirtu af c�ndemn�zion.rre t�ercby asr:�nod xrd <br /> — - shYll be puid co l.ender. <br />— — in thG event of a total tuking af ihe Pruperty.cha �r�c:�edw xi�il tie applic�to the num� ecceurr.d by thi} Ssturity <br /> inatrument,whether or iwt tdcn due,with�ny_excexa p�W tn Br,�nowe�. 1n the event of�pnl�l Wcin�of the Yropactp in <br /> which�he fiir mvkee v�lue of tho Prmixrfy imanedi�tely bet�re tt�e taking in equ�!to ar Rrc�r�h�tn 11�anwwK°t�h�°u'� <br /> Re.tiurod by thia Securlty Inxtrunaent imnsediately befosr�the tacin�.unku 8omdwcr aod L.ender atbe���i��� <br /> the eums sesund by thl9 Secueity l�uwment al�d! be reduced�l�tM�unouM ot thn{�ceed mult <br /> - - ----- frcrtton (a)ths tot�t r�►tn»nt of the s�im!�r+ece+�cd Immulietely befara the taicing,divIdcd by(b)Ihe fair nwr�tet vAb�e pf lhe <br /> Property immediiuly befa+e ttee t�lcin�. Any balaoce shall be..p�id to 8orrower. In tt�e evq,nt of e p�mai t�klm�of the ,• ` <br /> - Property in which tho fair mukct valuc af thc Prnperty tmmediatety befcn�e the nek�ng ia less than the�unount af the awne <br /> - — secured immuiiAt��y before this taking, uniess Borrower wnd Lender aherwise ugcee in wrlcing or unlesa opplicabk law <br /> °� wherwise provides,the proceeds shall bo:ipplied to the sums secured by this Sa:udty Instrument whether ar not che sum4 ace <br /> then due. <br /> - If the Proyerty is ubandoned by Borrawer.or if.nRer noHce by Lendar to 9or[ower that thc condemn4t Pffers to mnke <br /> - -- san award or r,ettls a clp3m for dnusages,Bo�rower fails to tacpond tu Lendor N'Ithin 3�duys after the date ttu nottce is given, <br /> r Lender is authorized ro collect and apply the procecds.nt its optlon.either to reswration or repair of the.RvpKrty or tn tl�e <br /> sums securr�s�d by this Security Insintment,whether or not then due, <br /> :'� Untess Lender artd�armwer othez�visa ugiree in wdttng,any sipplication of praceeds to pri�clpal shaA not extend a <br /> = postpone the due date of dre manthly payments referred co in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change thc amount of such pa,yments. <br /> 11. Barrovrer NW Rekased; Forbearsnce By Lendee Not a Waiver. Extension of tDne time fos payment or <br />::'� mpdificaticm af umortlzudon of the sums secund by thie Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any saccessar in inurest <br />' of Bpmnwer shall not opemu ta ielense tthe Uability of the ori$iaal Bortower or Borrower�successois fn intenst. Lender <br /> shali not 6e mquired to commence proceedir�gs usr�in�t uny successor in interest or�fuse tn eatend Wne fox payment �r .... <br /> utherwfse madify amortiizatlan of the awns secured by this Security Instrument by�euson of any denwrtd�rttade by the original <br /> Borrower or Bomower�successors ir►iat.�rest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisIng any dght pr�ranedy shaq not be a <br /> waiver of or precludo the exercise of any dght or remedy. <br /> la. Successora and Assigas Bourtd;Joint and Several Liabi[ity;Co-signera The covenants and�remenu of this <br /> � 5ecuriry Instrument shall bind and beneft the successors and assi�ns of Lender and Bomawer,subject to tha pmvislons of <br /> parugraph 17. Borrower�s covenants and agneements shaU be jotnt and saveral.Any Bomnwer who co-sjgns thls Securiry <br /> Inswment but daes not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this SecurIty Insuument only to mti►rtgaIIe.grant and oonvey that <br /> Bairower�s inte�st tn the Property wtder the teims of tlxis Securiry Instnamen� (b)Is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> ' secured by thls Security Insttument;and(c)agrees that Lender attd any other Borrower may agiree co extend.modify,fo�eur <br /> ' or make any nccommodutions with t�egard to the temts of this Security insqvtreent or the Note witltout tha.t Bar[owerh <br /> consenG <br /> �_,__-:_�+.. _ 13. I.oan Cha�. If the loan secured by this Security lnsuument is subject to a law which seGs mz+ximum loan <br /> eharges,sind that Iaw is finally intetpreted so that the intetest or ather loan charges eolleeteei or ro be coltected'un conrm:tiun <br /> n <br /> with the loan exceed the permltted ltmtb.then: (a)any such Iow�char�e shall be reduced by the umatnt necessc�ry to reduce <br /> .y�7. the char$e to the pemtitted Gmt�and(b)any sums alreacly collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limtts will be <br /> ���4% <br /> ia: refunded to Bormwer. Lendar may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the lVote or by malcing u <br /> , � direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reducrion wd16e treated as u panial prepayment without any <br /> -.�, t�:,�� `s,��?`.� prepayment•chargeundertheNote. - <br /> ''� ��'���`� 14. Notices. M notice to Borrower rovided for in this Securiry Instrumenr shall he given by deUvering it or by = <br /> ,Y. ���'•7�'t Y P =: <br />_ i,;h,Y • '�,. . , mailing it by fust class mai.t unless upplicable law requires use of onother mathod.The natire shaU be directed to the Property - <br /> '�'�';'� �*''�'���?�`� Address ar any other address Borrower desi�nates by nodce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shnll be given by firss clat;s � <br /> �,. ti_,.;,..... .� <br /> �t+�' � •°,�?th mail to Lender S address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bomowar. Any norice provided for �!�` <br />'` �`'°'•' "sr`' in this Security Instrument shull be deemed to have becn given to Bormwer or Lender when given as provided in this �__� <br /> c ':;.3���1•,'.: ��.-. <br /> � +e' rF . P�S�Ph• ..ii,�": <br /> `�. 15. Covem[ng Law; Severability. This Security inswment sh�ll be govemed by federa! !uw artd the I�w of the :(--: <br /> "�'� ��� jurisdiction in whlch the Pcoperty is located. jn the event thut any provision or cluuse of this Security Instcument or the Note �f'� <br /> �'�•'�`O`:"�"�`"':�"''' conflicts�vith�pplicuble taw,such contlict shnll no�affect other provlsions of this Security Instrument or the Noie which can ;• ; <br /> A "•""','�"�`�''•"`�'-'�"' be given effect witS�nut the conflicting provisIon. To this end the provisions of this Securiry [nsuument and the Note tue ' <br /> i:i-:�;"_:.^,�. . �:�:-_•. <br /> .:�•:��- ._• , declared to be severaBie. � <br /> .r r.. <br /> • .;�;;'-.` ��. .' - � 16. Borrawer's Copy. Borrower shall be giver+one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> �f•:",:�,, ,: 17. 7lranster of the Property or a$eneflciaf lnterest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property ar any interest in '1 • <br /> `""`'''"�"'�'•" it is sold or trnnsferred(or if a beneficial interest ia Borrower is sold or transfemed and Borrower is not a naturul per.�n) <br /> - '-'� ' wjthout Lender�prior written consent,Lender may,at its optian,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> �� •• °;:�:°'!��V this Securiry Instrument. However.this option shult not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of '� . <br /> . '` '' �'" the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> . �;;:,;�. . <br /> _ -�;, .•�ti,- If Lenderexercises thts oprion,Lender shnll�ive Borrower notice of accelerntiun. The nouce shnll provide a pedod of <br /> =' � � not less than 30 days fcvm the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ull sums secured by this �•;;'' <br /> .,},>,�^.:` Secutiry InsttumenG If Borrower fuils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, I.ender may invoke any • <br /> .�`;,, remedies permitted by this Securiry Instrument with9ut further notice or demand on Bornower. <br /> �•..: <br /> -, , � d8. Borrower's Rl�ltt to Rein4tute. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at uny time priar to the earlier oF (a)5 days(or such other period as <br /> :r�;�,� � . � Singic Frmily»Fannte M1t�elEteddto 117ac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-•Uniform Covenana 9/9A (ju�Rr 4 nfn pox�es► '' <br /> �r,,,, ..,, '�� <br /> r�S�Y"`' i <br /> ��:.,�_',. . . .. , <br /> .. . . �_,,, T . . <br /> ° •- :Z=� . � �''.i;:)lr,v^ ---- - . - . •'.iw'��2F�;'7:3.°.,�Y•: 1;f..'..,. ..�'�-'tr•«�eY,;-_ -'• .. . ..._....__ <br /> . . . . ,��J���. <br /> . , • . � . - . ... � - . '� <br /> _r�i � _ _- �_� _-11_..____ -_- ____-___________-___. _-_-__________-_._-__--_�_._-___-___-___- _--__. . . <br /> - --- ---- -_ -- ----- -- --.- ---_ - - - -- ---- - <br />