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<br /> TOUE7'Hl�R W(TH all Uio improvett�nts rn�w ot ltttcattcc uected an the presperty,nRd wil easemente,eppurtenuicea�
<br /> - n�uf fixtures now or herenfter u part of th�property. All eepfaccnte�its�nJ uddid��t�y shsll nl�o tx�ccsvcrc�i by this Secncaly
<br /> Instmment. All uf thc f'oregoing iA eefesrcd to in this Secutity InsttumEnt ay t�e"Pr�jty."
<br /> BOR4tOWG�R CnYHNANTS that Ho7rower ie lawfully�selrsed of Ihe e�utc�t�nby coevcyed Mnd h�u thc d�ht to�ritot
<br /> ond convcy th�o Prapecty und that tho f'reperty ix unencumbzred,dxcept fix encumbru�re�of rocard. Barower wrrrant��nd
<br /> wfll defend�enetnlly tho titb to thn Penpetty a�d�uct�II cielms�nd dcmands.subjtct to�ny encum�es of ra:ord.
<br /> -- _ - _ ,
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBIV'f combin=w unifrnm covcnw►u+ for naHonal uae and nan•uniforro.covenant� wl�h
<br /> �- - --- limlied vartnriona by jutixdIctioii to coiu;ittuto a u�iif�rurr.ccurlty li�struu�cnt covc�ing Drapttty
<br /> UNIEaORM C(yV8NAN1'S. Botrower and l.e�xler covenant and�gc+ce as followa:
<br /> -_-r; l. Plryment o[Princ(pel�nd Intera�Preqy�aeiot a�d Late Ciuu�es. Bortower sluill promptlY paY when due the
<br /> • pdncipal of and interest on the debt evidenr.cd by the Note and any prepayment and lata charges duo under the Notc.
<br /> __ 3. �wtds for 7Yxas aod Iasarat�ca Subject to appUcublo law or to a writtea waiver by Lender.Hon�ower shaq pay to
<br /> �---= Lender on the day monthly puyments nre due under the Note.until tho Nota la paid In full,a sum("Fluide")far. (a)ycarly
<br />__=_ taues and assessmenta which may attain prforlty ovcr thia Securtty Iaswment os u Uen oa the Property:(b)yearly leuschold
<br /> — paymenta or gcound rents on tho Property, if Any: (c) Yeszly hazerd or pmperty iasoraa�ce pnmiumst (d) Y�TIy floa!
<br /> insurnhce�memiums. if aay:te)Yeaz1Y rttortgage insw�na� pnmiuma. if aay: and(�nnY aums payable by Barmwer to
<br />°it_� Lender.in rucordance with the provisians of p�gruph 8,in lieu of the payment of mo�tgsige lnsurance premiums. Tliese
<br /> ' hems ore called"Escrow Items." L.ender may.at any time,collect and hold Punds in an amount not to eacxed the rnaximum
<br /> t��+� r�mount u lender for a federally c�lated�rtortgAge loaa muy requlre fo�Borrower`s escrow account under the ferlernl Rcal,
<br /> -r Esuue Settlemeat Procedures Act of 1974 as ameaded f�om time to ti�e.12 U.S.C.§26p1 et scq.l"RESPA").unless anadxt,
<br /> ��r__ law that applies to the�nds seu a lesser amouat If so,L,cnder raay.at eny Hme,collect and hoid E�Unds ia en amount not,ta
<br />;;�y� exceed iha fesscr amoun� Lender may estlmate the smount of F]�nds due on t6e Na.cis of cucmnt dam and masoaa�a _
<br /> estimutes af expendidu�es of futuce Fscrow Items or otherwtse Ia accordance wIth applicuble law.
<br /> 'Ihe ELAds shall be held in an institudon whose deposits ate insumd by a federal ageacy.instrumen�ality,or entity —
<br /> ��- (includiag I.ea�der.if Lender is such an insdtutIon)or in siny Federal Home Loun Bank. Leader shall apply the Funds to pa}�
<br /> '�• the F.scmw itcrns. Lender may not chorge Borrower for holdin�and applying she Funds.Annaally analyzing the escrow
<br /> ``� accaunt,or veiifying We Fscrow Items, unless Lender pays Bormwer iaterest on the Pbnds snd applicuble ktw permlts
<br />- Lender tn malcse such a charge. However.Lender may n�uire Sorrower to pay u one•time charga for an ind�pendent rcal �
<br /> m
<br /> estate wx reportiag setvice used by Lender in connection with tl�iis loan,unZess applicable law provides othenvise. Unless en
<br /> apeemeat is made or applicable law requi�interest to be paid Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowor uny intenast or
<br /> � earnings on the Funds. Botrower and Lender may agree ia wrldng,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendea
<br />— shall give to Bonower.witLout charge,an annual accoundng of tha fi�nds,showing credits aad debits to thc Punda nad thd
<br /> -- �; purpose for which each debit to the�ads was made. The FLnds ac+e pledged as additioaal security for all sums secured by
<br /> � -- - ;F , this Securlty InstiumenG
<br />"�- If the FUnds hetd by l.ender exceed the amouncs permitted to be hCld by n�iSlearile idtti.Lendar sltall acxau:si to
<br /> :�r,, Borrower for the eacess Flmds in accondunce wtth the requirements of applicuble law. If the amount of the FLnds held by
<br /> �� }�; l,endor at any tirae is not sufticieat to puy che Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Horrower in wciHn�.and,ia
<br /> such case Boirower shall pay to Lende�the amount necessary to matce up the deficiency. �orrower shall make up the _
<br /> -- � deficiency in no more then twelve monthly payments,at l.ender s sole discretion.
<br /> �+� _ r':. �:�.l,.,ti`-•�; Upon pAymeat in full of all sums secur�ed 6y this Securtry Instiumen�Lender shall promptly refund to Bornower any ---
<br />�s, � ,:�� Funds hold by I.eader. If.under paragraph 21,L.eader shail ucquire or sell the Property,L.ender,prior to the ucquisItion or ���,
<br /> -= sale of the Property.shall apply aay Funds held by Lender nt the time of acqwsidon or sala as a cnedit against the sums �'f`�<.,
<br /> __" : V�.. �a.;.•';
<br />� ��;, secured by this Secudty Ias�ument. E--:=
<br /> 3. Applieatton of Peyments. Unless upplicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under ;,,��.:.
<br />� ; � �,A,:i;'� ' pamgmphs 1 and 2 shaU ba appued:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Nvte:second to amounts puyuble under •"'��-
<br /> � � i'�'r pacagt�aph 2•third.to interest due;fourth to principnl due:and last,to any late charges due under the Not�.
<br /> %_' ' i ' 1.. ;,., � � .
<br /> •'�'�p�"t � 4. Charges; I.lens. Bo�rower shuil pay all taxes, assessments,charges. fines and impositlona attcibuwble to th�
<br /> :��;;�; Properiy which may attain pdority ove�this Security Insuumen�and leasehold paymenta or graund•rents.if any. Barmwec .
<br /> - •�r�. ,�: . ���'-!;` shaU pay these obligations!n the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that me�nner.Bonower shull pay them om
<br /> " ,,��. ����;,,�' time directl to the person owed a ent. aomower shaU prom tl furnish to Lender all notices oi amounts ta be aid under
<br />_�- '"�`•�"3�.. •: . S y P Ym P Y P .
<br /> ,�.�.' ; ��;?,1�'�;�ti�':�;ti��r �s paraBra�h. ff Borrower makes these payments direcdy. Bonower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receapu evidencing ; ,
<br /> �.:: .,.
<br /> � �s:"';��:��;Li� G P Y
<br /> +��•"{' �' � •,�-��'��'�� Bonower shall mm y discharge aa lien which hus riori over this Secu�3 Insbument unless Bocrower.(a)agre� �`.`�-��
<br /> . .. �.�4•... . ..,:. P P� Y P tY U' ;,,
<br /> �;�;- '.:.','+' ;n writing w the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the :�.,w
<br />� � ,�` ''��` lien by.or defends against enforcement of the Iten in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the �
<br /> °°�� `>�':;:;:;:;:� � '' enforce�nent of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinaang the lien �st��.
<br /> �;+!`�' �� W this Security Insm�ment If Lender detem►ines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority •��
<br /> . ,•.;,��1`' *- , '.
<br /> `;.�i '.� ,� • , , - over this Securlty Instn►ment,Lender muy give Borrower a noNce identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take �,:�`.
<br /> I, ,�••. •.�!.•:�. one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noHce. ��'��
<br /> �;� • '����`>�• 5. Aav�M or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now cxisdng or herectfter erected on th: �
<br /> �`�,''` : ��`.i":'::,;; � �
<br /> Si� i�,. •;•+.•;s�, Pmperty fnsnced against loss by fire,hazards iacluded within the term'extended covernge' and any other hazards,inc1udfng
<br /> _�? . ,kf,�;�,,,,. •: floads or flooding,for which Lender requires insurnnce. This insur�ue shall be maintained in thc amounts and for the
<br /> } �'f�a�� ,�:`'`. +'`
<br /> � ,•r. ibrm 3028 9l90 (paRe 2 ujb/wp�sl
<br /> _ �,�:r , �!"�`;:.:,;
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