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<br /> � = � • 16.Honower'�C�py.Borroxer ehall be�iven one coniarrneQ copy of the Nota and oP ti�is SasurttyZrrtn�nns�n� .
<br /> • ' 17. Tr�ndar of the Propert or�Boamficlal Iatereit ia Borrower. Tt all or aAy.p�rt ot the Pt�reY or u�y �
<br /> i��''%��:.,.;y�,� . intcreRt in�t 1e c�olA ar tr�naferrod�nr if a benefic��l intereat ln Barroxer ia nold or t�xneterrnd�ad�iarro�rer i��i�
<br /> „c.:;� . ...•... n�tur�l poreon)wlthout l.cnckr'8 p�or written coneant,I.cnder rri�y,�t Ite oyttnn�requiro immadt�to ptymont In fult ot
<br /> " 4 ��� - ' •� all suma socurod by thle Secur�ty Instrument.�Io�vevcr,thiA opt�on ehall not be ox�rclna9 by Lc�tder if exerct�e ��
<br /> "'�•� prohibIted by toderal law ae oi the d�te o!thie 3ocurIty Lsotramcnt.
<br /> �� � Ii Lrnder oinrct8ee this option,I.ender etull give Horro�rer aottce of accelentlon.The noticeehali provide�periad
<br /> `�:ti: • � �r. : of not leee than 30 daye irom the dsto the aot��e te deliverad or cnailed witbiA Nhiafi Borrower muet p�y a11 eums eecw�d
<br /> � by ihie Secudty It�struraeAt,Yi Borro�ror idle to p�q thoee ausne psIor 4o the expint�on of this per�ad,I,eader m�y invoke
<br /> -�� �� � � � �.� eny ramediee permitted by thie Secur3ty Inatrument�vtthout turther nottce or dem�nd an Sntroxer. ,--
<br /> . ; Y;� � �"' 18. Borrower'a R,1�ht to Relastate.U Born►�var moete cert�in cottdittone BarroMar abs11 hsve tho r��ht to bave
<br /> � � oaforcement of thte Sccurlt� Ioatmm�eut discontiaued�t�a timo psIor w the ear�ier oi:(a)3 daya(or auch nther od
<br /> �;.�.:. :..�,_., n y
<br /> as applicable!iw msy e p e c i iy for reinatatomaat)b�faro e�lo of the Prnperty pnrswat to anypo�ver of ealo oon ad iA
<br /> �'��•• � ..�•;>�`; th�e Seaudty Iasteumanr,or�b) eatry ai a1'udgma�nt cnforciag thie 5xunty Instrument.Thoee coadittaa�+�e that
<br /> '�`���" � ., . BorroNar. ia)psye Lender sums wldch them would be due wcder this Sacurlty I�ment utd the Note ae i[ao
<br /> �� �'}' " acoeleratioa hed axumed;(b)cure�s eay defnult of aay other oovenaate or agreements;(c}p sye ell expensee lncurred ia
<br /> "� � � � �" enforcIug this Secutlty I�shvment,iac luding,but aot llmitod w.reasonable attome-�a'fees•and�d)takes such t c t ton es
<br /> �, ;;? Lender may reasonnbly caquire to assute that the lien ot thie Seeurity Insttument.Leader�e rIghta ia the Proparty and —
<br /> �!� �, � � Bon+ower's oblt�atton to pey the snms secured by this Saaurtty Insttumaatshall coAtiaue unehanged.Upoa reinstateravat
<br /> by Borrower.ttua Sxvdtq Instrumentand the obUgatione seourod hereby shell remaiu fully etleotive as ii ao xxeloraHan
<br /> hcd aceurnd.However.thie dght to reiastntoshall not apply in theceso oi ecoeleratioa under p�ragraph 17. _
<br /> 19.S�le oi Note;C6�ate oi Losn Servicxr.Tho Nots or a partial interet�t ia tke Noto(to�ether with thie Secueity
<br /> � . Iastrumeat)m�p be sold aae or more times wlthout prior notice w Bvrrower.A sale msy result�u a cheage ia tho eattty
<br /> _ . (IuioWa an the"Loan Servioer")thet collceta monthlY PaYmente due uader the Note aad tfiie Secudty Iastrumen�There
<br /> . .- . aleo aaay 6a oae ot more chang�of the Loan Sen►;ccr unraleted to e salo ot the Note.It there ie a chaAge of th�Lo�n -,.
<br /> ' Sarvicer.Borrower wiU be given mlttea aotica oi the chan�e ia�eccordance with h 14 above and applicable lnw,
<br /> ' � Tho notice will etate tha aame�utd addreas of the new Loan Servicer aad the addn�e to W ch paymtnts should be mtde.
<br /> � •. Tha notice will al��c�ontain aay othar�aformation requlred by applicable law. �
<br /> Z0. Hsaudoas 5ubstances.Borrower shall aot cause or t tha presence�vsa�disposai,sWrage.or release oi
<br /> .. any Hazardous Subeteacxs on or in tha Property.Borrower uot dq,aor allow anyoae else to do,anything afiecdng
<br /> •�� �� tha Pruperty Ehat ie ia violetion of any Envlroameatal LaN.TD8 ptCCC�lAg taro sentencea shell nat app1y W the presence.
<br /> use. or etorage oa tho Propetty of sm�ll qnsadties of Hezardous Substan� ihat ere generaUy remognized to be
<br /> �.:;•, appmp rinte to aormal residendal uses and to maiuteaeace oi the Property., m-
<br /> � '. Borrower ehell promptly give Leuder Nr�tten aotice ot any iavestigauon.claim�demand,lawauit or other actloa by e���
<br /> . � any governmeatel or re�ulatory agency or prIvate party involvtng the Proper.ty aad aa� He�t+rdous Substanoe or �-�"
<br /> . ' Bnviroamentel Law oi wWch Horrower has actual kaowled�e.Ii Borrc�wer learns,or ie aof zod by any govetamentel or
<br /> regulatory authorIty. that any removal or other remediatian oi any Hazerdous Substaaca effecttng the Property is ��'?�
<br /> n��sr��Bas�rorrer shal!pr�snFL�ta�e al!necessary tc��dis!aciioas:n er.�ardeace r�iih EaYiroasasuia!La�. r'``x�
<br /> Aa usod iu this paragrepb 20. Hazerdoua Substauces"are thasa eubstaaces defiaed ea toxic ar hazardous eubetencea �.➢_�.
<br /> . ' by Eavlroacnentel Law sad the following substance�gesolina,ketoseae,other flammable or toxic pettoleum producte, �="`'
<br /> � wsic pesticides and herbicldes. voladle solvents. rnatertals coataiaiag asbe»tos or formald�hydo. aad radioaotive H;�;;;
<br /> mnter�els.As nsed in thia paragraph Z0�"Environmeatal Lew"tneaas federal lawa and Iawe of the jurisdictioa where the
<br /> � ' Proporty Is located that relata to health.safety or environmeatal pmteatton. _
<br /> . IJON-UNJFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowar and Isndar further covenaat aad agree as follow� �
<br /> 21. Accol�ration; Remadtes. Lender sh�ll glve nottce to Bonower prior to accoloratioa tollowiaE .
<br /> � . Borrower's bresch of any coveaaat or egreomeat iu this Seaurity Iastru:uent (but aot prior to axelention '�
<br /> under paragraph 17 unless applicable law provides otherwieo).The aotice ahall specUy:(e)the delault;(b)the
<br /> , act�oa nqu�nd to cure tho default; (c) e date. not less th�n 30 daye from the date tlha notice ia aivoa to
<br /> Borrower�by which the detault must be cured;and (d)that failure to cure the default cm or before tho dato
<br /> a�ied iu the aotice m�y result ia eccelernt{oa of the suma secured by this S�curIty Instrumeat and esle oi .
<br /> ti�o Property.The aotice sh�ll further Intorm Bonower of the rlght to reinstste aiter accoloration and the
<br /> dght to bring a court aot�on to assort the non-osistenco oi a default or aap other defenea oi Borrower to
<br /> ,�� acceleratioa and selo. It the default ia not cured oa or beiore the date specified ia tha�notice� Lendor. at{ts ;
<br /> ' optioa. maq req��ire ima�ediate paymeat in full of all surns secured by thia Security lnstrumeat without
<br /> , ' � further demand and m�y iavoke the power of e�le and aay other remedies permitted by epplicable law.
<br /> ;. Lendoa ahdl b�oatitled to collect all espeases incurnd In purauing the rome�ies provided ia this puagraph
<br /> 21.iactuding,but aot limited to,ressonnble attorneys'feea and coate of title evidencx.
<br /> If the power oi sale is�avoked�Trustu shall record a aotice ot deisult in each covnty ia which aay pari ot
<br /> ' the Property is located sad shell matl copiea oI auch notice in the maaaer ptesctib�d by applicable law to
<br /> � Bonower aad to tQ�e other persoas presaribed by applicable lew.After the time requirod by applicable taw.
<br /> . , :;,.y; Truatee ahall give publ�caotice of sale to the persons�ad Ia the enaaner prescribed by appiicable law.Truateo,
<br /> . � ' �� �vithout dem�ad oa Borrower.shall sell the Property at public auction to the higheat bidder at the time�ad
<br /> ' ... ���.!���.. � place aad uader the terms designated in the aotic� of sale ia oae or more parcels�ad ia aay order Truatee '
<br /> � � '`'`.` determiaes. Trustee may postpoae sale oi all or aay parcei oi the Property by public announcemeat at the �
<br /> ' timv and place of aay previously scheduled sale.Lender or its deaigaee may purchase the Property at�ay
<br /> � , eale. I •
<br /> . �A��� �
<br /> :�t�.
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