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<br /> �t,the o�sion oi I,endee� if mostp�e it�uru�oe ca�rers�e tia tha amoimt �ad foe the peelod that� raq��}
<br /> - � provtdad by�n inswer app�rovad Dy I.ender�pin besximra evailsblo�nd ie abt�inod,Ac.xro+�a�utill py th�pcen�iu�� .
<br /> - c�sy�lrcd to.mainteta martg,��ee,insurancn in eC[a�t,ar to provIdn� lo�e resCrv��untll the rociutrtme�it fo�mort�
<br /> :— --- --,.,�,� �t�aur�t�oo,cn�da sccoraan�wIth wny�tett�t►a��roerrtont bttweon BorroMer and L,onder or appltra6ia t�rv.
<br /> 9.hupectiun.l�endor or its t�e+nt m�y malce reaeonsble oateia upo:►u�d inpeat�om oi ths flrope�rtr.!.«sder�ii
<br /> — �Ive Horroxer notloe at tAe tima of ar prlor w an inspection spedlyin��+aeu��le wuee tar the ic�e�+ection.
<br /> �°"`� 10.Con�ea�aatton.'thepr�ed�ot u►y aNUd or cleim foc dam��a.direo4 or am�vquaatt�l.in ao�mwatioa�ritb.,.
<br /> �sny coa�emtutton a other t�k�ng of any p�et af the Property,or far oo�nveyiu�oe bn lieu ai condem�ntioa�are i�a'eM
<br /> -��------ —__-_:_.—� a�3plsd anA rh�116e�t�t�1.,e�rtcdnr. �__
<br /> -- Ia the evedt ot e total t�Ia�o!the Pmperty,tho pititsoeds sb�ll be epplied to the wtnt secue+ed bp tbiia Sacurit]r
<br /> - IAStxu�t�ctt�whethar or not them dua.�vith any exoaes pdd to BorraMer.In tho event of a p�rttd talclns o!the Pro�xty In
<br /> which the idr muket vdue ot the Froperty immadl�tefy beforo 4he tatcin�te aqual to ot�re�atar thu�the 4mount oi tire
<br /> -'� �usne axurod by 1hle Seaudty IAStruinent iran�edi�tely beton the qlcjn�.unlaee Horro�er and I.ender otsarwtee�tee
<br /> ia wdtiag,the sums secured by thia Secin3ty IAatrument eh�ll be reduce�by the�mowit of the pra.roeda en�itiplied by
<br /> „ the follmivlt�ira.tion:(a)the total amouat of the suma eecurod Immediately beqot+e the tatin�.dlvided by(bI=t►e fafr �
<br /> �nsrket value oi the Pr�aperty immodiatrly 6afore tho talcing.Any baluice sl�til be pdd Lo Boem�rer.ia ttye event oi a
<br />-�.. pertid takin�of the I'raperty tn whioh the teir muket vatue of the Property iaamedi�tely belare the t�1cIA��a leee thut
<br /> .' thie unount of the sums exurod immediately 6oforc the taking,uulem Bon+owar and I.ender other�riee a�e ia xtidn�
<br /> or unle�s applicable laH otharwiee provldes, t��e procads shall be epplta! to the sums secuced by thts Secuctty
<br /> �na3rumcut wha�thar or aot the sume at+e tben dtte.
<br /> Ii tt�se Araperty ie abaadoned by Horrower.or�f,after aotice by Le�edar to Bocra�ver th�t the condernnor ofiere to
<br /> :naYe en aw:sd or sottle a cldm for duneg�. Borrawer fatla to respond w I.eudar wtthia 30 d�ys dter tha date th�o
<br /> notice is gtve�a�,Lender ie aut�ortzed to oolleat aad apply tkv praceeds.at its opt�on,eitltet to testoratioa ar repair oi the -
<br /> . .�" Property or to the sums sxund by this Sacurlty Instr�meat,whether or aot tAen due.
<br /> "• Unless L�tder aad Bormwer otherwise egne ia writin8�anY application oi procoeds to prlacIpel sha11 not e�sd or
<br /> .,`�`'� ' • ;; ry..:'� postpono the due date of the monc�9Y FeYments refernd to ia P�BmPhs 1 aad 2 or cheage the amount of such
<br /> ,��+: r..i._ p}lymGllt$.
<br /> ' ` _'�'`'�,�'F''�- 11. Horro�ver Not Released; Farbea�Ero H3y Lender Not�W�iver. ErtensIou o4 the ttme for payment or
<br /> - ,�.:���- "� modification o!aaiorNzabon of the sums soc.wx+�d 4�y thie 3zcurlty Insttucnent granted by Iaader to eay socceaeor in
<br /> � �'�� ��' ' interest of Borrower sheli not aperate W rele�e�y liability oi the ordgi� Borrower or Botro�°s succeaeore iz►
<br /> .., � �;�`;'�..:�;ck� iaterest. Lzad�r ehell aot ba required to commanoe procadio�s egainst aay successor in iaterest Qr rafuse w o:tead
<br /> •�r•ti,�;,.. . ' .i:• 11t110t0!
<br /> : � .. , � .- ;' paYmeat or otherwise usodify amortizntion oi the�s�ecured by this Security It�strum�nt by e+e�son oi eay
<br /> �Y �j�K.•sF; •••.. � .•1 de�aad made by the ortginal Borrower or Borrowsr's s�ss ia tnure�st.Any torbearaace 6y L.esxdsr iu exen�3sing
<br /> , _ _l�"� '_' � ", aay r�ght or reraedy shaU aot be a aaivet of or prscle�e the exercise oi any rIght or reneody.
<br /> . �,, ; : "'�'� +-`:12. 3ac�xsaor0 and Aeaiane Houad;Joia�t amd Several Liabilitq;C.�I�aara The covenan�aad agreemaata
<br /> •..rl.�,'�,!r�:_:. ,F.:�'! ... Od UUS Seaurlty Inatrumeat shall biad and beneiit the auccessors and essigas of Len;dcr aad Borrower,subjeat w the
<br /> . ' , .���i"`��';, provteIons o!P�SmPh 17.Horcowos s covenante aad agreeme.�t�e�hall be joiat sad wvesr�,l.�4ay Borrowvr who oo-eigns
<br /> - �;,�:���� th�e Savr�ty Instrument bui dces ttcs�exxeeute the Note: (a) is�-eigaiag this SecurItg*Imsuusnent oNy to mortgege. �
<br /> ,��;.�,. � grant aad convey that$orrower's int�test in ttu Property uader the ternns of this�ecanrity Instruca�eat; (b) is not --.--
<br /> : ` persoaelly obligatod to p�y the sums secured by tlue Security Instroraent;aad (c) agrars that Leadsr and aay other t:;;"._
<br /> �;;;j�_., , Horrowtt may agtea to eatead.modify,forbear ar rnake eny axommodattoaa with regard to the terme of this Secudty -
<br /> . _ IasWmeator the Note wIthoutthat Borrower's caasan� �'�'�rn:
<br /> ,�.,�;_.. . . 13. Loaa Chutes.Ii the loaa secured by this Security Instc ument ie subject to a law which sem ma�raum loan ___
<br /> � . chnrgeu, and that law ia tinally interpteted so that the interrst or other loaa charges wlleat¢d or to be colleoied ia 'R
<br /> coaneotion with the loaa esceed tha penmitt�od limits�thea (a) aay such loan cherge shell be reduced by the amouat �`��_
<br /> . . ,, necess�ry W teduca the charge to the permit�d timit; and (b) any auens already collectod irom Borrower whiah :.;��.
<br /> exceoded perrnitted limits will ba refunded w �osrower. Leader may choose to maka thie refuad by roducing the 5•<::
<br /> • ` priacIpal owed►�ader the Note or by makiag a direct payment to Borrower.It a refund reduas priacipal,the reduadun ���_
<br /> ' ' wIll be treated es a partial prapayment�vir,hout at►y prepayment charga under tha Note, t•'�'
<br /> ' 14. Notices.Any notica to Bosrm+wer pr�o�iale�for in thie Security Inatrument ehall be given by deliveriag it or by �,,,: �
<br /> <�.. �. , : . nnailiag it by first cless mail unless applicabla is�v requires use of eaother m�tlnod The notico shell be diroatal to tho i,�,
<br /> �.., , ;�,:•�.,
<br /> �� �:.::,•s Property Address or aay other addresa Borrower desigaates by notice to L,ender.Any nmtioe w Lender shall be glvea by ';.r•r:��'
<br /> �-'r����' first class ntail to Lender's addresa etated herein or any other address I.euder desigaates Q�y notice to Borrower.Aay ,
<br /> �� ��'; � „ . notica provided�for in thie Security Inatrument ahell be deesned to hove been�ivoa to Horrower or I.ender ahen givan
<br /> ' ., '•.t " av provided is►2his P�B�Ph.
<br /> �`.,-.:.
<br /> I3. Govaraiag I,aw;Severab3lity.Ttas Security Instrument ahall be governed by federal law aad tha laa of tt►e
<br /> ��•"�-' jurisdictioa in whiah tha Property ie located.In the event that eny provision or clausa of this Security Instrument or the
<br /> �� � ' Note contlicts wlth ap�licabla law,such conflict shall not affect other provieions of this Security Inetevmeat or the Note
<br /> ''`• which can be given efPect without t�e�onflicting provieion.To thia end the provisions of tlus Security Insavment aad
<br /> 1 � the Note ero declared to ba saverable.
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