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<br /> Neriods t4�at LendEr rcctuir�s. ?ho insurru�cc eurrEet pmviding 1ha in�urance sha11 be chosen by 8o Ker�u ct �derb
<br /> ��rav�!which shsil rtot t�utueasontbly withheld. If Bor�ower fails to maintaln coverage described above.I.ender msy,at
<br /> I.�endecls aption,obtdn wverugo to prota;t Lend�r'�rights in tho Property in accond�nce with paragrepl�1.
<br /> , . AI!inauranco po![cles and renewals sh�t14 ba acceptnble to Lender und�shall include n sWnaard mGrtgage elause. l.�nder
<br /> eh�ii havd tho right to hold tho pol[cies�nd r�newds. If Lendcr requiies,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all recelpts
<br /> _ af pai�l prcmiums and renewu!notice,e. In the event af Ias.a,Borrower shatl g[ve prompt notice to the irtsurwlce rareier and
<br /> _.—__ � Lender. Lender mAy malco Qmof of tess if not made prompdy by Borivwer. `_
<br /> Unirss Lendcr and Sarowee aherwlse agnse In wdi�ng,insurance pmcoeds shall be npptied ta restocation or apaIr of
<br /> the�eperty damaged.iP ihe testoratic�►ar npair ia ecanomtcally feasible and Lender�recurity Is not lessrned if the
<br /> nestoratia�or npair i�s not econanlcally feasible or Lender's securlty would bo lessened,the insurnnce praceeds shall ba
<br /> -- appl3e�to the aums sccur�d 6y this SexurIry Instrument,whether or not then due.wit�any oxcess paid to Botrower. If
<br /> Borrower atr,u�dan.g the Property.or does not answer within 30 days a notica fcom Lender thut the 3nsurnnc:e cnrr[er h�
<br /> o4Yend to settle a alulm.then Lender�rray coltest the insutance proceeds. Lender rnay use the procxeds to�putr or restore
<br /> � �� the[�roperty or w pay sums racund by this Securicy Tnsuument,whether or not then due. The 3(Wny pedod wjll begin when
<br /> tha not[co is�ivrn.
<br /> Unles.g Lender and Borrower othetvui5e agree in writing�any application of proceeds to pr�ncipul shall nai extend or
<br /> _ postpone the dua daLe of the monthly payments refemed to in Qara�raphs 1 and 2 or chunge thc amount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragtaph 2t thv Property is Acquired by C.ender. Bomower5�dght to nny insurnrtce polic[�und proceeds resaldns
<br /> , fmm damage to the Property�rior to tt�e ucquisition shnll pass to Lender to the extent of thc sum�c securcd by this Secudty
<br /> Instrument immediutely prior to the acquisttion.
<br /> - - - 6. Qaes�paeecy. Prt�waL�a. Matatenauce Anc! ProtecNon nf the Property; Bnrrower's LQan Appllcation: .
<br /> l,essehcdds. Bomower s}uill accupy,establish,nnd use the Property as Bormwer�prIncipF►1 resldeace withfn slxty days after
<br /> the eaccuttan of this Security In�tnurtent sutd rhult caminua to occupy the Property as Botmwer's priacipal restdence for at
<br /> leass one year ufter the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwisa agrees !n wridng. which consent shall not be
<br /> un�esism�ably withheld.or untess extenaetjng olrcumstances exist which nre beyond Bormwer's control. Borrower shaU not
<br /> - destmy.damage or impair the Prope�ty.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Bonower shaU
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture actlon or prooeeding,whethar civil or criminul,Is begun that tn L.ertder�s goad faith judgment
<br /> - - - couid result in fodelture of the Propetty or otherwlse materially Impatr the lien created by this Security Inswment or
<br />-- - - - Lender�s security interesG $orrower raay cure such a default and�+efnswte.as provided in pamgraph 18.by cuusing tha ucdon
<br /> -- ---- or proceeding to be d'usmtssed with u n►fin�thut,in I�ender§gaad fuith determinatIon.precludes ferfeiture of the Borrower's
<br /> interest in the Property or ather mnterl�! jmpaim�ent of the llen creuted by th(s Security Insavment or I.ertder's securiry
<br /> �� interest I3ormwer shnll also be in default if Borrower. during the loan appUcation proccss, guve materially fr{Ise or
<br /> .�� inaccu�ute informudon or statements to Lender(or failed to pruvIde Lender with any muterinl informadon)in connection with
<br /> •,��,��� ette Ioon evidecrced by thc Nute, ;nciu3ui�,Gut rcoi ii�tit�c! tu. reprascntadons c+a�stsing BorrBS�er� oxu�s�.�y uf ttse _
<br /> 4, Pmperty as a principal�resldence. If this Securlty Insuument ls on a leasehold somower shall comply with ull the provis3ons
<br /> of the lease. If Bomower acquires fee titla to ihe Property.the leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender pgmes
<br />_ to the merger in wdting.
<br /> 7. Prottctlon ot I.ender's Rtghts [n tQ�e Property. If Borrower fnils to perform the covenants and agreements
<br /> ' cantained in thts Seciulty Inspument.or there is a legal pmcceding that mey signifccnntly uft'ect Lender�s r�ghts in the
<br /> Pto�erty(such as n proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,fop rnndemnation or fodeiwre or to enforce laws or re�ulutions).then
<br /> �erider may do und pay for whatever is necessary to pr�otert the vulue of the Property and Lender�s dghts in the Property.
<br /> ,� � Lenderls actlons mAy include paying any sums secu�ed by a lien which h�s priority over this Security Inswmen�appearin� "
<br /> in oourt,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property ta make repairs.Atthou�h Lender may cake uction
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender does not huve to do so.
<br /> My emounts disbursed by Lertder under this psuagraph 7 sh�li become additionut debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument Unless Brnmwer and Lender agree to other teRns of payment,these amounts shull beur interest from the
<br />' dnte of disbursement nt the Note rate and shal! be puyuble,with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requestIeg
<br /> paymen� _
<br /> 8. MoYtgage I�uu�ance. If Lender required mortga�e insurartce as a condition of making d�o loan secured by this -
<br /> Securiry Insuvmen�Borrower shall pay the premiums reguired to msiintain the mort�age insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> ceASOn, the moagage insurcuice coverage required by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. �orrawer sha11 pay the
<br /> . Qremiums required to obt��tic►coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage tnsuronce previously in effect. ut a wst _
<br /> suRqtanti�lty equiv�lent to the cost to Horrower of the mott�age insurance previously in effecG fmm an�itemnte mortgage
<br /> insurier approved by L.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Barrower shall pay to
<br /> L.eader ench tnonth a sum equal to one-twelftti mf the yeurly mortgage inso�rrance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> insurance covera�e lapsed or ceased to be in eft'ect. I.ender wiil accept.use nnd rewin these payments as u loss ceserve in lieu �-
<br /> ` -�� '•-. of mociguge insw�attce. Loss reserve payments may no loeger be requited at the option of[.ender.if mo►tgage insurance _
<br />-7 �R�� � crnerage(in ific amoeu�t and for the period that l.ender requires)provIded by un insurer approved by l.ender again becomes =
<br /> R
<br />- uvuilable and ts obutined.Borrower shall pay the pr�miums requi�ed to muintain mort�age insumnce in effect,nr to provide a =_.
<br /> r�
<br /> ' loss rcserve,undl the requirement for mort�+ge insurance ends in uccordance with uny written ngreement between Borrower -
<br /> _ and I.ender or opplicable iaw.
<br /> - 9. Iuspectfon. Lender or iu agent may msike reasonnble entries upon und inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> k
<br /> orice at the time of or rior to a�a ins 'on s if in reasonuble cause for the inspectIon.
<br /> give Bomower n p P� A� Y � _
<br /> 10. Coademnation. 1he proceeds of any uward or cluim for dnmages,di�ect or consequentinl,in connection with any -
<br /> Sing�e Family--paaak Nlod�ireddle Mnc UNIFORM IN31'RUMENT—Uniform Covenants 9/90 fpoRe 3 ojb pages)
<br /> �xa�enolw�sa�.toc.■
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