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<br /> TOt3E9'EIBk WITH ap the improvcment�tta�w ar hareuitcr crcctcd on th�property.a�ui ull c�sca�ent�,aplwR�nunccs,
<br /> �..�fixtures now or hereAfter a put of tho pmperty. AIi replacements and additions shall atso ix covere�hy thia�xcudty
<br />_ Insuument. A31 oP the fongoing ia refcrced to in thie Secudty Instrument as the"Rropetty."
<br /> ' HURROWER COV�NAIVTS that 8orrowcr is 1awN11� ueis=d af the estate hercby conveycd and iws ttro ri�1.t to�nt
<br /> and convey the Properry and that the Property ia unancumbered,eacept for encumhrark+es of record. E30ROWGf Wu[AQtS 6[Id
<br /> - ------� witi defe�ui ger�rally tiie dtle ta tiw i�ru�:.riy ag�i�st a11 clairo:;und daYUat�ds.sub,�ece to�rty ettcumbmttses of r+rcatrl. �.�
<br /> THI5 SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform coveaainta for national use aad aon•unifonn covenaats with
<br /> — limited varladons by jurisdiction w canstimte a uniforn►securiry ir►srument covering real proparty.
<br /> UIVIFpRIl�(COVBNqNTS, B�arrower end l.ender coveaant and ag�ee as foltows:
<br /> 1. P�yneent o[P�fncipd tnd In�terrsu Pe+e[NYment w�d Ltte Clmrges. Bprmwer shaU pramptly pay whcn due tho
<br /> --- ptincipai of an�tatci+es!on the debt evfdenred by the Note und any prepayment and tate churgc.w due under the Note.
<br />_-- — 2. �nd.s for 7k.�tea�nd Iu�u�nce. Sub�ect to IIppUcable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pny to
<br />� Iw�nder on the d�y maathly payments ara due under tbe Note,uatil the Note is paid in full,a sum("FLuds")for:(a)yeatly
<br />----�_�— toxes and assessments which may uttaia prlority over ttus Securhy Inst�uubent as a lien an the Pmpe�ty:(b)yearlY lr,asehold
<br /> r_— -- payments or ge�ound rents on the Property. if nay: (c) Yeurly hazard or prapecty insurance prea�Iums: (d) Yearly fload
<br /> r insurance pnnaium.s„ �f any; (e) yearly mortgage iasurnuce premiums, if nny: aud(� any sums payable by Bormwer to
<br /> .;.;, Lender.in accaid,aure with the provtsions of psuagrnph 8,in lieu o f t Re payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> Items arc cnlled"Escrow Iteros." I.ender may,tu aay dme.collect ead hold Fw►ds ia an amount aot to exceed the muximum
<br />-`.�• am�unt a lattder far a fedecally related mortgage loan may requi� for Boirower's escrow accounc w�der the federal Real
<br /> Esuue Seutemeut Fracedures Act uf 1974 as a�uended from t�me to timo,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA").ualess another .
<br /> - law�hat agplies w We Funds sets e lesser aaoun� If so.lxncter may.at nny dme,collect and hold E�nds ia un atnonnt aot to
<br /> exceed the lesser amount Lender may esdmate the nmount of Funds due on the basis of current data aad neasoaable
<br /> esamates of eapenditunes of funue Bscrow[tems or oth�envise In accordance with uppllcable law. -
<br /> - The Fuuds ehaU be held in an instIt�L'��m whose deposits are iosured by a federal agency.iasuutueawUcy,or entiry
<br /> (including l.ender,if Lender is such an irudtudon)or in any F�ederal Home Loan Bank. Leacier shall apply the Funds co pay
<br /> the Esccow Items. L.ender may not charge BoTrower for holding und applying tlne E'�nds.annually annlyTing the escruw
<br /> ' ncsouat,or vezifytng the Escrow Items.unIess l.ender pays Borrower fnterest om tRe F�truds and applisable law pemilts
<br /> Lender to make such a charge. However.L.ender may require BoTrowec to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> estate mx nepordng service used by L.ender in connect�on with tWs loan.unless applicable law provtdes otherwise. Unlcss au —
<br /> agieement is made or appltcable!nw requi�es interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pny Borrower any interest or
<br /> earaings on the I§�nds. Borrower aQd Lender aaay agree in wridng,h�wever.that interest shaU be p�id on the Funds. Lender
<br />-_ ____ . shufl glve to Borrower.wltkout charge.aa aanual accoundng of the �nds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> - � Pucpose for which each debit to the Funds wus made. 'Ihe i-unds are ptexised as uddiaonai serurity fvr ali si►,i�sz�ticeci by °
<br /> � t6is Securlty IasWmetu.
<br /> If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the amaunts perudued to be held by appltcable law, Lender shsilll account to
<br /> Bormwer for the escess Funds in accordance wlth the t�equirements of nppucable law. If the amount of ihe Flmds held by
<br /> i.ender at eny time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when dve.A.ender muy so notify Bomnwcr ln writing.and.in _
<br /> �`,; , such cuse Borrower shalt pay to Lender the amount necessery to make up the deficiency. Bomnwer shall make up the
<br /> �' de6ciency in ao moie than twetve montlily payments.at I,ender's sole dIscre6on. _
<br /> � �� Upoa payment ln fiill of all sums secured by this Security Iasuument,Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Bocrower any =
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.urtdet paragrnph 21.I.ender shall acqulre or seU the Properry.Lender,priar to the ucquisition or �:
<br /> sWe of the Property.shnll apply uny E�Lnds held by Lendcr at the time of acquisition or sale as u credIt against the sums r:
<br /> - sec�ued by this SecurIry Inshument '"'
<br /> -. 3. Applkation of P�ymettts. Unless applicuble law provtdes otherwise. all paymeats received by Lender uader
<br /> paragrapha 1 and 2 shrill be applIed:fiist,ro apy ptepayment churges due under the Note:second to amounts payable under
<br />�� paragreph 2:third.to interest due;fourth.W principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Cbxxtges; Uens. Borrower shell pay all w�ces, assessments,charges, fines and imposItions attributable to the
<br /> � Property wWcii may aualn priority over this SecurIty Instrument,and leasehold paymenu or gcound rents.If eny. Bornnwer
<br /> �� shall pay these abligatlons in the manaer provided in parugaph 2.or if not paid in tl�at manner.Borrower shall pay them oa
<br /> j�. dme d[recdy to the person owed payraenL Borrower shaU prompdy fumish to L.ender all notIccs of ummounu to be paid under
<br /> + ,i Wis paragrapb. If Bonower makes these payraenta directly. Borrower shall pramptly fumish to Lender receipts evideaeing =
<br /> ` the payments. e'�
<br /> '� Bonower shalt promptly dischacge�ny liea whlch has priodty over this Security Insuument unless Bomower.(u)a�ees &_
<br /> �'•��' in wrlting w ttne pAyment of the obllgaHon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the �
<br /> v�'- liett by.or defends agaiast enforcement of the liea ia.legal proceedl�gs which in the Lender's opiaion operate to pnevent the ��
<br /> e�'o�cement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of tbe Uen an agteement satisfactory to L.ender subordfnating the lien F
<br /> . � "�� to 3his Secur[ty Instrumen� If L.ender deterniines tGat any part of the Prope�ty is subject to a lIen which may attain priority �
<br /> „. c►ver this Seeurity(nstcumenG Lender may give Bomower a notice identifying the lien. Boctower shall sattsfy the Hen or take =
<br /> �! one or more of the actfans set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �
<br /> '.;;• � 5. Hazeed or Property Iasuraace. Botrower shall keep the Improvemenu now exisdng or hemafter erected on the �:
<br /> ,"' �;.�.; "�>:� Property Insuned agalnst loss by fire.hazards included within the tenn"extended coverage"and any other hazerds,including F�:
<br /> " N„s,��.,,` floods or flooding.for wluch Lender requiies insurance. This insutance shall ba maintained in the amounts and for the -
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