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<br /> -?-�rv� qll�nro��.�-.
<br /> � .:w a� I � .�!c'�,fi� .. .
<br /> .
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<br />.:�- �_ � _--,,, `
<br /> � ---- ,.�.._._..
<br /> • -- - �_.....�.
<br /> — _ ��'�.:.�l. - � -- - _ —
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<br /> -_ 1Lumwrr�Ir�ll �rorriptly vi�r 1sg�irr w�f!(rn noticc�if�ury irivcsiiKation. claim. dcmand, lawss�it ��r cthcr�ction by any `
<br />---- -- -- — �uvrrum,•ut,�f ur r�e�d:rtury:it���iey ur rrivat���r,�uy invnlvin�,ih��Pru�Httiy �nul any IL•�iarduuti Suh�t;mce nr I;nvire►wucutal I.aw
<br /> . - ---- uf whi�h H��rruwcr lri.ti acl�r,il kunwtral};e. if'L'nrcuwc� Ic:u•us,nr iti uulif��d hy u��y};uvciwu�:u!�d u�•i�:�;ulutiny;wthnrity. Ileit �'-�.,.-
<br /> wny irmuvul ur uU�er rr�urdla�iun ui auy Il;uantuu�tiub�t;nuc af li�cti�i};Ihc lh���perty i�.nc�:ry}:uy. Huii�iwc?•slt;ill pron�ptly tak� ._�
<br /> ali iiae,.rury remecfis�l actionr in uccurJuner with linvirmwxntnl Law. _
<br /> Ac uticd iu thi:,�yusigriph 2U. "Hur.�rduus Subslanc4ti" ur� tho�c �ahssui�c,�Irtiucd �tti toxir ur hoiarduus sub+t�nccti by -- _
<br /> Environmcnwl l.uw und the lutluwing �ub�taixc.r: g:uulinc, kcrotirnc. uthcr ilamnmblc ur tuxfc �xtrnlcuu> >nxlucts, toxir ---..
<br /> �x�u�:idci and herhicides.volatile�ulvemr. nsiterii�ls to�ttuining u�bcrtus�►r liirmaldehyde..uiQ r:ulio:ictive mater�uls.As uud iu -- `
<br /> �-- – - tltiw: N.,�r�i.�7h :U, „�nt�(rotut:�ntal Ln��," n�t••�n•. li��irrs�l lsiwy t�nd I:iwti of thc jurisdictiuu whc�'c dic Nrtqxtty iti Inr:uc:l Ihat �,,�;n:
<br /> relatc ta health, sufety ur envirunnxntul protectiun. __
<br /> NOIV-UNIFORM G'OVFNANTS. Born�wcr�nd l.cndc�furthcr covcnant and ngrec as ti�Uo�HS: _�_.
<br />� 21. Accelrrattan; Rrmedi��s.Ixnder shall aive nntice tu �urrow•er prior to uc�elrrxNon followtnu Borrower•s brexch ,.
<br /> af any ca�enartt nr�Rreement in this Secucity Inrtrument (bat not pr[nr lo acceleration w�dir pur�graph 1? unle�+s �►(.:�=
<br /> ��.:.-:
<br /> ' applkAbls law provid�+s other�ritie). 'Clie �x►tice ShAil s{xYity: (a)the defuult: (b) the uctli►n re��uire�d to cure ihe defc�ult; �,.
<br /> ' (c) a date,not less liu�n 3U dayti fmm the dute tl�e nottce is Kiven tn itorrower.by�•hich the detuult muyt be cvred; und ���,,.".
<br /> — (d) thnt failure to cure the dtifnult on or F►rfore thP dute specitied (n the unt►ce may result in accelrrntlan nf the rums �.�;
<br /> :�cured by thiti Security In�t�-ument and s�le ot I�e Prnperty The notice tihall furlher infurm 13orrnwer of the riKi�t to �:__
<br /> — reinistAte aher ucceleratton and the rlRht to bring a court actinn to a�.sert the nan-existence of u default or uny other `_-
<br /> - - defrnse of&�rrower to acce[erntton and sale, I[th�default Is nat cured on or befare the date spe�iffed!n the noticc. _
<br /> Lender, At Its uption, mey rayulre imrrrediute payment in futl of all sums Sccured b�� this SecuritY Instru�ncnt withaut �:---
<br /> furlher demat�d and�nay invoke the{x►wer of salP and any other renicdics permittcd by npplicable law.Lender shall Ae r,--_
<br /> — enNtled tu collect all expenses incurred in pt�rsuinK Ihe remeales provided in this puruRraph 21, includin�,but nut 19mited �;�:
<br /> - ___
<br />:. eo.rtasanable s�ttorneys'fres and custs o[tftle evldence. _�°-
<br /> re
<br /> - If li�e pi►We� of sAle is in�•okc�f, Tr�tce shatl recurd a not4ee of�letault in cuch caunty in which any part of thP �•
<br /> Pruperty t5located And shall mail coptes of such nuNce in the mnnner pr�cribeci by npplicublc law to Borrower and to ��.
<br /> the other persons pmscribed by appltcable law.Atter the fime required by upplicable law,Trustee shull�Ive public nottce r
<br /> at snle to the per�ns sznd in the manner prescri6ed by applicnble Inw.Trustee, �r�ithout demnnd �n Borrower, shali scll .. :
<br /> n
<br /> - ti►Y Prape��t publk auction to the htghest bidder at the timc und plecc nnd undcr thc tcrms designpted in thc nottcc of •.
<br /> sale in one or mom pancels and in any order Trustee deterrnin�. Trustee may postPone nale of all or any parcel af the '?`��i
<br /> Praperty by public unnouncement at the time und place of uny previously schedule:l sale. Lxnder or its aicst};nee may „_.
<br /> purchase the Praperty at Any sate. j`-'
<br /> = ,.._, Upon receipt u!' pAyment of the Nrice bid, '1'rustee shull del[ver to the purct�s�ser Trustec's dced conveyin� the _ �•'•�_
<br /> Properiy, 1he recityls in the Trustee's deed sl�ull be priina facie evideuct a�f the truth o6 the statements made therein. '�;�
<br /> Trustee shAll apply the pra:ecYls of thc�alc in thc follow[ng or�lcr: (a)to all cos�s nnd expenses uf exercis(n�the power of .�_
<br /> sale,and the sale. including the pnyment of the Trustee�'s fr,es actually incurred,not to excecd the)of $50.0(D or �^� :f,�.
<br /> r.;��,;.3;;��o,��.��f thn n�tr nt thi•time�P the d�laratton o£defautt,�ndl reasonable ntto�neys' fc� as�xrmittrd �k°^�.
<br /> by law; (b)W all sum�secured by tMs Security Instrument; and(c)any exc�s to the penon ur peru�ns le�ally entitted tu �_.:
<br /> �t• q t Trustcc to �:
<br /> Z2. ReconveyAn¢e. Upon payment of sll sums sec�reci Uy this Security Instrumcnt. L.cnder shall re ues
<br /> rccanvey die Propc:rty und shall surrender this Securiry instrument and all nutes evidencing debt secured by thiti Security .;
<br /> - Instrumont to Trustee.Trustcc shall reconvcy thc Yroperty without warranty nnd without charge to the penon or persons Ic�ully i�ti�:
<br />- ' �';• entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay:tny rccordation costs.
<br /> ��
<br /> 23. Sulntitute Ta'ustee. Lcndcr, at its option, may from timc to time removc Trustee and appuint a succctisor trustec ro .
<br /> :my Trustce appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrumen[iti recorded.Without ;,
<br /> conveyacue of thc Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title.pourcr and dutiLs conferred upon Trustce hcrein .
<br /> and by applicablc I�w.
<br /> 24. Request tor Notic�. Borrower requests that copies of ttie notices of defuult and s:ile be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> which is thc Property Address.
<br /> 25.Riders to this Securtty Instrument.If one or mom riders are executed by 8orrower and recorcled together with this
<br /> Security Insttument,thc covenants and agreementF of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall nmend and supplement
<br /> the covenants and:�grecmcnts of this Sccurity Instrument as if the rider(s)were'a part of this Securiry In+tn�pient.
<br /> [Clteck a�splirtblc box(es)�
<br /> Adjustablc Ratc Ridcr �Condominiuni Rider [�1-4 Family Ridcr
<br />" ,I �G��duatecl Payment Rider LI Plannecl Unit Dcvelopment Ridcr (�Biwcekly Puyment Rider
<br /> �Balloon Rider 0 Ratc Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider •
<br /> �V.A. Rider �Otlicr(s)(sp�cify� Not ice of Default and Sale
<br /> �
<br />� . in this Securit Instrumcnt and l
<br /> BY SIGNING BCLOW, Hnrrower accepts ancl agrees to the terms and covenants cuntatned y� I
<br /> - in any rider(s)executed by&►rrower and recnrdesl with it.
<br /> ` Witnesses: ��,
<br /> / i
<br /> �': .�•t. °� • � (Scal) �
<br /> ven D. Crai �t���n„a�r �
<br /> i
<br />:± �
<br /> �. �
<br />. (Sw4 !
<br /> "' +.
<br /> �;,"�, Laura A. rai� �t��n,�.��r
<br /> �
<br /> �._
<br /> , (Swl) _ (��`��) �.
<br /> -Bnrrov:cr �Rurniacr I
<br />–� ; I.,
<br /> �'� 5'!'A'1'i:UF N�AYtA5KA. Hax�- County s�: �
<br /> y Thc forcgoing instrumcnt was acknowlcdgcd hcfnm mc this 18th day of May , 1994 , i
<br /> hy Steven D. Crafg and Lou�a A. Crctig, husband nnd wife us �oint tenants . �
<br /> ,. Wiuxss my hand atxi nntarial scal ut Grand Island � in said County,thr datc aforesaid. �
<br />- MCummissi�m Ex ires: 2-14-98 �� �a�- ��— �
<br /> Y .�r..p.r. Nntary I�ubl�e
<br /> ; , aaraa�Ne►�rraa�N�,�w �
<br /> ;.�i-'��..�-�;��+- • fR�Cli�w.E�F�ll.11al Furm3028 �JI90
<br /> .. �'�t"Sit�` • Pa:;n G ul Q ��
<br /> .`�Q.�yy,.,l) � • j•
<br /> ♦11"�� �.
<br /> ,� - _.-�-.• . . .. . . _.
<br />