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_ � �' ���N��N�M����iYfSl��i�~ � . . �� .. _ ..�� �F?t4��- <br /> .u{�� '�. ` � ..�J ,r <br /> • �..�w� �---""--�.._y: --_° _ <br /> �� � , 'pG�Y'::M`�� _-_ _ _' ____ __ _ _____".-_.'-_ __-. <br /> . . . ... . - y .,�. . . . . � <br /> ...�., . �____�_--__�-_ �._ _ <br /> .__ .............. .-. -- .'.__- . _ __._.. ._ ...__. .._..._ . . . .__._. . _ <br /> _ _ �, ��so�s <br /> — tiubt;land�tlly�r.c{uivalent nx�rtgagc insurxtxc covcra�c is not,availnbk, Bnrrowcr sh,�ll p�ay lo I.endcr cuch inonih a suiu equ�l tn <br />_ -� --_-`:_�.....e....W <br /> .:�_'� .��` • �mc t�ti�cli�ii ui i��.:y;:::�1y zs�ortba�::ir.•.e:r.n��_s:i�n:uii�!+a hrinu paid by 13orr.sw�r whcn thc in5itrancc covcrago lapscd cir cea5ecl t�► <br /> b;;i+�cfi•��i.I%�udcrv;ill:��,u�.c��ud i�taiu Ihc�c p:ryuti:ut•:�iti :�lur,ti r4 :r.rvi�in licu ut �nutty!,i��c imu,,��•��:. i,�;s sc;crv:: � <br /> p;�ymcntti niay nu lucc�:cr h��rrquircd, at th�r opti�m uf[A�ndcr.if niort�agc in�urcuuc covcragc tin�t:c a�i:aunt:md tirr ihe peri�Kl <br /> ''° _ -=� ' iBat IAixlcr r4�{uires) pruviJ��d by un insurer appr��vcd hy I.cndcr a�;ain ixcuincs av:iil:�t�lc and iti ubtair�cd. liurrowcr tilmli � <br /> n�Y <br /> - -- thr prcmiwns r�yuir��l t��rnaintuin mortgagc insurancc in cffcct,c�r to prc�vidc u loss rescrvc,unti!thc rcyuirrmcnt fi�r mortgage <br /> `` _-_ — inrura�kc cndr in ucrurJaucc with ar►y writtcn:�grccmcnt txtwrcn Hnrri�wct:nid Lcndcr or:�pplirahlc law. <br /> 9. Iro�peclbn. I..ctxlcr or its ngcut nuy ntakc rca.�onubic entrics u�wn ancl inspcctianc of ihe Prn�rty. Lc►xicr shall givt <br /> � Fl+�rru�ti•rr tN�ti�:e ut the limc ni'nr prior to.m inspec�iun specil'ying reawnable cause fnr the inspection. <br />' ,., 10. COilliti�i�iNiiOH. Tii�pr�kculti t�f uuy au•:��d ��r cluiw ti�r dua:�g�s..dircct or conscqucntial. in cc�nnC�tinn r�ith :my _---- <br /> _ --_ ` cu�xlcm�wtiun or rnhcr takin�af'any part of the Property, or f'ar convcyunce m licu of condemnation,urc hcreby assignod and <br /> '. shal�tx�paid W I.cndcr. <br /> „ In thc cvcnt��iu t��tal taking of thc Pruperty,thc pr�xccds 5hall bc upplical to thc sums sccurul by this 5ecurity lnstniment. <br /> ' whethcr or mzt then duc, with any rxcctis paid to 8nrruwcr. In thc c��cnt of a partial taking of thc Propc:rty iu which the fair — <br /> markct value of the Pmperty immediately hefnre the taking is equal ta or grcuter thun the amount of the sums securcd by this _ <br /> �� S��:uriry Instrument immediately hcforc the taking, unlcss Burrower;�nd Lcndcr othenvise agrcc in writins,the sums�ecured by <br /> t '`�' tliiti Seru�ity Instrument tihall be rcduccd by thc amount of thc pracccds multiplied by the follo�ving fraction: (a) the total ` _ <br /> �` ;unount of tne sums ucurcd immcdiately bcfirre the taking, dividcd by (b)thc fair market valuc of thc Property immediutely _, <br /> � r �� ' bcfi�rc thc taking. Any bulancc shall bc p:►id tn Borwwcr. ln dtc cvcnt of a partial talcing af the Property in which thc fair <br /> ti.�'_. .y� ..", <br /> ,�� � • s• market valuc af thc Pr�ipcny immcdiutcly bcforc thc taking is Icss thun the amount of thc suros sccuced immcdiately be ore t�e __ <br /> � •V�•° �•�•,�; taking, unlcss Borrower and I.endcr athcrwitie agrcc in writing ur unlcss applicablc law othe�wi�e provides, thc procudti sh311 <br /> be applied ro the tiums sccurcd by thiti Sccuriry Intit�vment whctlsr or not the sums are thcn due. __- <br /> ^ If thc Propmty is nbandoned by Borrowcr,or if.aftc�noticc by Lender to Borrower thut the condemnor offers to m:ilce:��x <br /> ,��1�_ i ;�wurd or �ettic a rlaim fur damagcs, Bi�rrower f<iils to respond to L.cnQcr within 30 days after dte date die notice is�ivcn. —. <br /> '�'t;;E{�*:�: 7 ^' Lcndcr iti authorizcd to coilect and a 1 the rocccds,ut its o tiun,eithar lu�e,turatiun�n•re air of thc Pro rt or to the tiums ""=- <br /> �.,.;-..,:; PP Y P P P P� Y <br /> � 4�>� � secured by this Security Inatrum�nt, whcther or not then due. ��� <br /> ��c:2j�)�- t•, .__ <br /> r.v:� ... „ Unless Lendcr and I3orro�vcr othenvise agree in writing, any application of�roceeds to principal sha11 not cxtcizd or �=-- <br /> � �� Ewstpone the duc date of thc munthly payments referrcJ to in parag�.�phti 1 and 2 or change the amount nf such payments. �""`" <br /> ' ���i'i",��l�,� " 11.Borrower Not Releasecl;E'orbearnnce By l.ender Not A Wuiver.Extension of the time tor paymcnt or modification s�-`�. <br /> '��,;..,.,•..:°�v�' <br /> • • of:nnortitation af thc sums uYUrcP u bhis Securit in,�rument �ranted b l.ender tn an tiuccessor in interest nf Borcower shall � � <br /> '.� , �: Y Y b Y Y• is� , <br /> �rte�;--:;-:,, ;.�r.�,T;' nut operate to rcic:uc the lianility of thc urigin�l Borrowcr or Borro�vcr's suc�essars in intcrest. Lendcr shall nnt bc rcquin:d to �r, •. <br /> j; �"'-, <br /> r • 'n commence proc:exdings a�ainst any succetsur in intcrest ur re.fuse to extend time far nayment or otherwitie m�xlify umortiration •.;�,..,.. <br /> -��o`rSbk`��:`�:'�' ����� of' the sums �ecured by this Security In�trumcnt by reason of� any dcmand made by the original Borro�ver ur Bocrow�er's _`=` <br /> successors in interest. Any ti�rbearance by I.cnder in exercitiing any right or remedy shall not b� a waiver of or preclude Ihe �',� <br /> y�Y�� � ' excrcitic of any right or remedy. - <br /> .;;,.. . .. . <br /> _ • 12. S�tcc�;sors and Assi�ns Bountl;Joint und Sevcral Liability; Cu-si�;ners. The covcnants and agrecmcnts nf this �; <br /> " "�' _ Sccurity Instrument shall bind and henefit th� succetisors and:�s::igm of Lcnder and Borrowcr, tiubject ro the provisions of �F= <br /> �_'�-�-T--- p:u°agraph 17. t3ottawcr's cove+iantti and agrcements sn:ai oe,joi�u and �rverai. A«y Builui'vci who c:,-signs ."r; �..tx.urii� ��°_ <br /> •'r `� - • � [nstrument but does nur exrcutr the Nute: ta) �+ro-,igning thiti Scrurity [nstrument only tu mortgugc, grant anJ com�ey that ---Y <br /> �'�`'``•���� � � Borrowcr's intcrest in thc Propeny under the tcnns of this Seruriiy Dn�2rumcnt:tb)iti not personally obligutcd to pay thc tiurns _�,_ <br /> • ;;; '. ' �ecured by this Security Instrument: and(c)agrees that Lender and any othcr Bott��wer muy agr��w extend, ntodify, forbear a�r -- - <br /> �-• ' make any acconunixlations with reFard to the temis of this Scturity Imtr�ment or the Nute wuhout that Borrower'�consent. -- <br /> '�:•.;�., 1; " 13. Loan Char�es. If the loan�ecured by diis Sccurity Instrument is subject to a la�v �vhich sets m�ucimum loan charge�, �'�',?��. <br /> :md that law is tin�lly interprcted so that the intcrest or uthcr loan charges collectui ur ro bc coUcctcd in ronnee:tiun with the �`�''��' <br /> �..�,�,,��:�:.. . .,. loan execr.d the petmitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge ,hatl be reduceel by the amount ncces5ary to reduce the eharge ��,, <br /> - � ' to the permittcd limit;and(b)any suqis almady collcctcd from Borroveer which excecded permiucd lintits will be rcfunded to , <br /> . � � � � Sarrower. I.cnder may chuu,e to make this refund ny rcducing the principal iiwed under the Notc or by making a dirert ''• <br /> .,.�,�a.i:� .,,,.. .. <br /> . .•.:,;.. payment W Borrower. [f � refund reduces principal, thc reduction will be trcated as a partial prepayment �vithout any <br /> �,~�hu.;. prep�ymcnt chargc undcr thc Notc. <br /> .T�,=.r,�--�s+�•• �� -'� 14.Noticw�.Any nutire tu Bo�mwer pruvided fiir in this Sccuriry In.trument �hall he givcn by Jelivering it or by muiling <br /> .a�y,`x���',��_�.' it by first cla�s muil unless applicable la�v rcquims u�c of another method.The notire�hall be dirccteAl to the Pn�perty Addtess : <br /> . K,;�,.•i..�:=-::. . or any othcr ctddrcsti Borrrnvcr dcsignatcs by nuticc to [.cndcr. Any noticr R� Lrndcr �hall be =iven Ny tirst class m:til to � �; <br /> _ .,,,,�i�.�..;,2,:... . L,cndcr's address statcJ licrcin ur any othcr addretis Lendcr dcsignatc�. by nuticc to Borruwcr. Any ni�ticc provi.led for in this <br /> ;��., .. �. , Sccurity histrmnent tihall be dcemed to havr bcen�;iven to Burrowcr or Lender ahen given ati priwidcd in this pnragraph. 4 <br /> � � • t5.Governirt� Law; Severability. Thia Sccuriry In,[n►ment shall l,� governcd by fcderal la�v und t{u luw of the F.'; ', <br /> •�:-�;.�,;.'!` jUSi�diction in which the Property is located. In the cvent that any pmvitiion ur rlau�e��f this Security Instrument or the Nc�tc <br /> • �;;�. •. conflicts willi applirable luw,such contlict�hall not ut�fect other provis�ons of this Security Instrumem or the Note�vhich can he <br /> �' givcn effi.�:t u•ithout the conflIcting provisicin. To this end the provitiions of this Sccuriry Imtrunient anJ dic Note um decland <br /> '�R��� to Ne scvcrable. <br /> ;� 16.Burrowcr's Copy.Bi�rrowcr shall bc given onc cuntiirmcd cupy of thc Notc and of'this Sccuriry[mtru�cnt. <br /> - ' 17.Transfer ot the Pruperty or a Beneficial Interest in liorrower.lf aU c�r�ny part uf the Property or any interetit in it <br /> is sald or transfcrrcd(or if a beneticial intcrest in Burrowcr is,old ur tr.msfcrrcd and Borc�nver i� not a u•rtural�enon►without f <br /> .� ' L.endcr's prior written conscnt, I.cnder may, at it� option. rcyuire inm�cdiatc paymcnt in full of sll sums rccttred by thiti � <br /> , ,,:.,:. ��. Security Ins�rumcnt. Huwcver, thix iiption�hall nut br excrciscd by C.cndcr if excrcise iti prohibitcd by fcdcral lsw as of the date j <br /> •�•:r ��f'this Sccurity Instrument. I <br /> ����� � � If I.cndcr excrciscti this opiiun,L.endcr shall givc Bon•owcr notirc of acrcicration.Thc nuticc shall pro�idc a period cif not <br /> • lcss than 30 duys from thr Jatc thc notice iti dctivcrrd��r mailcd within which Borro�vcr mutit pay all tiums tircurcd by this <br /> � Security Instrument. If Borrowcr fails to pay these sums prior tci the expirati�m uf tliis prriuJ. Lcnder may invuke any remcdi�w <br /> permitted by this Security Instruntcnt withnut farth�r notice ar dcmand c>n Borro�ver. r <br />-�� 1�. I�orr�K•er's I�i�ht to Reinstate. If Borrower meets crrtain ronditi��n�. Borrowcr tihall havr thc ri�ht tu har. I <br /> t �`° enforcem�nt ot this Scrurity Imtrument disci�ntinuai at any time pric.r ta thc carlicr of: ta) 5 day. �ur surh othrr prriixl .ix <br />__ t.'��`�� ' applicable la�v may �pecify fi�r reintitatemr.ntl befurc �a{e cif the t'ruPrny purtivant t�� .my po�vcr of �:dr mntaim�l in this <br /> ' � � Security Instrumcnt;or(b)cntry uf a judgment enforring tnis Security Imtrument.Tho�r conditiom are thut Burrower:(al pay+ <br /> � � Lcr,der zll sums which then would br Juc under this Scrurity Instrumcnt and th� Notc ati if no ae�cl�rati�in hs..l�ircurc:�c1: (h) <br /> �,.. , cures any default ot'any other covcnxnts or agn�ements: (c) pay,all rxpenties incurreci in cntiirring thiti Security Imtrwnrnt, , <br /> includin£. but nut Iimit�J tu, rcatiomiblc cuturncys' frc>: und(d)talus tiuch actiun uti LenJcr may rcatinnahl�• rcquire tu :�>�ttn <br /> i _ _ � _ <br /> char thc licn of this Securitv In.titmmcnt. I.cndcr'ti ri�,hts in thc Property and Dorro�vrr'ti ubli�!atiun m pay thc tiums.rcur�J hy <br /> diis Sccurity Instrument tihall continue unchang��et. Upun rcimtatement hy Bono�ver, tht> Secunty In�trumenc and ene - <br /> -��t • �ibliLations�ccured hereby �hall mmain lally cii�ctiee ati if n�i acccicr.ition had urcurrcd. Hiiwc�•er.this right ta rcin+tatc�hall <br /> � � not apply in thc catic uf arccicr.�tion undrr pur�graph 17. <br />_: 19, sate nf Nocr; Chan};e of I.aun tierviCCr. Thc N��t���r a panial intrre+t in thc N��tc Iti�gcther ��•ith thiti Sccurity <br /> " II = Intitrumcnt)may bc,uld anc ur morc time�witliout priur n�nice ti�Burruwc�. A tialr may rr+ult in a rl�an�;c in Uic cnttty Ikno��n <br /> �; as thc "Loan 5crviccr") tliat collcrts mcinthly paymcntti duc und�r thr Notr and tl�iti Srcurity lmtrumcnt. 'I'hrrc:ilu�may he��nc <br /> ��r morc changcti uf thc I.oan Scrviccr unrclatcJ tu a�ulc ut'tlm Notc.IF thcrc i�a changr uf thr L��au ticr��ira•.Hurrinerr��•ill hc <br /> givcn writtcn noticc uf thc cliangr in xrrurJunrc�vith paragraph Id ahu�•r:nd:ipplirablc law. Thc nutirr�cill,t�tc thr name and <br /> � . :ItItJCCtiy I�F Iltl` ttl'W La�an Scrviccr anJ thc addt���G� which paymrntti ,huuld hc m:iJ�. Thc nutirc a•ill al�u r�mt.iin.m�•��thcr <br /> � intiirmation rcyuinYl hy appl�rablr law. <br /> ' , �y ZU. Hawrdnus tiulntunc�. Barr���vrr �:iall not�au,c ur prrmit thc �,rc.cnr�. u�r. ,t�,r,i�c. ur rclra,r ul any. <br /> ;� � :..�u• 1{a�ar�luuti Subtitanccs un ur in tlir Pm�x�Yy. Hurn���•rr .hcdl nut du. nur ciUow :m}�unr rl.c tu du. am•thin�: aticcting thc <br /> -- • '�'-��t?' Pruperty that iti iu viol:�tian ot any linvirnnmrntul L;►�v. The pnrcdiiig t��u ,c�ttenrcti,hall nut :��,�i�� �„�i,�rr,•.rncc. u+c. „r <br /> . ��`' ` tit��ragc an thc Nro�x�rty uf small yuantitir•��f Haiard�,u, Suh�t:mrc+that ar��;cncr,dly rrcueniicJ h� hr appn,rrianr tu�u,rnr,d <br /> rc�idrntial u,eti and tn niaintcn:mrr�fl'thr Pr�iprrt�•. <br /> , .;..,..� � Fnrm�Q28 919U � . <br /> . <br /> .. r i _ � <br />