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_�� . ...+�i'li' I�IIiEYcy.e; . . ''.'�-_. <br /> lrwtq� I �..V.r.• �'�41.l.._'.`.' <br /> � !� <br /> '� . �, .._ - '_ _ <br /> _ _�� ` --___ _ _ _.' ' '_'_. ._ — ._. _:__.._.. <br /> / ' ' _— — <br /> :� _�__ _ � .. � _ — . <br /> — ��r"'� ��:�QC� <br /> -��^���•.-� – <br /> � 'i�(N i1i111FR WI'C11 nll ItK�In�pruvr�nt�nty t�o�v or he�ra(ter crr.cted u�i Ihi��ni��x•riy,:md all e:�umenis.a��purtr��a:ueti, <br /> -- - a��l 1 ixiurr��N�w��r licrralirr u �,a�i a,f efic piu{x�ty. �111 �cplaccuicuis a�ul;�diliiiun�.Irdl ahu Ix�cuvcr��d Iry u�is Sccurity - <br /> Intihunknt. Afl ot ihc f��rrKuing is rc(crrrd iu i��thf.Sr.uriiy In�irumrnt ati Ihe"1'r�meny:' <br /> g(IFtKOW►:lt('!)VGNAN I:ti Ihal Nnra�µrr i�:lawl'idly sci�rd ut'ihc r4latc hcrehy cunvc��cd and has�hc«gUt�u greart <br /> a�xl ca�vey tF�r F'rrqxny und thut�hr I'n►pcny i+une�x:cmhrred,rxcept f�ur encumbran�:e�of reconl. Bcxrnwer warcantv and <br /> -- - will�lcfend Fen��rlly�Ik tii lc iu�he Pru�x•ny a�ai mt:dl claimti and demanAti.�ubjcct tn u�►y encu►nhr;inees af recnrd. <br /> ---- --- _ <br /> 'I'HIS tiEiCURI"i'Y INS'fRUA1�NT cun:hine� uniPumi cuvruan�s fi►r natiun•rl use unJ non-unii'orrn covena�tts with - <br /> -- limitcd variatiun.hy juri�di�tinn to cun�titutc a unifi�mi�ccuriry instn�mrnt cnvcring mal pm�x rty. <br /> _ I UNIFORM COVENAN'1 S. H��rr„u•cr and Lcndcrcovun:mt;tnd agrcc ati i'�dlows: <br /> �, pryment of Princfprl and Intcrr�t;Preprymcnl rnd Lrte Ch�rRey. Rurr�u•cs shall pn�mptly pay wl�cn duc ti�c <br /> ' ' I ' principai nf and interetit�m 1he debt evidenced hy ti�e iVnte and:m}�prep:►ymem cuiQ latc chargcs due unJer[he Ni�te. <br />�;' :t. � 2, Eund9 fur'f�xe!►smd 1n►urAnce. tiuhject to applicable law ur tu a wnttrn wa:ver by l.end�r,Borrower�haU pay ta <br />_�•�� L.cndcr un tt►�day manthly paynunts.�rc due undcr tkc Notc,u�tlil Ih�N�stC'iti paid in fn!l.:� tium ("F�mAs"1 for:la)ycarly �,_ <br /> [axc�:►nct a,>cstimcnts which muy attain priori►y uvcr Ihis Scsurity Instn�mcnt as a ticn un �hc 1'rop�:rty;(b)yearly lcaschoid <br /> rr� paymcnts or ground rentc on thc 1'rc��x:rty. if any; tcl ycarly h:vurd or pro}xrty insurancc prcmiums; (d)ycarly flc�d <br /> 3 Ji insur.uica prcmiums, ii' any:Ic)y'cady mortga�c imuwncc premiunn, if any: :md ifl any +um+ payablc by Borrowcr tu <br />.v� Lender,in accordance with the provisions uf puagraph lieu of the paymem of murtgage in+unnce premiums. Thece _ <br /> " items arc called"Escrow ltems." Lcndcr may,at ai�y[ime,collect and hold Fundti in an amount not tu cxceed thc maximum <br /> � amount a Icndcr for a fcdrrally rclatrd mortga�c laan may reyuiR for Borrowcr:cticrow account undcr thc fcdcral Rcal <br /> Etitatc SctUemcnt FMxrdures Act nf 1974 a,amended from�imc to timc.12 U.S.C.4't►l�l er xrr�.l"Rf:SPA"),unlcsti an�nhcr <br /> law Uiat applics to tlx Funds sets a Icsscr amounc. If+o,Lcnder may,ut:w��tiwr.cutlr.:t uuJ huld{-unds in an amount tiat ta = <br /> • { exceed the Iesser umount. Lender may ctitimate the amount of Fund� dur un the batiis of current data and reasunable <br /> cstimatcs of expcndiwrcs of futurc Eticrow Itcros or othcnvisr in accurdanec with applicablc law. ___. <br /> � � �'Y Thc Funds tiluill tx:h�ld in an iRtiti�ution who�c dcpn,it+ are imurcd by a (cd�r.d agcnry. �n+wmentality,or cntity ��_- <br />� (including Lcndcr,if L.:ndcr is �uch an institutionl nr in;uiy Fcdcral Hamc l.oan B:u�k. Lcndcr shall�ppty thc Fundti to pay =-- <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not ch;uge Borrower for halding and applying the Fund�. arnually an:ilyring the c�crow _-_— <br /> account, or verifying the Eurow hems,unlcss Lcndcr pays linrto�vcr interc,t un the f-a�t�l.s and applic�ble law pem�its <br />' Leo,.f,;r to m:ike svch a charge. However, Lender may require Liorrower to pay a ane-ti�ne charge fur an independent real <br /> ' ; ;t,� ,,, csc.-,t•e iax repnrtiR2�ervice used by Lender in connection�vith thiti loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an -_ <br /> ��•� agn,�cment is�r.i�or applicable law rcyuires intemst to bc paid.Lender.hall not be rcyuired to pay Borrower any intcrest or <br /> ..dr'=,±��.,-• c,urings on the Fnndti. Barro��rr and Lendcr may agree in writing,ho«•cvcr,that inicrast xhall be paid�sn thc FunJs. Lender <br /> ��'� °`•�"•'� ch;t;3 give to Borrower,without charge,an:umual accounting of the Fund.,,howing credits anddebits to the Fundti and the <br /> ������`�t"''� «,�.�.P for which each debit to the Fundt was made. The Funds arc pled�ed as addition�t security for all sums secured by _ <br />+'. .I�•,:::�.�-•�•--..�. �{ <br /> ��:� f' P_.. _ <br /> Y,.,f` * tltis 5�curiry Inswment. - <br /> � i;•;,�;+ 1f the Funds heM by Lendcr excecd the amountti permitted to be held by applicable la�v. Lensler shall account to <br /> c • 'ti. ,� !.?��: ; — <br /> , �;�".�;'„ ,�� � Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the rcqu�remcnts of applicablc law. If the •rmount c�the Funds he(d by <br /> ; j ""�w'�" Ler.dcr at any time is nat sulficicnt to p�y the E.�crow Itcros when due,Lcndet may�o notify Borro•:._r in writing,and,in <br /> it:. L ' surFe case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount n�cessary to make up Uie defic�ency. Borrower shall ma�:e up the <br />- '•:a;;�:��• '-:� deCc�cncy in no mom than twclvc monthly payntcntti,at Lcitdcr's solc discmtion. <br />�- t``' ' ��. � Upon paymcnt in full of:tll sums ticcumd by this SccuriR• Instrument.Lender�li�l� prompdy mfund to Borroh�.r any <br /> ". Furtds hcld by Lendcr. If, undcr paregraph 21, Lender shall.xquire or sell Ihc Property, Lendcr,prior to Ihe acye'sii�vn or — <br /> �� ,.,,,- �.. ' sale of the Property. shall apply any Funds het�by Lender at the ticrte of acquisitian or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> �� tiecured by this Security Inswment. <br />�.. �.,« 3. Ap�lieaticw� ot Payments. Unless applicab.r law pmvides othenvise, all payments recri��d by lxnd,er under _ <br /> paragraphs I and 2 shatl lx applicd:first,to anv prepayment charges due undcr the No�;;second,to amotmts pa)ab'.e under <br />_= paragraph 2:third,to inten:stdue;fourth,to principal due::uid last,to:u�y late chatgcs due underthe Notc. _ <br /> � t� 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. �.tiscssments, charges, tines and impotiitions attributable to thc <br /> p�o rty which may attain prioriry ovcr thiti Sccurity 6ttitrument,and Ica.sehold paym�nts or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower �'�' <br /> a �'=�- <br /> •� shall pay these obiigations in the m:u►ner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bocrower shall pay them on =_ <br /> - � � time��rectly to the person owed payment. Bo�rower shall promptly fumish to Lender all�oticeti of amounts to be paid under =_ <br />�°`;� °e t}iy5 .ra h. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Boaower shall prompUy funi�h to Lender mreipts evidancing = <br /> - � P= S�P <br /> _ �,�;�=�x^:y` the pr.y7tcnts. _ <br /> - - � r,*r :: 8orrower a�nall promptly discharge any lien u�hich has prioriry over this Security➢ns�:rument unless Burrower.(a)�€rees = <br /> _ ! �„,�:�'- =_ <br /> • •, c��.r,�•c: in wriung to+th:pa�m►ent of the oblig�tion u�umd by the lien m a m:umer acceptable to Lcnder,lb>wntests in good faith the <br /> "�"�',�� lien by.ur defends against enforeement of th;:icn in,Icgal prc�ecdings�a•hich in thc Lender's opinion operate to prevcnt thc <br /> '°,:, E �°..t`' eref��-cem2c►t of the lien;or(c) secures from�Te holder of tre:i,:n an agmement satisfacto�y to Lender subordinatin�the lien �'`�'c: <br />- '�, ::;�: ; to Uhis Security Instrument. [f Lender determines that any y�r,of the Property is subject tu a lien �vhich muy attain griariry t'` <br /> ..��� '.. <br /> � • "�"°=' �� over this Security Instrument.Lender may give Borro�ver�n��ice idcntifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy thc liar,or takc '^'� <br /> ,. t_�:�:i: <br /> • �''jy. ;_ one or mom of the actions sec fonh abo�•e.s i.h.r!0 days of die giving o(aotice. <br /> � 5. Hs�ard��or Property Insur��ca ��rrower shall kecp the im ra�ements now existing or hereafter emcted on the ���`. <br /> � ��;i? ' '�� ��. properiy insured against loss by fin.ha�az�r E�^•luded within the tcrtn`e�scended covcragc"and any other hazards,including f�_'. <br /> t '•.i• .�r�.�:�:,�;� fl�ods or flooding,for which [.cnder nquires intiur:uice. 11»s insuracce shall be maintained in the amounts and for thc <br /> _ } ;f•,����' <br /> i '�,� :A'�.'rv'M. ���:��'i� Fotm 3028 9i90 I�wgt2.�/Apngeal .;.� <br /> _ _:..x.... . _ <br /> -. �";''N;` �„• <br /> f' <br /> „_ __ l.�._ �. <br /> R , K': <br /> - '.j�'.: ... ._ I • <br /> __ ���-`.ar-li�'l..f:t•5 ,. � �!!�'NI'��[YL.1��LM�tlI{�i'_ " _ ' ' _ ��:Mr.... .`bi4.:Y!'. • .r , ��:. . .. <br /> y <br /> l. . <br /> r_ !'�„'7'_ . ' .., _ _ ��.-��1�.: . <br /> j ... •. �. . <br /> .' _ `�!J/���i • ,� <br /> .�_ ____ _ . ... _ _ .. . . . .�,.- _•_•Li.j' - . <br /> -—__—_ _ _ - - ____ __ __ _-,_ _ - .,:�r i:•s�� . '�. <br />--�,1 res�'w`�.s�°-e-�Fi�.1--. .i ; -- - <br />