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. ;:,i��" ��:`., � /. � �� � <br /> �+Cd'4�i <br /> �i� �. __ - __ ___ <br /> i. � <br /> prriais thst Ixrxirr requfra.r. 7he In�u��ncc cn�rier pmviding the insurance sl�all iic chotien by���"C!F�+Tr'",��Lant�erS <br /> a�xoval which�hall not be wutesunt�hly withheld. If Horrower fuils to mainteir�coverage deticrit�:cl.xt'►�ve,Lender may,s�t <br /> Lenderk option,abtain cova�ge to pmleet I.encka's•rights in the Pmperty in accoa►f�n.e with pvrngan�h 7. <br /> All inaunaxc polici�w and renewnls,hail tx�acceptable tn l.endcrand shatl incl��cie a sta,xtzA�l emr��;��.,�c;autie. Lender <br /> shell tw�e Ihe riaht to hold the pullcies and renewalx. Cf Lender reyuiees,Aorrower shall prrnnptly gl�•e ta[.c�xkc a�l�a:eipts <br /> of prid premium�and renew�l notice�. In the event af loss,H�rrower shall give prpmpt notiac tc�th�:inyurruua cerrier und <br /> L:.�.:..'r. l.�ndz.r,.:,su•.!•;.p.00f af la:;.iFnoi�u»d,^.�:.oniptly by It�7;:�rr::r. �-__ - <br /> Unlrsa Lendcr wxi Horrower otix:rwise agrce in writ'rng,in9arance pra:eeds shull be applirrJ to repnir of <br /> the Prnperty damaged, if the cesroretion or repair is eco�wmically fea�ible and Lendcr� security is not ierirc,.r:r9. If the <br /> rtstoration or rtpair is not ccunomicaliy feasible or Lender� security would be icsscned. (hG ttlll.i[t1q�C pTS1P,P4^.�4 6IlAII F?C <br /> applled to tlx sums xecuned by this Security Instnrment, whether or nat then due, with m�y excess puid to Bnnoti�•ur. If <br /> Burrower ahar►don� the Pro�crty,or daes not answGr within 30 days a notire from Lcnder d�at the insunuuv: c:irci�s h:rs <br /> offered to setAz a claim.then Lcnder may cullect the insurance pracceds. Lender muy use the proceocls to rep�ir.or.rc�sta�e <br /> th�['ro}xrty or to pay su�r�s st:curad by this Secueity Insuument,wheth.r or not IhF:n duc. The 30•duy pe;iad vvilt G:gln ts;;:.�>. : <br /> the nolice is given. <br /> Unless Lender und Dorrawer othenvise agn�:in tiviting, any upplication of proceeds to principx.l nh�7i r:;t exiend ur _— <br /> postpane thc due dute of tl�c mnnthty payments+�ef��-e 1 to in paragraphs 1 mid 2 or chan�e the umaunt af Qia�ayments. If _— <br /> under puragraph 21 the Pr�}xrty is :ic�;ixed by iender, Bo:ro�ver's right to any ins��rnnce pel�.�ies nn:l pror.ceds ia:sulrirg <br /> from damage to the Yroperty prior to!h�acqulsitian shall pass to Lender to th�extz_�t of th:sc3r�s secun:d by this Secu�ic�r �_ <br /> Instrument ir.imcdiutely p�ric•r eo tlie Acquisitian. y <br /> 6. O�ti�up�nsy, 4'�r�ation� Atatntenance ansl Yrotect(on ot tl�e Fabperty; Borra+ver's l.o��n a,pyplie��ton; _ <br /> lre�.�tholdat. Barra�•ex af�all accupy,establish,and use th:Pro}�erty as Borro��:r's princlpal residence within six:�dA}s;�!i�er <br /> ttie exrcution af this Sec►n•ity]nstrumeat and shaU contim�r to orcu}�y the!'roperiy as Horrow�r's principal racilencc£er ai <br /> le:►st nne ye�r after the date of a:cvp:ury, unless I.ender ott�e.nvise agrecs in writing, ���hich cansent shall nat L�e <br /> unizasanab]y wi:hheld,or unless exee:�uatins cimur.istances exist��•hich are beyond Barrower.L• contmL Borrower shuU nut <br /> destroy,dnmugc or impair the Property,allow the Property to detcriornte,or commit waste on the Proprrty. ➢orrower shall <br /> bc in defnult if:my farfeiture nction or proce�din�,«•`�ether civil or criminul,is begun that in Lenders ga���_' 1:aith judgment — <br /> could residt in furfciturc of the Propcny or othcnvise matcrially impair ihc licn creatcd by thi> Sc.�urit�� :n�xrument or <br /> Lander.l•security interest. Bortower may cure such a defzwlt und reinstute,as provided in p:ungraph 18,by cr..�sing the action <br /> or proceeding to t►c dismissed with u ruling thut,in Lender's good fnith determination,precludes forfeituro nf tne Borcower's <br /> interrst in thr Propeny or uther muteriul impairment of the lien created Uy Ihis Security Instrum�nt or Lender's sccurity - <br /> interest. Borrower shall alsa be in dct:lult if Dorrowcr, during thc loan application proeess, gave m2tcrially false or <br /> inuccuntc infonnution or stutemcnts to Lender(or failed to pmvide Lender with any muterial infarmation►in oannection with <br /> the lomi evidenced l�v tt� Note. inrludine. but not limited ta. reurcsentations concemine Barro�ver c occuoanev of the ` " <br /> �operty a�a principal.residcnce. If this Security Instcument is on a leasehold,Donowcr xhall cumply with ail the provisions ,. <br /> of Ih�Ic:�.tie. [f Borrower acquircs fcc title to the Property,the lc�.�c'�n1d nnd the fcc title shall nat merge unless Lcnder ugre�s <br /> to thc merger in writing. <br /> 7. Protection uP l,ender's Rigi�ts in the Property. If Borrowcr f.uls to perform th�:covenf:nis und ugreem�nts — <br /> contained in this Security Instcument, or them i; a legal proceeding that muy signitirantly affeci Lender's ri�hts in the <br />