,� , �, . ,,.._ . _ . _,
<br /> s� 4�:t,.'qV�1rw.- '. �'`, x--
<br /> . . . i� rliM,s.,. .-f . ,_ -
<br /> "_-� . �. ' •' _ ___-_—
<br /> 'i . . xi� _ ... .
<br /> . .�. l.L�..��a
<br /> . -�....�..w..,.�r,r�i:t:ll':'UA �'F•' a'"��ll��a7
<br /> �r
<br /> � SI. Miwrdey�M�1�i�ls.TruNor�h�ll ksap ths Proprrty In campl7�nc�witlf�I!sppUcab6�+I�wr.ordlnanc+w�r'�d r+iW�atlon�
<br /> rMMtlnp M Induqri�l hypl�n�or�nvlronm�ntril ProMCUan(call�ctivWy�M�rrrwf b!►�rMn a�"EnvlraMrnnlsJ Larw'�.Tru�br�IwM
<br /> kASp tltA Prop�rty 1r�irom ell wtul�nc�a drtqned W be haziudour or toxlc und�r�ny Envir�r►m�ntd Leirw(coll�ctlwly+'MMnd b
<br /> tN�in�"Hwrdou�M�Mrlus"),T�uqer h�eby wWra►IS and r�pr�nb b L,��thst th�n us no Flwrdow I�A�1Srial�on p'
<br /> - undM thn proFwrty.Tnutor h�reby�prMS to Irtdemnity�nd haltf h�rmN�+L�nd�►�Ib dlr�abrs,oMic�ri.�n^P�Y*M��^�'�
<br /> �"'--------- any Iwr.�.•wrutt 1u I.wKiw'�lui.,..:.6w�.:+�a uy.l�i:t c+�y ar>�:«'1 c:a:r..:.G=n:y��1"•°"•!�n�t?■MI4R•+c�Ci±slnn in cxfnnsctltx�WNh
<br /> Ihe pra�ncs,uM�dl�l or Mnsport M any HateMow Mal�lais on� undsr,han a about th�Prop�ty.TNE FWiEf30W13 �_ -
<br /> � 9U1iViVE R�CONVEYANCE Ur 7i11S DEED OF 7HU8T.
<br /> 10. MM{p�M�l M R�nk�.T�u�Yar hanby nsWpni W L�ndar ttw ronb,Iwuw�nd proMU of ti�Ptapsrty;Rrovidod lhat Try�NO+'
<br /> ���ntl,unMl th�occurroncs ot an�wnt ot DM�ult h�wndrr,havs th�ripht W col I�ct and ntein auch r�nts,luuu�and prc►rita u tMY
<br />—' °°— becom�duo and pay�bls.Upon the ocnurrsna�ot�n Ewnt ot OM�ult,Lnnd�r may,slthe►�n i»►son or by�p�nt,w�Ih or wiC�out
<br /> ��-'" - - - IHinpinp any ar.itnn or proceedlnQ,er by e rorr�lva�ppo�nbd by e court and wlthout rp�rd to ths a��«.i�+f Nt�c�mY.� _
<br /> -- u�aon and uke poassaalon of ths Prop�rty,or arry p�rt th�nol,In Ib own nam�or In the nartw of tM Tru�,and oo�ny�IS wh�h ft
<br /> 4 - -- c{tMmwn�cswryordosirabl�topres�rv�thavrilw,m�dc�bilffyornnlabfllryoflhsP�opsrly.or�nyp�ntlwreofalnlKSatth�tMn,
<br />-�'"� Inatea�o ths Incnms thare(ram or protect the is�curity h�r�of and,with or without takin�posMSSion of the Props�ty.su�tat o►
<br /> �.. atharwl�e colloct th��sn�,luue�and prolil�ti�areof,includinfl thors paat du�end unRaid,and�pply ths sartw,la�a cosb�nd
<br /> ox{snnwss o1 aperetlon and collecUon Inciudln�attorueys'lees,upon uny Indebtednesa secured hereby,a►1 fn such order as Le��cler
<br />=�.� mey Astarmine.Yt�a entsrinp upo�5 and teklna pr,sassion of ths Pro�erty,the co�I�ction of such rsnts,iasues end proflts and lhs
<br /> ;; appficatlon theraaf ea aloroeaid,�hall not aurc�or waiv�any dMauit or nodce ot ddeult hereundor or lnvalidato�ny act done In
<br /> - «�BjFants+to auch delnult or pur_�.+ent to such nrsfl�;�Qf dslRUlt�nd,notwithstandinp the contlouanco In po�sesNon of tfie Property or `
<br /> thp apllectlon,reCelpt end apPlication of rsnla,Isfues or proNk,�nd Trustes and Lende�sk►all bs sntitled to exarciae ev�ry rigi►Q
<br /> �rovicled tor in any af the Lwn Documentsa by Isw upnnaccurnr►ceof�ny Eventof Defautt,inciudinp without Ilmitation tM►iphtto
<br /> oxoraise the power of eate.furthe�.Lender'o ri�;hts and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumuledve witl�,and In oo way s
<br /> ' Ilmitnqan on,Lender's rlphts end ramedlesundnrsnyussipnmentof lessea and rents recorded apainstthe Properry.LenOsr,Truatee
<br /> And ths rocelver shell be Il�ble to account anly ifiose re�ta actueily received.
<br /> �. 11. EvMtb of QMiuM.The tollowinp aiiall c:onstitute an Evant ot Detault undar thit�Oeed of Trust
<br /> (a) Failuro to pay any inatallment ot princlpei or intersst of any other aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (U) A broach of or delauit under any provislon contsined in tho Note,this I)eed of Tast,any of the Loan Oocuments,or any
<br /> olhnr Ilon or ancumbrance upon lhe Prope+ty: ---
<br /> � �j�,'��.:;�;:� (a) A writ of execution or attachment or any aimllar proceas shatl be entered against Trustor which shell become a Iten on �_
<br /> - � .����:.+�, the PropeAy or any portlon thereof ar intoreat therein;
<br /> ''w� ~•�'-' �'' d There ahall be fded by or a�alnet Truator�r Borrower an actlon under any present or future federal, atate or othor
<br /> n YA,"��.� ,: - , 5.,. � )
<br /> - ...�°-,.•:=•_ . _ .' ; stutute,Inw or roAularion rQlatinp to b�nkruptcy,inaolvency or other rellef tor debtors;or there shail be appointed any truatee. °,�__
<br /> ,_ --- -
<br /> :'�'�'���•� receiver or tiquidator ot Trustor or Borrowar or of ali or any part oi me rroperiy.or inn�v�i�.�o5iio'a Lf�iBS�'.2�1�:°..Q!.Of Tn!�!nr _-_ __
<br /> �l��•.f:,.-::--,• '.
<br /> , ����;�„},,,� ,� or Borrowor shal�make eny general asaf�nment for tha benefit of creditoro;
<br /> ��- • • • (o) The,saie,tranater, lease,asslgnmcant,conveyance or further encumbrance of nll or any part of or any Intereat In the =
<br /> t ,:,.�,�. .
<br /> k,�r.;;; • .�•��-. �: Property,either voluntsrlly or Invaluntailiy,without the exprass w�itten cottsent of l.ender, provi;ied that Trustor shall _
<br /> ��k��'��`.~���� -d" ,1� one Ioatl to axecute a leass ot tho Proporly that does not contaln en optipn to purchase and the teran mf which does not exceed
<br /> � ''"`� ' ' �`�' y Abandor+ment of the pro ert or �"
<br /> ,;.ur�:��-...: ,+_,,;� . (A P Y
<br /> 'R�;�:' � " (q) It Truator Is not an individual,ihe lanuance,sale,transter,assignment,conveyanae or encumbrance of moro'than a total `�,,,,,
<br /> !, �,''1.4,? ('�f'tEy;,��'M.JP�.�
<br /> ti. Ll� �JAq�4:•a-'..4`r''. - -.
<br /> . -� � � p}_� parcent ot(if a corporution)ila isaued end outatan0ing stock or(ft a partnership)a totai of percent of
<br /> ��,,,,y,..;., pertnorsMp inlerosts dUring the period ihis Deed ot Trust remalns a Ilon on the Property.
<br /> - �'i r;+�t..=,:�„.;:: . ;� 12_ R�m�diM;AccN�ratlon Upon I�M�u�P.In the event ot any Event of Oetault Lender may,without notice except aa required by
<br /> � •�� inw,declaro t►�i Indobtednoss seaured heroby to be due and payabte and the same shaii thereupon become due and peyabte
<br /> ' � �, without eny prosontment,demand,protest or noUce ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may.
<br /> . Y� �5����,•_.�.. P�f.-!- .
<br /> '`v. ."'�`��-" � '.'`I (�1 pomend thnt Truetea exarciso the POWER QF SALE flranted herein,and Trustee shali thereafter cause Truatar'a
<br /> �,,,�,f�: �... _, , ,i Intoroat In the Proporiy to be sold a�d U�o proceeds to be distrlbuted,ali in the manner provlded!n the Nebraska Trust Deed�
<br /> �,« . Acx
<br /> ' ��.'�'�'''`'.%:� "`'� ' (b) �xo►cisc�anyandntlrfghtsprovldedbrfnanyoftheLoanOocumentsorbylewuponoccurrenceofanyEver.tofDetault;
<br /> - . ;..,,:':;;• -
<br /> s
<br /> � ��r�j;- ? � �.� g�d(c) Commence an acttan to torooioeo this Deed of T�e�st as a mortgage,eppofnt a receiver,or speciflcaliy entorce any of the
<br /> •.;r,;-'"`� . c�venante hereot .
<br /> ' , '>���;.�. No romedy hereln conferred upon or rosorvc+d to Trustee or Lender!s in2ended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the ��
<br /> M1 : �� � �oan Oocuments or by IAw pvovlded or pennitted,but each shall be cumulntive,shaii�?in uddition to every other remecfy given I
<br /> hsrounder.in the Loan Dxum�nts or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently, �
<br /> � , independently or succesaively. �
<br /> • `Y`�`'� � 13. 7rwt�s.Tho Trustoo cni�y rasign nt any time without cause,and Lender may pt any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> , MY>.. ; { auacessor or substltuto 1'rustflfl.'frustoo ehr�ll not be ltebte to any party.Including wtthout limltaUon Lender,Borrower,Truator orany i
<br /> �"�" purchaser of ttto Property,tor any loss or dnmflge unless due to reck�ess or williui misconduct,and shail not be ri�uired to take any �
<br /> x �; :
<br /> � ,.°h r•��: � ` flation in connactlon wilh the eniorcemeoit ot thls Oeed of Truat uniess Indemnified,in writing,tor ali costs,compensation or
<br /> ; �����•J expensea which may bo assoclated therewith.�n addition,Tnistee may become a purchaser at any sale of the PropeRy Uudfcial or i
<br /> ' .,,
<br /> � `' (,;' undor the powor of selo gran'ted horoin�;post�+ono tho sale of a�l or any port�on of the Property.as provided by Iaw;or sell the
<br /> �. �1t� :�� Proporty na u whole,or fn sep�.��te parcots or lots at Trustee's dfscretfon.
<br /> ' 14. I�se�end Exp�nsa�.f n the evont Trustee seils the Property by exercise ot pov�ar of sate.Trustee shall be entitled to epply
<br /> nny sale proceede lirat to payment of t�il cnata and exp�nses of exercising power of sale,inciudfng aIi Trustee's tees,and Lender's i
<br /> ° � und Truatae's 2r.arnay'�toos,uctunliy incurred to extent permitted by appi'cablo Iaw.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exerciseaany
<br /> ;.�:_:. ripht prov�dQd b}Inw to cure r�n Evont of I�efnult,Lender shali be entitted to recover trom Trustor all costs and expensas actualiy
<br />- �1s inaurred as a reavll ot Truslor's dofauit,including withou!iimitatlon ail Trustee's and attorney's tees,to the oxtent permitted by
<br /> Appflaflbic�low.
<br /> 16. F���lurs AdvYncts.Unon «tquQUt 4f 8orrower,Lender may,at its eptloci,mako additlonal and tuture acv�nces and re-
<br /> � � advuncos to Horrowor.Such advtmcox c:n�i reativancos,with intorest thoreon,ahali be secured by th1�Oeed of Truat At no time 3hrau
<br /> thn nrincinul arnount of!ho Indobtc�dness sacurod by tt�la Deed of 7rust�t�d�sums advanced to prot�ct tho security of this
<br /> � Deeci o!T�uat,oxcorni tho ariglnal principal amount atatea nerein,vr a ��%�����`-����y.^-�.. .
<br /> -_ ` . 16. NEhcNtrnrous Provi�ta��.
<br /> (t�) Ootrow�r Not RN�nld.Factonsfon ol tho time(or pIIyment or modifiCatton of amartizatlon of the sums socured by this
<br /> �i '� Oeed at Trustqrantod by Landor to nny succesaor in fnterest ot Bonower shali not operate to reiease,in any ma�ner,tfie Ilabitiry
<br /> • 1 : oi tho origfnal Borrowor and Borrowor's successoro In Interest.lender shali not be requfred to commence praceedings agalnst
<br /> .�;��'� such succassor or raTuae to oxtond tlme tor paymeni or otherwise modity amortiznttan of the sumss secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> • � :: . � by roasan o!any domanda mAdo by the orig����eorrower and Borrower's succe3sors in Interest
<br /> � (b) L�nd�r'�Pow�n.Wlthoul aNecting the�iebitiry ot any other person Ifable tor the payment of eny obligation herein
<br /> � ;� montlonnd,and wfthoulallocting tt�e li�n or chnrge of this Oeed otTrust upon c�ny portfon of the Property notthen arthoretolore
<br /> f• rc�loased na securiry tor the Iuil nmount of ai!unR+aid obli�atlons.Lender ma�,irom time to time and without notice(1)releaseany
<br /> 'i �''� porson so Ilnt:o,((I)oxtend th o mnlurlty or ctlter any of the terms of any such obifgations,(ili)grant other indutgences.(Iv)rolease �
<br /> I . � � ,;�„=;�, '~`' �� ot reconvoy,or cause to bu�olensed or reconveyed at any time at Lender's option any parcel,portfon or ail of the Property.
<br /> • �n��,: •.�,^'=��_y (v)lake or roinase any other or udditlonat security tor any obiigation herefn mentloned,or(vi)make composltfons or other
<br />_ , ;,,,;..:�, � . • annnpemenM wlth debtoro in rotcatlon thereta.
<br /> �
<br /> „�s
<br />