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<br /> .. iS w�...c_. . . .. .-. . ,.
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<br /> , � ..a�.�.���d—
<br /> .-_._�.�_v .�S'1�'. ��
<br /> _- _ " . J�� t4'�2� --
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<br /> _. _ - zH►s o�aF rAUSr,�.�+.ao..�a� Lrtn �wx a.�.. ,.r��. ,�� '� ry.�,d«�+►aw
<br /> Hw Trwtor...�__9.521�.�'t P iMrpn i_,I��Nr L ill�r�_ . hua��,_and rfl • „_ _ .
<br /> M9 M Cl�rk St acaad Irlu►d��Mn„Y�6���«��
<br /> --�-------
<br /> whcn�m�ifinq Wdrast I�._.w. .-..-.— -�----
<br /> — — -- -
<br /> ��ry� Fiva Pointr Mnk, a li�br+�sic� Corr►a�atl�on ._,,. .
<br /> P.0. Box 13�7 [irand I�ls�d. ME 5�1l�2 ,T (h�Nn'Tru�'���r+d
<br /> whose m�II1nQ addrew i� — —�-- — — ..
<br /> r� _ �s���ry Fiv� Pcintw B�nk
<br /> `°r' 2�15 N. Broadr�ll tirand I�land. NB. f+88�Z-13Q7 _��,�A"��'y
<br /> ;�:,��. whose mnl!i�8ddfees�s• ---- —
<br />:�� �oD�rt P fMr-�n
<br /> - FOR VALUABLE CANSIOERA710N,includinp Lender'a exten�lan ot credit fdsnGllad hKdn
<br /> ;� ' i J�nnii�r L H�rw�n (herefn"eorrower",wh�ther o�e or more)end the truat hur�in cnaMd,
<br /> the rec�eipt ot whtch is heteby acknowledyed,Truitur horeby irrevocab{y prants,trenstan,convaya and a�lpns ta TruaM�,IN
<br /> - TFiUST.WITH POWER OF SALE,lor the t�snefitand�ecuriry of Lende►,undarand aubJect to the terma�nd canditlon�h�reinafNr�N
<br /> fortt�,the resl property.describod aa tollowa:
<br /> = NEHRASKA.
<br /> TopeUter with a!I buildinga,Improvements,fixtures,atreets,alteya.pas�a�ewaYa.easements,riphb,privil��nd appurts-
<br /> nancss Iocated thereon or in anywiae pertatning thereto,and the rents,taaues and protite,reverelons and remaf�ders tharsor�rnd
<br /> auch perwnal propsrty that is attached tq the Improvements so as to constituts a tixture,Includiap,but not Dmit�d W,hs�tlnp ar�d
<br /> coolloy equipmenx and to�ether wfth the homestead or maritat intereste,if any.which interesta are hareby►eleas�d end wifersd;ell
<br /> uf which,includinp rep�acsmenta and additiondthereto,Is hersby declared to be a part oi the real estate secursd by fhs Iian of!hl•
<br /> ;;.� Desd of Truat end aU of the toreyoinp belnp reterred to herein as U�e"Properiy". _
<br /> ,}�;,�
<br /> � � Thia Oeed of Trust ahail seGUro(e)the payment af the princlpai sum and Interes4 evidenced by a promissory�ote or credit
<br /> _. .,.,. „r�;�,� �at►a �oqa June l�th 199� ,
<br /> s�:::'t a9rmerrtent dated �i�n�i��y a�aa���-�:��sis a!
<br /> � in the orM�inal y�rincipat amount of S �'e2��y� ,and any end all modltication�,exten�lons and renewata
<br /> f�i\ thereof or tiiereto and any and all future advancea and readvancea to Borrower(ar any ot them if more than one) hereunder
<br /> ' � punuant to ons or more pramiaeory notea or credtt agceements(herein caiied"Note");(b)the payment of other euma advnnced by
<br /> - '•r•' tsnder to protect the aecu�lty of the Note;(r,)the pe�farmance of a�i covenanb end a9reemenb o}Truatar set forth hereln;and(d)nll
<br /> ; '""`"-''�t,�;�=+��, present and tuwro Indebiedness and oblipatlons of 8actower(ar any of them if rnore than one)to Lender whother df�ect indirect, _—
<br /> � ���' •°��•4 �� abaolute or contln�ent end whether aristng by nofe,�]ce ranty,overdratt or otherwiae.The Note,this Deed oT Trur�t And any and all
<br /> ± �:,� • otherdceu�ntsthatsecurethalloteoro't�o►wlseexecutodinconnectiontherewith.inciudingwithoutlimitatlonguarenteee,security
<br /> � k� ;:�r:,,,��•� ,�. _
<br /> _ _ •� ��: agreements end assignments of Ieesos flRd rents,shalt be referred to herefn aa the"Loan Docviments". _
<br /> •``- Truator covenante and agrees with Lander as toliows: �^L �
<br /> ��' �' 1. Pa�2 d I�+d�bMd�e�a.AII Indebtedness secured hereby shatl be paid when due. €�'�
<br /> . .k- .;u`.} F'." •
<br /> ��''"� 2, Yltl�.Truator te tho owner o}the Property,has the right and authorlty to convey the Pto�erty,and warrants that the tien
<br /> _ �. �.,:,..,.- -<•r �':;
<br /> created hereby is a 8ret and prior Ilen on the Properdy,except for iiena and encumbrancea set forth by Trustor in wriUng and ,
<br /> � s� °`�'� delivered to Lender betore execution of th(s Deed ot Trust,and the exocution and delivery of thia Deed ot Trust does not vinlete any
<br /> ai{iNip'��'r-::-+v .�"'ti.
<br /> '�. ���� contract or other obligsUon to whfch Truatar is subject �'�^
<br /> i 'l4,��-:,.-•., 3. Tax«,Asw�U•To pay before detlnquency ali taxes,special assessments and nll other chargea apatnst the Pro�rerty v, __
<br /> �:,;-;";•• :-."�e now or here�Rer Ievied. r�
<br /> � �-�"'''� •� � �<`��;�` 4. Inwr�ne�.TokeepthePropertyinsuradagain�tdemagebyfire,hazardslnciudedwithintheterm"eztendedcoverage",and `
<br /> _ ;�i.:•'�.y'• . �` .
<br /> -� � such other hazarda as Lendor may require,In amount�pnd with companfes acceptab�e to Lender,neming lender aa an e d d i Hona l
<br /> �;�� -• � named insured,with loas payable to the Lender.in aasa of loss under such policies,the Lender is authorized lo adJust,coliect and
<br /> � •,.•��°°-..• compromise,all claims thereunder end 5hall have!he opUon of applying all or part of the i�surance proceE+ds(i)to any indebtedneaa
<br /> - secured hereby and in such order as Lendor may determine,(ii)to tha Trustor to be used tor the repair or restaratfon ot the Properly
<br /> or(fif)for any other purpoae or obJect satfafactory to Lender wfihout aftecting the Iian of tt�is Deed of Trust tor the 1ui1 amount secured
<br /> ��r>>•�� hereby before such payment ever took place.Any app►Icatlon of proceeds to indebtedness shail not extend or postpone the due j
<br /> • •i;:�'•� � date ot any payments uncler the Note,or cure any do4;�uit thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. Esarow.Upon w►Itten demand by Lender,True4or ahati Ray to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designato,sufticient
<br /> �r aums to onn�la Lendor to pay as they become due one or more oi the foliowing:(i)all taxes,assessments and other charges Ageinst
<br /> .. the Property,(ii)the p�emiums on the property inaurance roquired hereunder,and(tff)the premfums oo uny mortgage Ineurance
<br /> , ;� . requlred by Lender. '
<br /> � � 6. Mafntananea,lttptln�nd Complianc�wKA haws.Trustor shell keep the Properly In good conditlon and �opatr;shall
<br /> ' promptly repatr,ar �eplace any fmprovement whlch may be damaged or destroyed: shelt not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> ' ' ' dete�ioretfon of the Property:shali not remove,demollsh or substantialiy alter any of the tmprovements on the Properry;shail not
<br /> - �} - "� commlt,autter or pormit any act to be done in or upon the Properly In violatfon of any taw,ordinance,or reguiatlon;and shall pay and
<br /> _ " prompUy diacNarga at Trustor's cost amd expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charges Ievlocl,imposed or aosessed against the
<br /> �> Prope+iy or any part thereot.
<br /> " ��; , � 7, E�Mn�nt ppenaln.Lender ia hereby assignecl all compensatfon,awards.damages and other paymants or reiief(herofnafter
<br /> ,, • "p�oceeds")In connes�:i�n with condemnaUon or oYne�•takUg of the Proporty or parc thereof,or for conveyanco irt tteu of condemna-
<br /> tion.Lender ahall ba ontttled et fts optton to commence,appear in and prosecutn in!ts own�eme any action o5•procoeding�,und
<br /> �, � ahail atso 6�o QntittEd to make any com�romiso or sottiemont In connectton with such taking or damago.in the event any portfon of
<br /> the Praptjrty Is so takan or damaged,Lencior shali hove tho optfon,tn Its solo and ebsoluto discrmtlon,to appry all such Praceeds,
<br /> __���...aew�....►.Cf...nmiln un�n s�nv indRhtednoi5 3OCUfOd
<br /> � ---� IIft@fdOdUCtltlAth@i01fOtY1(iIIC09tltinpeapansesincuniniujiiii�G��..�w.���.....• ...•••••. •��----•-�-- - •
<br /> � hereby nnd In 3uch ordor as I.ender may determine,or to Apply c+it such Proceads,eRer such deducUons,to the rastoratlon oi the
<br /> . PropeAy upon such conditiona as Londer may det�ermtne.Any applicatlon oiProceeds to indebtedness shall notoxtend or postpone
<br /> �i the due date of any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapptied funds shalt be paid to
<br /> � T►uttor.
<br /> 8. PMtotm�nc�b�L�ndu•UPan the vccurrunce ot an Event o!Detauit hereunder,or if any act is taken or�egal proceeding
<br /> commenced which matarially attects Lender'e interest in the Property.Lender may in Ib own discredon,but wtthout obligatlon to do
<br /> so,end without notico to or demand upon Trustor end without releasinp Truator trom any obii�allon,do any ect which Trustor has
<br /> a�reed but fai�s to do and may elso do any othar act it deems necessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor shall,immedlately
<br /> � upon deman�l theretor by Lender,pay te LAndar ell costs and expenaes incurrod a��d sum�expended!�y le�der in connectlnn with
<br /> the exercis�eby Lendor otthe torepolny rlghts,tctyather with Inter9st thereon ntthe detuull rato provided In the Note,which shail be
<br /> � N. 8dded to the fndsbtedneu aecured hereby. Lender shali not Incur eny liablliry becauae ot anything It may de or omit to do
<br /> . .�,r ' hersunder.
<br /> .�•
<br />_ 4
<br /> ; I`
<br /> I
<br /> 1 __ _ �-_ _ __
<br />