y _3 i :!, � . �.t�r ' ��.
<br /> _. i�. ..u�(� M,�� i , y� � � _,
<br /> ,y,�; .•..an .�a {:`��: .9� .,�.Sd Yr�.A��f�� ���-- .._ ...._ - � _"_ -
<br /> �.,_'_�'.����.•i, ..; - - — — ^w�r-.- –
<br /> • •
<br /> " - �___ `�r"��� ���v�II .
<br /> .:.{'•
<br /> W
<br /> ' �IS��M�YiMYr tlrll{�M�
<br /> � (r)MrnwM Nee M�Mw�. lxi�bn of eha 4M�fa prymMt or moalMbKion of th�wm�wour�d by thw D�.d of T�u�t dw►t�d
<br /> :, bv l�n�to�nY ruan�we�4e IntMMt ol WrrowM�hdl tt,ot apwr�ts to r��,in�r►y mann�r,th�li�bility uf ths o�{pin�l8o�ew�r
<br /> �nd�bw«'r rxuwa�M YN�r�M.Lw��r�M not i�e tpulyd to t+orrNnensM ptaw�tlinp�p�inrt�uah www�or w nfw�lo
<br /> - - artw�fin»fa pn�rn��nl a atfiawlN ma�Ny Nnortir�tiar�of tfw�um�wound by thM Qwd of Trwt by��an of�nr�n+�le
<br />- - —� mrM Mr t!sn rrh�++d NMrnwrr�n�l i�rrwwM'�r+t�n�in{nta�t. �
<br /> - - — 11r)Lw1i�'�ltiwMr.WNhw+l df MtM�O tfN fFr�iNty of rny ot1►K p�non WbI�(or th�p+�ym�nt aS�ny oblip�ion h�ni�nw�tiawd.
<br /> — — �nd witheut�ff�atln�Ih�N�n a oit�af fhb De�d of TuMt up�n any portion af th�PropKtY not th�ct th�ntofon nMww1�w
<br /> �i s�ourNy(a tt�fuN wnount o!dl unpaN ebll/�tbn�.L�nd�m�y, trom tkn�to tkns�nd witti�s.vt notio�li)rM�M�My/Mtlf„1�O
<br /> �� Nrble,{W Mtt�n�th�tnatu►ily�'tr d1«�wty oi the t�rtns of r�y euch obNp�ttor�,GR14r�nt oth�r IndulpmoN,(iv)r�w�or noanwry.
<br /> or oM�to b���«i a�v+yM M a►N tNn�at L�nd�r'�op;t�n ny puc�l,po.itloA tlY oN ilt;lNw reopwy:'/v)tdc�or�aiia��u�nY
<br /> u
<br /> othn�ddMlon�l�nutky lor rny oiMONion hM�in m�ntiond, ar (vU ca»ke compo�kiori� or'otA�'ir�ny�nl�nt� whh d�bton in
<br /> nl�tian!h�►�to. .`;. y .
<br /> io)�M Y�I.�ndw NN �Wa}vM.My(w�bNano�by L�nd�rr kt�uc�rqlylh0�►Y.rC�t.a i�w�hiteundK,or othKwi�� .�°'
<br /> '� �ffad�l by y�o�YM I�w, drdl not be e w�hrrr o) a pnoiud� tht�xaoi�e ot�ny wch r{pht or trn�dy.7h� proaurwn�nt of
<br /> ln�ur�no�o► th�paynnnt ol tucw ar nlfiM M�ns at ohKpM by L�ndwt ah�t!not b��waivsr ot L�ndK'� tipht to�owlrat�th�
<br /> j msturity of tl+�ind�6t�n��Nour�el by thM ONd af Tnut.
<br /> ' (dl�uaw�wn�n�AMI���sunA:Jalnt�n�l MvwM IJ�IMt�:C�ptbn�. Tfi�oovanr�t��nd eqrNrn�nt�hW�in oont�in�d�holl
<br /> bad, �d th�riqht� hKwndM�h�ll fnun to, th� ►MpYOthr� �uownon�nd �a(pns o4 L�ndn and Yvu�tor. All covemr►ts and _—
<br /> prwnent� of Tni�tor �haM b�JwY+I �nd Mv�►N. Yh� wptlon� �nd hwdinp� of th� p�nynphs of thh Ds�d oi T�u�t an far
<br /> 000wnMna�only�nd u�not to b�u��d to fnurpr�t o�d�11n�th�provf�iom hK�ot. --
<br /> (�)Mqu�N tN NN1kN.Th�pMtM�hn�by r�quMt th�t�oopy of�ny notba of d�fwh h�rwnda end a copy of�ny notiaa ni -:
<br /> � saN i►Mwndw b�m�WNd to woh party to thM Owd of 7ruit�!th��ddrM� a�t forth abov�In th�m�nnK prNO�ib�d by�ppHnable
<br /> »,s,�„�;,�',.�;3 . 4w.Ezwpt tor�ny othN notla�r�quk�d undae�ppliu�bb b�w to 6�phr�n in enotfier manner,any notks provld�d for in thw Du+�!arf
<br /> � - ^ 7tu�t�h�ll b�yhr�n by m�Ninp woh nntfo� by oatiH�d rrnil �ddrN��d t�tl»other partie�, �t the addru�set fortb �bove. Atiy ��e.
<br /> ,,,�4 '��'� ��"' notlo�provid�i tar In th�s DNd of Tru�t�hMl b�Nf�otiv�upon m�illnp in th�m�nn�r dal�n�t�d h+r�in.lf Tni�tor is mon th an one �
<br /> • ,i!�3.�+;c�n,� ---_
<br /> , p�non,�otiw��nt ta th��ddrw���t forth�bqv�eh�ll b�notla�to�II euoh�r�roons. ��_
<br /> � „a ;,' � e �` • p)Me�i«+. L�ndK m�y m�ica ar aau��to b�mad�rw�an+bN �ntr�upan end inapeotion�of th� Prop�rty,provld�d that —=—
<br /> ,4x`..�'�i?` ';'�'��?;_ �-
<br /> �, • .•� - , a„ ,. L�nd�+�haq piv�Tni�tor noHo�p►lor to�ny�uah in�psatlon�p�oNylnp �u�arteble aaues tharofor rotat�d to L�ndK'�int�rMt in th� �--
<br /> �,'.�., ... .�,• _...`"._
<br /> '.4�ii�:`:n-�..,..i ,,.•� ProMrty �,�-
<br /> ;_� ;,,.:,. , r (p) Rwonv��ne�. Upon p�ym�nt of �N �um� ��oured by thi�DNd of Tru9t, Lender ahell requNt Tru�tN to ncronvq►th• , �
<br /> s ' � PropMty�nd�hdl wrnndv thw DMd ol Tru�t �nd�N notM wW�ncinp hdnbt�dneea socund by thi�UMd of Tni�t to Tru�tM. ►'��:
<br /> . . Ttu�tN�hNl noonvW th�Property wfthout w�rt�nty�nd without eh�rp�to ths peraon or p�rson�Ipally entitld thv�to.Truetor ,.�...
<br /> • �h�ll pay�11 oo�t�of naordation,lf�ty. •
<br /> �. �_�.�.. �_��.�� w���dut�.. t • \I ♦ n {�t�I�nr1�I1N1tlwt '�
<br /> ..-- --- - — ---__--- �itf►wwitw�`r6�w�ji�ww����j�yi�w��wn.r«.�v..n.....C.0��'..Ji3:�}II7.t3C���'SSSMlL?T S�:tS..^�.�fL'!t_!t!w►�h�� ,..
<br /> th�N�fuMlu Unitam Ca�xn�lal Cod���kur{ty Int�Nt In�N flxturw,pulpmM�t,snd oth�r p�nonsl propwty u��d in oonn�otlo� i�'��;ti;;:
<br /> wkh th�r�l wt�t��x knprov�rn�U bo�t�d th�rson,�nd not othnwhe d�ot�nd or d�ansd to b�a part of th�rwl wt�b�sour�d V'�::-':;=�
<br /> hanby.Thi�Inr2rum�nt�ttNl b�aon�trued N r Swwihy AprMrn�nt undw�dd Cod�,�nd th�Landsr�hdl h�v�all th�riqhts�nd r�+;t:
<br /> J��r•'
<br /> • ��m�dh.of��wur�d petY u�dw sdd Cod�In�dditton to thi rlpF�t�Md nrn�di«onat�d under and sccordsd tt�s L�ndsr punu�nt ,,�•.
<br /> - to thf�DMd of Tcu�t; provW�d th�t L�ndK'�rlpht� r�nd r�rn�dlN undM thlr p�nyraph shall ba cumulative with,and in no w�y • �i 7:;�
<br /> Iknh�t{on an,L�nde'�rlpht��t+d r�m�diN undn any othM�wurily�ptNrn�nt dyn�d by Rorrower or Tru�tor. `{
<br /> �� (I) L{MN MIA �OY1IfbfMON. Tru�tor h�nby WNfMfl1 M1d nprM�nb th�t ther� i• no dsfault und�► the provi�lon� oi �ny
<br /> ��' `-' " ' murtpp�, dNd nt tru�t, IN��0► pUtOM�/� OOf11fWL dMar�bfnp �N or �ny pnt of the Property, or oth�r contnat,instrument o� n"'�°•
<br /> � � spt�n�nt conotkutlnp�NM+ oi�noumbnnc��p�k��t�N ot eny p�rt of ih�Vrop�tty(caUoative,'l.imc"1.sxl�tinp a�of th�dsts of
<br /> •° � •-^ . • °- thf� DNd ot Ttu�t, �nd th�t �ny md �N eMhifnp LiMt• rwn�h unmodilf�d�xc�pt ae diaalosed to Lntdar in Ttustor'� writ¢en
<br /> r� , ' disobrun of Il�n� �nd �noumbr�noN provldb lor hKNn. Tnnto► �hdl tim�ly ps�tom� nIt of Trustor'e oblipstions, covensnt�, •
<br /> rprN�nt�tions�nd wunntl��urtdN�ny e+d rll�xirtinp Mid lutur�li�m,�hdl promptly forwerd to Lender copies of�11 notke�of � �`
<br /> .. . . . d�}auk Nnt in oontNOtlo+t wkh any�nd�Q�xl�t�r�p ar lulut�Ll�nt, �nd�hdl not wlthout Lender's prior writtsn consw�t In eny
<br /> "`s.•}�� ,•. marnw modNy th�ptovblom of or�Ilow�ny tuturo�dvsnaw undw enr�xl�tlnp or futun Llens. � -
<br /> v.-�'r ...• Q) NpNoM1en el �hren�t�.UnM�• othMwM� rpufnd by bw,�um� p�ld to L�nder h�reundn, inoludiny without limit�tioo i -
<br /> ^ �-_� .°. pwtn�nt�of prinotpN�nd ht�wt,Inwnnw proowds,aondrenn�tion procNd��nd nnts�nd profti�.�h�tl b��ppli�d by Land�r to
<br /> . �n: th��mount�du��nd owlnp fram Tru�tar�r►d borrow�r M��uuh otdrr ns L�ndv Gi Its�olo disoretion d�evna ds�ir�bl�.
<br /> ' IK) i�wnblNlr, If �ny provl�fon o} thl� O�ad of Tru�t onntlwt� wlth wpplfo�ble Isw or ie dsauted inv�lid or othMwim �,.
<br /> , un�nforowbN,woh confliot or invdfdlty�h�l�not df�n! th�oth�r provldon�of thf�De��d of 7aat or th�Note whbh wn b�q(v�n j. �•.
<br /> n
<br /> �ft�nt wkhout th�oonf�iotfnp provkbn, and to th{s rnd th�provldnn�nf thi�Os�d of Truat end ths Note er�d�cl�r�d to bs
<br /> ,,�..��;, �wa�6b. �', _..
<br /> �' ;,
<br />_ . r.!ih' (U T�nr».Th�twtn�'Tru�tor' �nd"Borrowor'ehdl inalud�both�k�pular and plur�I,�nd when th�Trustor end Sorrowe►�ro th� ,
<br /> " �;:.' ��m�pw�m(d,thot�t�rm���us�d In thb Dwd of Trutt�hd!b�intNChmpa�bl�.
<br /> (m)�iowminp L+M►.Thl�OHd of Trust ehdl h�pov�m�d by Ih�bw�of th�St�t�of N�brnke. �'
<br /> 0
<br /> �. �"�� Trustor h���x�cutsd thl�Os�d of Twst��of th�dat�writt�n�bov�.
<br /> :��`x� �y �/ {� ,
<br /> , ►`'^•- /'" ��?'�'
<br /> - • �-dARRY I. HnMlP80N Truetor
<br /> � � ...___.._.Y. !
<br /> Tr�stor
<br /> �.
<br /> �.
<br /> �� �
<br /> �"."
<br /> � 74:
<br /> �.
<br /> +.
<br /> t .
<br /> .,,r`�y '� ' NOC�467(Na►+/rlcukur+IM�d)R�v.101�
<br /> . t a�� �`��`� O 1Y6p N�tbnd d�nit of CormnKO�Trott�nd 9�vMq�AfwclNbn.lkrocln.N�Mnk�
<br /> ,.:
<br /> ,� ----
<br /> _ _.._,._ _ _.. _ _
<br />