__. � . . . ..r;�, . T� ^1— ! i n..��'•�.�y�..Vl i�� 'n . ' , .
<br /> �IaY[I � +C�yY.11l�N R (} � �1 n;+� > � i:'
<br /> '•�wt?���{f�!'�',� �"�l. .
<br /> .. _._��.-.
<br /> �
<br /> ' ' .M•. .. . _ _ .
<br /> ;x ,n .;, I�I�r�a.v�r�.+�-^ . _._ —
<br /> .� . _ .
<br /> ' ,_ _ .it96t�t/i����- ._.. _._.__.._. __.u..-'--
<br /> ..._ -,--_.__.�.� � +,_..'-_ ' - — -- -
<br />_, ���' . ���� -
<br />- �'� , t�ksn a dwn�p�d,�.�+dN ehdi hm►M th�option in it��ol�and sbsoluts diwratlan,to�ppp�N�uoh Proof+d�, �ftK dedaotinq M►�+�fran
<br /> dl ou�t� iw►d �q�wr+ inoumd by k in oonn�t{on wkh weh Pwowd�,upon �ny Ind�bt�drsNS rsaur�d h�r+rby r+d in w�d�ordw M
<br /> - Lw��r tn�y aNtamieN, a to�pply�II woh ProoMd�,a(tw wah d�diwt{an.to th�rMtaatfon ol th�ProPutY upon wah oawkfom M —
<br /> Lun�r m�y d�t�n►►in�. My�ppliaation of Proos�d�ta InMbtpdnM��hdl not�xtand or pa�tpo��tF»du�d�te of�ny p�yrrnnto wxlK
<br /> — d+�Nw�,a aun�ny ddwk th�►wndN a h��Mt.My un�pli�d furnM�h�N bs p�to Trwtw.
<br /> _ �e.,,, e. fkteenwno�by LmdM. Upan th�000uvnnes o( �n Ev�n! of U�huh hKSUnd�r, a if sny �ot A tNcM+� 1�1 P►ow�dhp
<br /> - oarwrMnwd whioF�mK�ti�My wff�ot�Landw'r fnew�l Gt i�w Fr.�i�:y,l.��c:u t�i.�i��I:�u�::u �w:.:_L'�n.C_t c:::fi�_t c!'uC••►"_�t�r��^. _ _ _
<br /> _:,�-----_�-- �wflhout notio�to or d«n�nd upan Trwtor�nd with<we n1w�(n�TruKor from Mny ubNpwebn.do�ny�et whid+Tnwta ha�prMd
<br /> sut irM to do�nd m�y�o do�ny oth�r�ct k dNrn�n�ow�ny to prot�ot th���ourity hw�of.Tru�to�rhrl, imm�di�t�iy upon d�mand
<br /> � thw�fa by L�ndor,p�y to L�ndw�II ao�b�nd ucp�mN inourr�d�nd wm��xp�ntl�d by L�nd�r in oorxisutbn with th��erKOiM by
<br /> Lw�du of th�fanpolny rioht�,toyrthw with intwwt thw�n�t th� daf�uk nt�providd h th�Not�, whioh�h�N b��dd�d to tfi� __
<br /> �+�,%�r;;�' ` �����nal h�t�by.L�nd�►�h�ll not inour�ny ii�6Uky booauw ot�nythfnp k m�y do or c+mk to do h�«x+dn. _"_-
<br /> '��.q�R�rn�. �<,, s.Hy�►dw�M�R«i�M.l'nutor�h�ll kNp th�P►op�rty fn oompli�o�with�II spplio�6k kw�,adimna�aneJ tpuMt{om r�tinQ to _ __
<br /> `'�"• '�= � �"� industri�!hyqien�or�vkommentsl protectron(anlltatively af�rnd to hw�in w'Envirawnwyt�l Lwws'1.TnNta d►�II kNp tl►�?►operty -____
<br /> R'yr���"'�`i�'��,i� _� ttM trom�II wb�t�now dMrn�d to b�h�z�rdou�or toxio undw�ny Envkonm�nt�l L�w�(ooM�otiwhr rd�rt�d to hw�in as'Hwrdou� _
<br /> a..•3`!�.`�:_ ., . _-
<br /> A M�twi�lr"1.Tnutor hKrby wanant��nd r�pr��t�to l�nder th�t th�n�r��o H�x�rdai� Mat�l on or und�►tM Prop�rty.Tnutor __
<br /> ;i;,{�d:':�;_-y.�: ` �..�_
<br /> • � h�n!►y api�to indMnnify�nd hold h�rmFa� lmdK, it�d{r�otor,�,offiaw�, �tnployeN w�td�p�ntb r�d a�+y�uooM�an to L�ndw'� __
<br /> �,�::•;:".;,.. ..�: int�r«t,from and p�in�t ny�nd �11 cl�knw,dampM, bn�s�nd NwbNities erh(np in conn�otion with th� prMw►a, u��.di�po�al or -",= -
<br /> f%-".. ' ��1 ,
<br /> . t�`„ tm�poR of any Hurdou�M�briab on,und�r,from or�bout th�Propsrty.THE FOR�QOINQ WARHANTIES 11NQ REPRESEN7ATIONS,
<br /> t-�... .,•,,,:•�_�,r THUST. �
<br /> ;;� .;•..,,..;.,�,... _.
<br /> . ,. �..•.
<br /> •'."i::'.• 10..ts��ntr.utt ct!lente.Truetor fietet�y eeei�ne to I,�nda th�ant�,i:aun�nd profk�of th�Prap�rtY;Provld�d thwt 7tu�tor �._._
<br /> ',�;�" '" � "`��' untA tM oacurr�no�of �n Evant of Def��lt h�►wnder,hw�tho ripht to coll�ot�nd nt�in wch nnt�,i�ruN�nd profkr N th�y b�oom� ��;;�-
<br /> k 4.• `'�' .. . �
<br /> �+.�:' �. r'Y� du»ond p�yabN. Upon th�oenurrenc�of�n Ev�nt of D�huk,Lendn m�y,�ith�r M p�non o►by�p�nt,with ar without brinpinp�ny :�,�
<br /> uotfnn w prooMdinQ,or by• roosiv�r�ppointed by�aoutt wnd without rpard to t1u ad�qu�oy of it�ueutky, �nta upon�nd tMa ,�.-q,,..
<br /> '�w„�. . pos�ion of tha Pro�rty, or�ny pM th�raof,(n it� own nwn�or in tha nens oF th� T►uat�e, �nd do �ny aott whloh It dsom� � __
<br /> �•:: " ' , ' � rnowry or dNiroble to prw�v�tha valus,m�rk�t�bitity or nnt�blllty of ths PropKty,or�ny part thK�of o►htK�at thK�in,inersese ;--
<br /> � th�Inaorr+�thw�irom or prot�ot th�ascurity herwf�nd,with ar without teklny pv+t�stion of ths Propsrty,su�7ar or olfiMwb�coHatrt " *�'_
<br /> ':. tM�i�.Mw�N�nd prafkt thwMOf.inaludinp thou p��t dw�nd unp�id,�nd�PPIy th��rn�.IM�ca�t�and �p�naw of opn�tbn�nd .;;R�.
<br /> oaN�otbrt inaludiny�ttom�y�'ieea,upan any ind�bt�dmas��c�ured hK�by,�8 in euch otdx a+s L�nder m�y detwmin�.Th��tKinp upon .
<br /> • �nd tnkin�pos�nion of Ne Prop�rcy, th�coNeotion of�uch nnts,issuN�nd protit��nd tM�pplicttion thN�O}M�forNald,�h�U not . _ _
<br /> " our�or rniv�any dNauk or natics of drfault hs�eundar or hvalidats my wt don�in rmponwe to such defauk or punur�t to woh notic� •,� ,
<br /> of d�fwh rnd,notWRh�t�ndhp the continu�nce in posseselon of tht Propwty or the collaotlon,�saaDt end�ppllo�tion of v�ntr,l�wN or
<br /> profk�, �nd Tn�rYe��d L�nd�r�h�ll b�er►titled to exeraiss every ripht provlded for in any of th�Lo�n Instrumw►ts or by taw upun f ��' , ',
<br /> pooumno�of�ty Evrnt of Def�uk, includinp without Iimit�tkn th� r(pht to exerciae th�power o}�de.FurthK.L�ndK'�r{pht��e�d I '
<br /> - ------- -- - - - rsmedi» und�t thb pKaynph ehdl be cumul�tive with, rnd in no w�y a trmtaion on. Landsri riynis .no ranv�A: ���� ::�Y '._-`''�.
<br /> �eaiprr.n�nt of I�N�nd rents�a:ordsd�p�inst ths PropMy.Lender, Truetee�nd th�►eceivK�hdl b�li�bl�to account only for thoti� �;;:',•:
<br /> nntt�ctuNly no�ived. �
<br /> 11.Ewnb of D�fault.Th�folbwlnp�h�ll comtitut�an Event of Dof�ult under thi�De�d of Tru�t:
<br /> (a)F�ii�.ite to O�Y�Y��tslknant of principnl or int�reet of sny othsr�um eecu►ed h�reby wh�n due;
<br /> , (b)A brsaoh of or dsfwlt under any provi�ion aontained in the Note,this Dsed of T�uet,any ot th�Loan Instrum�r►t�,or any I
<br /> � oth�►N�n or�noumbnncs upon the P►opsrty; ,
<br /> (oI A writ of�x�cutlon or att�chment or sny sknilar proceas eh�ll bs enteted ep�het Truetor which ehdl b�corne�li�n on th� ��"
<br /> . ProWrty ar sny poKion thwsof or int�rast th�rein; �
<br /> (d)Th�re eh�ll b�fild by ar apainst Trustor or 8or�ower en actfon under any pre�ent or futun fecra�el,et�Es or othK st�tu�,I�w I
<br /> ' • or rpulatfo�alatinp to bankruptoy, in�oNsnay or other r�Ilef fo► debton;or th�re ehdl bs�ppokttal any trustw, nc�iv�r ot
<br /> IiquWator of Trwtor or BorrowN nr ot rEl or eny part of ths Po►perty,o►she rents,iaeues or profit�thenof,or Trt�ator or Borcowx
<br /> �h�ll mak��ny p�nK�i��dpnment tor ths bemfit of croditore; �
<br /> (�)Th���M,trensfer,IsKt,a�slynment,conveyanoe or further encumbr6nca of all or uny part of or sny iuterest in ths Property, i
<br /> oithw v��ntatily e►involunter(ly,without the expree�wtitten conaent ot lender;providod thet Truetor ehall bo permitted to�xecut�
<br /> � e t��of ths Prope�ty thst does not co�tain nn optlo�to purcheee and the term of which does�ot exce+d one ye�r; �
<br /> (f) Ab�ndanmsnt of th�ProR�rty;or �
<br /> � (�l lf Tn�stor is not a�individud,tho isauanoo, eel�,transfer,eseipnment, conveyav�ce or encumbrric� of more thM� a total
<br /> � of ��� pacM'tt ot(ff a corporatlon)It�ie�ued end outatsndinp stook or(if e partnerohip)e totsl of N!A Rma�+t of
<br /> � i p�rtn�nhip intKMt�duri�p tf��psriod thb Deed ot Truet ram�in�e Iien on the PropMy.
<br /> � 12,Il�en�dl�s;Aoodw�Non Upon D�fauk.ln the event of any Event of Deteult LenAer may,without notia�except��nquind by I�w.
<br /> � d�cl�n dl indebt�dnMt s�cuted h�nby to be dus �nd p�yabb end the esme ehalt tMereupon bxome due and p�yable without any
<br /> � pts��ntm�nt,d�r�md,protnt or notiQe of any kind.Theresiter Lender msy:
<br /> � l�1 Dwnand that T�uates exerafes the POWER OF SALE ynnted hereh, end Truetee shell theraafter cwute TruKor'e interast
<br /> in th�Property to bs no�d end the proa+sds to 6s dfatributed,ell in the manner provided in ths Nebraek�Truet Oesdt Act;
<br /> • (b)Ex�rciss rny and all rfphte provlded for in nny of the Loen Inatrumente or by �ew upon occurence af eny Event of
<br /> ;'�� ; Ddauk;�nd
<br /> � �� I (0)Canmsnae an aatio� to foreotoes this Qeod of Trust ae e mortqape, eppoMt e rxeiver,or specifioelly enforce any ot the
<br /> oov�n�nb hereot.
<br /> No nm�dy huein confr►red upon or re�erved to Trustee or Lender is intmdad to bs exclusive of eny oth�r remody henin,in tho Loen
<br /> ' In�truments ov by Isw provfde�or permited,but e�ch�hell bs cumulstive,ehell be in addition to every otho rem�dy piv�n h�rwnder,in
<br /> ths Lan Instrument�or now or heroetter exietinp�t lew or in equity or by etstute,end mey be exmoiesd concurrenthr.hd�paidrntl�or ,
<br /> � : eucaestiveiy.
<br /> j13. Ttu�tM.7he Ttuetes m�y raaipn et eny time withcuE ceuse,and Lendm mey at any time end without cauee appofnt e eucceeaor
<br /> � ot�uf»tRut�Teuat�e. Trustse rh�ll not b�tl�b{e to eny p�►ty,fnoWdiny wkhout IMnit�tion Lenda,dorroww, Trustor or�ny purchessr of
<br /> ' .�,� tM Prop�Ry, tor �ny b��o► d�m�pe unlat due to rsoktest or wflMed m�conduot, �d th�ll not be rpuirsd to t�ke any �otiort in
<br /> - I connwtbn with th��ntoramrnt of thh Ded of Truet unls��hdamnified,in w�itinp,for�11 co�ts,compenf�tbn or�xp�nss�whfch mey
<br /> (»Mwoi�tw!therewith. In�dditia►,T�ustes may bsoome e pu�chaaer et any eals oi th� PrapeRy(judicwl or undar th�pow�►of ssA
<br /> � � prrent�d h�rain);poatpon�ths sd�ot all or�y po►tion ot the Propxty,es ptovldsd by law;or sell the Prop�rty�e s whole,or in separate
<br /> perods or tote�t Truetee'�diecretion.
<br /> ' J 14.F��nd Expoa�.tn the event Truetee eetle the Propeny by exerciee of power of eele,Truetee ahdl b�entitlod tn epply eny eele
<br /> __s__�_ Lr..y��n'r....��•�fr. .n,i 1�nA�r'��nd Trusta�'�
<br /> -� —�----------"� procs�QS tlrot to peyment aT an cosie end enponsos vi ewnra.iort.yi p:.::6�... w.o............••�—•• ..------•-•-- -- -- �
<br /> , � �ttotnq►'�f�,ectuoHy incurnd to extent permittcd by epplicsbfe taw.In*he evnnt Borrowe�or Truetor exerofeen any ripht provided by
<br /> 4 law to cur��n Event of O�feuk,Lender ohall b�entitlad to reoover ftom Tnaator ell cost� end trxFenss�wtudly inourred ae�reeult of
<br /> Tru�tor'a dMwk,indudinq rritl�out limit�tion dt TrustN'v�nd attomey'�fsa�,to the eut�nt p�mnitt�d by�pplic�bb law.
<br /> � 16.iutur�AdwnoN.Uport rpueit of Borrow�►,L�ndet mey,�t ite optlon,m�k�sdditfonel and futun advenc�s�nd taedv�nces to
<br /> 8onowK.3uch wdv�ncs�and nedvences, with interNt ths�wn,�hdl b�s�cur�d by thte ONd af TniRt.At no time sh�ll the principd
<br /> �nount of th�ind�bt�Nt +�ound by thh Dwd of Tru�t, not includ'nq sum��dvancad to protsot ths��aurity ot th{e Owd uf Tn+st,
<br /> atowd th�otipnd prinefp�l amount et�ted h�r�it�,or 6 �13.075..50,whlchev�is pre�ter.
<br /> .'4 ,�
<br /> ' I
<br /> I i
<br /> �
<br />