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<br /> • ��_ — _ �_ __ -
<br /> — — �_ — - - — -
<br /> _ . _ _ _ _.___. _._____ . _ _ _ .. . .r �1Y._
<br /> — S. liaurd nr PrnNerty In�uroince. F.orrnw�r �hall keep �hr. impmvenrenlc no�ei.fi,t'_ing ar�i��d � �
<br /> �� 1'n,pcKy inrureci bgninst f��ss hy firc. hxr�nls iixludexl wilhin the tr.rm "extc��lcxl cuvrrrge" uixl sutiy��thtr hw.�rda, in�:lud�ey�
<br /> tlaxls or tl�xxling,fur which i.encler rcyuirc� inyurAn�r,. 7'hi,inxuraixr sh�ll be�n+►intnit�xi!n the utrwunt►.unJ ti�r�he pencxi�
<br /> th�t Lender requfres. Tt�e insuracke carrier provicling tht inYUra�xti shall he chuxn by Bcttrowcr tiubJect tu i.endes s approv�l
<br /> which shalf txK be unreiw�nnbly withheW. if&�rrnwer 1'aily tu main►s�in ca�•erage Jeuxrit�i a�ieve, [xnJcr nu►y, ot I..cnder's
<br /> op�ion,��Isin cove�e to prcrtect l.erder's righta in the Pmprrty 'sn rcconlanue wlth psr�gr�ph 7.
<br /> ---- —_- --- �I! in:ur_�c��+lt::i�-.;m�i r����a,�l� �h,�l! hr :��•�•r;niNhlr h� lxrMler,�ixi �hall include a stacxluril mi�rtauRe clause. txnder
<br /> sh�►II havs the right to hald the pnlicies a�d renewals, (f I.ender reyuir�.�s.Hurrower shall prumptly�ive t��Lcrnier all raeipta of
<br /> paid premiums ancf renewnl ru►iices. In the event oi�loss.&�rrc,wcr tihull g�ve pmmpt notlen tc►the i�uurance�arrier and l.ender.
<br /> [.tndtr nwy make pnwf of loss if'��ot made promptly hy&irniwer.
<br /> Unless ia�xler u�ki&�rrower oihcrwise agrce in writing,in�ura�xe prcx:c�edti shall be aRplied to mstoration�r rcprir of the
<br /> Pm�xrty damagecl,if the rtxtorutinn ar repair is ecunumically feasible and I..eixlcr's�a:urity ia�x�t lessenaf.if thc restorntion ur
<br /> mpair!s r�t rconamically feacihle�ir I,��iuier's security would be lessen�l, the Insurance pr�►ceat�shall he applIed to the sums
<br /> a:xurcc! by this Security Instn�rnent, whether or not then due, with any excess paid ta Borrower. If 8onower abandans the
<br /> Property.ur dces not answ•er within 30 days a notice fran Lcnd�r thut the insurance carrier hati offerexi ro setde a claim,then
<br /> L.tncier may collect the insurance procceds. Lender may usc thc pmcccds to repair or restore the Proocrty or to pay sunn
<br /> secured by thi�Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will be�in when thc uotice is�iven.
<br /> Unless l.,�nder und Borrowcr othcrwisc agrec in writing, any appli�:uion of proc:ceds to princi�al shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymcnts rcfcrred to in parugrapl:9 ! and 2 or change the a�nc�nnt of the payments. If
<br /> � - � under ara rs h 21 the Fiu i i i�ac ui�:.d 5�Lcndcr, Bartuwcr's ri ht to an� insw'�nc� licies a�td r�eeds re�idting from
<br /> P" � P 1� Y 9 ) B 3 P� P
<br /> damage to the Propeity prior to thc acqutsition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums tiecurc.d by this Security Instrument
<br /> immcdiatcly prior to the acyuisition.
<br /> 6.Occups►ncy,�'reservaEian.Ms�inteiwnce und Yrotect[on of the 1'�•��perty;Borrower's Loan Aq��lication; [xaseholds.
<br /> Ron�wer sh:►11 occ�py, establish,and use the Property as Borrower's pri:i:i}�al residence within sixry d:iys afier the exxution uf
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall continue to ixcupy thc Property as Rorrower's principal rcsidence for at IeaSt one year after
<br /> the clate of occupancy, unlcss Lcnder othcnvisc agrces in writing, which consent shall not be unreasunably withheld,or unless
<br /> extemiating c�rcumstunces exist whieh ure beyond Aorrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, daniage or impair thc
<br /> PropeRy, atlow the Property tu detcrioratc, or commit wc�.stc on thc Fropc:rty. Borrowcr shull be in defa�dt if any forfciture
<br /> action or procecding, whedier civil or crim.inal, is begun that in L.ender's gaxl faith juclgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Prn�rxny or otherwise materi:illy impair the lien creatui by thi�Sccurity[nstrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> - cu�c,u�i�u dc ault ar.a�ia'.iifStnL���:;pmvi3ed in garsrrs�4: !Q,b;eatls�tto Sh�:lcti�n�ir�mrnedine to he dismissed wi[h a rulitt�
<br /> -_ that, in Lender's good faith.�etennination, predudes fort�;iture of the Borrowcr's intemst in thc Pcoperty or other material
<br /> - — impairment of the lien cmated by this Security Instrument �r l.endcr'� s,.�:u�ity interest. Borrowcr�huf! altio be in dcfault if
<br /> — Borrower,during tnc loan application process,gave materially fulse��r inaccurate information or stuter��ems to[.c:nder(or failed
<br /> - to provide Lcnder with any muterial information)in conncction with the loan evidenccd by dic Notc,inctudinb.but not limited
<br />_ _ — - to, rcpresentations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny us�principal resid��nce. U this Security Lisln�ment is on a
<br /> lcaschold, Borrowcr shall comply with all thc provisions of ahe lc:s�s;. if Borrowcr acquires fcc tidc to thc Pro}x:rty, thc
<br /> Ic:isNhold and the fce title shall not mcrgc unlcss i.cndcr agrces to thc mcrger in writing.
<br /> - -- 7.Protection uf Lender'ti RigMty in the Property.If Borrower fails to perfnnn the covenants anc?agrcements com.uneJ in
<br /> this Security Instnnnent, or there is a Iegal proce�:ding that �nay significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> -- prcx:ee3ing in bank�vptcv,probatc, for condemnatiun or forfciturc or w cnforce laws ur rcgulation;), thcn Lcndcr may do and
<br /> -- pay far whatever is necessary to protect tlie valuc uf the Prop�rty und Lender's rights in thc Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> include payin� any sums sccured by a licn which lias priority ovcr this Sccurity Instntmcnt, appcaring in court, paying
<br /> reason�ble uttorncys' fccs amd cntcring on the Propeny to make repairs. Alchough L.cnder may takc action undcr this paragraph
<br /> - 7, Lcndcr docs not ha��e to do so. -
<br />- Any amounts ditibuMCd by� Lcndcr undcr this naragraph 7 shall becomc add'stional dcht of B�iRO�vc� sccurcci by this
<br /> _— Security lnstrument. U nlcss Bc�rrowcr and Lcndcr ugrcc to other terms of paymcnt. �liese amounts�ht�ll bcar intercxt ftom the =.
<br /> datc of disburscmcnt at the Nnte rste and shall be payahle, wirh intcrest, upon noticc from Lcndcr to Horcower rcqucsting .
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> 8, btortkage Insurnnce. If Lcndcr reyuired nrortgugc in5urancc as u rnndition of making thc lonn sccurcd by tliis Security :
<br /> Instrument. Barrower shall pay thr premiums reyuired to maintain the mortga�e imurancc in effect. If, tiir any reason, the _
<br /> —; mort�age insur.�ncc covcragc required by L.cnder lapses or ceascs to bc in eft'ect, Bortowcr shall pAy the prcmiurns rcyuircd to ;:;
<br /> �::
<br /> obtain coverage substantially cquivalent to the mongage insurance previously in effrct.at a cost substantially equivnlent to the
<br /> cost to Bon-owcr of thc mortgagc insuranrc previously in effect, from an altcrnatc mortgage insurcr approvcd by Lendcr. If L,;
<br /> iv�1�nt mort a c insur.mce covera c is not availublr, �urrowcr shall pay to 1..cndet each month u tium cyual to j;-
<br /> ---- rubstantiall c u i c. g F
<br /> Y 9 S
<br /> une-twelRh of the ycarly mortgage insurance premium bcing paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapscd or cwsed tu :
<br /> bc in effect. Lcndcr will ucccpt,use and retain thcse payments as u loss reservc in licu of m��rtgage insun+nce. Loss rescrvc �',
<br /> • Form 3028 8190 �I .
<br />._- PCQO:�o�6 L
<br /> �'.
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