. .�. , -rw�+a::r: �.v.��;r .,,�.�i,, .:;(,_. ; �li � . ' . �, "�
<br /> _ �•� �lhJ�. -5
<br /> � . f i}� {t5'.� •--
<br /> �
<br /> -:._� , •c�r _ ... . . -
<br /> . '�1.
<br /> _�"�1{ � — -- --
<br /> -- - 94-~ �.��
<br /> A. iMsMiw�i�M�iY�.7�uqor N�II ks�p Ih�Prop�ry In compli�nr�wilh��ppAc�bl�I�w�.adlnkw�s�nd n�u�War
<br /> rdMkip b f�dwirhl hppMn��or NwfronmwM�l PrW�ctlan(eolMoUwly r�land b h�rMn u"6wkOnm�nW Law�"l.Tn�lOr M+rll
<br /> kMp 1f�Prop�rty 1►M trom all wbshinc�a dwrnsd w W haz�rdou�a lnxb und�w any EnvlronrtNns�!law�(call��Mwly rN�rr�d b
<br /> I�N�N"N�sardau IMaM�b"�Trwb►f�+by w�n�nls�npr�nt�90 L�tdN tlwt MNn an no Fiasardow blwrlal�on or
<br /> und�r IM Prop�rty.Truqa herrby�NS!A Irw'MnaHy�nd hold numiMS 1��.Ib dincltxt,aMlo�rs.Mnployw�nd�prnM.ard
<br /> �-- _-- -- �ny sucaMwn to i.�Kir►'r��i,Frw,+a�wi�yri��.i��y wN1.0:.;.1,,..,�2..�.:;�:,lz::::_:.:7 C�,:.'tt••..a.:�t:.�n;,!h�rr.�±^�s+�+!h
<br /> tM P►�a.uM,dMPwsl or i�n�poA W anY H�rardow MM�riW on,undK�1►an or about tlw Propaty.TNE FOREOOMIQ
<br /> 10. ANi��o�nt d IMrNr.Trwtor hK�by ta�pn�to L,�r�2h�nnb�Is�ws�nd proMt�M tl►o Pfop�rty�PravkMd tl►rt Trwlor
<br /> --- shal�,uMll 1M oceurnna of an Ewnt of DNauft hsrw�.hsw th�ripht to coiN�ct Mnd rNaln wch r�nb,{��and profltt�s Mry
<br /> _�.� b�corn�dw�nd pay�bN.Upo�ttN occurnnc�of��Ev�nt o1 DdauH,l.�nd�►rt�ay,�Ith�r In p�rwn or by ape�+t wi�h or witl�out
<br /> -= brinp�nq�ny actlon or procMdinq,or by a tecolvai eFpolnted by�Court�nd wlthout r�rd to th��dpuacy of fb Mturity,snMr __
<br /> ` upon and p�ic�poss�ion ot 1M Pro{�ty.ar any part 1hK�of.In it�own nam�or In lh�ruun�of fh�TruNo�,and cb any acb whfch R
<br /> d�sms rMCMrary or dsslr�bi�b pr�Mrvs fh�ralw,marlcM�Wlity or r��bllity of th�Pro(Hrty,cx�ny paR th�rwf or InMr�st IhK�in.
<br /> *%r � Incr�sM th�lncom�lh�rekom or prohct th�ucurity henot and,with or without takinq pauiuton of th�PrapKty,sw tor o►
<br /> /f orierwiw coll�ct th�r�nts,I�suss and nroflb th��of,Includin9 thaw put dw Mnd unpaid,�nd�pply th��am�,I�u coW and
<br /> ;�` ezp�n�n of op�r�dai a�d collucUon Inciudlnp ettornsys'tses,upon any Indstit�dn�w sscured hersby,all In euch orcia�as L�nd�r
<br /> _, may d�MrrtNn�.TM Mt�rfnfl upon and Lkinp posMSWon of the Prap�Ry,the coll�cUon of sach nnts,laswc and prafidt and th�
<br /> -_ �ppilcaqon thKSOf as alorssald,ihall not curo o�wafw any dsl�uit or noGc�of dN�uN h�rsundsr or Inv�tid�t�any�ct don�In
<br /> -- rw�tx►rat:,suth dsfault or purauant:o�cfi notice ol�iault nnd,natwfthEl*nding fhw ccrnUnuance in poas��t�a�n oi Rhe PropKty o�
<br /> " tl�coll�ction,receipt and applicatlon ot��ntt,itsues or protit�,and Trutts��nd I.�nder shail bu endtled to�arclss avey rtght
<br /> " prayid�d tor i��ny ot the Loan Oacum�ta or by law upon occur�ence of any Ever►t of Oef�ult,Includ(r�wiMx�ut Ilmitation tbo dpMio
<br /> - eucsrche tM power o1 safe.Furthex,Lancbr"a rphts and remedks under this parayreph sh�it be cumulatfre with,end in�o w�y a
<br /> limitation on,Und�r's�lyhts and�emedies underanyas�tynm�ntof lea�esand ronU recorded�palnstthe Propariy.Lar►de�.Tnestoo
<br /> � arr�ths roc�h►er shall bs Ilabb to wccount only thoss ronb�ctusty roceivsd.
<br /> 17. Evw�M OM�ull.The tollowinp ahall constitute an Eveni of Detault under thia Cleed of Truat
<br /> (a� Failure to pay any inatailmont of pdncipal or Intersst of any other sum eecured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) lld�reschofordefaultundnranyprovfsSoncontalnedinthefW�te,thlsDesdotTrust,anyofthsLanDacumer+ts,orar�y
<br /> othor 1{en a emaumbrence upon tho P��nportlr;
<br /> � (e)A wrft of execution ar atteahment or�ny aimilar proceas ehail be entered ayatnat Truator which ahali becoms a Iien on
<br /> . ths Property or any portlon theroof�r Intereat theroin:
<br /> (d)Thero ehall be filed by or aguinat Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or tuture tederal,atatd or other
<br /> _� statute.law or reaulaUon relatinp to Cffinkruptcy,insolvency or other rellef tor debtara;or thera shall be apputnted nny trustee,
<br /> _,._
<br /> _--
<br /> �:� , �� ,.,•, receiver�or Iiquldator of Truator or Borrower or of all or any part o!the P►operty,or tne rents,►sautrs or prono mereo,or rusior
<br /> --- - s
<br /> I � II ;��`�' or Bo►row+er shail make any gonerat asalgnment tor the beneflt of creclitors;
<br /> (a) The,sale,uanafer,Iease,asai�nmenL conve,yance or turthar encumbrance of alt or eny part of or any Intarest�n ths
<br /> PropeAy,eithar votunSariiy or tnu�tuntadly, without the express wrltten consent�f l.ender, provided thai 7ruator ahall be __
<br /> permttted to execute a lease ot thp Property that does not contatn an opUon to purchasa and the term ot which does not excaed -
<br /> ane year,'
<br /> .;. � (t�Abandonment ot the Prapariy;ur
<br /> (y)P!T�uator is not an indlvDdunl,Lfia Isaua�ce,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumb►ance ot more than a total
<br /> ;; f. . r,�•,.,. ot�_percent of(If a co�poration)Its Issued and outetending stock or(If a partnerat�ip)a total ot perces►t ot
<br /> - pArtnership Interests d�rinp thn poriod this Qoed of Trust remalns a�len on the PropeRy.
<br />- � -�`� 12. R«n�dMs;AecMKatbn Upun DNauN.in the event ot any Event of Ostault Lender may,without notice except ae required by
<br /> :�s lew,declare aIi Indebtedness securud t►eceby to be due and payable and the same sheil theroupon become due and payabte
<br /> wlthout arty proaentment,demsnd,pruKes4 ar nodca of eny kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> . u
<br /> , � (e) Domand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE pranted hereln,and Trustae shall thereafte�r cause Trustor's
<br /> intereat In the Proporty to be sold and the proceeds to be distrlbuted,ail in the rrtanner provided in the Nebraske Trust Deed�
<br /> ' ' � Acx
<br /> ',., " .¢�. (b) FacerciseanyandalirightoprovidedforfnanyoftheLoanDxumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventof0efsulC,
<br /> '`�.,:1 . '� °� -
<br /> ;,. �.;�,,' :,� ,, (c) �Commence an action to fo�oclose this Oeed of Tn�st as a mortga�e,appoint a rece(ver,or specilicnily enforce any�1 the
<br /> �''�• covena:�ts hereot.
<br /> ��i.�c:r ti:.• . �. No remedy Aerairt contarcod upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the _-
<br /> Loan Oocume�ts or by Iaw provldod or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shaii be in addition to evary othar remedy given --
<br /> ' �::�.:';�� hereunddr,in the Loan Documonto or now or hereaiter oxisting t►t law or in equity or by statute,and may beexercisad concumently, ;-•
<br /> » . iredependently or succossiveiy. �-
<br /> • 13.4mialN.The Tru�teo mfly ru�lgn at any time without cs�u��,and Lender may at eny Ume and without cause appolnt a �_
<br /> .; . c
<br /> � :`;�'+"'`� g{,1CGegbOr m�?ubsiltut0 T�u9fOfl.T�Ub:ee shall not be tlable!o any par:y,including wiihout Ilmitetion Lender.Bosrower,Trustor or eny F
<br /> -:�i��,.� �`'°+� purchaser of Ufe Propnriy,�or amy bOS or damege unless due to reckless or wUiful misconduct,and shati not be required to ffike any �
<br /> <<;��:;::,�����.�•�; action in connection witl the enfaccement of tMs Qeed ot Trust unless indemnitiad,fn writing, toT all cost�,compenaation or
<br /> ' ���';J! �' ; expanses which may be assoclAtesl therewith.�n addition,Trustea may become a pu�chaser aY any sale of tAe�TOperty Qudiefal or �
<br /> ,..:..... . .,: ,, �
<br /> r „{`��,.:•,:; f-�.:, • under the power o}sale grantod herei^�);postpone the sale ot ati or any portbn of the Property,as provided by law;or selt the
<br /> . �t't +;;�.• Ptoperty as e whofe,or in cepntato pa-ce!a or lots at Trustee's discredon.
<br /> "`��, �' 14. F�and Exp�teeN.�n ihu ovant T�ustee seiis tha Property by exercise ot power of sate.Trustee ahall be entiUed to sipoly i
<br /> .73;;.�'`;:. � any sale proceeds first ta pnymont of all cost�end expenses of exercising power oi safo,including alt Trustee's fees,and Lendar s
<br /> ,'����:�, ��,;: r and Trustee's attornoy's tetrs,aatuully incurrod to aMOnt pnrmitted by appltca.Die tar�.in the ovent Borrower or TrsiAtar exarcises any 1
<br /> s
<br /> �� riyht provlded by law to c�_�e an Event of Oelault,Len�D�sha�l tre entitied to recotor trom Trustor all costs an�oxoEnses actuaily �
<br /> incurred as a resuit oi Tr-�stor'u�!qtault including NriY�aut Iimitaticn ali Trusteo's and attorney's fees,to the axta�t permttt8d by i
<br /> .. � ,:... apPilcab9o'sw. '
<br /> , �,._. , .�' ..':� 15. F�Cu�°t►Adtranc�s.Uppn ruqaso:�"ol Borrower, Lender rn.�•,at Its option,mako addi9ansi and tuture advanCes and ro-
<br /> advancesto�orrower.Such advancas ijnd roadvIInces,with intarasttheruon,shull bo socured by thia Q�sed o}Trust At no timo ehnll
<br /> �'-i•—.__ _ �_�___ ��.,.�„�ti,v,�mm���nt ot thy fndohtndness secured bv tl�ts Deed of 7rus1,npt,ipctuding sum3 advancod to protect tho socurity of thfs
<br /> '� ,�•�.'� ' • Deed of Trus�excead tht�oripinal princlpal amount stated hereln,or$ N�n whichsver is gre3ter. �
<br /> `��°� ,;�. 16. �AlscNlaiNOUe Provi�fofls.
<br /> . ' . .; `'�'` (a1 �o��R��.�ei�slon of the time for payment or modNicetlon of amortization of the sums secured by lhis
<br /> ,•�._•.:.��.�r, ':
<br /> � �^: "�``?'��• Oead of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest af 8orrower shatt�ot operate to release,in uny manner,the Ilabliity
<br />- -"� • of Me oHglnal Bnrcower and 8orrower'asuccessors in interest.Lender ahall nat be required to commence pra;eedin�s agalnst
<br /> ' , such succoasor or tetuae to extend timetor payment or otherwlse modity amortiza!lon of the sums secured by thi�deed ot Trust
<br /> , • � by reason of any demand�made by the original 6orrower and Borrower's successors in Inte�est
<br /> (b) L�nd�'s Pow��.Witfiout ettocting the Iiability of any other person Ifable tor the paymant of any abligation herein
<br /> mentfoned,and wlthout aHecting the Iien or charfle of thls Deed ot 7rust upon any portfon o}the praperty not fhen or theretofore
<br /> ; • ,::'"'. released aa seCUrity tor the tuil emount of alt unpafd ablfgatiane.Lender may,lrom time to time and witNOUt notico(i)retease any
<br /> ' �-0 penson so Ilable,(fi)extend the maturity or aiter any of the terms ot eny such obtigation�,(iil)grant oMer Indulgences,(iv)release
<br /> ' �' :,.�*' or reconvey,or cauae to be released or rec�nveyed at eny Gme at Lender's option any parcel,porlian or all 01 the Property,
<br />� �'� �• '�:. (v)take nr retease any othar or additionai securiry for any obUpation hereM mentioned.or(vi)make composidons or other
<br />_ �.���,.�,,,�.- t�rranQemenb wlth debtore in retatlon thereto.
<br /> f_
<br />