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<br /> : �.�;� �4— iQ49Q� —
<br /> CIE� l�IF THt�lS�'W6YH �UTURE A�VAN��3
<br /> THIS DLED OF T�iIJST.u�►wa.a.a a,. io�h d„y a__ �"�►'� _--- _ —,»�`' �•^d•�"o�w
<br /> �T�. Gary T.. Kruee and Ardith A. Kruee. Hu�hnr�d and {iife �,
<br /> Gtand Island, NE 66801
<br /> wha�n rru�fiinq�ddrssa I� 1611 Chesa�aYe Circle. . _,. (h�Mn"7ru�Wr;'wh�lh�r orn a mors�
<br /> _ _�--- _ _--
<br /> th�T�u�Ms, Charles_H. Haetinge s Attorney at Lav _„_, ._,
<br />—_�- _ w�������� P. 0. Box 1044, Hastings. NE 68902-2Qk4 M ��rqn"Tros1N'�,end
<br />_ ���ry. C1ty National Bank and Trust Company ,
<br /> �y..� wha�s mslunp addras ie. p• 0. Box 349, p�ptinga. NE 68901-0349 _�������,,i���,
<br />-�
<br />-�� Gary L. Krusa and
<br />�. FQR VAl.UABLE CONSIDERATION,Includinp li..sndsr's�xt�nflon ol cr�dlt Id�ndB�d harain to
<br />~�' Ard3th A. Kruse, Husband and Wife ���n"Borrow�r",whether ons or mcxe)�nd the t►uu hsrein cr�d,
<br /> ths recalp3 ot which!a hereby�cknowleciDed,TruaWr hsreby irrevocabty yr�ntti tnnstere,conveys snd wslpns to 7rwM�,IN
<br /> TRUST,WiTH POWEfi DF 8ALk,tor the bsnetit and iecuHty of Ler�dsr.under and�ubJsct to the Wms and conditlons h�rsinafMr Mt
<br /> - 1prTh.th��ert props�Ssj�,de�cribsd as faliows:
<br /> Lot Thirty Eight (38), Morningside Acrea Subdivislon. in the (:ity of 6rand Islara�l� --
<br /> Hall County, Nebraslcs.
<br /> b�, Topether with all buildin�a,improvemenls,fixturea,atrsote,alleys,pasaaqewayi,easements,�iQhts.prtvilepes and appurle-
<br /> �nca�located thareon or In anyw(ae pert�Ininp thereta,and the rents,iasues and profib,revotsiona and ramalnde�'a fherec+l,Rnd
<br /> such p�rsanal property that is attachsd to the Improvemsnte so at t�i consritute e flxturs,includiny,but not ilmfbd to,he�+➢�1y1 end
<br /> cooling�,qulpmt►n�and toyether witt►the homeatead o�mai 14a1 intereats,if any,whfch(ntereata are hersby reieaaed arsci v�aivred;ali
<br /> ;•� o}whlo'h,±ncluding replacementa snd adaitions thereto,la hereby declered to be a pnrt of the real estate secured by ths S�en atthl�
<br /> ' Y DMd of 7ruat and a11�f ft+e iRrapoiny bsiny rotened to herein aa the"Preper�j'.
<br /> •��+` +ti°`:�,
<br /> ..--•b•�:..�;�;�; This peed of T:uat ehail secure(e)the payment ot the principel eum�a��interest evidenced by a promf�sary n•.te Or credit
<br /> �. :..{ _F�,_r .►UIy I. fl9yy � ,
<br /> �''�'"�'�;��E a reament dated June 10� 1994 ,having e maturit�r date ot —
<br /> . �r}.•:=:t=.`_r;}4S�v;•�',• � . /��
<br /> .. .�t' ,'lw.\SS�xti� � lV�Q0��0�
<br /> ,:;.� ;:": � � � in the orl�inel princl,oa�amount ot S ,acxf any and all modillcatlona,extonsions unxi rannwala _
<br /> �-� �+'��`� • ��� � •� thereq}or thereto and any and ell(uturo advancea and readvances ro f3�en•awer(or any ot them if moro than one)'hereunder
<br /> :,y.t.,,h.},:i;..�.: ,,_ �•�
<br /> .;:r���,> ;.�;� ,••: ., pu�suant to one or more prombaory notea or crodit epreements(heroin cafSed"Note");(b)the payment of other auma advenced by �
<br /> • � Lenderto protsctthe aocurtty ot the Noto;(c)the peAormance of alt covenanb and agreemente of Trustor set torth harein;and(d)all _
<br /> "�`�`'�^''. � preaent and future�ndebtednesa and obiigaUOna of Borrcwer(or any ot them il more than one)to Lender whethor dirsst,IndltecR _-
<br /> •r��r •-�- •• �� �' abstyiute or contlnpe�t and whsther arlsing by note,quaranty,averdraft or otherwiae.The Nc�1�,t�hia Deed of 7ruat and any and all ;_
<br /> • other dxuents that sucure ttie Note or otherwiae executed In connectinn therewith.includiny�rv;i��ut Iimttatlon guaranteea security „
<br /> �^.��-�: .•> agroemsnb end�ssiynmentaof leases and rents,ahail be refar�ed t�here:m as t he"Loan Documen ts'. u:__
<br /> �- r ••� • �• '� Trustor covenants and a�rees with Lender as toilowa: s°°__
<br /> . :��.,.;' ... .:::;'c�:• 1. Pa�t ol Ind�bMd�.All IndESbtodness secured hereby shait be peld when due. '"°:-
<br /> J �'• �'�' 2.THIo.Truator is the owner of the Property,haa lhe right and authority to convey the Properly,and warranta thnt the lien ��i
<br /> . 4T�wjiC.'ifa+f,."w:1.., L"'"
<br /> ••�rk;,��.�; �•�.•• �a created hereby Is a firot and prior tlen on the Property,excopt for Ilens and encumbrences set torth by Trusior in wrlURp and k_..�.
<br /> � •�.xe;,•.�a.s�- dntivered to Lender botore execuUon of this Deed ot Trust,and the execution and dsiivery of this Oeed of Trust doea not viotate any �_ _.
<br /> ' ,,��;»r••.•:r•� �f� contrsct o�other obllpaUon to whlch Trustor is aubject �'�__
<br /> ':� � ' 3.Tax�a,As��nb.To pay betore delinquency atl taxes,epecial assesamenb and ail other charge�agalnat the P�operty
<br /> �: . . "t now or herestter levlad.
<br /> , ,�.,P,..�• �1�.
<br /> • 4.ansuranco.To keep the Property insured against damago by fire,hazerda Included within the term"extenddd coverase",and �;;
<br /> � � such o°Y�er hezards as Lendar mny re�.�ulre,In amounb and with companies acceptabla to Lender,namfnp Lender as an AddiUonnl
<br /> � � � � nemed:�sured,with loss payablo to the Lender.in casa oi Ioss under such poticles,the Lendar is authorized to ad�ust,cotlect and �,�?
<br /> �, trnnpromise,all clairaa thereunder and shait have the optlon ot epplying al l or part of the insurnnce prxeeds(1)to any indebtedneas
<br /> ���"`�,� sscured hereby�n�En such order as Lender may determtne,(!q to the Trustor to be used tor the repatr or�estoratton of tha Property
<br /> . or(fii)for any other pvrpose or obJect saUSfactory to Lender without aNecting tho Ilen o}this Deed of Trust tor the 1ui1 amount secured
<br />° • hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any appticatlort of proceeds to Inde6tedness shall not extend or postpone tho due „
<br /> ' �.��=`�� date of eny paymen�s under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> �• 5. F.�crow.Upa�wri:cen deman9 by Lender,Trustor ahnil pay to Lender,in such mannor as Lendor may designate,�u�cient
<br /> suma to enablo Ler:uer to pay as they become due one or more ot the foilowing:(1)aIi taxes,asaessments t�nd other chargea�geinst
<br /> i�•' ' ' the Property,(iq the premtuma on the propertv inyumnce require�d hereunder,and(fiq tho premiuma on�a,�y mortpaye insuranee i
<br /> .� requfred b�/L.c3nder.
<br /> 6. Mafnt�nanc�.R�pairs anci CompOanc�wHh Laws.7rustor shall keep the Proparty in good cond3tion and rapair,sheli �
<br /> prompUy repalr,or �epiece any Ic++provement which may lte damaged or destroyed;shail not commit or�ermft an�waets or I
<br /> dete,r:r.r•9Uon ot the P�operly;shnll not remove,demo�iah or substantieily alter any ot the improvements on the ProF+e�ty;shall not
<br />- commit,suHer or per.raitany act to be done in or u��n the Property In violntion ot any Inw,ordfnance,or�egut�t�cn;and shall psy and ;
<br />= � . prompUy diacher�e Nd 17uator's cost and expan��,t!Itens,encumbrences c�nd chargas lovlod,imposesi:rr aeses�ed egainst the i
<br /> Pro�ty or any paut�_18�@0}. �
<br /> ; 7,EmiMnt Doneain.Lender is hereby assigned atl compensaUon,awAr3s,damu�es and othor payments or retiet(herelnafter
<br /> "Pr�x�eds")in connoctinn with ce�idamnation or othor taking ci•:iia Proporty or part thoraof,or for conveyance in Beu ot condemna-
<br /> - {� tion.Lender shali be erttittod at its opUon to cammenae.apperar in and prosecuto in its own nemo eny acUon or proc�erct':�gs,and
<br /> �, � shali aiso be entiilod to mnke any compromise or setdoment fn connaction with such taking or damago.In tho ovont any°�ortion of
<br /> i.L��L..w.,.a�...e..� i e.,.m,oi.sn novA thw nnttan.tn Ite snlo and nbsolute dlSCrutlon,to aPP�Y a���uch Proceod8.
<br /> - ,- __ _---'—� ttio riHFrota�ta w.anvn v.w...�aw.�..��. �.—••__ _ _ _ . .
<br />� � ai6er deducUng therefrom all costs and expenses incunod by it in connection wiih such Proceeds,upon any!n�'nbtodness secured
<br /> : ` _ ' hereby and in auch order as Lender may determino.or to appiy all such Praceeds.attor auch deductlons,to tho rostorc�tion ot the
<br /> *• PropeAy upon auch condiUons as Lender may deiermine.Any appllcaUon of Proce�ds to indebtedness shail not extertd or postpone
<br /> " �1 ths due date of any payments under the Nate,or cure any defeult thereunder or heraunder.Any unappUed funds shall be paid to
<br /> � Tht�Mr.
<br /> 8.PKbrn�x�c�br LwnJ�r.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Detault hereunder,or it any act ts taken or Ieyai proceedin0
<br /> commenced which materially attecta lendePs interest In Me Prope+ty Lender may in its own discretion,but wiMout oblipatton to do
<br /> so,and without notics ta ar demand upon Trustor and without releaaing Trustar iram any obtigaUon,do any act which Truator haa
<br /> � apraed but tails to do end may alao do nny othar act It deems neceasary tv protect the securfty hereat.Trustor ahali,irnmedlatety ,
<br /> up�on demand tfiaretor by lender,pay to I.ender all c�sta and expense�incurred and sums expended by Lender fn connection wtth
<br /> ths exs►cf9s by Lender ot the 1Qre�oinp rfphts,t�ether with Interoat thareon atthe detauit rate provfded i�the Note,which ahall be
<br /> � � � added to the fnd�bEadnsss eecursd hereby. Lender shaU not Incvr any liabi�lty because of anythfnp it may do or omit to do
<br /> ';ar Mrw�n�.
<br /> . °Y� .
<br /> ,�
<br /> I
<br /> � —--
<br />