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r ,.. . . ...,.�,,, _ <br /> a _�. � <br /> . , y:- <br /> _t� �� — — _ . _ . <br /> -.1._ '�v'` --- — " <br /> ' iy�sc�tty i;;+� n��flitt t P flt 1C�ultr�l. a� Ihr�� Nnn�d!ctwkr. if itw,nPepr imucnnce t'c�veT�ge 1l�I�u1xN1IM�L���P�� <br /> F., ; }:' i P <br /> �h�t I*ndrr rr��uirrt)pr+�vidrai by an� inwrc�x(mn�va�hy I.enJcf oRain I+arrr�s yv�ilat+le sni ia obts�n�l. l�ro�rsr adwll pry <br /> the premiunu raquinxf�n molntnin morioaQa�nRUnnce In effcct,��r tn provide r knr rcserve,wuil tiu re4uiiement(or axxt�e <br /> fn+wrance e�xi�c in ac�:ardHncx�wilh nny w�iuen Ngrcement betwan +Aormwer uri l.ender ar applicablr law. <br /> !, ta�pKilnn� l�ondor or itti nqcm mry nuke rn�oiwble et�trlcs upon ard inrpador�s ut the Pr�peny. L.ender �hall�ivs <br /> Born�wer rxxirr�t thn timr.of nr prior t�en inR�j�n npaifying re�roble uu�e for the impection. <br />-�--.----------.�.......:.....r ' ' i � :, ,,. , . + fei�•dvn•��•,, �firn•t ��r�•��nu�auanli�tl. in cunr�:tion with any <br /> ------- --- - �� -- �M. �o�nie�m�Nt{Uu� �1�. n�x�..���ut :ill 1J''.t� .]_ C.���11 _ . <br /> condemnxUon nr othnr tpking uf any part��f Il�e Prc+�xrty,nr for t»nveyar�ce in litu af rnixiemnatian, �ue hereby wuWieci ud <br /> stwll br{►uid tn I�:ndnr. <br /> In�he n�ant uf H t�tnl tuking of thc Prnr►erty,the prixr.cds�hnll be appliai to thc�ums ux:urul by this Serurity Instniment. <br /> whether�r�w�Utr.n duc, wilh�ny r.xce�s psild to&irr�wer. (n�.be event af u panial taking of tho Prtiperty in which the fair <br /> market value of thr.l�mjx:ny immaliatcly iscfor�thc taking is cyual to or greater than the amouut of the sums secured by�his <br /> — Seruri�y lu.t�uu�:�;t i�unticdintcly txfnre�hc tt�king,unless Borro��cr smd I.erwler ntherv� agrtx in writinq.tR�e sums socucnci by <br /> �t�is 5rcurity Inst�umr.nt shnU bc rcducai by thc amount of the: prcxecYls multiplied by the following fn►etion: (a) the total <br /> anx�unt of Ihc«uns sc.cum.�i in�meclintcly ircforc thc taking. dlvided by(b)the fair nurket valuo of the Propccey immecfiately <br /> bef�rc thc tlkin�. �ny bnlnmre shnll 1�pxid to 13orrower. In ti�e event of a panial taking of thc Froperty in which the fair <br /> nwrket valuc of thn Pm{krty Lnmr.dlutcly hefm�e thc laking is Ieyr,than the unauut of tbc hums secural immediately befote tt►c <br /> taking, unlcss Bonnwer nnd I.�:ndcr otlmrwisc sigrce in writing c�r unlctis appiicablc law uther�vise pruvidati.the pnx:eods shall <br />_ _-.�_ <br /> be ap�licci to thr.sunts secu�d by Ihi�:Security Instrumcnt whcthcr or not the sumti are thcn due. <br /> Tf thc Pmperiy ir,nbmsdoned by F3rn•rowcr, ar if,uitcr nati�e I�y�ler W l�orrowt:that thc condemncsr ofFers*_o ma P an - <br /> awanl or �ettle n oluim fnr dnmtii�es, Borrowcr fnils to respond �o I.endcr witl�in 30 days after thc date the notice is biven, <br /> Ixncicr is authorizecl to rnllect and apply thc procecds,at its optian.eitlicr to restomtion or repair of the Properry ar to the sums <br /> securcd by this Se�uriry Instrumcnt.whethcr or not dicn duc. <br /> Unless I..endor and 13orrower othcnvisc :igrcc in writing. :sny applicatian of pru�eeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due dnta of the inonU�ly payments refcrred to in paraRraphs 1 and 2 or change thc art�ount of such paymenu. <br /> ll. Borrowcr Not Itcicased;I�orbearnnce By Lender Nnt u Waiver. Extcnsion of thc time far payment�r modification <br /> of amoiYii:�ti�n of tha sumA secured by this Securiry InStrument�*i.mted by under to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> nnt opernte to mlu�se ihe li��bility of the original I3orrower or Iic�rrower's successors in interest. l.ender shal l not be required to <br /> comme�►ce proceedings uIIainnt any successor in interest or refusc to extend time i'or payment or otherwise rnodify amortization <br /> of the sums secured by thir Securiry Instrument by �•cason of any demand made by the originul Borrower �r Sorrawer's <br /> SUCCGCSOI'S ltl �T1iCYCS1. Atly IAibC8f�I1CC�Y LCRdCT ip C7trt�i�iiiZ uij% Pi$��[t1r i�m��S�:�w�� nu��."'- s`•`•'?�Y`-'r nf ttt nr�lude thC <br /> cxercisc of any ri�;hl or semcdy. <br /> 12. Succt��:�a�nd Asyigns Bowid; Joant and Sevcrnl Liability;Co-signers. Thc covenants and agrecments of this <br />, Security Instniment shali bind and beneli4 the successars und assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> p:u•.�graph I7. Bcnmwer's c�ven�a-.s and a��reemcnts shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> -- — Instrumcnt but daeti not execut4 thk Note: (a) is cu-tii�ning thi�Su:urity Instrumcnt only to mortgage,grant and ronvcy Ihat <br /> Borrower's intei�alt i+�the Propcny undcr thc terms of this Secm•iry [nstrument; (b)is not personally oblibated to pay the sums <br />' secured by this Seeurity Instrument:und(c)agrees that L.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify, forbear or <br /> ---- - make any accomm�Kixti�ns�vith reg.ud to the tcrms of this Sccm-ity Instrument or the Note without that Borro�ver's consent. <br />- 13. Lnnn Glia��;es. If Ihe loan secured by Ihis Security Iitistrument is suhject to:+ law which sets ma�cimum losn charges, <br /> und th.0 law is finnlly interpnted tio thnt the intcrest or other Laan charges col(ccted�ir to be collected in cunnection with the <br /> loan exc�cd lh�:pemtitted limits,then: (a)any such lonn char�e shall hc reciuceci by the amount necessay to reduce tr,e chargc <br /> � to the permiried ifinit:�nd(h)any sums alrcaJy coUccted from Horruwer which excceded Nerniitted limits wil! be refunded [o <br />- Borro�ver. Lender m;:y cha�se to muke lhis refund by rcducing dtc rrincipal owr.d under the Note ot by making a dircct <br />= puyment to Bmrn�vcr. If a re�und reduces principal, thc resiuctiun will bc trcated as a partial prcpayment without uny <br /> prepayment chm��e undcr the Nc�te. <br /> 14.Not(ccs.Any nutice to Bormwcr providcd for in thi>�ecurity Instrunient shall he given by dclivering it or by mniling <br /> it by first cluss muil t:nless applicable I.i�v requires use uf unother mothod. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address e <br /> or any other addtrss Dorro�vcr dcsignutes by nutirc to la�xler. Any nutice to la:ndcr shall be given by first clsus mail to <br /> l.ender's uddcesy stated hercln ��r any other aJdre�s I.cnJer designates by noticc te� Bonower. Any notice provided far in this _ <br /> -°— _---------- Security lnstrum::et s�iall Ne d�cmecl tu liave b�cn given to fiorrciwer��r iw�nder wher�given as provideci in chis p:uagraph. <br />-:�—� 15.Govennim�; Sever�blltty. This Security Insuvment �hnll he govem�:d by fcdcral law and th� law of thc <br /> jurisdiction in whic+�f'�e Pr��priKy is lorated. In the event thnt any provision or clause of this Scrurity Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applics"le law, such conflict shall not aff'ect other pmvisions of this S��urity Instrument or the Note which can be _ <br /> �""�" given effect �vithout t{�e contli�ting provision. Tu this end tlm provisiunx of thiti Security Inswment and the Note :ue declared _ <br /> ; to bc ticvcrablo. = <br /> IG.liorrn�vca's Cn(►y.Iiurrowcr shull bc givcn unc c:ouformcd ropy of thc Nntc and of this S��curity Instrumcnt. ,�_ <br /> , Form 3028 9190 - <br />._'�-�:..�...,�cC.7 Nsff•4e�0 ° <br /> _,: <br /> ,, '�'':. f <br />_ {�, " _ �.k��'A�+�.:' . .c���.i i. <br /> • .. <br />—• t . � •_nti�,' � ., f �'.11� `� ' ' <br /> _ . . - <br />.., �. _ . ...- � �..�-- .. � . ... -.—.- . -_-_- —.----=�- <br /> __. _----� ------- <br /> �-..-, _-_. . ---- -- - . <br />_ ,.�,,��"�^. .f� .�» . �• �. ' • �:�n'�$' � r�•'a..•� . <br /> ��w.�w�ci='tiRYit"dtrtxhC: ��4• r 'H 'F� ..�`. ' - „• .. - a�%a�0i1111�*.5~�� Y�tr�,-i.•�, <br />- A ••�(ft.�..y,,i��•��.p�hl.f..f�i.`,T�i-�j�i).'`cl.�..-'.� .... � . . .s_,,�'- � 'tlp � � - . <br /> � Y`�ry� ;� � ,!;.{jly�`�i ��: `� . . . ��� Y�, , . <br />��_j _ e yr l.e. -- - <br /> �4t� a�.rhr�( be�1�.�la�2l•'.n�- -t..'�J.h. 'J. II 4.i-. <br />'� .6�}, f;' . . � _ - ..� ���� . ' .. � <br /> . <br /> � <br /> �4t� ''w�';d 'H+r� � • ;M-Yi&� .�.�. <br /> �z, � ��`- . . <br /> - , . <br /> . . <br /> ���. . • :trv- . <br /> �i� l. . <br />. I�' �.i i . . �� <br /> �. q ,� <br /> �1'� �. :.. ,. . . <br /> ���< <br /> 4 ��. ;' .;� <br /> . . <br />. ��Sy� "��1�•���s�, (t. � v - . .;`:�':� �� � <br /> �y. t � jM. . - ��t'Jtl:1• ' <br /> �a �}�,�il {��� ��F , �., . _ . 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