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.� r..:ti.rn :wn 4r, . . . '�r� ' ,. . <br /> '� ' . - _�..... �_ <br /> 'a'�� �?�:� - - -- _ -- " <br /> �4'" 1(�4.'9'�'4 <br /> --- 7'<1(itr."CFlhR Wfi'H alf the im�xc�vcmen45�x�w rx herr�ttcr ercckd cxi the prr,peAy.anJ rll eaYanentc. +y,�.��.GWk.c►. <br /> rnd Tixwcex nc�w cx he�eaNer �pnrt u[ths �nvpeny. All rrplxements�d sddctiix►s shall �l�n he covernd bq thix Security <br /> In�irument. All oC ihe foregoing ix rcfe�recl ta in thi�c Saarity l.mdurreent�tix"f'�apeity.• <br /> BUEtRQWER C'(?VENAN7'S thet Bu�7uwcr is fuwfully scised��f the estue hereby conveyed and has thc righr to�gnu�t <br /> rnd cvnvey tAe Prnpaty rnd that 1he Prupecty iu unencwnbered.exoepc for enr.um6rance:uf rocad. Bamrver wa�raMS aad <br /> , -�,--- �---- <br /> will detrnd geoen►lly the tiile to tt�e Ptoperty against ull cisims anc!iSertwtids,suhJect Iv nny em:uml�rae�ce�o(oeccxd. <br /> TI(iS SE:C'URITY INSTRUMENT canriines unifcxm wve�nta tbr n�iionnl u�e un4 non-un�tacm covrna►us w�tn - <br /> limite�d vuiationa by Jurisdiction to constiwto a uniform security ittswment covrifna neal�m�petty. <br /> l�NIf�OKM CUVENANTS. &►rrower und Lttxkr covenant and ngret a+fullc�v+x: <br /> 1. f"aya�a�t of Prh�zipl aad lekrest:I'repn7eneat Nad I.�fe(,'bs�t. B�xrower�hall prnmP�Y PAY w}�en duc tt�c <br />_-- prin�:ipal nf ind interest on the debt evidnkaf by the Note und eny prepxyment and late ch�+rgcs due under the Nae. <br /> — 2. k'uu�L for'fa:a and Iaurance• Subject to applicable Ipw or to a written waiver by Lender.Acxrowrr s6u11 pay to <br /> - � l.cruicr nn thc ii:�y monthly papi*�rnts acie d�ic anckr ihc N�xe,untfl thc Nate iti pnid in foll,�sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly <br /> taxec und a+ae��mcnts which may attain priority over this Seeurity Instrument as a lien on the f'ropecty:db}yeariy icasehoW <br /> �ymeolti cx�round�rnis on the 1'roperty, if any; (c) yearly twzard ur pn�eny insurance prcmiurt►s; (d) yearly flcwd <br /> � insurance ps�miums,if Any: (e) ycarfy rrK�rtgagc insurdnce prcmium.r•, if any; urxl (� any sums payable by Bortnwcr to <br /> Lenckr,in accurclance with tlx provisions of parag�aph 8, in lieu of the pnyment of mangoge insurancC prcmiam.s. Ttw:se <br />-_- -- — urc c•rlled"Escrow[tems." Lender muy,rt:u�y time,callect and hald f�nds irn art arr�nunt not to exceed ttr:ns+aimum <br /> -- amount a lender for a fcderally rclutcd martgage loan may nquire fer BoerowcrS escrow account undcr the fecieral R�eal <br /> - Estate Settlement Pnocedure� Act of 1974 ati w�ended from time to dmr„12 U.S.C.�2601 e�xeq.("RE.SPA"),unless arather <br /> l�w that applirs to thc Funds sece a les�r:unount. If tio,Lender m:iy,at:u�y tirnc.cuHcx:t uud L„iS�'u,i,,i;in:�amauat n�t to <br /> exceed tl�e lestier amount. i.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the ba+is of curceni data and rear•onahle <br /> e•�timates of expenditunes of future Escrow Items or otherwise:in accordsnce with applicable law. <br /> 'I'hc FUnds shall be hcld in�n instituuon whose c�eposits:ur insured by a fcdcral agency. instrumentalit}, or cntity <br /> = (including Lcnder.if l.ender is such:ui instimdon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Le�xler shall apply Rhe!'vnds to pay <br /> the 6scrow Items. I.cndcr may not chargc Borrower for holdins and applying the Funds,:►nnually :u�alyzing tl►r escrow <br />-�;. account, or��ecifying the Escrow Items, unless L.ender pays Borrowc� 'snterest an the Funds and applisable law permilc <br /> Lcnder to mak�such a cha�ge. However, Len�ier may require Borrower to pay a ane-time charge for:ui independeet c�ea! <br /> ' estute tax rcporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides otherwiu. Llnkss an <br /> agreement is made ar applic.ible law�rqu+ms intercst to bc paid,L.cnder shall noe bc rcquircd to pay Botsower uay interest or <br />,•, camings on Ihe Funds. klomc e�er and Lendcr may agrcc in wripng,howcver,Ihat interest shall be paid on the Funds. L,ender <br /> shrll give to Borrower�without charge,an:mnual accaunting uf the Funds.showing crcditti and debits to the Funds and the <br />- uurpose for which exh debit to the Funds vf�s made. The Funds are pledged as additionai security for all sums sccwed Ey <br /> ihis Security lnswmen� <br /> It the Funds held by Lcndcr exr.ecd thc :unounGS permittcd to bc hcld by applicable law. I.endcr shall account to <br /> Botrower for the excess Fun�.l.s in accordance with the s�quinementti of applicable law. If the amount ef the FvL:�c]s held by <br /> Lender at any ume is not safficicnt to pay the Escro++�items when due,Lcnde�muy sa notify Borrower in writint;;and,in <br /> such case Borrower shnQ pay to Lender the amount ni:cessary to m�lce up the deficiency. Borrower shall tnake up �he <br /> dcficiensy in no mom than twelve monthly�uyments,at Lcnder's sulc discrction. <br /> _ Upon payment in full of all snrns secured by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shall promptay refund to Bomower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,urider paragraph 21,Lc:nder shall acquim or sell the Property.Lender.p�ior to ttx+xquisition oc <br /> sale of the Properry.shnll apply any Funds hcld by Lender at the time of acyuisition or s:ile as a c�cdit against thc sums <br /> secured by this Security instn�ment. <br /> - 3. ApplicAtion ot Paymenta. Unlcss applicablc law pmvidcs othenvise, all payments mccived by�dcr under <br /> � p.ungraphs I and 2 shall bc applied: fint,to uny prepaymcnt char�es duc undcr the 1�`ote;second,8o:imounts payable under <br /> h paragraph 2:third,ta intemst duc;fowth,to principal duc;:►nd I1st,to any lute charges due undcr thc Notc. <br /> 4. CharRes; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxcs. assesymen�s,charges, f►nes and impositions attrihuwble to the <br /> ' �'*'�': P�aperty which may a*tain;�:r'_oriry over this Security tnscrument,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> � ��:r :- shall pay thesc oblibations;-�she munner provided in pasaaraph 2,or if not paid in that manne:.Bomower sh:Jl Pay them on <br /> �, +��+`�n�' time dircctly to thc person o�ved payment. Bono�ver shall promptly furnish ta Lender all notices of amounts to be paid undcr � <br /> '� ,; this p.uagraph. I�'Borrowcr makcs these payments directly. Borrower shull promptly fumish to Lcndcr receipts cvidencinp <br /> ""_..'„.:"'' thc payments. <br /> ����,;+';`�„';_' Hurrower tihall prompt8y discharge nny lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ngrees <br /> :{,,..:;,r'•�;:; in writing to the payment of ih:obligation secumd by the lien in a manner ucceptabte t�Lender,(b)contests in�oad f:uilt the <br /> -��==� • lien b or defends a ainst er�iorcement of the tien in,Ie al roceedin,s which m the Lender'.s o inion o rate tu nev�nt d�� <br /> ' �.:b.�._.. _ , y. S S P P' P P� P <br /> _ ,__��;=;: ��'� � enforcement ot the lien;or(c)secuns from thc holder of the lien an ag�eement satisfactory ro Lender subordinaung the lien <br />-. ;�;;f�;.,�_:� ' [O IIlIS SCC:]i:�r;lnstrument. If Lendcr cletermincs that uny p:ut of¢hc�P,ropc►ty is subject to a licn vv:�ich may uttain priority <br /> '�y'.' •. over this Security Instrument,Lender miiy give Borrower a notice idenJifying the lien. Borrower sha:t!saUsfy the lien or takc <br /> ,�::-:y�,: � • onc or mone of Uic uctions sct forth aboti�c within !0 days nf thc giving of nuticc. <br /> ��r�. •, 5. Ha7acd or Praperty Insurance. Borrowcr shall kccp tt�c improvements now cxisting on c�mafter crcctcd on ttie _ <br /> s:�:• >.. Property insured against losti by fire, hazards included wiQiin the term"extended coveragc"and:►ny otlier hazards,incli�ding _ <br /> �•'.�;;=-' • floats or flooding, (or which l.ender rWc9xs:res insurance. This insurance shall be maintaincd in the amounu and for the - <br /> ,,;k:,.,.. . <br /> :rF,. <br /> .r..'.a�'_, - Form30Z8 9/9(1 �n�,,;�a.,����,R�:► - <br />. � ij.b�' _ ' � <br /> !`;�i •'� I <br /> .��. ... : . <br />�- �. ..�x.._: . ..� ,IY.:�rUwio!:_�:Yd::✓�1:._+:w:..ira�If�-i..r..�. �. ..�.,r_.tU....a. ..�0 9.�J{t, ��4..lA�1SVda i�:. -_ V�4.,.. _ ��ri?.�� . .. <br /> . • { <br />-� I �� '.'.. ' ' ' ., � . � � . <br /> -1 •�f��ir_r,' , •l�� . . <br /> t�� ii <br /> - 1- �:.•iot"�iS'�� - • ' � <br /> � .r.t... �' �. �i� .. <br /> . >•' °� <br /> . . �'.'i:_, .. ' . .. <br /> . t�, -.. . . _ <br /> '' c' - . . „ ' , . <br /> 'i' .•c��; 1. , �. �.il:v�� • <br /> . ..-,�. � . _ ..;1:M1_,I. IQI '��Zi . ' <br /> . y�J ,� .. . - � _ , '• . <br /> _. ,� ti , ., <br /> . �- <br /> ., <br /> � � _ ,.l__ _ _— <br />