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<br /> ci�tdemnriiu�n or�Nht'r InkU�ot rny Nart ut Uw 1'tuN►:�ty,ix l�X�u�tivcy�uu.t in licu uf cundurutiatiun,urm l�:rzhy��uiYncd:�ti•:i .
<br /> ahall be p+iJ w Len�kr.
<br /> In thie tvent o!a taa! ulun� of the Fropertr.1ha proceec{t ihdl be �lied u� the sums securecl by thi� Sec�uity
<br /> lnatnimrnt,whether or tx�t then due,w�tfi iu+y exce��p�W lo BrxmvrCr. In the event of a p�rtid takin6 of dx Propeity in
<br /> whkh the fd��twke�v�lw of the Ropenq iau��dia�sly bitf�x�e thn uiiial�:is eqwl to or grea:er than the amount of the wms .
<br /> sesurod by thte Socurity Inswment irtw�wdl�Nly b�fae the talcfng,urt,Mtna Borrower wxi Lender otherwise agrx in w�rid�e�,
<br /> thz�:,s�; ..-c�•r�.1 h;�rh�• c,.,•,��i�y In��n�mr��.h.11 ha ratu+:od hv tt,t v�nount uf the prcxeeds mult�plied by the foliowing
<br /> fr�ctirn� (�l tho tocd��►t ot the.um,.ecwod ImmecN�tely be:unr•tbt t�lcing.divided by(b)the fair muicet value oC tha
<br /> Ropedy immedirtely hr�f(a�t� Ihe�Utkin`. Any brla�xro �hall !�s pdd.tn AtKmtiver. In the event of a putial takin6 of the
<br /> !'rc�perty in whkh Ihe f�Jn,�r►rrke�vr�ue nf�he P�openY imme�lia�ely�f�sfr?+r.the te,i:ing is less thu�the amouat of th�sumr•
<br /> securai immedfRtely bafnr� the �nhin�, unlees liexmw�r u�d Lcnder ot}ufnvic�t ega in writing nr untess applicable IRw
<br /> Mherwi�e pmvidex,the(mx:eeds�hMll!+e N�+{+ifed a��ha�um��ccu�d by th::��Srx:atity Inst►umar�t whether r�t not the sums ara
<br /> then due.
<br /> If lhc!'r«perty iy abnnd�mnl hy R��rntwer,i�r ii,rtter ncKicr by Lendcr re��icr�nwe,t2aut 1he conckmnor offers ta muko
<br /> an awan�or settle 8 elaim for d«mY�er, Btxrowe�fMfiw�o re�pc�1 t«Lenckr within 30 day�;c�fter thc dxtc thc notice is given,
<br /> I..ender js authaired tc+er�lkct wu1 W�ly�hc(mxeed�,nt{�r c�icm,elther to restorntian or rr.�xar of the Property or ta the
<br /> sums secuce3 by thiv Securi►y In.rtrunurU,whether nr�xK tlxn Jue.
<br /> Unlesv l.enJer sutid Hc�rci�wcr otherwi►;�u�reo in wridnY,ariy a pHcation uf procads to pdncipal shall not extend or
<br /> pcntponr,t}r:due ciate of ihe�n�xnFi.,y jx►ymrntr roterred tn in p�n�rn�iv 1�nJ 2 or chunge the amount of suah paymcnts.
<br /> 1!. 8orrnwe.r NM Rdepntdl Furbc�rrNee 8y l.end�r NM * W�Iver. Extension of the time for paymen[ or
<br /> rnudifisrNia�.�t'arro�nit�stion uf the�um�tircurxd by�hiv Sc�:urlty fnrtnament grunted by L.ender ta any successor in u►terest
<br /> uf kscarower fih;�ilillUY.C�qT21lC l(1 ICICq�t:III� liat'.ility ot th� +�ri�it�ci Hcm�►�er or Borcoiver�•saccessor;�in interest. l.encler
<br /> sh:ill�noc be rer�uicYd to rummence pna:ce�lings +igu�nrt uny nuccrh+nr in intirent or refuse to extend time fot payment or
<br /> cnh�;nvic�r.mcv�lify amonira�ion af the tiums srcur�u.t hy�hix Srcurity luntrument by reawn of uny demand made by the odginal
<br /> Bcx•�:���ucr ar Bnrrower's�,ucce,surs in interest. Any fwheur.�ncc hy Lenilcr in exrrcising nny right or remeAy shall not be a
<br /> wuiver of or grsclude tlx ax�rcise uf uny right c�r�mcdy. -
<br /> 12. SuccessurR wn�!Aswt�nz Anundt.lolnt�nd tiever�l l.l�bllity:(:��iqnen. The covenants anA agrcements of this
<br /> Securi►y In�tnyment shall l�ind un�i be�iefit Ihe succrsu►rr una nvsignv of Lcndcr u�yd�orrower,subj�ct to the provisions of
<br /> par�graph 17. Barrowery cuvGnants und ugrtement,hhuQ Fx Juint und �rvrrul. Any liurn�wer who co-signs this Sccurity
<br /> in:�tn�ment but dces not execute the Nute: (u)iti co-ytgning tbi�tiecurlly lu�trumrnt only ta�nortga�e,grnnt anJ convey that
<br /> 8r.7uwer;interest in the PruFx:rty under the term�of thi,Secu�ity f�iylruinrui; lb)iti niit personally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> secuc�d by[his Security Instrument;und(c)ugrce�that Lendes und uny��thrr Hurr��wer mny ugrec to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> or make any accommalationti with regard to Ihe terms uf' Ihis Securiry lustrument or the Note withaut that Borrower's
<br /> cortsent.
<br /> 13. I.oan CI�Arge�. lf thc laun secured by tnis ae�urlty Instntmcnt i� guojer� to a iaw whici> >cu m�ucimum tvau
<br /> churges,und that law is finidly interpreted ra that thc int�n�rt or ulher Enun chur};rti rnllacted ar ta bo collected in connection
<br /> w�ith the loan exceed the permitted limltY,dien: (nl uny*uch luan chur}�r+huil hr reduced by the amount neces:�ry to�educe
<br /> the charge to the petmitted lintit;und(b)nny xum+:dreacly c�dlccte�d ti�mt Noriuwer which excceded permiued limits wlll be
<br /> refiuided to Borrowcr. Lender may chiwsc tn mukc thls refund hy reducin}t Ihe princip.d owrd undcr the Nate or by making u
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. If a rcfund reducrs prit�cipul,the re�lucNun will Fx Irr�ite4 uv u partiid prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> l4. Nodees. Any nrnice tu Hurr��wer pruvtded tirr in thi� ticcurily intitnnrtenl tilmll M�given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by�rst clusx mail unless cipplicuble k�w requirev usr uf�wio�l�rr uu•tiaxl.'I'he nuUcc shall be directed to the Properiy
<br /> Address or nny other address Hunowcr dc.rignatcy by niitirc to I.cndcr. Any nniice tu Lrudrr tihall be given by first class
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated hercin ur:my uthrr uddre:�ti I.cudrr Qetii};n,itcti by nulicc tu liurruwcr. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security lnstrument shall bc dccmcd to h,�vc ix�:u tiivcn lo Huin�wrr a�r I.rndcr whcn givcn us p�uvided in this
<br /> para�rnph.
<br /> 15. GaverninR I.aw: tieverAbflily. 'I�his Sccuflty Imtrumcnt tih�ill Ik guvrrnr�l hy fcdcral law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is larated. In the event tlun;my pwvi+fuu ur clau�r ut tl�i,tiecurity Inctrument or the Note
<br /> wnflicts with upplicablc luw,such contlict shnU ant ntl'cct uthcr pr��vi�iuns��i Ihi�:cei�rily In.rtrumcnt or Uic Note which can
<br /> be given effect withuut thr enntlietinE provision. 'Cii�hiv entl t��c pruvltiiuur ul Ildr ticcuruy Instrumnnt and the Note are
<br /> declarcd to be severablc.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcowcr shull�x�;ivcn onc coninnncd cupy��i thc Nutr und nf Ihis Sccurity Inswment.
<br />- 17. 'tlY+nsfer ot ths Yroptirty ur a Henetic(xl lnterext in Ru�rowrr. U�dl m•;ury part ul tl�c Property or any intcrest in
<br /> it is sold or trunsfcrred(or if u beneGcial intcrest in I3orrawcr is sold ur t�a��tilcrrrd and liurruwcr is nnt a natuml persan)
<br /> without Lender's prior wriuen ransent.Lcnder muy,nt itti opdun,req►�irc immrdiatr puymem in full uf ull sums secured by
<br /> this Sccuaty Inxtrument. However,tl�is option�hall nut tk rxcitiiticd hy Lcndrr fi excrcl�c iti pruhibitcd by fcderal la�v as of
<br /> ths datc of this Securiry 6�strumcnt. -
<br /> 1f I.cndcr excrciscs this option.l.cndcr tihall give N�irrowcr nulicc uf ucrrlrni►i��u. 'I hG unlitic tihall provide a period of
<br /> . not less than 30 Jcrys from the date the notice i�ciclivered or mailed�vithin whlrli Nni�uwrr wa��pay nll yums ucured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument. If Bnrrower fuils tu pay these sums priur to INr cnpiratlnn ut Ihfti �K•ii��l, Lendcr may invoke any
<br />- remedies pern�itted by this Security(nstrument withuut t'urtl�er uuticr nr deman�i uu linnuw�•r.
<br />- 18. Borrower's RiKht tu Rcinstete. It' 13nrrowrr mcct� ccrt;�i��c�mdiliunti. Nu�u�wrr .ludl hnvc thc right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Secudty lnstruinent di�continucd i�t uny lime prlu:tu Uir��;�rli��r�N: Iw ti�I;ry�lur tiurh other period as
<br /> Singlc Famfly--Fannk Mrt/FYtddk Mwc UNIF'l INM INti fRl��1F:h 1' 1�m�uun 1'u�cu.w�. V/WI i�a�ua 4 uj/i pu�cxl
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