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<br /> perio�a thal LendeT teyuirec '(he iru�ra�xe c+uritr}�ruvi�llnK d►C i►►sut�uK:t shall 1x�}w�cq by 8unnwer Suhject tn I.endrr�s
<br /> apprav�l which shall twt be unreraorlpbiy withheW. !f Ba+vwer f�ils tn nuintaln<n✓eru�e de�ribcd above,Leoder neay�Rt
<br /> L.a�derb optio�,�tici coven�c to prwt,ct L.enderk rl�tua iai the Property ia�ccordmce wiM pan�tp�h 7. clawe. Le�ider
<br /> � Alf i�uunna policies�nd renewal�oh�11 be accepable tn l.aider uid�Aall inc�ude a�w�drrd mart�r�e
<br /> ew11 bave the�M to hold dx policies and ronewd�. It Lcndcr roqufrn.Bomower�hdl prur+�p�Y 8ive to L.er�der dl receips
<br /> of p�W premiuma�nd rrneMal noticea. In the event o(los+.Bonower ahall gire prornpt notkx ta t}we insu�anoe carricr�nd •
<br /> ' i�-a-.. L�.;a�.n,•�rn,��r�w••,f nf Itw.if r►�K m�rk Smxn}�clv bv Borrower. - _
<br /> yUnkse l.ec�der and 8c,rrower otherwi�e apee in writins,inwrance proceods xhall be appfiod to reswntiort or reprir u,
<br /> the Pr+ope,rty ct�nugod, it �he ieatoration or repair is xonomicul!y feauibk snd Lender� security ia rat lesrened. If tho
<br /> eestoruion or iep�fr is ncx aconomically feaxible or Lenderu seeuriry wewld be les_genecl,the Mauranec proceais �hall be
<br /> spplird to the eums secural by thls Secudry Instrumept, whether or not then due, wi�h u►y excess p�d ro Bor*ower. [f
<br /> Barmwer ab,�ndons the P�q�rty, ar does not enswer wlthin 30 dny�a notice from Ixnder thst the inaurena cartier has
<br /> offered to settle s clsim,then Lendcr may cullect the insurence p�oceeds. I.ender may use the praeeeds to tePdr or re+lore
<br /> thc I'ropntiy or to psy sunu secwrd by this Sccu�ry in�tniment,whether ur not thcn due. 'i1K 3II�day perind wfll begin when
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Unkss Lendcr:►nd Burmwer othetwise agree in writing,any appltcation af prc�ceeds to principnl shall not extend or
<br /> patpone the due date of the monthly payments refcrred tn in paragrnphq 1 und 2 or change the amnunt oF the p�yme�us. If
<br /> unckr paragraph 21 tt�e Property is acyuircd by Lender, Borrower's riQht to iuty insarance policies A�xi proceals «sulting
<br /> from damage to the f'mpeAy prior to the acquisitton shall pass to Lender ro the extcnt of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Zr�smumnt immediately prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> t6. [kcupeiacy, Preservation, Meintenance and Protection of the Prop4hy; Borrower's l,ou� Applfcalion;
<br /> L�asrMaW�s, tsorrower shall occupy,estubllxh.:uid uac iin:I�op2rty us BorrtswcPs prineig�l residence within�ixty days after
<br /> the ex�cu[�cxe of this Security lnswmeat and shall continue to occupy the Property:u Bonower's prineipal residenee for at
<br /> �east one year after thc date of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shall na be .
<br /> unnasonubly withheld,or unless extenuatmg circu►nstances exist which ure beyond Borrower!s convol. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy,damage or impuii the Property,allow the Propecty to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Bomower sbull _
<br /> be in default if any fortoitwe ac[ion or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is hegun that in Lender's good faith judgment ��
<br /> cAUld oesult in forfciture of the Nroperhr ar otherwise mateiially impair the lien created by this Sccuriry lnsuument or
<br /> Lender�security interetit. 8arrower mnv eure such a default and rcinstate,as pro��lded in parap'�ph 18,by cuusing tfK action
<br /> or procading tu be dismissed with a mling that,in Lender�good fa�th dete►mination,pnc:ludes forfeiturc of the Horrower's
<br /> interest in the PropeRy or ather material impairment of the lien ct�eated by this Security Instrument or Lcnder's security
<br /> interest. Borrowcr shall nlso be in default if Borrowcr, during the loan �pplication process, gt►ve materially false or
<br /> inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failcd to pravidc Lender with any matcrinl inforn�ntion)in connection with
<br /> the luan evidencec! by the Note, including, but not limited to, rpmsentations conceming Borrower:s oecupancy of the
<br /> f�roperty.�y a�rincipal residence. If this Securiry Instnimc:nt is on n tensehoiu.�socrawer shall compty �it,�at!thc rm�is'sc::::
<br /> of rhe lease. �fi�orrower•rcyuires fee title to the Property,the leasehotd und thc fec title shatl not merge unless Lendcr agrees
<br /> to thc mergcr in wri�;ng. _
<br /> 7. Protection of Axiider'R itights in the Property. If Borrower fiiils to perform the covenants;u�d agrecmcnts
<br /> contuined in this Security�instn�ment,or there is a Iegal proceeding that mny significantly affect Lender's rightc in the
<br /> Froperty(sucfi as u proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condcmnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regalntions),then
<br /> Ixncler may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lcnderb rights in the 1'rupehy.
<br /> Lender's uc[ions may include paying any sums secumd by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Instn�ment,appearing
<br /> in couR,raying reasonable attomeys'fees and enterin�an the Property to�nake mpairs.Although Lender muy tcilce uction
<br /> under this paragraph?.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any aniounts disbursed by Lendcr under this parasrapN 7 shull become iidditional debt of Borrowcr sccured by this
<br /> Securiry Inetrumcnt. U�ilcss Borcower and L.endcr ugrec:to other ternis of payrnenl,thcsc amounts shall bear intenest from thc
<br /> date of di:;bume►nent tit the Note rste and shall be payable. �vith intcrest,u�n noticc from Lcnder to Bortower requcsting •
<br /> payment.
<br /> S, 1�lortgage Insurancc. If Lenc;er rcyuired mortgagc insurance as :►candition of m:ilcing thc In:u►sccured by this
<br /> Security Instrument, Borrawet�h:�ll pny the prcmiums rcyu�red to maimain the mongage iusurance m effect. If,for any _
<br /> reason, the mortgage invttt,��nce cavenge required by Lender lapses or ceases tu be in effect, Borrower shall pay thc
<br /> premiums rcquired to obtain caverage subst:u►ti�lly cyuivalent to thc mortguge insurancc previously in cffect, at a cost
<br /> substaneially equivalcnt io the cost to�orrower ot'the muRgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgag�
<br /> iusw�cr approved by I.cndcr. 3t substantially eyuivalcnt mortgagc insur.�ncc covcragc is not available.Borrowcr shall pay to
<br /> I.ender each munth a sum eyuai to one-twelfth of the yearly mort�age insurance prernium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> insurance cove��gc lapsul or ceased to be in et�fcct. Lender will accept,uu:md retain these payments as u loss mservc in lieu
<br /> of mortgsge insumnce. Loss mscrve payments muy no longcr bc mquircd, at the option of Lendcr,if mortgagc insurancc
<br /> coverage (in the amount and far the pcdod thut Lendcr rcquires?provided by an insurcr approved by Lender aguin becomes
<br /> avnilable anrl is obtained.Borrower shall pay the pmmiums rcyuircci ta�naintain mortgnge insuryncx in effect,or to provide a
<br /> loss resene,until thc reyuirement for mortgage insurance cnds in accordancc�vith any written ngrcement bctween Bono�ver
<br /> and Lcnderor applicable la�v.
<br /> 9. Inspection. Leadcr or it:;agcnt may makc rcasonablc entries upon�nd inspcctions of thc Propert�•. Lcndcr shal:
<br /> give Aormwer notice:tt the time of or prior to an inspection specifyins masonabIc cuuse for the inspection.
<br /> 10. C�indemn2�tinn. 'Che proceeds of any awatrd or claim for dumuges,dinct ctt consequential.in canneciion with any
<br /> Singlc F.unily••Fannfe MadFlr'eddk 111ac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT•-Uniform Covcnants 9f90 (p��Rf 3 nf 6�wge.cl
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