� .,�. i'.�4',���:... . } �iFh►a� -
<br /> �� ���
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<br /> _..___ r - ., _....a'-
<br /> _ ..
<br /> , � . '
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<br /> __ _��r"�._, — - — ,.: -_ - -
<br /> ---_--- --_ �- � - g4�' ���s+s -
<br /> f. T� a 7Y+�tae n�.y la tbe mamer pt�wwas by law po�a+�..1e d'.0 tx.op potdau of We�nn.t
<br /> A,su1o.
<br /> 12. 7k�r�ee�d y.�od e�oh d tMm.�11 be aMldod
<br /> . ►•,r�r�w�-�+.yr.�.«t'•�ri r►rrf�+rena�e at�ny lndebtodtxss ar abll�µdnos�k�ec ued hcre�and b exc�i�e a!!rl�6tr�ud
<br /> ---- -- - -- --
<br /> powa�w�ec Wa t�oed of't1u�t ar uerteraq�Lo�Iprtruma�l a oti�ee qnoa�eat ar�ay Uaws now ar uaorfi�c,r --
<br /> farc�c.notw �aene at dl af t6e wch iodeMedoew asd obliptioo��ocurod here6y m�y naw a 6eeealla be i
<br /> — od�erwi�e�tLer by ma�ts�ia.daod al trwt.P{edie.Uer.aw�ameet,ar otlxtwlsa. Nddia�he
<br /> - �ooe�w�e of�Lir Uood of Tn�6 na ib aataneaneal wbelbet by oo�et actjoa or putwunt w the powu of u�k or
<br /> o�bctpoweas 6a+ein oo�u�inod.dullpn.Jwdiee a ia ey ta�nna�P[oet'I�Wac's ot�cticiae�s d�t w rnlixe upon
<br /> ac ct�Faroe any otha sr�euriry now or haea!Iri kbd by'Iltw�ee oe BaietkLey,it bdn��e�cod th�t 1'cu�tee aod
<br /> -� Baictkluy.and a�of tb�n,:hrl!be anti�k�to eufaere t}�Deod of Tewt ud�ny adror aecuriry tww a he�+aifter
<br /> - held by Bencficiery or Trs��oe in euch at+drr�nd m�mer w�hry or cllher of tbem ao�y In�heir absolute diierctiae
<br />— dr.tt�n{ot. No e�fnody lfet�de c�ooPCried updi or�eutved b Ttw�iGt o[AdleficLty�s�b be exdus�ve of
<br /> 00
<br /> -•'-` any otlxt t+anody berein ae by l�w peovided ae it0ed,but eaeh�haU be cumWadve ud sball be in�ddltioo w
<br />�; cvct�dher t�ancdy�ivm herumda a now or�exLllus nt law ot{noq�,��y ee by stawte. Evay powu c+e
<br /> /. �+�Y tivm by my oF�be l�n Imttua�enta�o Tewlr.e oe AareRcLry at to whlci�eitLa of them msy be aLcrwi�cc
<br />: h e0tlllal,�ry be ptenCi�ed.a�nelmt►dy oi iadeQaideatly.fmtn dme b tlute�Ad a�ottta�s m+ay bt deemod
<br /> = expcdknt by'Ilnulee a Bet�eEieiuy�nd eitLa of t�em m�y p�rwe inoa�steut te�nediea. ��hct�cia aluU be
<br /> �=l c a s t n b d a a�o�i s t m t e w o o d l a. h e r e i a e 6:ll b e c a a e t t u�d a s p o h i b i t i o�HeaeEici�y(rom soc l c i�a
<br /> �, delicirncy Jud�ment aµint tbe Thetae�extwt�uch�.cibn is�urmittd��l:�ar. -- -
<br />- 13. Ttustar hr.tr.by t+equtals a oopy of my notict of defi�t�arrt�l t1�tt
<br /> _ u►y cn�k�e of sale bercunder be auiled to i�at thc addneae set fath in the ftnst p�rsanph of thls Deed of 7ltvst.
<br /> 14. 11ils Iked of'Itust ahall ba awanod by tbe laws of the Stato oF
<br /> Nclxask�. In thc ovent that�ny pe+avieiva or cLuse of.ay of�t,e Lc�n�ta cantlkts wit6 applicabk I�ws.
<br /> sueh eon�lleb slWl not affoet olher pwlsiane of s�c}►Loan L�cumca�s whic�c�t►be 6ivcn effoct withaat�he
<br /> canfiicung provlaioa,�nd eo this end the�e�ovisians of the Lwn Insaun►ents.rc de:l�c+ed to bc severabie. 'lbis
<br /> i�tnuuGnt.�nnot be wdvcd,ch�ngcd,disch+rb�d.a tc7�minated orally.but anly by m ir�trument in writing e�igned --
<br /> u
<br /> bY�I+�nY�a�whom enfarcancat of iny waiva.chauge,di�h�rEe�or amiinidon fs souah�.
<br /> 15. RFl`ANVBYA�[[`R AY 7RLf.��, Upot�w[jttea tulucat of Benefici�Ry statlna that dl swntt —
<br /> a...:..-�.�,..---.;'.�.e��r�•t..K..�..e�rrct�of thia Deod of'I�st and the Note W Tcustee for caneetLNan
<br /> � and retaiiion aud uP�WY�nt by Tn�s�tor of Tnastee'a foes,7ltuatoe s1uU reeanvey w Ttustor,or Wc pasan oe
<br /> pasatu legdly eadtkd thereto.wtt6out watt+racy,any�edon of the Tcust Fstate ihen held tia+eurdcr. 'll�e mcita ls
<br /> ;;. n; �x�rr�oaveyance�faay ma�tttts ae f�cts s1u116e coaclusive pawf of�he nuthfuluess thenwf. 'Ihe grantee i�
<br /> , u►y erccmavcyaaae tnay be d�scibed u"the persoa or pas�u kgally sntltkd Ihereto".
<br /> ?+ 16. �IQTICF�S. Wheneva&nefic3sty.12ustor.a'It+utee sh�ll desire to aIve or serve any =_
<br /> si;, �tieo,dp�nand,cecjuest,a otlxr co�nmunicatkn with Kape�w ihis f.kx.d of'A?a�st�each w�ch notlec�demasa�t, �,u.
<br /> `: :� toqucat,ot�other caaomunicatian alull be in wtitlag�ad shrll be effective anly if the s�me is dclivetrd by -_-
<br />- service ax�sr�iled by catlflcd mail,P��B�Pi'�P�Id,rctutn roaipt roquested,adderssed to�he adde+ess set ath et the :;.
<br /> -- ' bea�ndng of this Doed of TnaG Any p4rty may at any tltne change its addrus�g for such nodoes by dcUveting or �.�-:_
<br /> d� msiling w tha other p�tties hereto,�s afonsaid,a nodoe of such change. �� ,:
<br /> �•--
<br />=` 17. ACr►�'�►N Av TRirS'TRl?_ 'lhutoe aoccpts this'I�ust when ihis Doed of'[Yuit,dWy �:
<br />'�'� eaecukd�nd aeimowledRed,is made�publle reaard as pt+ovided by Lw.
<br /> �.�.
<br />_ � �f�:s
<br /> � � W WTINESS VI/HHREOF,Tcustot has ex ted ttds Iked o t as of tbe day and yesr fitat �,y,•-
<br />�.z �bove w.r.ititt�. , �°:�-
<br /> ; �y�ytttnr►rr�� -_:=
<br /> '� �+� 5T N�i =-=
<br /> �,;�,. : �r� 1�OL Lt'/ ,�,•���� nd e �er`�- Pres ent --���
<br /> ��. , . b � . . �•�:
<br /> ' >:` � F°m�'�°RArE ?:': _ ,����— �.,_
<br /> �, �� � ,,�j11 J Meier - Secretary ,
<br />: : .oa • :
<br /> � � ;:. � �'e�a,� `
<br />',• ~�,�{t �`�ty gf��'v Q.y uben E. Htie��e President �1,,�
<br /> ' .��. AS��`.
<br />_ 4i`,`• • 4�''',���rrr�ui 9������ �
<br /> ._ "J.'it ;ti
<br /> �� STA't£�DF NEBR�.SKA )
<br /> - .� Hall )�ss. .
<br /> "'' COUNtY OF ) • �
<br /> i
<br />�.ti . ' �•'�.
<br />:x �•:'• 'Ihe far.aotng it�tn�mart w�s aclmowledaod before me on June 10
<br /> ��
<br /> `• ''� __1994 �� Piei-Rub-Bill Holstetns, Ync. � fF
<br />_ ����h j��W ^ ' •
<br /> .,
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<br />-_ ' s.t:'"''��R.� MyCaanmissionBxpins.�-25-9� Ndaq'A�ik � �GEMEflALNO��+ MM�
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<br /> '[ln fot+cgaing�tnait w�s acl�owlodacd bofat+�me on
<br /> � !�� __._.,19...—.by
<br />,�:;� + My Commissbn Bxprrs Nohry Pulblic -___�
<br />_
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