. . .. ..,.a�r .. .. .�
<br /> �=�k:�.' +�.MO�"",.+..-'w`� .' „ �
<br /> '' � �,.w)�..
<br /> � _--°.�.�
<br /> � -- — —
<br /> _ . � _ ad��(i --
<br /> � . g�~ so�sss •
<br /> �� � �.,....
<br /> baxof. 'll�u�t�x sh�tl,immsdla�r.lp upnn dan�a�l�}�uefa+e hy�raet'la�r�W+Y�il a�ows wd expcn�ea laounal bY
<br /> �u
<br /> `°�� - -- Heneflc:iary G�cat►nocdcm w(th Atm n+tctnlric lry(3eneflci�ry i�f the fot+eRoin�tidt►ts,indu�n`without limltatkx��
<br /> of ovideneo af tIt{e.�vwtt ants„� iw�lr,rurvaY+►.wd�ttcrneY'r foa. My owch mw�nd expcnseA twt prid
<br /> � w�thin ten d�ys ot wdnsn cfem* dull eltrvr it�tar.�t�t the default nta peovided ia�he Nate.
<br /> �� — - 3. FMIlaIMlT.1lQMAIlaI. �1x►u1d iho Tn�t Fatatv�a aay pw tha+eof ar Insaest the�be takca ---
<br />-_������ uc d+�m.gcd by eeax�m oi�qy pa�t�li�imF+mvanr��t or conde�uUan pmceediaa�a!o any othee m�aner tae udfn=
<br /> d�:cd In Ilea of Gxdcmtu►tim('C.a�itannwtiw�"),a'ahould 1Cnista�tceeive�ny aatIoe or otber infomutbn
<br /> rr.gee.ling auah�xoceuilnp,7Yuuac aF►�li giva ptr.mpt wdtta�uotke tberoof to BeaeC�eLy. Bencliolary ah�ll bc
<br /> �,, � . cndtl�:d tn all cvmpensatiex�,�ti�•Arctsi�rnt dhrr payaKnts ot relkf Uierefiir Rnd sheU bc eaddod at ita optia►a =
<br /> •r � � �oa�monec,appeu in wM1}xcx�cci�to in its awi�nnme my accias�«prnceed�aga. BGneticLty slull dso be entitled to __�_
<br /> -�-.':'-� du�kc any campro�r_ise os hc.tll nnrcnt in��x►nr.r:�ion with rwch ukina a dannge. AU ttuch camtsensadon,�w+cds, _---
<br /> ', dumngc9,dghty of+�ction,�n�l pm+ceda ew�rrlyd ta T'tustor(the"Proeoule")ata 1�enby atslgncd to Ba�eficiacp vsd
<br /> ,,�, {i Ttuctar sgrccs to exccuto su:h further�RSignsnants af the Prno�:ed�as 9enefieiary or Tcusta msy roquiee.
<br /> ,`;'`d•, �;:�"`�"�
<br /> ;�j„';;i�.f �. AF.�.'{�]AY:Q,1F?N:CQ27�" ]13'�cSnR'IIt�S�. Benelieiary may.fmm dme lo ifine.bY• __
<br /> �" �•1 ��i`. wxitti,�n ii�stramsai ezecusal entl aaf:nowlcdgc.d by Benenoi�uy.mailcd to'fn+sWr snd recorded ln the Co�ary ie�
<br /> . :1f� � `•! - �""_
<br /> y.��;. wliieh We'Ilrust Estate is lciw�tul�i�d by othcrwlse canplying wlch thc prnvlslans of the�ppllcrble law of�he Statc
<br /> ��4 af Nabtasska su6slituta�cuuaG.�c►r ar successam la t6c ttustoe namcd heeeIu w'acting heteunde,�'.
<br /> �t':;;s: �,;-,`:� � -=---
<br /> .�,,�'c�' 7. SI1�C�SnIL.S.AND.l_�.gSIf3N�. ThLy Deed of'Cnutapplics w,iaures to the bcnetltof and ___
<br /> `',��r;i?.,;:;�4'�s;�;;� bindv dl��hento,QiFln c�ir�,lcg�tees,dcwtcees.pc�sonal�e�sentativea,su«�essars.aad assiga9. 'ltu term �
<br /> � `% "�moflo af ty"shall mr.�n tha mvnxr nnd holdr.r of the Note,whether or not nam�d as Heneticiary hereia•
<br /> .9i(:�7. .• !�"-..17. ' ����.-_
<br /> ` �,.;,.,,:.,, R. 1�i.SF�.C.�xQL@fi. 13enefiaiFUy�or!ts ageats.cept+c.5entatives�or worlcmaa,are authorizcd eo --
<br /> entcr�t eny nasoniblc dmc up4�o cyr in auy prut af the 7tusi Fstate for the puipose of Iaspecsing the same aad for the �f,-
<br /> - .. , � ' t,�, putjx�se of pecfaminp;ury of tt�o aew it Is uutttori�ed to perfatn urider 1he tetmv of any of Ihe Laan Insuumatts. —=:
<br /> ��
<br /> �. . ' �` .�� 9. FYl�TS 4�'.��..N.�A�.'C. Any of the following events shall be deetned aa eveatof default «:"�-
<br /> � hcrcund,cr:
<br /> �1'-`
<br /> . , - �:.�_
<br /> �� � . a. nt�stoT s}isU heva fallcd to m�ke p�yment of�ny fnstallmwt of interest,ptineipal,or principal „'_
<br /> . .: .
<br /> iu�d lntcrest or xny oth-et sivn scow+ed hercby�vhcn due;a •�'
<br /> .,
<br /> .._.._. .
<br /> _ _._ _..._.
<br /> .t _ - _ .,:•;
<br /> ,f,.Y "" b. 'Ifkm}4xs aecumed e b�Y:neh of ot dcfiult uader aay tettn�covenant,sgt+eemeat,condidon, _:
<br /> . , prnvi�loa,e+epncsentadaa or wcurnnty cantel�necl in any of the Lo�a Inswmeats. ��-��
<br /> ,,.
<br /> r': �0. Af'�3iLtittA'ii�T�'..l..lrnNnnuwrn•r�p,nnrrtoNAt_uRM�nrFC Shouldanevencof �
<br /> �� �� � dcfiiult occur BencBaiuy may dt�lnn nll indcbtcdness sceue�d hetr.by to be due Radpayable and the same shell •
<br /> ; Qicreupa�bccana duo nud pnyablo without Finy hresenunent,dcm�ad,ptetcsy or noHce of any kind. Thueafter
<br /> &sneftciaty ainy:
<br /> a. Eith4r in pc�r�nu or by n�ent,with or w{thout bringing any aet3on or proeeeding,a by a rueiver ;
<br /> - • ` ��•' �ppainted by a eoutt and wilh�;�rt regatd to tha ndeyu�cy of its security,eater upon ud take poss�.ston of ihe'Itust !
<br /> • ' Fstate�or u�y part thatsof�in i,s o�va nAme nr In the name of TYustee,aad do any acts whieh it deeuss ncceswy or �
<br /> • • ��� deslrnble to preser►•c the vrl►rs,mari;atablllty or rcttublliry ot'the'Iltwt Fsmte,or pttt thercof or intcnst thenein,
<br /> .�...� ' � • �., incrcase il�e inconre thcrcfmm aT pmtcet t}►n sccurtty hcnof and,with or without takiag pa�session of the'hu�t '
<br /> ' Estete�sue for a athctwiso collect thc nente�issucs,aed protits WerwF,including those past doe andunpaid,and
<br /> � � a�ly tl�c sune,les.w costs w�cxpenses of operndon Rnd culleedon itteludiag attorneys'fces,upon any irdebtedness i
<br /> . ^ ' • secutr,d hcreby,all in sueh a�Ja.r tu Bcnofiainry mey determine. 'Ihe entering up and m43ng possessian of the Ttust � •
<br /> . .. ,;t; .'. F�tate.the collecdon of such��:y issucs,rmd proflts.and ihe applicadan thcteof ag aforesaid,shall not cure or
<br /> � wnive nny def�uh a naia a!dnfuult hcretimdcr or invalidatc any act dane in rrsponsc to such default or pursuant to ;
<br /> suc6 notiee of deFE3nit aud,noi�vithstaudin�the onndauaace in possessiott of ihe Trust Fstate or the eollecdon,
<br /> n:ceipt,end eppNeadon of rents,issuc.v,or profits,Ttustee or Beaeftciary shell bc eatitle�w oxereise evzry right �
<br /> �� providcd for in any of the La.w Instn�mcntn or by lr.w upon occurrenee of aay eveat of default,including the right to �
<br /> � , � � exereisc thc power of selo; ' :
<br /> ��..�;.,:.:�;�i: , � �
<br /> k �:.:--:��.�. . ,
<br /> . ;,, ,
<br /> b. Couua�nua eu actto�i to forcclosc diis Ae.�d of Trsut as a mortgage,appoint a rea ver.or
<br /> • �,'�';� :=y ; speciffcnlly eufoe+ce any of tha oonvcnnnts hcnof;
<br /> ''r j9�`�:. ' .i
<br /> e. Delivct 2m'I�ustca��wdtica dularadon of default uad demand for sale,ar►d a wtltten nodce of
<br /> 5� r � defnult and eleedon to eause'�euto�'s inicrest in Ihe Trust Estate to be sold.which naioa'1lrustx sholl causc to be �
<br /> duly fele�For record iu tha e�;:lopriato CJfFiciel Rcoot+ds of the County ia whlch the'I�ust Fsmte is located.
<br /> y 1, FnRUrr_nstrnu�v pnwert pg SAi.R. Should Beaetici�ty elect tc�foreclase by exercise :
<br /> of the Pnwer of Sn2e hcrcin oa�iteiurd,}3cncflcinry shall nodfy Trustee amd shnll dpposlt wlth Tnistee tt�e Deed of
<br /> - s�� ' 1'rust and tho Notc�nd such tccclpts and cv[dence of oxpenditures mnde nnd sscurcd hereby es Ttvstee mBy require. ,
<br /> �� • .f;;, a. Upoa tr.��?pt of s�ch nodcc fr�m Benetic�aty,Ttuscee stu+ll cause¢o be reco:ded,published,
<br /> •`�` '�'`' nud deNvered t��':rs:vtor sz�cL hoiic�of Uefnult nnd Nodce oF Saie es tlnen raquired by!Aw nnd by this Deed of
<br /> i��'�° •� Ttirost. Trustce�7•�rill.withnut dr�nxud on'll�usWr,nftcr such time as may then be rcc�ui�ed by law atid nfter
<br /> � �' ��''' tccotdatfan of evch Notico of llafnult mw aftet Notice of Sale having bun given as teyuited by law,sell the Trust
<br /> �� ` � y E.vtetc nt thc timc aud plscc a�y�la fixccl by tt in sucu Notice of Sele,eithet as a w6ole,or�n separnte lots or parcels
<br /> ..:x�_ _l u._. __�L_.._i_���L r._...�_......s..� o....�1.H,....ndnn t.,�hn hiuhr�t .
<br /> �.�'"_ . ....- ,,,._._.�-° - OY I1[RIS�9 liOStCC FIHti UtG^.JU cx �mtt mna m ou.:u vaua.a m....,o
<br /> F,� M �....«..........,rt.��-------- -- -�
<br /> biddcr for ca:;h iu lawful mn:;:y of tLc United Stetcs payable at the time of sale. 'IYustec shall dcliver to such
<br /> � ` �urch�cr or pwahascts thcroof his�;ond nnd suftieicnt dcsd or decds conveying the property so sold,but without
<br /> � • � l
<br /> eny wvcn�nt or wurar►ty,expacss or i�npltcd. The reeitals in ouch dced oFany mauer or faeis sS�aU be conclus ve
<br /> A
<br /> � prooP of thc ttuthPolncss th:reoi. Any pctson,includ'nig,without limitaHon,7Yvsta,'Itustee,or Benefi�iary,may
<br /> �urch�se at such salc atid 71n�:or hiveby covcnants to wat7attt and defend the dtle of such put+chaser or purchasets.
<br /> � b. As tn� tx� x�mitted law nftcr deduetia sll costs,fas�and txpeuses of Tnutce attd of this
<br /> � 'Ih�at,innluding oa�ets of cv��m�uf dtle In connectlon with nelc T�wtee ehdl epply the prvcads of sale w
<br /> �. paymcnt of(i)all s►uru cx��,�xct�.wdcr tha txm�s tunof.not ihen erqaid,with acct+xd inurest at the intemst ratc
<br /> •• spccilied in Uic�inte undcr tt,m"'Cm»n of Loan",(ii)oll nthe�sams then secnred lxreby�aad(ill)the remeinder,if
<br /> ;i�:- � any,to t}to pttson ot pecUOSis Ixp�elly ctttillcd t3tet+cto.
<br /> ::�,;`!�%i,''�`.
<br /> �r, .�.
<br />