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<br /> �°=� 5. llr�:u+rd ur �'iu�:�ty Qntiur�ut'c. L;;uotiui.r :Ir.dl I.����� Ih�r n�ii�urornicntti unw raltiSiu�� ui hrtc�.+ltcr rrrctert nn the
<br /> C'ru�xiry in�urtxt agair�tit Eusti try lir�. h�u:ud�. ircleid;:d uliihin Ih�term "�xlr.udt�i coF��:r.+�;r"xn�.1 uny nihr•r h.�iarJs. iix•luding
<br /> (l�xxis c�r ticxafing, fur whiih i.encler requirts insucance. 'T'hiti in+aru�xe shbll he nwinlrir.rcl in the am��unt+a�xl i��r thr peniyi�
<br /> _ that :.enJrr reyuires. 'The in�uranc�c:urirrprn:�iiiing tht intiurunce.hrll be chu�n by Horraw'rr�ut►jrct�n l.rrxlcr'�upp►rw�tl
<br /> which shall ix�t tx: umrnamably w�lhheld.It' &�rrower f�il+to nwimain rover�ge drscriheJ utx�ee, I.ciuler nu�y. at I.rn.ler'�
<br />_ � --_-- -_�-_------_
<br /> �+ption.u6tain coverage to protc^�t Cxnder'�ri��h�s in du Pn�perty iu ac�:��nlartcc with parn�;►.rph 7.
<br /> All ms�irun�:e polieies and tenewals >liaii be .�ccC�,+a�+� tu Ln:��ucr����1 .,t�.�ll i���lu.➢,;:� :,t.,��l..:.l ��::��iE;;};:�t.�u:... L_;:.cr �-�
<br /> shal!have the right to hold thu�xi�Ir.ics acxi re newals. If l.e�xler requires,&�rruwer nhall pr��mptly give tu Lcrxler all.�'t�eiptc of
<br /> p�id prcmium5 mxl renewal nnti�:Gr,.ln the cvcot ot'luss,&►rrnwer�hall give prumpt nut�cc to the imuranre ratrlut atti4 f.encier.
<br /> I.encler may make prouf of loti�if r�ot nu�de pr��mpt ly hy&�rrnwer.
<br /> Unless[.cniler and Rcfrruwcr othcnvi u ayrcc in writii�g,intiuran�t pr�xccilc slmll I�:upplicci tu rctituratiun ur rcpair uf tl�e
<br /> Propeny damaged,if the�estorntion or repair is ecunomically featiible uixi l.ender's:;ecurity is uut lesxned. {f!he restnrutiun or
<br /> "� � rcpair is not economic,dly feasiblc ur i.euilcr',��tiwily would b�:Icsu:ncd,thc intiuranrc prncc:,cls tihall be::pplicxl sc�t6e�:u».r
<br /> u;cur•.d by this Sec:urity Instrument, whethcr or n�n then due, with any excess paid to Borrnwer. If&�rrower abandons the
<br /> Property,or does not answer within�0 daps u notice from l.endcr th;�t the insur.�nce carrier has ufferal tc►sctUe a elaim, then
<br />- L.endcr may collect the insur�nce pr�xcais. l.ender may use the prc�ceeds to repair nr restvre thu Piti��x:rty m' to pay tiutnti
<br /> sccut�d by this S��:i�r•:ty Iustrument,whctheror not thcn duc.Thc 30-day peri�xl wiQ bc�in tivh+:n t{u;n�tir,c iti given.
<br /> Unless Letxlcr and Bor►Y�u�er otherwise agrce in writing, .my �pplicatiun of procec.i:, ta prinr.i�;il shnl!�nnt �xteud ar
<br /> �_ . _� postpone the duc datc of the +.^..c:�iihly payme�us refcrrod to in par,�graphs t and 2 or chunpc tho .imUUnr o:f►b►: paymen[t�. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquir��d L�y Lcnder, 9c�rruwer's right to any�n�uranec pcilir,ias and procexds nsulti�� fra�m
<br /> --_= damage ta thc Propcny prior to�hc aryuisiti,�t��hull pass to I.ender to thc cxtent oY thc sums secur�d by this Security Ins!►vrnesnt
<br /> — _ immcdiatcly pri:•c;a thc acyuisition.
<br /> a,Occ+�pancc, 1'r�ervattun, hiaintecwnce nnd Prat4ti-tivr vf tlx:�roperty; Borrower's Luan Applicution;IRASCFIqIlj'J.
<br /> Ba�-r��icr shall uccupy,cstabli�h,and usc thc Property:�s Harro�vrr'::F�ncipal �rsidence within sixty d;►ys after the exc��utirm uf
<br /> this 5ri.�urity l�si,t:nient and shall continue to occupy the Prop�:rty as�:rower's principal residcnce fnr a[Ie;ist une yeur after
<br /> the date of occ:>;���rn�y,unless Lender othenv�;c ngrees in writing, tvhich cument shall not be unrr.ationably withheld,or unlr.rs
<br /> _-- estcnuating circz:.-::�:,�nces cxist whidi are F�cyond Rorrowcr'ti cuntmi. i3orrowcr shalf nut dcstroy, damag� or impair tlr�
<br /> Property, allow the Property t:�deterioratc, or cummit waste on thc �roperty. Bo�rowcr tihap t►c m default if any furh.itore
<br /> acG:a ur pmccedin�, whitlxr c+��il or crirninal,is begun that in Lender's good faith i�:d�:mcnt could rcsult in forfeituse of t3�:
<br /> Property or ather�vise�n:�ieric:�:+}� isnpair tlielicncreated by this Security[nstrument or l.endcr's security interest. l��rco�ver ir.•ay
<br /> cure such a default and reinsiflTc,as providcd in paragr.�ph t it,by causin�tiic action or procecciing co be uismis.cii wi�n a ruiiu�
<br /> — that, in Lcntier'� �c.�d faith �l�t;rmination, gr�cludc. forf�iwrc of thr �.�urr�wer's intemst in th2 Prn�xrty or other masesiai
<br /> - i�r�_:iitmcnt of the ii,n cre:it��b�- this Security Instnimcnt or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also[x in default i�
<br /> (ie!:r.a���er,during the loart app!ication prucesti,gavc materiall��false or inaccurate inform.i�ion or statements to L.endc;(or tailexl
<br /> ta�.�m�•ide Lendet with any material infnrmatianl in connertion with the loan evidenced by che Notc, including,but not limitc:d
<br /> to, representations concerning Borrower's acup�ncy of thc Property as a ptinripal residtnre.If this Security Instrument i�: an a
<br /> 1e:�4ehold, BarroW cr shall cornply with all the provisions Of [IlC Il':l�t. I� BPCTAN'Cf acquirc� fet titic to thc Property, thz
<br /> :case'.�Id and the fee title shal l not metg�unl�ss l,undcr agrecs to the mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Pmtectton ut Lender's liigh�s in the Prc►perty.[f Bonuwer fails w pa:rtbrm thc covenants anJ agrecmcnts ca�ntained in
<br /> this Security Instrument, or there is u Irgal proce�ding that may significantly affect ➢..�:nder's �ights in the Property (such as a
<br /> procc�eding in bankcuptcy,probate,for condemnat ion or fortciturc ur tu enforcc lu�vs ur reUulations),then L,�ndcr may dv cmd
<br /> pay for whatcvcr is nccessary to protect the ti•aluc of dic Property and C.cndcr's rights in the Property. L.endcr's actions may
<br />- include paying any sums secured by a lien «�hich has prinrity over this Securtty Instrument, ap,�earing in coun, payin�
<br /> reasonable attorncys•'fecs and cntering un ihe Property to make rcpairs. Althuugh Lcndcr may takc action undcr this paragraph
<br /> — 7,l.ender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounu disbursod by Lendcr uncler t�is paragraph 7 sh:ill hecome additional debt of Borrower secun;d by Ihis
<br /> Sccurity Instn�*-ier.t. Untess Borrower and I.�nder agrce to othcr tcrn�s c�f payment,the�c amounty shall bear intcrest fmtn the
<br /> datc of disbun:ment at thc Notc ratc amd s's�nll bc payablc, with intcnest, upon noticc from [.�:nd�r w Borrowcr rcqu�sting
<br />- F2:;m:nt.
<br /> $. Mdrtgage Insuruace. [f�.cnder rcyu ired mongagc insurancc a�a condition of making thc(uan�ecurcd by thi�Sccurity
<br />- ----- instrument. Borrower shsll pay thc preittiums rcquircd to maintain the mortgagr imuranre in rffect. ff, fur any rea+on, the
<br /> - mongage insuraace co��erage reyuired by L::iJer lap�es or ceases to bc in M�f�et. Bnrrmver shall pay the premiums rcyuiral ro :
<br /> oNtain coverage suhrtantially cquivalent toeht m��ngagc in,urance previously in effcct, at a ro.t�uEst�ntially cyuivalent to the
<br /> ��;e to &�n�owcr of dir, rumtgage insur.mre previously :n cffect, from an altematc mort�age insurcr approvcd bp Lcndcr. If .
<br /> su��stantially equivalent mortg�gc insuraneeca�er�ge is not availablc, Bnrrower shall p:iy to Lendc�cach mrnuh ��sum equal to _
<br /> unc-twclfth of the yearly mortgagc insuranm prcmium heing paid by 13orrowcr�viten the insurancc coverage laps::d or cea�t�l to =
<br /> bc in cffcct. I.cndcr�vill acrept,use and r�ni-�thcsc payments as a lo�� rescrvc in licu oC mortHagc intiursnce. Lti+s r�tic►�ve =
<br /> • Fotm 3QZ8 9fa� ..
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