.v- i!� T� �a�{. ,r . _ .. . . t
<br /> y�. �'� �
<br /> - f`�� �' i:�"�';s�2�' a . :� . ,. . . ; : : __.
<br /> �2 � 'v':�t;,:.� 3, �. 3 �� � � �,. �
<br />� " . .;��. , c "7 s't3 l r —..
<br /> , :: .
<br /> . ., .. . cr'..qi : 'n...a.,. y� fi_. i - , ..::.:k&311�*�
<br />,_ . . _.r , c�� �. . ._ , _ .-,�.;��y: ' ' c•� . .
<br />�i ` y -..��aa'� . � . . , ' , • . `' � � - ' ` «....._..:.._.-..�..._ - . __
<br /> _ — _ . . • ` �. � � . . . . ���
<br /> _ __ . . . . ��'��� ' . .
<br /> --—= QE[[OQS 1h3L Z.CIIttC'I 18QilIICS.<�tC�JL3tlIiiilCC C�ltlT QlDYtd�Ltg tJ1L'1IIS1�S�bL•C$flEED jlji�BffflOR't!61i$�ti1 L�iN�F�3
<br />- — � �pruva3 which shal�aei be�m�sauab3y witF�etd. If Bormwer ft�Ita to m�innta;rt oov�isge d�scriT�ed atsove.l.e��der may.at.
<br />--�--- - . -- ----- -.-L�.t��obt�isi t;niretage LoQmtes�Len�er's rights in l�Plo itt aGOVLd�L�tvittt P�S�P�7. ,�-.--�-�_
<br /> - -- t> �.• /�insuratecepolicies 3ad renew+ats sT�1!ba�cptable to Lea��d;s�till�iactnd�a stanA�martg�e cisus� Lsiultr:.
<br /> � — shaII da"e t�ri�►t'to trolct ths po}icies smd�eaewaIs.'1f Leuder tequina�Boxrqwsr shatt ps+ua�ptiq giv�M L.e�sa(t nex'spis
<br />_»�.�,��_-- af paid p�niu�.s aad cr�earaY notices. U�che event of loss.Bolmvver sti�tl�give:prcmpi rtoitce to the insu�c�ttie��3
<br /> �ysNF.;rT-v'°,
<br /> ,. �. T� , ' Letcder.,tyender may ma�ce proof,,of loss if not made prompiiy by Barro�ver..
<br /> . �,,. � - `' Untes.e Lender aad Borrawer othervvfse agrae in writiag,insurssnc�praa�eds sh�t116e spplied w ses�aIIU.t az tepait of
<br /> ,. .�. �':a x;d.•
<br /> __ ��,,L'��:,' ;�c__ . . the p[apzny.�lamaged.i�tRe restoration ar repaa is ecoaomicaU�t t'ezsibt�•�d l.ead�s sec�rety is uo3:t�ed. if t�
<br /> °�"._�a ' . ' restoratiois or repair is nnt eoonami�Y��te or Lend�'s �wauid To�tes�n�i.tbe ins�ce pracs:�ts s�be-
<br /> �Y
<br /> r ��- ..sFP�ed�to ehe sr�ms se+cured by this 5ec�uiry Instrameat,wheth�r ornot,tbem.du�wirh any excess pai�co Bomavmr. ff
<br />_ _ ::��::±;:::��"•� � Borrawer abaad4ns the A+agerty,ar does nat answer�vitliin�30:days a nntiaz.fmna.i.ender tiiat the i�su�aaace cazrier has.
<br /> .,_ ��{.�_„ affere�w seule a c4aim,then Lender may coltect tt�e insw�noe p�ds. l.e�der m�y ose tL+e gnc�ds to��gair or restm�
<br /> ��:�; !t� Qr,m a svms sec�ed h tPus S�ri Instn��..wh�thea ar nat then dne. 'Ihe 34�y pariod will 6egin whea
<br /> .��,:,,...-,x: �F�Y. p.Y Y �Y
<br /> .;r�.a-��� :i the notic�e is given. ,
<br /> ' i:i,:�:� •�_s; � . LTalesa Leattea and Bnrmwer uthe�vise agee ut writi�g�enF'.�PPUt�on'of pmceeds w pr�ipat sttal!Qot excead ur•
<br />�_a:n.'�;;;i:':E`���,:';�;L
<br /> — ��� Pastpane tl�d�datu of th�monthiY PaYments tefemed w in PamgraPhs!and 2 ar change dte asnat�at of the pay¢�s. If
<br /> �-�;;:•Y;r�:.t'::�:,•-; under h 2Y the. �s a l.ender,Bomowers ri �w aa ias�ranae iicies and proceeds restdting
<br /> =:''�,' •r�t1+�''•��' +,� �f6I11�IIl8�f W the P�oge�t�m� w th�e a�oq�tian sLatl pass tu Leud�er to th�exoent of�sums ser�ued I"ry,ti�s Seauity _
<br /> -�':! . .. ,.
<br /> ���i��.s°;r.,�ca Ins�uneat rtmaediat+etq pri�rto the ecquisIuon. �
<br /> �
<br /> - ='� :i� ` b.. Occupapc� Psc�atIon,.Maintenance and Pe�ntedi�n ot.�tds� Propertq; Bormwer's I.�aa� Appifutiion;
<br /> -- _`~ - •'.`'"�x'` .Lease,holds Hormwer shall occupy.establisb,and use the Ptop��s Bormwer'�principal residence within siary days after
<br /> - ":�,. ,.'�.:�i� ecurity cantinue w� the Pto as Baauweris d�tce fos at �—
<br /> �.the eaecuti�m of this S Insctumeut and sh�li. aocapy pe�tY P��
<br /> . �. '.t�;.�� � least one year aR� the date of;aocupancy, �mless Lend�r,othc3wise agtees in writiag, which ca�:sdrall uoi be
<br /> _ ;�'�.�:.•. . .';;:;.. � un�easoaa6ly,withheld.or unIess.�smting cu�tanve.s exiu whlcb aria beyand Borrower;s saQtroL �a+�wes shall aot
<br /> , - � desuoy,damage or unpaiz the!'rapi:�.fjr,allow t2te P�+npetty to deteriorate.ar cammit was�e on tli�Pinp+erty:-$cmuwer sh,a11
<br /> - '.%A:,�.�,'� --�---�---�----be in defauIfif any��orfeitu�acti���i p�oc�edin�-wh�ttier riv�or�crimiaa3,-Lsfiegun�that-in�t�r�gam�d fais�j�. . . . .
<br /> - :... ` ;, .,,.,r+,,..
<br /> • . . ; ,,;�, could re.wit in forfeitute of the Pro�erty or atherwise m,atcriaUy►,impair the Gea cc�eat� by tti�s Secusity Insuumea�ai•
<br /> ..�_,•:•�::;.,,. _._t:,:^i� l.ender.'ssesurityiate�st. Bamowerirrayca�suchadefa�iltandteinstate,asprovidedinpa�agraishl8,byrausingtheaction �._.�__.
<br /> — � or proc�ecding to be disnvssed with a iuling that.in Lender's gaod faith deteiminstion,piecludss farfeituee of tfle Ba�mvrei� ----
<br /> ._ ;_ inte�est in the Roperty or other m�rial impainaent of[he lien cieated by shis S�curiry I�eae ar Lea�r§security• .
<br /> —��- =:u:.� -intecest- BoYrower s6all also be bt:itefault if Bormwer, durin the laan licarioa materi false ox
<br /> %�',• S aPP P��'�e �3'
<br />_ ' :�;,:��,;t - - - inaccuiate iafom�ation or statements ta I�nder(or faiied to pmvide Ixnder witd any material uifam�iion)�in ca�ae�inn.with .
<br /> , ;v�` ..
<br /> : �.� :: ,%, rr�; tt►e Ioan evidenced b the Note. inc�udin but not limited�to.re tations cunteming Hamv!e}��S.acc�cy oY the
<br /> ..��;:�::L
<br /> :�t.,r;^;.�. : Y S� P�►
<br /> �-.��:r.�.' ,:; r yr,.�:. : �PeriY as a principal tesidenae. If this Security Inswment is oa a leasehotd.Batrower shaU'eai�f.vlis�c dil the p�avisio�s
<br /> �-�r:y'��.� ' �;`:•:}E�,�;°�-r � 'of the lease. If.Borrourer.acquires fee tit�e tothe Pt�perty,the leasehaid and the fee tiHe sball nof tir�zg:suiI�ws 3.eru�r a�rees
<br /> .��dS`�..� .'.sYk��:�� _ . . . �,�,�; , , . ,;'1:,.' , _
<br /> W the merger in avriting.
<br /> � : ff;�',�,�*� T.• _iPtotectton of Leader's[tigp�in the Propetty. If Boirower fails to perfoms t1�r:bbenanas ar�dl a�men'�. ,
<br /> `:,t.,;,.: . • _��q��':f -. containe,d Is�this Security Instr�meai,as tbe�e is a legtil praveeding thut muy significantiY 4�fxtt Lemd:�Q's ri�-is in tt�e+ —
<br /> �,: �,;. . '.. . Ptopeny(such as a pmoeedin�in baatsr�ptcy.Probate.for condemnation or forfeinue or ta enf�ta�,�aws or re„*r�tat'soms?,th:tf�• '
<br /> �>.::;;:'.,:., ,
<br /> •.,..�,��{(`_, , �.•�''. Lender may do and pay:�s whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Pmperty aa�Lestt�'s righ�s ir�the 1'roperty: ,
<br /> • � Lender�s actions may include paying any sums secuTed by a lien which has priority over ttus Securiry tns�ra;�.�aria�
<br /> j • , t in court,paying masonable attomeys'fees and entering on tho Propecty to make repairs.Althoug6 Ler�d¢r may take�aetio�n�
<br /> ,; • `����; ander this paragraph 7.Lender does nae bave to do so. - -_-
<br />_�; � , �.;Pr�j+���, Any amaunts disbursed by i.ettder under this parugraph?shatl6ecome additional debt�of Barnav�.secured by.tt,f.�F:�• !_��
<br /> - - Security Instrumen� Uniess Borrowerand Lender ugrce to othcr tertns of pa}�nen�these amoue�s shal]Txaz�t fram tti4; ;`. ,
<br /> , . .,. ,,. �'-_=_
<br />� `� ;:,.f:.: , ' •;, date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest.upon notice from Lender ta Batii��vrr�nequestir,�� '; — -__
<br /> .. " ''. `paymen� � r .F
<br /> • .. �''.`�''�:;:�•��` ' 8. Mostgage lnsurance. if Lender mquired moRgage insurance as a condition of m3kuag tAe�toar�r secu�scf�f�'t�• �_
<br /> Securiry Instrument,$orrower shaFl.�y the premiums requ'ired to maintain the mortg,age insucat�e it�QEfcct� lf�:fdr�anrj,i�. `'`'� s—
<br /> . reason. the mortgage insurance eqVc�ge required by Ixnder lapses or ceases to be in effecu Btvmv�es��s h�l 9 f�y;:�.1t±-; _:�':i��;-=
<br /> . - pnemiums requitr,� to bbtain cover.t��substantinlly equivatent ta the mortgage ia�urartce Qrr.i�siy��in,etYc�cU�at�a cu�t�' 'r�=�`'-=
<br /> ' � substan6ally equivalent"iu ihe cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurnnce previaasly in efTact:fram arn al�:rraate.mortgage ,;'°���'�•�
<br /> � insurer appmved hy Lec6�+�'. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covern�is a�avait3�'.C�Ba�rqv�ea�shall pay w `t�'r::«=,_
<br /> ,'.,� `''. • Lender each month a sum equal to ats��welfth of the yearly moAgage insurance premit:na bein�paf�+�y,8arro�rer when the , " �
<br /> t,. ,•.:_
<br /> • . insurance orverage lapsed or cea5e8 tn I�:in effect. Lcnder will accept,use and retain these pay�r.etics'as�a toss reserve in lieu • ��;���� `"''�-=
<br />= , = of mortgaL:insurance. Loss resen E�r�.Jments may no longer be required,at the o�ti�o�,oF�l,enrteu.if�awRgage insusance .` -
<br /> � caverage(in the amourtt.ard for th�g�i+�d that l.ertder r�yuires)provided by an+nsurer a�proyrd��pf:endstragain becomes . ,••� . . .
<br /> avaihabte and is obtaine�i;.�.�atrower sitail pay the pn.•rniums required to maintain marsgage inauraalce iroefls�:tlae:to provide a ;5��y:,:: : _
<br /> .' . �� loss reserve,until the it��u€sement for r.sortgage in��ramce ends in accorclance with any.wr�nsttagX,�m.uno�'�t:ttieen Bonower ���:+• •� �
<br /> . • {��;.� � ' and Lender or applicabl�law. ' : ..:
<br /> '+'�%i.;,:. 9 Iaspection. l..ender ar ity a.�r�:t may muke rearonable entries upon and irtspecte�,n9,tiF ihe Property. Lender sha11� .
<br /> � `;�� �'�-•:�:�t�'��;:" ' give Borrower notice at the time of nrpri��r to an inspection specifying reasonabte cau�e fc,r tp�;i�,�n;c�ion. ' . °�,;�
<br /> ) t � "°,�'''"''�� 10 Coademnatieea 7iie pmct��of uny award or claim for damages,dir,ect o,�:anflequcnt�al,in connection with any '
<br /> 1+,�'j��i`y )•.' i•,'�� , . ' ' . ..
<br /> ;y�ji�ItiiFi�. • ��t�t�'� . -
<br /> �`�'D�11���'',�. ".'� -SingleFami�y--Fanntnl►faelFreedieMacU�IFOR�f1�5?Rl'11f:I�t'•.1.tiifdtmCmrnants 9l90 lpage3oJ6paResl
<br /> ..r,;;i�,. ';�:. . .
<br /> . i ' Org I�es 8atlnes�Paea fte■ � .
<br /> `•rrt+'� . • , To�%Ct�Ca41800G94S393QPAf[61678t4131
<br /> f� .. ��'��`�t4�'��� � �
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<br /> . :4.!„'R�....� . .l' . . r'.� �n-w-.+..�r�e-�+++-n�.+ ..:11��'� . . .. .
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