� t S� -.�ti. , °_ I ���'`� �`.r �: : ✓ %' .. �K .=r . ` � - .
<br />� �t � �_t. I '�i, . . • 'i.� ' � . . ��� �,yc - -_
<br /> r''o Y _ ;�..v.;'� ' t.n+f�';2�_. -
<br />-�' , i. f. `�4 _�,.. - " . ,t. . - - -
<br />�. . �_.�:;�� . . _. , . ' .., . . _ ` • , � .
<br /> _- - . �. � . . .
<br /> --------__-. � , .� . ---.---- � � ' � � � . �����.���� . � . � : � . -
<br /> _ . , . . . . . _
<br /> . . . .. . .. .
<br /> _ , 'IIOGEl��VPi�I(sEl tiso impr�sveme�tts�!a�r iir.natt�erested att thc�mperty,�nd all,p4sea�rts.ap .. .
<br />__ _�;.'._:...-- and fia4u�nu�br.bere�e�o�t csf the�pmperty. A11 teplacemsnis and addiH�as.sitall�:Tsa ba covctet�by 's Sesu�tty - -- _
<br /> 4_.- -_ _ . -_
<br /> . , TIISIRIIlCII1. �Of fflG�OILV�11$IS 11i,�EtiC��i4 jA t�x S�CC�Ii}'�t�1G��+ti�• -, --_-.�-, -v' .
<br /> <B�RROWEI�COiIBNA�Pi 5 that Barmcvez is 1aa�iilly sei5ad aff the estats��sby ca�vey�eld ar.d Qas tt�tig�h3 tri grami .
<br /> , . aad c�mrey t6�P'�aperty s�sl that t3��1raPerty is u�Ehaimbaied.excFpt fai encnmbran�os of naora3. Bgrmwes w3nants ansl _
<br />— -- ,�vn�t ctefend ge�r�tly d�a tida to the Ptapertyr p�ainst aII`ciaimg aad demaads,snbje,ct to any eacumbr�uaces of r�o�.
<br />_ - -- ' � TE�S SECURtg'Y IId�RUN�NT combines uniform covenants'for aatianal use ais�naa-unifoan wvenants svith
<br />_ ' � l'u���an�flns�Y3tui�dicHun t,o cons►�tt�:a t�aifaim se�rity�stratnent o�vea�r�pm�itsty. .
<br /> -�Y.__ ;... .. _ . .. . _. � _ . ..
<br /> �- , . _ _ _ _
<br /> - t�NIY'�ORM t?�VII�RNT�:Baaa�vea and Leader cove�aml�agee as�oIIavrs:
<br /> i. Fay�t�at aLF��p?�l ana InE�8rep�yan�n!�d Late CE�'g�.�8utro�ver sIlaD gro�upSY P�Y v�hen due t�
<br /> p�cfpal of ar�3 ini�t onth�debt evidearedb�the Notean�anY F�PaY�e�s aad iatecharges due u�der tha Note.
<br />- �. �arids Ebr 31��aad Insum� Sub,�ea m applicab2s taw or to a�+�tt�a waiverby lrender,8o�rowershaU pay m ,
<br />= I.�on.th�day muathip pa3t??��s.�re duc uadet t�e Nat�.aatil the NotQ is paid in full�a snm,(°Fan�s"3 for.ta)Yeady
<br /> ¢a�es�a�ses�ments wbIcb mag a�ict�iatity over this Secn�ity Ins�nment as a Hen bn tPt�Raperty:(b)YeatlY ieasehold
<br /> ��.nLs.or gi[auad tents tm the PropAAy.if�Y (�)Y�Y h���P�P�Y imsutaacz piemiums:(d�Year1Y 8aod
<br />-- ----- -�-�=-- : :m�-�aace premiums.dr any;te)Y�Y���P����Y:ard(fl.��►Y'sums�PaYable by.8mmwer ta.
<br />---V_— -�"'"`—�� �.�.�dxa.ia axordance with the gmvisions af�9 8,Ia lieu of the payiueni of mn�tg�ge ins�u�tce premiums. TBese
<br /> --"��_�—�"� �t�s a�plled'�ssmw gtem�.° �.ender may,�tc sny tim�coIIect aM hold F�d s in a�i aaLaunt mot to e x c�e e d the maaiamm
<br /> -_---_ -- . ^ ��, a teader for a federally telarc8 maYtga�laan alay�e�or Bormwer's�crow accoant under tt:e fedeml R$al
<br /> ---__�=� ` ' �:�emeni Yc�tlures l4�s�1974 as amended from tit�ta time.12 U.S.�§2601 e�seq.�'$,FrSP?►'7.vaLess aaflthec -
<br /> _�=°=��-W''� t�a�aPP3ies wt�Fugds s�s a IPSSer amount If so,Lead�r�may,at aay�collect mmd ho2d P�mds in�amawtt not to
<br /> ----.�-���-� the aznauut of P1�¢dg due an the Emsis of cuireni data aa�irasonabie
<br /> - -x;- �� , exceed the'Ies!z�+i.a�ounf. I.ender mag c.s�ma�e . , .
<br /> F �imaD�s of�xpeniGtiues qf fatm�e Etemw Ixem�or ot�ecarise iu accardaaces€lith appfica6le laa.
<br /> _ _ i :. .
<br /> _�---,,,.�;`r�� `::The.Pluids sba116e beld.in an instituoioa wLose deposits aze in�ued by a fedeial ageacy,Instru�utalit9,ut�ity • F:
<br /> —__;;.:°,;�,-�.����� _.._.__..C�1'iu:�ng Leade�if LendeT is_sucfi_aa instittnian)or in a�!T�ederal Home�.oan Baa�. I.ea�dea shalt apply tbs Fuuds t�►paq
<br /> -x-�1. :.�••: � --
<br /> .-s,��'vi..;`�:;�i:�,�i , t�ra T�sciow Ifems. Lenster may not c6arge B orrower for h o�d mg an d aPP�B t b e P d a d s;a u n u a ll y�n 9 l y a a n g�t 8 s e s c x ow ._.. . .
<br /> ��'�� 'f-�'�.�
<br /> ���.4;.�-t-.,'-:;' accuunt,or verifying ths Escrow Items,untess_��ader DaYs Bomower iiiterest on tIle A�nds and applisa�le law pelmits � --
<br /> �''"'' � Lenaer m make sac6 a e. However, �pr�c„ci5�may require Barrowea to pay a one-tim°rfi�Se f�r axi indePendent rr�►! r— -- ---6
<br /> _:v.-�-.-�;;�'��µ_-�t cbarg
<br />,'.r+,�:•, . -, �
<br /> ����.. ••� .: estare tax reporting seivice used by Lender ur;�on aritb dus loan.anless app lica b le t aw prn v i d e s a t i�e�w i se. U u l e s s a a
<br /> .,_ _
<br /> ._...-;:-����:::e_,�� •
<br /> --•:,. —� ---- • a ts made ar applicable law - .,_ .�est to be aid,Lender shail not 6e�equimd w pay Botnnwer atry mtetest ar
<br /> . __, _..;: .: .. _.. .. �:�".. -- . P. �_,_�.
<br /> ��•�'.�. .. . .• _ ��.
<br /> � eammgs on the Funds. Bwrnwer aad I:edaer�ay agnee in writing;however;that jnteiesi shall be paid on the Fiutds. I.endQa
<br />-- . � �'`�" ' shall give w Borroarer,withont. -----
<br /> ;:�� . cbaege,an��+1 accounhn,g of the Funds.showing eci�dits and debits to the Fimds aud the -
<br /> '.�i:)ii}��`,". 1=: �_—_ .
<br />� . • . ,:, :. . Pmpose for whir�.,each debit w the P�mds:�5�'+�ade. Th�£�pnds are pledged as additioaal securiry for all sums secured by
<br />���.. :.;.• �.,::;�::•• this S¢Clttity Im�r°..at ;�'�'_�'' ' ,
<br />= - '�� If the Fi�►�-A�e�s!by Lender eace���:ma�ts pemriued to 6e}'�d by applicab2e law.I�eader sha11 ac�rnmt w :�;:
<br />�,�.�`. . ,;;;;::;:-� Horrower for tht�excess Funds in accordaac�:���,che requ�%ents of a�pliczble law. If tho amonnt of Nie Fmrds Fze?d by , . _-- --=
<br /> . � ., .;•;.>' L�s�tr at any.time is not sufficient w pay t�rz:.�i;�-T.tc�:�v9�due Leader may so notify Bormwer in ariting„�d,in � _ _�
<br /> , sucl�case Borrower shall pay to Lender the�.?�.�r.at�ea..�ss�j'w make up the deficiency. Borrower shall madc�q the �L.��"� �.
<br /> •, :,: �;� deHeiency in na,r�xore tham twelve monthly��it�,-�ts,at L.ender's sole discretion. � � --
<br />- .`:. . U n a�t in�full of all sums secros���'�y this Securiry Instrumea��Lender shall pmmptly nefund W Baaower any -- _
<br /> .; � Pa P Y -- _�
<br /> �.��;µ�
<br /> - ' Funds held by i�3eir. I�.under paragraph°�r;�.ender sha11 acqu'�re or sell the Property,Lender.Pnm to the aoquisidoa or s:;,,�,���f.��,.
<br /> ' �.�. ,`� 'y�� sale of the Property,shall npply any Fvnds beld by Lender at the time of ncquisition or sale as a credit against the sums °�?":����`�-
<br /> � ` � ;;.,';.; secured by this Secwiry Instrum�� . ;.:;a, 4�rs,
<br /> ;r��w,fni;�{�;�:.� 3. Appl4rat[on�oY Paymenis. Unless applicable law provides othetwise,all�payazents received by I.end�.under ::.;(;•(�. .;;�t4;
<br /> `��s5'`�"� ,�'�:' .' parag�aphs 1 and.2 shall be applied:fust,to any prepaytnent charges due nnder the Note:second,to amounu payaM�tmder �. ,'� ;;;_ =`•--
<br /> ,� ,t`` : paragraph 2;t6ir3,to interesc due;fouctb,to principal due;and last,to any.L�ci�arges due under the Note. � *��"`
<br />_ ' .. q. piarges; I,tens. Borrower shall pay ail taaes,assessments;�:�i�es.fines and impositions auributable to the , �y�
<br /> ' •�� Ptoperty which may attain priority over this Securiry Inswmen�and leas�uld payments or ground�ents.if any. Barrower , .` '��
<br /> ;�:_.
<br /> �• ,'� �t�tU pay these obligadons in the manner provided in pamgraph Z,or if not paid in that manner.Bormwer shall.pay ds.�m on . '�_- _
<br />- �,..:°'��: . �.' . . �,dizecdy tu the pe�son owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to b��!�nder . , " -
<br /> �.,::., �_�
<br /> � �P�&�P�t�Borrower inakes these payments direcdy.Borrower s!ial.l prompiJy fumish to l.ender ceceipU+��:ti�ncing • `;��_._:..
<br /> - • �� �e p Borro er shall promptly dischazge any lien which 6as priority over dti.ti Securiry Instrument unle��t�arrower.(a)agees � . ' _
<br /> • � �,.� .� .� in cvriting to the payq�zn�of the obligauon secured by the lien in a manner��ptable to I.ender.(b3 caacesu in good faith the •• • ,�:.�.y�,2�r;;.�;'=;.
<br /> _ ' :<•;r,:,; lien by.or defends against enfnrcement of the lien in,legal proceedings wEtidi in the Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent ths r
<br /> :"�i4���} enforcement of the lien:or(c):vaa�res from the holder of the lieo an agraertrxi:t s;ri.<_f��ry to l.ender subordinatin�the lien tiY��,� <<�� �;,-
<br /> " r
<br /> - ' '�'`�"�`'' �� '. w ttns Securii�x fnstrumen� if[.ender determines that any part of the Prr�;vriy is so6ject to a lien which may attaia priority . �::;E•;:=�.:.-:". �:.?���.#���%�'<
<br /> ,;. . . �
<br /> � over this Sea�i:�}instTUmen�Lender may give Borrower a notice identil'��f�the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take '� � ,,��>�;���'_
<br /> one or more aE ii�e aciions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of c�stice. �
<br /> � . . • ' ' � S. HaTaira�or Property iasvrartce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erecte,�c�•u�e , �'??��:"-
<br /> , • . �l.,��Serty insured against toss by fire.hazards included wIthin.the tertn"extended covcrage" and any other hazards.in+:L�diag • _ . . �
<br /> : •: �+ao�s or 800ding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance sball be maintained in the amounts:�nd tor the ,- .
<br /> � � . : ,, . • . _ • • � l:,:
<br /> �' . . ��. Form 3015 9190 IAQRe 2 oj6 pogea/ '�l � �' � r'{�:, :'
<br /> ._ . ,i;' . . .���,�j:9t'';
<br /> .�� . .� -� t�Wf,S,•:.
<br /> , .. � �'��:��.(.�.:;;:.
<br /> . !-� 'I:';1:5i
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