;/��� _ r_ �4 : -� " r -
<br /> . _ .
<br /> . ''-. 'L . . .' ..''°._r,. �r' _ . — ---�
<br /> ..: `. � .ti v1• � � S . ]�
<br /> - . .. . .. � . 3S .. G. . _.
<br /> •. .._. .. .-4::,'..Y�� ..:.._., � _ _�t..'a -�. ...
<br /> ' . . - '":.'• Y�': - ��
<br /> : f i S � ( . . . Yt� `< ' .` ~ . l(�� . . . . � _ • ( ` � �, � � ��� . . � ` ` (F•
<br /> _ __ �___ --_ . . •. . - • � . . < ' i _ _. _ _ _. _ � . C.. 1 . _ . -_ _ __- __ _ _
<br />- __--= = ' ` 17:�g�nf��Ptroperty.op a�i¢�l Yntea�st�[n,Borrawe�.Af alt br aay part`of tfie�roperty as any uuerest in it• • . `, _
<br />-�_—__-�' .�S soid ar tla�sferred for if a beAe1'scinl is�tecest ie��orrow�r is�Qld or taas�f�r�aa�1 BosrowE�is�i�nanual p�ison)�viLho�i ` --
<br /> an
<br />-- -------- —, � . <i.gttder'�Psior wrltteu cons�rtt,.i.euder may, at it$cgtiva.; a�i�te paytnent ur fuh of a13.smns s�caisa}by this ` . ,
<br /> `- --- ` ` Securit,�r Insmunent�:However.t�is opt�an sP�alt�t be ea�e�tSed�Lender if cxcztise is pi+c�i6�t«i by fedQr�l�w as"a€the d� . .
<br /> � ' ctf tFtis Sec+�anty InstYUmer�E. ' � ' . `-'
<br />�- — - — -: - ' '
<br /> _ — , . ,
<br />-_- _----_- :. �L�dercxeerrt�stis�saptia�.LeadersQ�zlkgl+leButta«tn�reaf�ueIeraican.l�►eEtat�ceahat!piuyideapen�do8ac�t-.:�.__ ---,-----
<br />�--_ . •tess�thatx 30 days from the date t�te a�ce�ts deiiveced or..maifed arithiu a!hicfl E�asmvrer ttt�st pay�ii at�ms sectu�d bY ti�s., - -
<br /> _ ` 'Security Instra�e�at.If Bormwea fa�s.w pay these st�ms Pr�ar to the expiratioa�og this periad,t,ender may invoke ai�y te.�di�s ,
<br /> — ------- ����y.�jg�t„�cri,ment tvithout further natice or demand on Borrower. � .
<br /> .. 18. Borraw�r's Rtght to Re6nslsie. If Bbrrower.raeets cxriain oonditions, Barrower sha11 bave the ri�ht w httv's
<br /> �' enfaroemeat of this Security�Instrament discantinued at any time prior ta 3he earlier of: (a)5 days(or such oWer perictd as �
<br />=%• $Pplicable.!aw may sgacify Ear re�catemeata,befoYe sale mf the ProP�Y P� �an3+Pawer of saie contained �n this
<br />=•�' Security Inswmeat.or(b)ent�r.of a' " this Security Instrttmeut Thvse caadidons are tbat Borrourer.(a)DaY$ . . -
<br /> -�---- • l�at gnfob."u� _ _
<br /> - - _ - - L�er all sums whic6 then wauid be due under this Securixy tasarament an8 the Note as if no acceteratioa 6aQ occaired;(6) . _
<br /> -" c�ues ariy defaWt of any othrr wvenanis or agreem�ats;(c)Pays all eapenses incurted in eaforcing this Secarity.Instntment, , � -
<br /> � inctuding,buE not Wnited to.reasonabte attomeys'feest and td}takes such attma as Lender may reasanably teqwre w assure �
<br /> � .• that ti�lien of t6is 5e�arity Insdument,Irender's rights m tiae�ogerty and Borrovrer's ohligation to pay the sums secured Isy
<br />- �is g�rity t���„� shall contintte•unct�anged. Upon remstatement by Eorrower, tiris Security Insuume� an� the
<br /> o6ligdtions secnred hereby shall remaia fiiliy effec6ve as if nn aa�eleraiioa had occurred.Hnwever,tt►is rig6t w reinstate sha11
<br /> not apgl in the�ase of acczleration nnder paiagraph 19. ,:.
<br /> . �Saie of Nqi�C�e oY Laan S�vicer.The I�Ttrte or a partial interest iti the Nate(together with tHis S�curity
<br /> �-.K;;�,.: . I�t?maY.�;�^.I�one or more times aritho�prior noticc�to Borrower.A sale aaay resutt in a change in tke era�ty(kaown
<br /> _;...� as ilt�,��a�u Serq�..that collects monWly paymeats due undee the Note and this Secunty Instmment.T6ere also may be oae _
<br /> _ ar�e�r�hariges�t�E:"tiG�;6'..oan Servicer unt�elated to a sate of the Note.`If tha�is a cbang�pf the Loan Servicer,Bomower will be
<br /> gives�.tt�tten notrc�z��the change in accordanca witb paragc.�14 abave and applicnb'(�i�.w.The notice will stsie the name and
<br />_ ^� � � ad�;�:af'the new�roan 5erviser and the address to wiuc�'��jmienu should be r��•T`�,�no6ce wiU also contain any other __
<br /> � �. �„ • infd�tion tecNit�i bY aPPlicabte law. .,�: .::�. �,:��.5;:>::;' � ' • _-- -
<br /> �_ ��:;, - -
<br /> � ,�'� ,t. •Z�.�ga�rt'�rt�.�Substaaces:Bormwer shall not����;�permif ttte pr�nc�:,�,,�,`c''asQo�aI>.,storage,or release of any � --,
<br /> •':�`:`.,,; aot do .ut3�;allow.�s�s:.�e�i ti;i�c�;:any�ng affecting the
<br />_ , �;'.:,���;,��;�,.� r:. Hazardous Subs on or in the Progerty:.�r�owe{�::�i • s�; . , ---
<br /> •ri��°` .,'r�, �; PrngecEy that is�lation of any Environ�i����`.'a'�.preceding cSui�sentensi�:�i nar����:Z�.the presence,nse,or
<br /> ,'`;!�kf� t 'r: . -.----storage on the pi�npeit}i of small:i�nb��s-rsf:'�;".,�s?�`.'�"'�u�"a-tances-tharare�genet�,.y h���nifCd:�^:�e-appropriate-to-uom�aT-----
<br /> n
<br /> �,- .g. � � � , : � resideniial uses and to maintena�r�of thePropfrty ��:�:-•r,,•• -
<br /> ��!"t'.io- r ,.� . , .�.�� ; • �-;-
<br /> Bo'rrower�italt pmmptly�'iY I.ender w�tten noace o�any invesdgation,cla�m..�nd.lawsuit or other action by auy
<br /> �•'''`''?�k� e�.�:,��,,�',' s� �x._._
<br /> �'�
<br /> s. ;;�:.,. . . _.,• , govemmental or,i�slatory agea�.jr or ptivate,�3tty.involving t6e Property and any Har��us Substance or Envimnmental Law
<br /> ,�.��_.....,.= of which Borroa�'I�as actual lmowledge.�.F L�s:�+nwer leams.ar is noUfied by any govecninental or regulatory authority,that �.� �_
<br /> � -an�removal or oti�r remediation_of atry Haz.�irdaus Substance affecting the Property is aecessary,_Borrower sfiall prompUy take.. _.. _ ��=-
<br /> :,_`h:'��: .': ' ��'.,. all�rc�'sarY.rem�al�ctioas in�a�qrdance with Environmental law. ~. . �""�.�_
<br /> f ;q '''`.. . ::�:�s�us¢d in tlus patagraPfi���,'."Ha7ardous Substane.es"aze those substances defrss�`as toxic or haTardous substances by ��a��i�� __
<br /> �;� ���•' Fst*i�crmental L•aw and t(le 'fot��.�ring substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammrd*Le,or touc petroleum products. toxic
<br /> ,. ,.•�;; , , �' . . : - .:.:
<br /> - %����� ' � ' �� pes�i�ides and herbicides,volatile solvents,cn�terials containing asbestos or formaldehy��and radioactive materials.As osed in ._
<br /> � 't�j �; • � � this paragraph 20, "Bnvironniental Law" �iss-feaeral laws and laws of the jurisdict'con where th8,Property is located that �; ����, �
<br /> ,.: ;;;�,� relate to health,safety or environmental pm�ixfi�n. '�•�+,�`.L`— :
<br /> '.:_ .:;` ' `� �r
<br /> �'.-;��;�;;,:.;. ' NON-UN[FORM COVEN�iI+tTS.Borroiver and Lender further covenant and a��s foliows: � ,s},�y�•�;,,y.�•."'
<br />- �'�'.:�.'�'�;�;.:;;�• •- ��.�Acceteration;Remed�.�[.cader shall give notIce to Borro�er prtor to a��"atton foRowing Bormwer s breach �� ,, ��
<br /> ' ,:;:!''�: . ot acir.oovenamt ar agreerne�t�n this Security Iastrument (6ut nut prior to aa�.'eratton uader paragraPh 17 untes� �:
<br /> s`
<br /> ``'�° ' � � Th nolice shal! a .the defaWt•(b?t�e actlon ret�nir�to cure the default; �?�Yi��,
<br /> , _ ' �<.::_' apPl.ct+bi¢law provtdes oWenvise). e spec�fY: ( ) , ,._,,,:.,:r;;•
<br /> `� . • (c)�date,not tesg t6an 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borrower,by wLicb tite default must be cared;and � :
<br /> .. , r. (�that fuIture to care the default on or 6efore the date speclfed in the not�ce may resvlt in aoceteration of the s[�s
<br /> �.'::,�.: � •
<br /> � s�ared by this Security Iostrument aad sale of she Property.The notice shall�'rr:�er inform Borrower of the right to ',,,`:r�:�.,.;:L;____--°=_-
<br /> reinstate after acceteratton aa�.�e rlght to bring a coust action to assert tae ai�n+�+�.xistence of a defaalt or any other ?�'`�.�m�ry!���*��.=-
<br /> �. ,. : • . deYense of Borrower to accelet�r,33�.in and sale. If the de�elt is not cured on os tni�u�the date iZe�in ihe notice, -`r3Y+��a•���-�-'
<br /> � ,�,!�s'.��`�
<br /> � Lender, at its o i�on,may req*Jii^�immedIate paymeat�u full of atl sums sece�crs�1��� t.his Sect�rity It�strums�t�s�tthwi! -- � .�, ���..;"'-`'''`��
<br /> . p ..:`4�i".,;;;' :r;_^`_-�__
<br /> �� ' fiirther demansl and may invok�the pow�n�,sale a��;��ather rem��e�tn�tux+s 19.c���tpxc,3.l�C¢taw.Lendee sha116e � '
<br /> �� . • ." eatitled to�tleet al!expeases incurred tn puc�fag the�e:sts pro�f.d:r�,i:iiai t�s�us�'.��i 2�,.i.�R�ding,6ut not[imited , i-,A!__-=-_
<br /> ' � to,reasonabfc attorneys'fces a�ad costs of tit�e evldencri: l".�`' �•� • ' � .' �� ' � _
<br /> . If the po�ver of sate ts i�oked,Tnutee st�all recdr�a notFce oY defautk i�+��.:h county fn whfch any part of the � —_-
<br /> + . ,�.'� � � ` ' Proiseriy is located and shali mail coptes ot such notice in the manner pre.scrtbe:£T�n�appltcabte!aw to�orro�ver and to ���__,._
<br /> � ' t6e ather persons prestribed by applic�bfe law.Aft+er the time reqaired by applip6l'e law,Trustee shall give puBlic rtotEce.° ' :�•:�"'�
<br /> � .. :. . � �� �;..,.�
<br /> ,�'�'`•i� ' ' . of sate to the persons an�in the manner prescrlbed by applica6le law.Trustee, without demand on Borro�ser,shall se11'� '. :,� w-.�.-.--
<br /> "�� , , the Pcoperty at publlc aadton to the htghe.st bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the rtottce of , • .•;�...:.�m..__
<br /> ..... .
<br /> `•�._, .� sate in one or raore parceLs aad in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may �astpone sale og all or any parcel o!the , • , .°.;vt�. �f::`
<br /> !,J4��,y_'t%. _ i � ' ' - ���:___,
<br /> ..,�,.9t;., �r,, ,,, Property by public annou�r�t at the time and place of any previousiy sched�Csd sate. Lender or its designee may ��'-4,,, - `,-�, _�:,:�;,,.t;.
<br /> �-���1; . . �nrc6ase the Property at anp�,� �;i �i,� ` {
<br /> 3a,. 1' , .}��'�. F.h`
<br /> .:� _ • . '., •.•9}'�:
<br /> : • ' ' ':1�;�t{'S�•�e:
<br /> f' � : �•,'�••.''��. `�•L�.' S��r.
<br /> .l`,•� . . � i � f , . . •..;,:�. �f:� .
<br /> , ' ����•,,
<br />. :� �::�� . , ; . , , ., . : ;`,:,,��;;.��:.,.. ��
<br /> '�� '' Form 30Z8 9J80 '' =�''t''
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