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<br /> _ _--- � �aYme�ts�ay cea taugea be rc�red,at t�e upt�on i's�Lcndea.'�f'r e�orsgag���.�rarsecmvegagc(i�t�.�a��r�z.�si1€t�Y��aes7o���.�. -`��.,d
<br /> . t,�,��;�ndcr r�qaitesy grnvEd�d bq�an d��u�r aggzoved�g .f,saut.,r aga�q ii��ises�+w7able and�a obt�aas�d.Ba�r�ix�s�ia}i�taY � . � �
<br /> - � t�e p�ums�r�co m�aii��mdrtgag�'insttrnnce in ait'cex,os tu�ovfde a lass'reserve�.t3nii!t�e trpquir�nteflt firr.�oatga,ge':. '� -. �..�
<br /> inss�car,ads�n er�ozda.�acc wst�a�y wrPtten ag�eerntnt betweea Bon�r�s�r�1 LeMer or applicable,law.� � � .. �� : : � �
<br /> �r.�
<br /> ' �g,Y11S�.�JIQCT Ot 2�s^.$Cft�-�i'j�C Pv"�.'�t�CAtCY�"l{�S!�' �tGfv 0��"..°.�,�.-��..CT o"�'-�d.'-;.--` "��--
<br /> _ �; Bomowsi noti�e�i the tim�af ar prior to aa insgecti�n.speC"f��fi reasnnab�Ie c�an;se�r tl�Insgocstop: , . ,� • ;
<br /> . �l0.C.nitdRmt�tt���r.'�e proc�ais of any�wwacd.e�r cI�s for dam�ges.dina�or ennseqwntial.ln eona�caiori with aay :; ;°i
<br /> _— cond�on or ot�er tat�$of any part of th,a Pm�erty.or for oonve�r�ace ia�L.'eu of condr,r�zaiiap,aft�herr�sy ussignrd�d , ;
<br /> —��� sL�ll b:paid W l�nd,er. " . �. . � . ' � ' ' . • . � . �
<br /> — In the event of a tatul taking of tke Property,the p�ceeds sLal�be fipptic�to the surn's s�urer'1 Dy'tAis Sectuity Ias�t�uni�nt, �
<br /> _ ..�r&ec4�er or not tRen du�,,�itb,an e�cc� ' m_lgorrn�re.�Ia tt�erient nf a ' � �' � �
<br /> -. _ . , = Y � -. P�.tak�n�of the 1�mgert}r in cvYusd9,t�e f8it, . ,,._. '• _
<br /> — ` mai3c�t v�Yue of tiie Pcoper�y imm�eliately'before ths tatdng is�ai td Qr greater than th:anw�qt of�&e�oms se�red by e�is 7
<br /> — = Seci�rity Inslrumez�t immediIItely 6efor�the taking,�mtess Bormwer and I.endes atti�cwise agree in wciting,tYee sams secuced�y
<br /> - —_ , this�rity,Insprument sball be�uoad b�.the amonn�.of tlae prboeeds auittiplieQ.by the following fracxion:.(a)the total ,
<br /> � . amouut o���e`sums s�d immeQiately_fsefore the raking,divide9 Dy(6}the fair market value of the�e+oF'�Y�Y�,
<br /> - before the taking. I#ny ba�ance s1ta1D be paid ta Borcower. In[he�veut.of a partlal taktiag of We Pmgeny in which t6e fa5r . ,
<br /> - maslcet vahae of 4de Froperty imaRediate�y Befate.�talung is less than the.amoimt of tks sums s�r..d immadiately_bcfore the �.
<br /> takiqg,untess Bflrrowes and Lender otherwise agree in wriNng or unless applic2ble la�v attterwise pmvides.ti�e p�c.ds shall .
<br />_ , be applied to the sums�ecur�d by this Sc�aui�y Insttumeat whet�er or not tbe snms are thea dns. .. � •.
<br /> - If the pcupercg is a6aad�ned by Bormwex,or if,aRer natice by Lendes to Bomawer that the oondemnor offera to mak�an
<br /> __ �aiHard ur sc�tle a claim for ctamaaes� Borrower fails ta r�poad�to Lender witbin 30 days after tfte date the aopce is given, _ •
<br /> I.ender is au�horized to coll�ct aad aypiy the praceeds,at its option,either tn restotawoq or rep2ir of the Pmperty os to ti�e Swns . �
<br /> se�cur�d Isy�this Seasri�Y I��ment,wF�ether ar aot then due. ' � y,
<br /> - UnIess L.endsr aad Bormwer othQawise agee ia writing, ar►y apptiration af proce�s W prinsipal shall not eactetis��ciir
<br /> - - postpane the du�data of the moathly pay�uents refeaed to in paaa�aphs 1 and 2 or ctmnge the amnunt of suc6 paymeats. ':L '
<br /> — .-. . . 11.Harrower.Noi lteicased;Fesbe�Bq Leader Not a Waiver.E�e�sion�f the time for paXment or modifcat�on
<br /> --- of amortiration of the sums secured by tbis S�vrity Inshument granted by Laa�er W any successpr ia interest of Borrower shaIl .
<br /> --------- not operate w release the liabiiity of the ariginal Borrower or Bnnower's snocessuzs in Inierest.LeIIder st�att not be�qui�ed to
<br /> _ �ms�enoe pmcaedings agaiast any saccessor in intErest or refuse to extead tuae for pay[aent or atherwise modify amaiti7ation ___ _ .
<br /> � of tfie anms sea�red 6y this Secvriry Iastrumeat by reason of any demand tnade by the origiaal Bormarer or Banawer's
<br /> �suocessots in interest. Any forbeatance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shaU aut be a waiver af ar piectude the
<br /> .; �:exercLsc of auy right or reruedy. :;::::`;:
<br /> �' '� �:.�. lE. Snccessors alid�ssigas Bound;Joint and Sevesel IdabiIIty;Co��i,�s.The coveaants aad a$reements of this
<br /> �- -. ,� 5�-.xity Inst�ment shat!•bind and 6enefit the suooessois and assi�us of LeA��'i�,Borrower,subject to ihe pmvision�.of�
<br /> .r_�:�...�:.�.::'.. ::::.::' � .
<br /> -- s:: ..;;`:i2��Ph.����. Borrower's covenants a�t agreEments s1�all be y�u�t.ar.d,severai:',�..*ix•.'���rr who co-sigas t6is Se�vsity •
<br /> r.... .
<br /> :,:' ,;�,•.,.t�uvment'�tt�does not execuse the Nn��:�a)is co-signing this�cr,�ty Insunrev�G'x��`�ca�irsaage.grant and oonvey t�at .
<br /> - �i�` . � :;� �orrflwer's interest in the Pioperty under the terms of tfus Security Insfrument;(�}:'i,not personally obligated Lo pay the smns -
<br /> ' "%secured by this Security tnstrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agr�ee w extend,tiadify,forbear or
<br /> _:�. "' make any accommodations with regard to the ter�ns of this Security�Iasuument or the Note cvithaut t6at Borrower's consent. ' --_.._..-
<br /> �,�,���1��,, 13.Loan CGaages.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a!aw which sets maximum loaa charges. =__
<br /> a,_�, ' and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in oonnectioa with the ---
<br /> `,:�"., '` ` (oan ez c e z d t he permitt e d l imits,t hen:(a)any such l c�a c h a r ge suall be redaccd by the amount necessary W reduce the c fi a r ge -
<br />