`:�..���--;: ..'3�� -vo cx"";C:"�'L r S� y�, � < <. , � e � - ---
<br /> ' l i�;�� ��T'-i�`_..;:_'"<H i� �.'- � . n.
<br /> s:, ,�y`s�sP; �-+ '` �S;_i�..,' u., e t .� ` , r+F( � 3 .�• •..n:d.s� c t � __ —
<br /> ' . �fJ �.�`� �Y�. �j .G ` ` ___ _4.. _ — ..
<br /> � c�� . . ' ` [' , � `r .
<br /> `�'l`�_—_,n�eY�`�Pbr+3i� . � • ( . - � � .. t I- ' . C' - ' ` . �C__ —__ __- _ ..(_. . � _ .— .
<br />-��mr�"�--&-���_ ..c. � - . . .. . ' .. ' � ��� �a A��N� . � • i _ __ - .-�� _
<br />—'�.� ` . . ` , . . - ' , [ Y - � . .
<br />_ - _ - . candemnn�on ar ot�cer tc�nB of eny part af il►e Propesy�or fot con�ey�utce€n tieu tsf toademiusi€en,cue flsreby rssfg,ned atid. � . �' `'. _-_
<br /> —� -� shR11 tie�aid to l.aidcr. . � � . - . � .
<br /> . Ip.rlre event of t+totnt tt�l�c�i�g of thc Pmpeity.the praoeeds ehall be applted w�soms'sec�ne�by t[ns 5�a�rity
<br /> - ���..� inshum�ft.whether or nat then+Tae.with any�a�ss paici to Boaower. In the event of a pactiai taking af th;,Fro,�s�rty in � � �-.--,�-�-�-------
<br />_ -- wNcf�the fsiir mark�t value of the t>raperty immediazely bei'ore titz ta�ing is;equai w or greater than the amount of ths susns
<br /> � � , secured by ttils Security instrament imtnedia�ly before ths taking,unless Boirower and Lender osher+uise agCee ia writing,.
<br />- � ..,� 'the sums sxnred by tlus Se�urity fnstiument shaTl be rr,duced hy the amount of the pmceeds mnitigffed 6y the following ,
<br /> ���:'`.�,"'`'`�` � fraction: (a)the total atnount of.tse sums seeumd immediatety 6efore the tals3ng.divided try @)tt�fair martcet val�e of the . . -------
<br /> ::c.?`;;'rS,�i�i,.5 .::; --
<br /> - ':'=r�..._,�;.�t� Property immediazely ts�foTe the taking. Any balance stiall 6e paid to BoYrower. 1n the event of a ptutiai taking of tP� _
<br /> :� ' y ` Fropezty in which ttie fair.market vaIue of the Ftogerty+;m ;arpty bzfaie the taIdng is less than the amoaat of the sums '
<br /> � '_ `' �immediatefy be!'ose the taking,miless B�mQwer aad I.endea at@erwIse.agree in writing or un�s applic�6le laer
<br /> : ,,,,, ;.;a . ...r �. _ __ __
<br />_ �.�t`,`4,. . .. `.;,, �.....�• otb�vise prnvides.the pmce�s sball be applied co the sarns se�ured by t�is 3ecarity Insmuaent whaher or uot the s�s are . _ --- -
<br /> - : �r.:;: ;�`.� then du�.. ' , '� =-=_= -
<br />_ l:.:,�:: ;':',,::;:��y'� �#the Property is abandoned by Boirower,or if,aftes nati�e by I.cad�r w Borcnwer that the condemnor o$eis eo ma�ce --_
<br /> ` `". .;�=:-;:��;.�s'. . an aw�sr2 qr settle a claim for damages,Baa4wea fa�s to r�oud w l.ender within 30 days after the date the notioe as"�ycen,
<br /> P.:.: , �A ' -__
<br /> °= . : ;?`':.`, , � i.eac�s as ant6a�e�ed ro.coIIect and appty the prareed�„az its opti�,either to resto:arioss or tepair of d�Pnoperty��.�.�he. --
<br /> ,1�-I�., ..3:"'. . . .. . .
<br /> 21`:� '•� .:1�: i) .
<br /> _ Y�r;...:;;;,-::,:..`;.';.' _ , s�uns�s�by tfas Serauiry Instiument,whethezar aot then due. . <,. . � .
<br /> .,;`�;,4.:;;.f�:'<:;.'�?.;" .� ,: �Tnless Leader and�orrower othenvise a�.in writin$,anY aPP���P of pmceeds to princip�amII�aot extead or
<br />_ `:``o�'a=.F:�;a;��'��:'4' :_��°'%.;•. F���1e the due da�aaff thesnontbly payments��to in paragiaphs 1 arcc�2 ar change t�e amonnt Q�s�s,fi payrne�ts.. .. .
<br /> , j`'~'� .. „ ' gy, Borrowes•�ut � t� Forb�<�Y �der Not a Wan�et: .Eatensiaa�of the fime"for pay-�r.e�.or • -----
<br /> �Y` `o'��'�i,' •i; � , —
<br /> .� <!,"��' sc:.a-• - •
<br />_ �::, .5; madificarion of amort9zation bf e�e.suQU secu�'~�.�+y this Secur,�ty Iastmmea�gras►ted i�X��der,ta.any successor in ca's�i _ � . _
<br /> �'�`, of Boimwer shati aof ppeiate On t�Tease the Y��y of the o�igimi Borrevs�r or Horrower's saccessots in iatetest.�
<br />_—'-� • . � ",,, shaU not be requico�`�commeace procee�a;��gain.tt any sur.cessor m imi�est or refuse ta extend time for a �5:;:,�;:. —_-
<br /> � " i .���' P Ym�� S
<br /> .,..
<br /> ��� = ?'::, otberwise mudiS��i�tion of tt�e sums secured by this Secvrity Ir���;�h}r reaco�of any demand made by the originel
<br />�' .' r Boz�xa or BaTn�var'�sueegsssus in intecest.�Any foibez,�,-�by.Lender iri.exercisin�s P�Y n8ht ar remedy shall ac��� r . '.`" --
<br />� - 3 F�f ,"� w�..�r�?�or pre�i"i�'�exer�s�!�aay right or remedy. ;:, ' ` • �• •;.. • �n ----
<br /> � ;� ,�.����4�`t � < ,.;;r�;'�u�s�: . . _ ,B,aund;ao9nt and Sc,c�r4,?."��ab3Uty;Co-stgness. Tir��venants and agreementsd��is. :
<br /> �r�� gr�,°J�� - �- - --�:xr;u.Insuum�: �,� -D�!l�efit t6e.s,.�es§�rs'Fia�.,'pa�igns of.lQndez.and.�s�:1'�.�ubj€�t so tf►e..Rrovisions of._:_ ='-,,,; k � _-
<br /> ��s �� gazagiaph 17.Horiixer's eoveit�:'•s'2^d a�a,.��s.���oint and sevetal.My Bofcowet wtca cn��.�ns this Security r, • 4,�
<br /> �(. ,, :. :i�ttument but does not execute�::tiot�: ��i.i��xrs�t�m��i�sis Security Instmment onty to mortgag��t�d.co.�vgY thar:. f �t�`Y A5��� -
<br /> ` �_s- `,.- .. .:�,' '•:�e€�wer�simeces�tinBielns�.�tC�a�,��{���'�1nstmmenr mrow ct�paeyonall toe�����r*,..�v��':�t � `s���EY s�=;�.,.,.�
<br /> , �
<br /> �.
<br /> : ��ythisS urity S�?.. a� ,�.�-.�.,'�,.�.� '• .. F f t� =-
<br /> t;" } r�xi u,',�;anj+accommadations"saY.Ii'regat�.t��ae:�:rris�:91�rs Security U�strovuenf ort�iVote c����r=:�nx� w���+xx�aF.�ixsE-
<br /> � � .. . ;..,;, . .. � . . � - .� - ,- _ -.; - . r� .f! -z t.. n - - _--r
<br /> ��,, r SC�LS'^$:,.����� 3� s" � ' ' • N � •, ��u�Fl FI r.r.ruaim�emu�.+
<br /> �;-sa� ' ;�. If the loa� see�..,:t�.5lics Secarit�Inshvmr3sY'�.s�subject to a law whicfr e�,� �a�;;lgc:t �.� s� f � :°
<br /> ;;�Y�` �f?`, _�' • . �a and that fa��s fiiretly interpreied srs�.'°�r�e uiteres�as other[a�ctssrges collected or w fse cnfiP�cc�ia ce�tr�w�� , � � t., ;"t�� ��.s'�'�df
<br /> �w
<br /> s� S,�;S �'
<br /> � ,•,.,,��°:;,.._. ,�x��e t�an exceed the permitt�t�n:��cie�:: '(aj any suc5 taan charge shail be reduced by the amonnt necessary tv�~�ice j;,�i, :�.�•r: '�,:,:;;
<br /> .�` , .. .• the e3saige ta the pertnitted iimi�z:�d(b)any sums already cotie�t�from 8orrower which exceeded permitted Wnits a�rJ be f ,, ,° �
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this cefund by reducing the principal owed urtder the Note or by making a % .�. �''T� '�"=
<br /> � - • direct payment to Borrower. If a refund ceduces prineipal.the mduetion wi11 be ueated as a partial prepayment without any i;��n': -:```�, f ,;}"�
<br /> �:;��r.. . .
<br /> " , prepayment chazge under the Note. ���� � . ,
<br /> �: ' 14. 1�Iotices. Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this Securiry instrument shall be given by detivering it or by .<. -.� ,
<br /> ' ��,._ _ mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires ase of ssnother method.The notice shall be directed to ihe Pmperty :•• ,;.F
<br /> ' � Address or�ny ot�ier uddress Borrower designates by noiice to Lender. Any notice fo Lertder shall be given by fist class `� �` � °
<br /> ' • mail to I.eaderTS addr�ss stated herein or any other uddress Lender designates by notice to BoROwer. Any norice provided far :.. ��, � ' ' �� � ;y;'��.
<br /> .. in this Security tnsuument shall be deemed to have been given la Bartawer or l.ender when given as provided in this �;r�; ��•
<br /> .. ., Patab'[aPh• ;,�;z,.-;: "`"�r,°�.:.�
<br /> , . 15. Governing Law; Severs�6ility. 71�is Security [nstrument shail he govemed by fedcral law and the law of the •�;�;.t;:. ,,�✓���' �
<br /> � ' : � � jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note 1:: ��:{;, •.,�,a�'� �'-
<br /> �� conflicts�vith applicable law.such conflict shaii not affect other provisions of Ihis Security Instrument or the Note wwch can �t: . �'-. -� � :,
<br /> ' .•..��fj1`�•;._• . - ' F.._ s . _ ..__r:�,e��-�_-.
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. Ta this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are ;t;j.,� ,,�,�.._
<br /> . ;.;:` . declaredtobeseverable. •""'. .�`;'..:.°,
<br /> .�ri.'r�. . ��' ' �
<br /> � - 16. Borrotver's Copy. Borcower shall be given one canformed copy of the Note and of this Security Insuument. ����„ 4+ -- ,�,�-�
<br /> � U. 7Yans�er of the Property or a Seneiicda!Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in • � ��-�
<br /> ..' �._�::�
<br /> '� �� �, ; � it is sald or transferted(or if a beneficial interest in Barrower is sotd or transferred and Boirower is not a natural person> ��`;�F. , 1:.; ..:::.:!`�-
<br /> . . ' without Lender's prior written consen�Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by �1;�. :'. �';".';`;._
<br /> � , this Security lnstrument. However,this optioa shall not be exercised by Lender if exer�ise is prahibited by federal law as of ��. ' �#��•'
<br /> .:, ' the date of this Security Inswmen� `� . _ .''.`;i;��,:;;�.`r
<br /> ._ - � � � . � If Lcrtder eaercises this aprion,Lender shall give Bosrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of }- . . . - ., ��'-i���;�4�`,:
<br /> ' - ,�f
<br /> . not less tiian 30 days from the date the noGce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this ' •��' ��'
<br /> , ; �. � ��.
<br /> � • � Seciuity InsUUment If Borrowe�fails to pay these sums�aivr to the expiration of this period. l.ender may invadce any . . • , .
<br /> ' �..�i;���f4 :;. . :
<br /> .°�.,q:��, , remedies permitted by this Secusity instrument without furte�i:rc r.otice or demand on Bo�rower. + • . ' ;;.- .'��i
<br /> ' :";'�'�:�'�r" '' • I8. Borrower's IItight�,:6t�instate. If Borrower rr,r:�u certain conditions.Borrower shall have the right to fiave ' ,:,�'';�,j�;;;. 3:'
<br /> -,� • 3,dl ,• � ,;,��,�»,•::
<br /> � '�=�•�.'•;�.•'•: enforcement of this Security 1a�rrument discontinued at any�i:zee prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as �����._:
<br /> . ,. .. �:.,;r,�s�ni.,�,
<br /> � ,'^�,':�''f�, . Sin�ic C�amily-Fannte Mae1FYeGdte�Tzc C"�ii�bRN INS"f RU:�fENT-Unituan Covenana 4/90 /poge 4 of b paRe.+) ,��',;.�'� . '.r;r;,��:, 'r
<br /> i. a':��1� ' •
<br /> .,�;5 ���
<br /> `fli�:%' � '. . � -
<br /> . ��; ;:±
<br /> .i : ;... ,.. I ' •. j'�_
<br /> - f'• , -:-- . • ., �--=r--- — - -•._�..___._.T... -: :---.r.. _-. , ---.-;•°-;--�—=m,, - -�'-^--^^^--•--_��..F._�...�..............r.-- _i , � :°".
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