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<br /> .
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<br /> 1- � t�� -f� �'.iieAiSd€i:a�e+'• '�� - 1 �
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<br /> - � -c:�. •.,.� , c t , ._ . .. , .- . . . .. . -�-a-- _ - - —r-- . ---
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<br /> . .��. . .�.. . .. . '� . , . . . _ -
<br /> , :. -_, . . .. 4: .. . . . . .. . _ . _ _ _ —_...- _
<br />- -, — -�. , . . _ _ . ..
<br /> ..r., , . .. - . - . . .
<br />�.�s � . . . ' . . .�� � . • i . ' . � .
<br /> --__—_ ' '_'Y'°"'n°`��o.ars�r t` v ' . � � . s ' .. _ . . � ' �` .. : ��+ ���V�� � 1• . -- - __
<br /> - - -_-- - `4 �eriods tHat 1,�nQer�i►i�. '!he insivance catri��rQViding the insurance�sfial!be chosen by Borraarer sublect m l:�u��� � , � ` _ --
<br /> - --------- ugpmva3�a�ich stt�l!aot be nnceas�nabiy�vithheld. Yf Bbszower faiis tv maintain,cav�a$e Qescn'bed above,I.ender may.at ` , • —
<br /> _-----__-_ . d.ender�o,ption.atrt�intovetagctu prat�Leadar`�righf s in tf��mpeny in acscor�Taaee witH parsgrapb? ,
<br />-- �- -- - — . . AII�nsar�ice potic�e.s aad re�e�als shalt be accepta6!�eo Leieder and sI�ali inci�de a staa�d moregage clause. Le�der --�--�------ - -
<br /> _- --- - --- aha11 fiave the rigtu to hoid the po2i�esbnd rEaewals. if Leader r�aq�i�es,9momwersbail pmmpslY 8ive w Lendes elI recei�pta ----- --
<br />_ `• of�aid premiu�os ana�ma�wa!notices. in the e�em of toss.Boirowq�all8ive Prumpt nolice to t&e ins�erance cartiec a�d
<br />__ Len�er.lLeader�ay,i�ake praof oflo�s'i!'r aot u�ad4�P3'ompttY by Bmroorer:.. . �
<br /> _ Unless Lc�Qer aad Soaower ath$r�vise ag,te�in wriuu�iasuinnc�prQCeeds shatl be applied.to iaswration ar repa�r af =____:---
<br /> the ptapcsty�am'�ged,if the testoration.ar repa�r is ecoaamtcaity feasible and I.ender's securiry is nat t�ens�L If the -
<br />;: -- `- res;$iatiati or c�pair is not erAnamicalty fr�sStste or Le�ter�security wouId be less�ned.the insurance ioceeds s1�11 1� _ ---_---
<br /> � �____. _
<br />_- - -- - -�'- -- ap-�f�ied to t�e suns secur�d by i#�is Security Ynsuaa�L�f�ax imi d�ea du�,with aulr`eacess_paid w 8w�utver_ If � - --
<br /> e
<br /> _ Buimwes abattdons th,Fraperty, or dces not.aTaswex withia 30 days a nottce from Lender ttta�the iasurance c�ier has . . �_-�_----
<br /> . offeied to settte a claim,th�3.endet may wIlect the insurans.�e pmoeeds. �.eader may use the gmceeds to:ep�r or�o� ia�ss� =_-
<br /> : �s the Pragetty or to pay sums secured by this Security Inswment,whether os nrit���'�::�e 3Q-day pgriod will 5e�ix►when :r,;,;,;•S., N'=__---
<br />_ �II411CCsS�VC1L � `��'`���z'r' . ' '' ' '' ...:`j-'):,,._ `--- --
<br /> e '
<br /> : Unless Lender and Botro�veF oihe�wise agtee in writing,aay applicatioh o4`��s to priucipal shall not��br 1.� _-----
<br /> � -?�*` pasttpt��the due date of the monttilY PaYu►rnts refemefl to iri Paz'agraPbs 1 and 2 or�ge the amount of the PaYc�ts- £f _
<br /> nnder paragraph 21 tTte Ptoperty is acqaired by L.ender,Bormwer§rigiit w any insumnce policies�d pioceeds resulnng _ __= _
<br /> .�. a ,
<br /> , . . Erom damage w thr piropeny prior to the acqnisinon shall pass to Lender t�t5e exte�of the sums seciue+d bq tisis Seauity .,... - _
<br /> .z�'v-��� ;.; Insuumsntimmediatelypriortotheacquisiaan. . �.� , � �
<br /> 6. Uocupaacy. Presesvatina, Matnteaance and ProtecQion of the Prope�a Barrawer's Loan Agg�fln; . �- -- -
<br />_ °`?t�°��� L�asehoIds. Boimwershall acatpy,�lish,and use the Property as BorcoNes's.�residence within si�tp�ssys sfter � � _ �--
<br /> _�'��'��' '"Y the exaution of tivs Securiry Instrument and sl�all contun�e to occupy tlie�:���rrower's priucipal tesideu�for at ' �� ��=-. _
<br /> p ' ��- Ieast oue ear-after the date of ti�aiess Lender othetwise:� �::�tmg, wf�ich consent sha13•not be
<br /> ;�„'�'�.��,,,., �F y °��'�;:,: :'� � � -
<br /> z '�, � . �a�asnnably avit3�elc�,or anless �� e�[ist wDich���}�;+� �wet's conunl. Bosower•,;�ll aai.�
<br /> `� F ` �� � �` dam e or air We� ��'!ih�.` � .�m+.�teriora�,��q.�'tni+`t�a'�on the Property. Boriso shall � �", -
<br />�� t,��,', a �?�y � �P �Y� �r�..:. _� _-- --
<br /> . _
<br /> •a:
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> f .s4 � ' ,; uIt if any foifeiture- ` . � ,whe�:�� ,is- �.an I.e ' goad f �ent
<br /> ,���� ' �' ,r ., ` -�---- ..�. °T ., �."t`,,�z'c.�°r,fsa�b Ihis Securi �...-- -- .-._ r..5r�at;�
<br /> � :.,.t�" � � ; �.��It-:�r. ture-of-� P��r�+jse �a...-,'�.,.�;.tc Y-. � _--
<br /> --"�� � f ,`": �� ,.��1 �����r�,'. . ,. :�' �-_tI$�F .� ... _
<br />_�. c:� ��ff44i� .;i�` n'� � ' �''' __ __
<br />:u�;`:Jc. .,, �„ . �:Lender�securs`Is�.C�i�st Borrower may c4;.�.su�a defautt and�;n�'�;;�.�vid���ataSrePh 18,6y ing t�e action ��,5.:,;.: ___- -
<br />���'t�" � eiea� fi;'"'�:I�` � . or pmceedin�-�a?�eYismissed with a nilingtt�,;in l.end�r's gaod fa�th�i��r�.,.^�xsio�;:�siudes forfeiture of the Boimpver'� ::,. � ' ��'�-:.- -
<br /> �� °. .��'.8; � ` . tnterest in the�'�"ty or other material impavment of the lien cteata�.lq�sizis�e�ry rn�,m-�.+t or Ixnderk:;ri�tY �
<br /> r� ``�'�,��' `. • `' a1sQ,be_ia.defanit if F3ortc►wer +�urin�tlie �an agp��..�rocess, P,aVe.materiattu'.t�'"�`�,� oz ,�.. ��#�t �r�
<br /> :z, ia.e� Boss�;�•sha!!.- .
<br /> �'f``� ' i�iate info�or Si�ts to Lender(oi fa�ed�g�•i�e Lender WitA.any,�at information)in cu��!t�'�t� t<`•;:,.��:;' ; ,,r�,,f�'�„„""'�f
<br />,��..' "��, :�,�y"' dr�Ti�tn ev;�►erir�a{�ar-the i�ca�, including,dr�.not l�c..e,�'�Yo, nepresentations cps.c�hg Borrower�occ�z�.,�t�t�� ,, � r •"�� .
<br />= .'. .r'' pt��xty�a��iesidence. If this Sec�,�.*sscn��:x�k on a leaseC�n��;Borro��ei-'�aU Foiagt�::��i�,ft�aU dz�i�?�s.� ' ., ;,�. ^� ,
<br /> �'� � ' f ',,,,`rf° , � f{���;..
<br /> � � •r �� uE�e f�s�''f�D+�er acquires fee titte to��tvgerty,r:tie�.��s�'»Q4�a.�c�stie fee ti�si�:naF�aerg�uire�ss,�.���. � �, `5��; ,
<br /> �� " . - . � rf.�
<br />-u , : •,�:. .�. �. . . .
<br /> + , ta ti�ait�gei iIi'�iting. . , . '. ,� , �t;���z},a�
<br /> �, ,� ,, '7. ProtesBon of l.ettdee's Rfighis in ttte Propprtf.:;�Bmrower fails to peuf�i the covenat�ts and agsti..:t�.�e�ts .t. s,s` ' -
<br /> contvned in this Sec�uity inshnment,or there is a legal pmc�eding that may signifi�dy affect Lender's rights=in.the f .. z.
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,pro6ate,for condemnarian or forfeiture or fo enforce laws or regulations),then _ • _
<br />- Lender may do aad pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Ptoperty and l.ender�s righcs in the Property. , �..o;:;
<br /> • Lender�actians,may inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry ovcs this Security Instrumeru.appeari�g �• : � <. .
<br /> � in co�ut,paying reasonable attomays'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.ATthough Lender may talce action " . •
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do sa. � •'''af.,._
<br /> � , ., My amounts disbursed by l.ertder under this paragraph 7 shaU become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �•''" �
<br /> . Securiry Iaswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tenns of paymen�these amounts shal!beas interESt from the ' 1�.�`_-��`��•
<br /> ' .�, ' date of dis6uc�ement at 1he Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender io Borrower requesting • �' ` .�•�� >•.�_�
<br /> , '� � . payment. • �_u �_
<br /> S. Mortgage Insusance. lf Lend:.r required mortgage insurance as a condiuon af making the toan secured by this � � �.�s °
<br /> � Security Irutrument.Borrower sha11 pay the pnmiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any : �'_�=;�` .�.
<br /> :,;�:�':.: ; . ms�san,the mortgage insurunce coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. BoTrower shall pay the j:� :=`-:w'� �?_ -
<br /> ` � premiums required to obtain covernge substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost '. , �' �� ��_�
<br />�:;`; `;, „ : substantially equivatent to the cost to Borro�ver of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.from an a►Itemate mortgage �: . _ .L�;.'�'��,,`�
<br /> � • insurer approved by Lender. Jf substantially equivatem mortgage insurance wvera�e is not available.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ' '`� . Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insnrance premium being paid by Borrower when the � .. ,�,,, •�' �'�
<br /> - `-s�' �:' • insurance coverage lapsed or c�.�.ed to be in effect. Lender will accep�use and retain these paymenu as a toss reserve in lieu • • � - • •
<br /> . . .. . i�� .�,..i.:�..--. .
<br /> ` of mortgage insurance. Loss�es¢�ve payments may rto longer be required.at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurar[ce _ �` `� ± �`� '�� `---
<br />_ _ - `-� .. .',.::�;�; . coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reqoires�provided by an insurer approved by Lenderagain becomes . �, ;�
<br /> r �'�..•.. '�.' '+ � avaiiable and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the pfiemiums required to maintain mortgage insucance in effect,or to provide a •_ '��'•�
<br /> • � ..'.`�� . toss reserve,until the�quimment for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written:►greement between Boaower : ° .�
<br /> �� �. ::..� � and Lender or applicable law. ' . '��"
<br /> ... ���;�i: ' �� . .. . � ca'-
<br /> _;� 9. L�spectlon. Lertder�r,s agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall i
<br /> . � ',i:,:,;, , .•
<br /> :' �':�� � '•�� � give Borrower notice at the tir�:af or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabte cause for the inspection. ' • _--
<br /> -,•s. �,•'l:rr. .. .
<br />��:�•• �� ' 1� Cosidemaptloa. 'i3te proceeds of��award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connettion with su�y . .. . �
<br /> su
<br /> '��ti� , . � poge3aj6pagesl
<br /> s+n `� � . � Singie Fsmily—Fa�e 1lee/Fl+eddte F1ac UNIFORM IVS'i'RIJMF.Yf••Uniform Covenants 9/90 I -
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