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<br /> ��b� f�wv_ � .. . .. . .. . . �. �� — ���
<br /> 1.' .. ... tts . .. r� ` `'__— — —.—_—
<br /> r.
<br />�'�'�.� t- y�� ._ . . � `� C ` r' �, _ -' _ , v 1• _ �. _ , .�. . .. .- T.. , -i` .... y���_ �—. -t �2 —_. --
<br /> ---- -�- - t. . � . � ' ` ��s ���� s, ' "` t 4 .. . ' ,• '. _
<br /> - `.�. �ar�bp�ty I�r�ance. �nm��€r r�k�,the Ippgr,ovt�atss now_e�ttn,g or herraf�er�ra�oa�t� ` - _
<br /> -- -Proprsry'iasiarod�gai�i IBSS bycfine.da�rds inc[udeA wi�in�t..ms°exttnded wY+aragB"��ici any'atf�a ff�zaiYts.tur�itd� ` .
<br /> : . �. .
<br /> _--- - -- -----�_ � �taads or ftaa9�rag�for:wtdct�tatutte�re��is,3v�a�.Ti�s�utr�E�ta]l�be m�intuist�d iu the amgi:s�9 e�s!ft�s thz'�iu�s :_ `�:.; ,
<br /> �._---, --- �---- _
<br />— - ---- ` . ti�t Le�er r�ires.�e.ia�vtaaoe c:trrier prttuiditrg the�isutzsn��hail Ds'chasea bp�ortower subj�t�Le�ter`s�pru��1} . ` .
<br /> - . ` ` afitc�sbal�aat�6e unreasonably withhetrl.If:�fosmwer faits to�n caag�8e deycri9ed a�ove. Lend'efi may.a[Lendar's `. �
<br /> _ o�t`im�.abtaiir cavtrage to g�mt�ct l�adee•�rigljta in�Propesty in ao�+0aace c�titA ParaStap�7 �
<br /> __ _ � ` AS�_insurame palicies�3 r�ewa4s shall(re�ecegtabis to Y�endQr�nct shalt in�i�tde a stanAard morr�age sFs�use. �4�r �
<br /> �_ -- sliall have ttte rig,ht to doId t�polie�es affi1 reaewals.IP I.eccdas requires.Bonower shall pmuipsly give to Lendar r�lt reeeipts o� . .
<br /> �� patd p�mluu�s nad�cctt�wal aotic�s.In the event of toss.Basra�+er shall�ive prompt qotice to the Inswsace c�rrier aitd.F�ea�ter. . �
<br />=---------- " � - - - _ _ .__
<br /> --�- Lw$�r may make psaaf of fa�s if aat�aie � -
<br /> 1 r P�amPtiY bY Burrower. : _
<br />='�� Untrss Lend�rr and Sorcower atherwise agee in wri+�g,insura�ice prac�eds sha11 he agpli�tu Rstaxation or r�ais o8 the
<br /> ,�
<br /> ' PtogenY,d3m�red.if the�rasion or�gair is ewnomic�lly feasifiie aa�Le�sr'�sr�uity is IIat[esse�.If tlie resiora�ion or
<br />�y� repair is rtot eoonomicaliy feasi6le or Lender's se�uiry woutd 6e tes�eaed.the i�surande pt+�eds shall be applied to ttt�sums
<br />-_ ; se�vned bY this Ss�rity Ins�umera. cvhether or not thea dae.with any ex�ss paid t� Borrower. If BorroNea abaadons t�e �-
<br /> � Pcope,tty.or dces aot aaswer aitLi�30 days a rtatice from Lender t�az the inswanc�sarsier tias offe,�+ed to.seute a dainn.then
<br /> - LCIIdBF IA33t E70JI8Ct IIIC It�etim*�ce praoeeds. [.ender may use the pnoce�ds to repair or mStot�the Pmpeny or w pay su�s
<br /> secucad 6y this Serority tamument.�vhet6er ar not then due.TAe 30�day period wiU begin when the nntFce is given.
<br /> UNess Leader and Borrata�er othemfise agme in writing, aaY aPPtiration oF pmsxeds w princlpal shal! nai extead or
<br /> � pastgone the due date of the montlily paymenu referred w tn paragraphs 1 and 2 or ct�nage thc amount of tlte gaynients. If
<br /> �utder Qaragragft 21 the t'roperty,is aciiuited by Leuder,Horrower's right to any insuranoe polieies agd prnceeds resulting from
<br />_ . damage to the Property prior to the aoquisition shati pass w I�nder to the exteat of the sums s�wred by this Security Instiumeat �
<br />_ . imr�diazety priar to tiie ac�aisitian. . �
<br /> -- 6.Oocuyancy,Pr�vatloa,NlafateaAaee end Prat�ion of the Ptopeity;Barrowe�s I.aan Appficativa.I.easehoids.
<br /> = Bprroxres shall aowpy.estabtish.and ase ehe,Pro�erty as Borrower's priacipai mside�ee within sixty days aRer the exe�tion of �
<br />-� 4 , ,.v.,,�r^;..� --------this Security�2itimenl�-and-sfla14 cflnrinue io aaaipj+tTie Property as�oirnwei's pnncipaf resadenoe�for at least ai�i year after�-- � _
<br /> •,'.�,€';�:::,;-�i:; .; the date of occupanc}.anlrss Leader otherwise agnees in writing.which consent shall nat be unneasonabty withheld,or unless
<br /> �r r�����'� exteauating circvmstances exist �vluch'are beyond Bortower`s oontrol. Borrower s4all not destroy. damage or:impair the
<br /> �=:��-}
<br /> _ _' '�:r;:�_::�__r:::_ _ fi�tePeriY,.allow th�.Property ta deteriorate.or ooaunit waste oa fhe Property. Eomnnrer shall 6e.in default ifai�}i forfeidue • _
<br /> :� 'y t� acxion.or prooeeding.whether civi4 or.criminal.is hegtm ihat.in'Lxnder's good faith ju,dgment ooufd�+esuit in focfeiiure of the
<br /> � f' �ioperty or atherwise materially impair the lien created by this Setarity Instrument or Lendei s s8writy interest.$urmwer may _ _
<br />;��•,�,:.'';h,. :,�„•; "'';- cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.lry rausing the aMion ar praoeeding w be discnissod with a ruling
<br /> _ = �. �'.. e6ai,�in Lertder's good faith determination,pmctudes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or atTtEr rtr�terial �
<br />�'; ccupairmerrt of the liea created by.ti�Is Security Inswmerit or Lender's s�arity interest. �rrower sl�all also ffe in default if
<br />_ �,t:;' •' . Borrower,during the toan application process.gave materially fatse or inaccurate infom�ation or statemenu to Lender(or failed
<br />;;,,�' .',' ��, . � • to provide L.ender with arry material information�in oonnection with the iQan evidenced by the Note,including.but not limited —_ _
<br />_:��=�_ ' to.representatiaus mnceming Borrowec's occ�rpaney of the Property as a psiacipal residence.If this Security Insuument is on a
<br /> ' , teasehotd. Bortowea shal[ mmpty with all the provisioru of the lease. if Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the� -
<br /> .=' -•--,r::..�:� '' - 1�sold aad the fee title shall�t merge unless Lender agrees to the mcrger in wriring. - _—
<br /> • • � ��'''�:Peotet4iozn of Lender's Rights in the Property.if Barrower faiLs to perform the wvenants and agreements contained in ==- _
<br />_'' � this��curity Ins�nent, or there is a tegal proceeding that may significaBBy affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such a9 a �=
<br />-�;; ' ' ' ptoceeding in bantcniptcy,pmbate.for condemnauon or forFeiture or to enforce lativs or reguladans),then Lender may do and __
<br /> ��'� • ` pay for whatever is neoessary to protect the value of�he Property and Lender's rights in the PropeRy. Lender's acGons may -==-,��._
<br /> ``;,:„;', .. ' ' includo paying any sums secured by a lien whicb has priority over this Suurity Ir�trument, appearing in mtut, paying �'�` -
<br /> '� '•1.,:�',,,.. � ' . -:k���
<br /> . � ,,,,�,�,. _ reasona6le attomeys fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although[xrcder may take action under this paragraph ����---`"—°-
<br /> _ � .;��°�k�;. ��'. ::_' ?,Lender daes not have to do so. , =:_- -
<br />:-��). ri� t '`'�.�, � . r` _ _
<br /> �+� �Y��,4;�•. �` • .,� ';f Ang amounts.disbursed by Lender ur�L�-IHis paragraph.7 shall �<�tne additional debt of Enrrower secer�ed by this �. �' -
<br /> ?"'� Security Instmment. Unless Borrower and_i�:r agree to other terms uC.,�xji��.i,tl�esc a�nounts s,�:atl 6ear interest from the
<br /> �.s ".?r���,� ,:.., .. �.�i�' . • �.�-=
<br />- �• : f' l.s :
<br />_=�.,� �,�1� ':? , r. � . , :,,z� -
<br /> ,'�: ..ti,.i�f��.�;�.,.'� :.. �� ' dak�f disbursement at the A�,t.e rate and shall be payable. wit�� intere6t. c�an rlrafa:e':from Lender ro Botra�a•er requesting ,��.;i�;��
<br /> r iV�w�t� . .�L+,:L:t�1t. • .'� • . , ,•: '� �; .,
<br /> �„� . , .�S.Mortgage Insura»ee.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a canditian of.making the lear��ecurcxi tiv tfiis Security •� , ��
<br /> ��� ;i �,�'• . . ' ��iz�:lment, gort�r�,�u:r�shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insurance in effi:�:t Cf' fi:�:ary reason, the , •c^pr
<br /> f � •• �,�•�:� • , • �c�t'a e insuraru.�.,as�re c. wred b Lendcr la ses or ce�ses to be i*s effect. Borrower shall � :'� �
<br /> • �' � � g . . �'m9 � Y P pay.�in,pre�aiu�fs required to � �„'.
<br /> .`�`��t��,� � � �' � 's:�x•i:n caverage substantialIy ujt.�;valent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect:xt a cast subsfx.+:teally���.fv�Jent to the
<br /> � ' '';+'t��'��°;�•.-•' �'��'� ��w+�:r4 Borrower of the mc�.�.��:insurance previously in effert. from an altematc rsvzrigage insurer approved Fsg i.ender. If � `�r.'�•��
<br /> '•�� � ' ail�t.antially equivalent mott�:�F:�Eifsurancc coverage is not available.Borrowcr shall pay to Lender eacA.miontfi a sum equal to
<br /> h;�i;,;...' , - .. . .
<br /> � ' �:'��'•` . •.�:� t' �ane=twelfth of the yearly mat�i:;�insurance premium 6eing paid by Borrower when the insurance���'ti�age lapsed or crased to � .. �• ''
<br /> - {�: � be in effect.Lender will accr�3t.,et�e and retain these payments as a loss reserve in licu q£ mcctQuL�: insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> ' ;���{4tt��'�Yt,� . , . Y'.j : ,, .. .
<br /> -, i;ri'Sr��}��}��s. '. Frattt'3028 8l90 �'�����, .
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