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<br /> - j�" ' ' ��� � � i . . . �` .� ��_- � .
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<br /> _— ��s= ' _ �.T�E'FHF..lt i��I:all;at��ps�v�n*s c�siv at.iF..s��r cl�t�3 on�,���t�!.a�F,�rasc��t�.`aD��i�asaisa��� ��,;�-
<br /> __- fiah�ireg� riaw pr kesea.`tes:a��s 4�.A�e ProPertS+."/�ii te�la�aric�fs��d`�t3i:i�ns:st�E� t�sa,6��c�owe.c�! by.t�s �!�.' : .
<br /> ----- —= Insnvtn�t.e4lf b�tDc fa��go�ng Is ctf¢rt+t6 ia��ttflis�eaeuxiEy d�sttu�*en5 es tise"3�duP�rtY•° , "" ' °.,.. . � .
<br /> � � � B�RROINJER fi0'S1�N�'S that Bom�wer�S`U�vt'ut1Y s�std af the estate�dsy ranv�ec!t+�tias�s?�e i�gi�s icx grai�3'�9 �
<br /> � T.'�-F= -- -� s�ry tQe`�ny�i ti�at t�e Froparty{s a�eastim,l�d,exc�for�mbrances 6�rocard.�Bottuwer w�ronts a�f wiil � �
<br />--- — — c�f�a�d gens��tbe tit3e ttr tbc Froper�yr agai�se aU cIaims and cF�a�rids,subji�x to auy eacumb�ance��f c�wrd: � � ,
<br /> ' •}. . TH€S��£liRi'�'Y IN5°fRUME1�T eomDir�uniform:co�xanaats Ior natiutr�!u�c pnd nn�fiifiirin.cxivenants with limited. .
<br />_--------= variatioasbYJurisd3ctio�tvcansrito:a�c3nifomiseauieyinstn�tcovert�traipm�etty. , , -
<br /> -- — � • UP�R'�d COif�NAN�'S.Bortnr,.er ead�s c�veaant aed agr�as follotvs: . . � .
<br /> 1. �y�t aL�ttn�E�tal:aad-�izte�ESt;Pl�eps�yme�t a�!t�t��rgss. Borrocver•s�l,Dmm�Y D�Y wi:�du�tiib
<br />� ���s pruncipat uf and interestan the eRghi�a�;,nced by t�e nbte a�ad'anY I�A?Y�a�taYe da�uffie�tfte Nnte.�
<br /> ...
<br />_------ --- �, __ --- ---
<br /> - 2:�SFaii3�€ar Taaes a�nd Insur�.Si��b'ect`ta -
<br />_ J spl?�cab2e laur ar to a writtea�vaivet y Leader.Bormcver s}�,t p�to � ' _
<br />----------- Lt��ter an the day�uahSY PaY�nu sre dne ander ttce Ddate,untit ti�Nate is p�id in fui1,a svq�f"Fun�s°)far.(a)Y�Y� �
<br /> _� , a�d assess�whic�may att�psiority aver tkis S�ty insiru�ent as a li�on the Pmperty�(bJ y�rly teasrltoid pay�tt9 {
<br /> otgnauad leois.on tha Pcnpeny.ifatnr;(c)Yearty hazacd orP�opertg j�r,�ur�nce prerttiams:fd)Yeart�r ftQOd im.�premittiny,�,.
<br />= if aay;(e1 yc�rty'mart�age msu�ce Premiums,it any;asd�(t)an5'sums paya62e bp B,Qrmtves to ix�igz, in�a�:ooidamce wiGh
<br />;- th:�ravis£ons of 8;.in!i�of tlie � ce ` ,
<br />_ pacu� paym�n�of.m�ngage insuraa�ce piemIcw�.T�ese itams are ralt�d Fss�iteins.
<br />°' t�dec ma�+;at.any..tua�so�tf�x and hoid Fnnds ia•an aapoaait aot to eac���m araouat a leudet�for it federalty .
<br /> telaa+�c1 atotig�e i�may.�equ�ire for Bormwes's cscrow accaunt u�der tha f�te�at•Re� �1e Settl�`�rocedures°Act of
<br /> - 1974 as m�d�fmm ti�.to:tim� 12 U.S.C.Seaion Z(�1 et seq_ (`ItFSPA").unless aa�!aw tHat a�pli�g tn the Fy�s �
<br /> sets a le�e a�za3.if so.Lender may, at aay tim..callect aBd hold Fu�s in au ar,tount q�t ta eiieeed,the te�ser amnynL
<br />��_� Iead„°r ooa�-e�t[�e aa�nni of�unds dae on ttce basis af cunent dara and reasana6le e��s of expendituces�of fature
<br />�- _-----— Escrov�It,��:�e in aaaordance vvith apg�Ie Faw.
<br />��s�--�-��— TI�e;�s� E+��held�ui an institutiaa�a�e d�asits ar: icisured by a fede�a!.agcnsy,
<br /> ..� �; - .- i��umeatatity. ar ent�ay
<br />���s�;xa , tindudi�.H�vr,i�F�er is sucb an iastitu�on)or in an}r Fed�ral�Iome Loaa Sank.L'�eader si�all apply the Fanda w the
<br /> ---- —-,.....
<br /> — = 'E�cro�r��.�eed�rii�y not char�;e 8arrower for hoIding anct��ying the Fur_ds,_annualIg�lyzi�.the.�scmw accau»t.�or .
<br />--�...��.�. .; ;. _�-----------v— -:- �
<br /> t±irs,,; z erlfy�s�;�c�row Items.unless I.ender pays Borrower inter�oa:tfie Funds and applica6Ie I�aJ perraits Lender to m�ft�.�ch �
<br />- � .yy' .. �/, a e:►�`bwever.i.ender ma .. �
<br /> � Y �4u►re Borrower fo pay a one-ti�ne c6arge for an indepeadgnt�r�!estute t�x.�eporting servEee'
<br /> ,�-r ;`'�`� nsed Leader in oof�a�lion.witb this loan. ani�, iirable law mvid�s otl�erarise. LTnless an
<br /> _ .�_ • s.��r�: � aPP P a�R�►ent is,tnade or : - - ----
<br /> �, appiicabie Yaw requires'��rest to 6e paid,Lender s�`uot be re�uired to pay�axzower any i��est or e�nogs.on the Foads.
<br /> •��^ �,�����'j'`'• -- Borrower aud L�nder howevcr`tha int :.:
<br /> ::r y ,� a,� 4 � ,,,', maY ag�ee in writing; , t erest shall be pai�;�!%rhe F�.�a,ti�.ender sfiall gi've to Bosrower. .�; —
<br /> _ `'�;x;;_`;���Y,.�;,?"���;�.`:.: without charge, an anmial accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debit��kc�.�the FunP���r�tiie purpose for vvhic6�ch ��'��;
<br /> ���,<;: 4�i;:-; debit to the Funds was e.T6e Funds are t #
<br /> " r!L;:"w ni: .'.�l'�'' .r�;� .
<br /> :� �s,.�.1,�,...����s;� �ad p edged as addiuonal security for a.l�s sec^�:���ahis Security InstcumercE:��:.� .:,.
<br /> ,•,::.,�. �;,
<br /> i�`S��'�l�r;,'��4f�';7��'� If the Funds hel�t�--�ender exceed the amotm_�"�"'.�emutted to be held b��le 1aw;L;�aaer shaIl ac000m to Borrjoi�ea ,'±';,'`—
<br /> r����,.,� „ �.� � for ihe exoess Funds in`acxordauce with the��*�+�,+�of applipble taw.I�'iiie`amount of the Funds held by ixnder at a�ry ..��'�`�>"
<br /> • �-;;ti,,r;��• �'� , `.time is aot suffrcient to pay the Escro�v Items whea�:.i.ender ma�r.so notity Borrower in � .and,in s�ch ca�e Bq, ' er
<br /> .. . , wrt-.up$ . �T
<br /> - ,,�':�, _
<br /> •.��„g�'�. ': , shall pag�t��.�nder the amount neccssary to make up the defici��.^y;�Borrawer shall maIce siq'•r�;ae deficiency in no�ei�tt,td�ia*�
<br /> , � , ';:�i`�,�-y;,�. ;�..� . twelve '�� tl.end ssoie , . .. . ,-,�:,:,:r• ,
<br /> . .. mr:�iy rq PaYmenu.a er' discretion. .
<br /> . � ,����� .: Upori•payment in fWl af all sums secured 6F�t3iis Security Instnunen� Leader shaU pmmpdy refua�•to Borrower Jany , `
<br /> - Funds held 6y Len�::Ti€,,itnder paragraph 21, I.ecs���shall aaNiie or se!!the Pmperty,Lender,prior to the acquisition at sate
<br /> �. ,•�. �•��� of the Property,shi�:a��:•any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured b -_
<br /> ,-�
<br /> ; •,._;; ,^cf�%i9'�'. this Securiip Imtrurn�',�• . Y
<br /> �; ;;;,,: s:;,i6���.;�, ;
<br /> ::`�: ,`���;�;,'+'��`;��^,, 3.A�g�catio�o��E's'&}nrtents.Unt�:• lzcable!aw rovid�othenvise.all a menu received b Lender under �-_ -----
<br /> ,:.�.>{+�t�,;.�,: 3PP P P Y Y P��P�s �.,,.-.T=�,�_`=
<br /> ;,,,� :;.::f,,;;;�,1..; 1 and 2 s�L�bc appliect:.�rat,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounu payable under paragragh 2; �`'`-
<br /> •�,���,;,�,;•��� third,to interest due;fouai�n.to principa!due:and last.ta any late charges due under the Note. •.:+�, :,.'.�..4e:=-
<br /> -��:;� ';; ' I �:: • 4.CLa�ges;Lieas.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessmenu,charges.tines and impositions attn'bu•`.a*��tn the Property ' =—
<br /> ,;. = which ma}�attain priority over this Security Instrumene, and I�rehold payments or ground i:�:�s,if any. f�,�.';trower .�' ,�ay �'`•+`,�p.,�,.-._ _
<br /> • t hese o 6 fi��G;�ns in t he manner prmided in paragraph 2,or if not}�ii�i in that manner.Borra�,u�r�s'.a11 pay�,�i�on time�,��ly ,�;� �- _-_
<br /> • to the persun owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish ro Lc�tder all notices of am�u�•.;is�be pai�"u,pa;r,ihis paragiaph. ''.'�"�.
<br /> �: •.•-�.:,--
<br /> •� � � If Borrower makes these payments directly,Bormwer shall promptly fumish to�`�r recei��s,eyidencing F;h��payments. .4, � i:.:�_;;-��"r
<br /> �'�'�. � � ,'. . Borrower shall promptiy discharge any lien which has priority over this Se:.-"t�y.�_'�si^.:**i�t unless Bortowet:(a)agees in . ��`=�'�"�
<br /> �' ,�;--
<br /> . ,r;:��,° � , wri6ng to3.'se payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manrteracceptabta;c•Z'�;:;;�c;;��contests in good faith the lien ' ' •
<br /> � ai'�i . . . . - -:,�. , ��.- r.;;;
<br />� ' ;;�1��- �- by, ar�;J�.�rds against enforcement of the lien in, legal procoedings which in t�:�.l,�d�.-�4�apinion operate to prevent the �.• ' • 'r���
<br /> � , . _ enforcem�yr:r of the lien;or(c)seeures from the haider of the lien an agreement s�?i?*zCtory',o Lendcr subordinating the lien to ' '�,;'
<br /> "'� � . � " ihis Security lnstrumenL.Li Lender determinec that any part cif the Property is�;:;�j��:t to a lien which may attain priority over ' ��,;._�., :'
<br /> �: � . . -
<br /> ';��. �y: '�� : � , this Security Instnrmenr.�,:nder may give Borrower a notice identifying the lie��.P�:�rrower shall sapsfy tt:�C~�:n ar take oqcor . • . ' �:;;-
<br /> more of the acrions set fcirch above within 10 days of the giving of notice. • � � z �
<br /> R) H'. .t . . ' ' ' . '
<br /> ' �. • _. •. ''1`�;'1�15�:_� �`
<br /> ',fr�rm3Qc�r�:fi�f:`0 '¢:.
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