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<br /> _-_— f �r •.._ . .` .. _' �� - - .-� a `. �� � ��r�..�,�������'� � _ — —_
<br />�.__e_.r . •.�s.�is�ia�ns.�i+op�rs�i�=: �o:�u�r�r�a� g� ti��.t�'u�rts i�w e�s'�.�r.hs�,�f��s�a:��c ��
<br /> _ a . Q`ra�eftY insatr�sgs3�;fos.�:�y fi�:-�.sr�r�s i�(uda$�v�it3�sZl�e�xerm°e�em�eovetpgL°a�nd aay,sx�a:t��?�ci�di� � �
<br /> f�+�ocFs oi t?bod3u�;ft�'whiet��:ettds�r r�itcs.i��sat�ee:�"i�is-IYrur�isbat3_Dn atr�i�ait�sd�iQ the�is c�,�_t�e�k�s
<br /> � ,tftai[ye�der_rcquires,77#�jnsurenco 6�ice����i�i�g tf�tnsurav'�cc'sha]I be rhos�nn 6y Barrofuar sn0l�t.t�<�''$ap'D�� ' , �
<br /> �— . - -=�,�"-�-�,mt�c ti�utiasonl�y.�ft�itc�:f��8�fa�'�s.to�int�m�;��dscrihe�`•��.���`�r:-�-�..�,,,,,.a-'� r � ��_,.�_r.�-�
<br /> _ • . � , optioa,ob�ain oaveisgb es prrnece�.e�tcr�s r�ghis in�he�r6ge�cy ars a�co�e.wish pa�geap�7. . ` ':.. . . `
<br /> — � AIl i�su�e�polisies an�ren�wa�s shzlE be acse�a6ls ta 3�e�attd's�inctude a s�udar�moit�aige ciause:�SC�ier
<br /> shal[�ave th��to haid t'��pcg3ici�s and nt�ewats.tf Lender cgqu�a�as.Hozravr�r sl�l,�romptty g����tm,�en�ier alt cec�5pis vf �
<br /> -- -- paid premiu�sM cea�mi n3��c�s.[cn ttts cvent oi lcss..8�sow�r�IE give pnamnt a4sice to�insuran�rsirici a�id Lcndzs. �
<br /> _____ ��—. ._ --L,eudes�pa}make.Qmnf e�igs�if rs�t m�deprumpt�y 6y Bbn�Y!�r,., . < , . - - -
<br /> — EJn�ess Lender�d HarrawEr o�t�ra!lsa ag�tn�vriting,insuranoe pmceeds s�aIl be e�Iied�restorsitiaa t►�r�pair nfEhe- : ;
<br /> � � .�A�rtY��3�.if tke rescs��utiQU op rerc}��r is eonnon�I�li}�feasible s�d.L�rde�'s s�u€ry is tiuc�cssened.If tfle�tarztiaa.ar �:
<br /> - — --- - r����-�_���'�+��•,•Ir.ndei•s_��nautdbe.t��s�ia�r`-a�cti _ is�oe a�'..�"a.cvm�'suua—: - _�
<br /> -- --_ '- se�k by t�s.5eauity Ins�nt, w�eth�r ar noi tt�n due.wit�eny,ex�ess patd ea Bo�•.1Gf�$o:cowcx aiu�ans ti� _
<br /> '. Propert3►�or.dnes aat answer wit�n 3U dajr$�aotic�f�om Leuder thac the insun�ce casrier Ixas aff��a settte a claim,�t�t�;!
<br /> . • Le�d�:r.�nay coltact thca iatii�raace pmoeeds. T.ec�der may ase the praaeeds ta► r�pair or resto�e tR�Froperty as w pay sua�s. .
<br /> secur�d�Y`�s Securiry Instmme�lt.whether or unt ttc�n due The 3�-day peciad will ttegin wlteR the�uoticc is�ivtQ,
<br /> Untess Ix�md+er a�.Borrower othecwise agtee in writir�, an3'ep�tication of praceeds to priaapsl sbalt got e�Bd ai,;
<br /> "� D�ne.t�e.du;e date af the moa�F Payments refemed to in par�.,;ra�shs 1 anc!2 or.cha�ge t�e smaw�t of the paymenis.If �.
<br /> . ' �undaa�psr�#gtaBh Zt the Fmperiy is acqn;ned by I.eader.Borcowsr's r3gUt to any iasara�ace paiicies and pmoeads r�.sulting from
<br /> � 'dama�e tn thQ.Pmperty prior to tbe acquisition shail pc�ss to Lender to th�exteut of tlte sums seaue�by tmis Seauity Insuniuueat .
<br /> i�iamly priar ta the acquasition. � ' � '
<br /> 6.O�xqip�acy,�"va�nn,lliainteaan�e arul�mtecdIon of tfle Ftuperts,Borra�er's Loan AP�cstfon+Le�sehotds.
<br /> ' Borrower shali occupy.�bfis�.and'ase the PruFerty as Bormwer's prirncipal nesfdenct within si�cty days after the execation of --
<br /> _.. .d�is Securiry Ias�mment�d sTrell.mntinue ta.o�cupy.the_Propett3+_as.Bo.rmwer's principal�de�for at teast one year aftec .
<br /> ____=-- the date of occupancy,unless Lender athe�wise agrees in cvri6ng.which consent shall aot t�e unr�ssoaa6ty adthfield.or antcss
<br /> --- . extennating circum5tazcces•esist alucb are beyoad Borrawer's control. Bom�wer shaU noE destroy. damage ar.impaif t�s
<br /> — - _ Pivperty, allow the Pcaperty to deterioiase.or c�natit waste on the P�oyerty.Borrower sUall he in defa�ilt.if�ny forfeiture
<br /> ___� �tion or proceedin�,whether civil ar ctiminal.is begtn that in I.ender's good fnitfi jadgment could result in forfeitnre of the _
<br /> -- Property or 4�erwise maierialIy impair the lien created by tl�is 3ECUrity Instrwnent or Lender's se�urity interesE.Bormwer ayay
<br />-_.�,:"��;� ca�e such a dr�ult and reinstate,as provided in garag�aph f 8.by causiag the adion ar proceedia�to be dis�essed with a nili�g .
<br /> � —"�� t�at, in Lender's gvod.faith derer�tion, precIudes forfeinue of tfi�$orroRret's inte�est in ttce Property or other material —
<br /> .
<br /> � �
<br /> ="�'"' � ncinpa"vment of the lim ereate�by this Seauity Insuvraeat or Lende��i�ai.piy iti#�rest. Boaower shal!aiso 6e in default if ___
<br /> ,�, �,.��,�� �� �:;�;�rrotiver.during the loan application process.ga4e materialIy faise or ciiadc�i�iz�famnatios�or statemeuts to I.�der(or faite� --
<br /> -'�";"-:::,����.�; . '�n provide Lender arith any matetial it�formation)in connection viith the loan evidenced by the�ioie.iaciusting.but not limited - --
<br /> — "-f�:_-. r:. '�' '�` • tn,iepresem�nns rnncerning Borrqwer's accupancy of the Pmperty a,s a principal residence. if tf�is Security Insuumenl is an a .._
<br /> �������^ u � teasd�old. .�T,srower shall comPly v�idt t�lf:the provisians of the te�. If Borrower acquir� Eee tide to thc PropeRy.,tl�:. --
<br /> - �;r r�,n��s�' �E�sehold anil`�►e fee titte shalt aot�ne��:*�tess L.ender agtees to the merger in writing. --�-`�==,- �---
<br /> - ,,'�f4�*a�`� ' " 9.Prote�fon of Lerider's��s'm ttte Property.If Borrower t'ails to perfnrtn the covenants and agreements oontained in :.
<br /> �.�.`*'"`�,:�"��� $.�� this Security Instrument,or thece is a lega!proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rights in the Properry(such as a
<br /> 7s:r�,r.:..••: `;l
<br /> ,��':r.�_;' , proceeding in bankn�ptcy.probate,far ro�etnnatioa ar fodeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons),then Lender may do aa¢ __�_ _
<br /> for whatever is to rated tTte Nalue of ttie Pro and Lender's ri ts in the I.ender's actions ittuy � ""�`
<br /> � �,.����::',,;f.� PaY necessarY P PertY 85 ProPertY• . `' _
<br /> '�. � `" �.-.
<br /> ��i�-�a-��.:�`:�. _. iaci¢de paying any sums scxured by a•:lien which has priority over this Security Instrument. a�pearing in court, paycad -_-
<br /> �,r_, ::�.,.. ;� .. .
<br /> T°��: `-•;' :: ; , aeawnalile suomeys'fees atW enterin oa t�ie Prvperry t�.a�ake r airs.Althou fi.ender ma take action under this h .."��•:y=:.�=
<br /> 8 eP � Y P��F , , �.uf-=-
<br /> ;� A'�'�:"�i ,' , •, . �,Lender does not have to Qo so. . .; � . :. • �s�� _-
<br /> � .��.'��;:,'f�'�r � '' My atnounts disbuised by LendFr�rrn�'itsi�"�.,,aagraph 7 shail become additional debt of Borrower secured hy t�a.4 -�- ==
<br />�',''.�q • ,s� {� t;�> , ` � ' �+ ': ,_
<br /> r � ;+��� �:.. S�curi t y I�nen t.Un less B o r ro w e r a a s i L"i�n f e r��t o o t h e r t p.m��f p a y r n e n�t h e s e a m o u n t s s h a l l b e�i n t e r e s t f r o n x#l�s: , it �•�
<br /> r
<br /> ,.'•+�x , J �`�+��^ � d.ate of dii�".W.Tsement at the Note rate.srY-sipall 6���'abie, with ict�.�st. upon notice from Ge�ider to Borrower mqa�f+t(�� , } . -
<br /> ' y� t' '��' f�' �• 11�. : �. ' . ' .. .. .:� �y�. -'. , .
<br /> i,,,,, ' ,,ti ` �a8.M e��:Ins�rrance.If l.ender r e quired mortaage insurance as,a�in�iii�r of making the loan secured by this Security f:��'`�'�r t: ���rf
<br /> '+�' : �,r7`t;� Instrument,��i�Lt�rower shall pay the prerrriums required to maintai�:il�r=�sprt�. incurance in effect. It; for any reason:'cite ��:_ . :,�,rr'�"."
<br /> • ': ':.�,�,��", moKgage insurance coverage reqaicad Isy f�ender lapses or ceascs uv bu fln cffect.Borrower shai[pay the premiums requirai:to -� .� ';>i<. `°��'.,
<br /> • kr:,... : ,,_, „ ;a.�r
<br /> 4� � •obtain ooverage substan6�ity eguivalent tu i�:z mortga�e,insurance'�n.wiously in effect,at a cast substantially equivaient to the . . ' .���t� ��� ... .
<br />�_ .�:::. •.
<br /> -=�i. �� " � •r,ost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previausly in effect, fmm an�,ip;iiiar.�.mortgage insurer appni4«,i by Lender. If � . `•''` �
<br />-`���� .- • : substantialty equivalent mortgage insurdnce rnverage is not available.Borrowec�sh:ail pay to Lender each rtuituii a sum equal to ,
<br /> . . ' " one�twetftl�of the yearly mortga�e insur.sne premium bein�paid by Borrower wt:en the insurnnce coverage lapsed ar ceas�ed to • . , '•' ��•'�`•;
<br /> , � be in effect.Lender will accept.use and n:tain these payments as a lo<� reserve in lieu of mart��e insurance. l.ass resc�+e �, •����'��'��`" :'.•�
<br /> =,�.����
<br /> .. .. , Fomt 30Zf3 8f90 • ��j;l�,'� ; �
<br /> . .l` vage a cr�'� ; . . " -
<br /> �
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